FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Aug 2001 to 12 Aug 2001 (#2001-245)
Sun, 12 Aug 2001
There are 5 messages totalling 196 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. New War Archival Format (2)
3. Fw: Admin: RULES
4. The archives have moved!
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 20:26:21 -0400
From: "Anita K. Blake" <AKBlake@l.......>
Subject: New War Archival Format
For everyone who missed the war, or those that didn't, and would like to read
posts- I've got a few factions archived (FoDS, DP, Knighties) in a new format
than I did have them. Could a few kind people please check it out and tell me
what they think? Thanks bunches :)
AKBlake@l....... ~ ~ ~
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 21:06:34 EDT
From: Marel Darby <Frostsaint2@a.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFK...
When you drowsily switch on the television in time to hear the
commentator say: ' Nick Knight really looks *extremely*
unhappy...' And you're suddenly wide awake, thinking...
well, the obvious -- before you collide with reality and discover
that Nick Knight is one of your county's cricketers -- and has
just been pounded on the head by a stray ball....
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 12:15:12 -0500
From: Cousin Tok <tokaara@m.......>
Subject: Re: New War Archival Format
At 07:26 PM 8/11/01, Anita K. Blake typed these words:
>Could a few kind people please check it out and tell me
>what they think? Thanks bunches :)
It's a good concept -- must have been fun assigning different colors to all
the factions. The color you picked for the Dark Perks is a little hard to
see against the black background (for me, anyway). Likewise the dark grey
you're using for the multi-faction posts. And it might be nice to repeat
the listing of the factions with their assigned colors at the bottom, so
you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top in case you've
forgotten one.
A couple of the timing headings have strike-throughs -- Morning (Thursday
the 5th) & Night (Thursday the 19th). I do like how you have separate
headings for the parties -- very helpful. Perhaps a note up top that
you've done so and what dates they're on, for those of us who don't
immediately recall, would be good.
You might want to make the dates stand out more (bigger font?). Since
they're the same color as the timing headings and all the frames are
adjoining, they might tend to blend in with everything else when you have
more of the posts added.
Overall, I like it. Just couldn't help giving a few suggestions,
FWIW. Good job!
Cousin Tok
and the Cousinly kitties
tokaara@m....... / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 12:27:48 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Fw: Admin: RULES
Break these rules? A word from our guest listowner, Lucien LaCroix, in the
tone he used to the Stasi officer in 1966: "Try." The Stasi officer changed
his mind and so should you. :)
McLisa, who hasn't been in out of the heat and humidity long enough. <g>
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please see Don Fasig's page
1. Fkfic-l is for Forever Knight fanfic only, and the occasional
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2. Fanfic must be specifically about Forever Knight. Simply posting
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3. FK may be crossed only with other television shows. It can not
be crossed with other shows which are based on print-published
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Crossovers must state with which show FK is being crossed.
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6. No real person may be depicted by name without the express, written
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7. Story parts should be numbered in the header after the end of the
title. For example --
Forfeit (01/01)
A Forever Knight Christmas Carol (01/05)
8. No more than three parts of a story may be posted in 24 hours. Parts
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Note: sig lengths are limited to six lines.
10.In general, posts must be written by subscribers. If you want to
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For the fanfic page, simply include a statement that you agree to
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both or in only one.
Cousin McLisa McDavid "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 14:35:27 -0400
From: Nancy Braman <knightwind68@h.......>
Subject: The archives have moved!
My website host,, is shutting down as of August 15. Therefore,
I have moved my website, including the Forkni-L digest archives, to:
The archives can be reached without going to my homepage first, by going to:
I'm just glad they gave us some notice!
Nancy Braman knightwind68@h....... knightwind1228@y.......
"What time is it...what day is it...what century is it?"
--Nick (Forever Knight)
"Good morning" is an oxymoron. -- Me
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 11 Aug 2001 to 12 Aug 2001 (#2001-245)
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