FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Jun 2001 to 18 Jun 2001 (#2001-191)
Mon, 18 Jun 2001
There are 7 messages totalling 260 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
2. War: Join the Cousins!
3. Nick Knight on DVD/VHS?
4. War: The CotK Comfy Cottage Has Room For More!
5. KtK auction update -- 10:30pm
6. KtK auction update - 11:45pm
7. WAR: Cousins War Page
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 17:19:35 -0500
From: katrinka <katrinka@f.......>
Subject: War: NICK NEEDS YOU!
Listen up people! Nick Needs more knighties to fight on his side during the
Come on, it will be fun! NICK NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear yeah, Hear yeah. the Knightie War list is now open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Knightie war list is now in existance. To join, you need to send me
katrinka a permission slip and a note
stating that the Knighties will be your only faction during the war. Then
I'll add you to the list! :)
War planning will happen on the War list, not here!
So get those slip in!
Also, get those slips into Me ASAP to give permission to play in the
war. Cause if you are on the war list, and
Don't send permission, you'll be thrown off!
The Knighties are looking for a few good people to join us in the war.
Can't write? that's okay, we can still use you! Who knows, you might get to
do fun things
like blow holes in Nick's floor. :) or get arrested, or comit mayhem :)
All we ask is that you have a love of Nick Knight.
The more the better is our theme!
Join the Knighties!
To join the war list, please send a permission slip to me at
you just have to state that the Knighties will be your faction during this
war, and you
won't be playing as any other faction.
Nick needs you!
21C of the Knighties in charge of Mayhem :)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 18:10:16 -0500
From: Lisa Luksus <tokaara@m.......>
Subject: War: Join the Cousins!
Calling all Cousins -- the time to join up is now! If you want to play
with the Cousins in War 11, please joint the Cousins war list
(fkcousinswar) over at Yahoogroups and contact the Cousinly leadership at
fkcerberus@y........ We'll be collecting permission slips soon; you
must have a Cousinly permission slip filed to remain on fkcousinswar once
the deadline has passed. It'll be lots of funs, guys -- and the Cousins
get to play with all the goodies the GSS left behind in the
dungeons. <hehehe> We welcome writers (always!!) as well as those of you
who just want to be included in all the fun.
If you have trouble signing up for the Cousins war list for any reason,
contact us at fkcerberus and we'll take care of things.
Cousin Tok
and the Cousinly kitties
tokaara@m....... / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 16:17:19 -0700
From: Sherri C <sherric@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick Knight on DVD/VHS?
>I remember some time ago, probably around September/October of last year
>someone posted a message that told of Nick Knight coming out on DVD and VHS
>(again). Does anyone know what site had this? I remember it said it was
>supposed to come out in January but I can't find it at
They are delayed - I've talked to them a couple of times, and there is some
sort of delay - they still intend to make the dvd tho... It is Anchor Bay
Entertainment. The last inquiry I sent them in January got this response:
>Yes we do, but it is on hold pending some technical issues. We hope to have
>it rescheduled soon.
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 16:31:50 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: War: The CotK Comfy Cottage Has Room For More!
The Cousins of the Knight is for those who love both Nick and LaCroix's
family relationship, stormy as it is. We are a loose-knit..
(You can say that again! Downright frayed even.)
A loose knit, *democratic* small bunch of Cousins and Knights who can't
decide whether to take over the world or angst quietly in their rooms.
(And the rent is cheap!)
(Shaad--well, that's true.)
And the rent is cheap.
With a well-stocked larder for those with midnight munchie cravings.
Independant of mind (or of a mind) and need a Comfy place to hang, but the
Mental Institutions are filled up already?
clicking on the Mailing List Link will take you to the Yahoo
Kyer, the Kinda/Sorta Leader of the CotK
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 22:32:58 EDT
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: KtK auction update -- 10:30pm
No changes since the 9pm update. You guys going to make this easy for me?
Check out the KtK web page for links to the auction or go to <A
(( )) for the auction page. Directions
for PayPal are there if you decide that is the way to go to obtain one of
these gems. <g>
Please let me know if you spot an error. Sometimes I get to typing too fast.
Sunday, June 17, 2001 10:30pm
# 1 $ 25.00 DNPDoc Dying to Know You Script
# 2 $ 75.00 Karen Only the Lonely script
# 3 $ 10.00 Karen Feeding the Beast script
# 4 $ 15.00 Diana Love You to Death script
# 5 $150.00 Sue Last Knight script
# 6 $ 30.00 Vamp1228 Father's Day script
# 7 $ 25.00 Vicky Blackwing script
# 8 $ 35.00 LaCroix Son of Belial script
# 9 $ 30.00 Debra Ribena package
#10 $ 15.00 DNPDoc Tracy poster
#11 $ 15.00 Diana Nick & Schanke poster
#12 $200.00 Taliesyn Raven matchbook prop
#13 $ 30.00 Gail Sweatshirt package
#14 $ 15.00 LaCroix T-shirt package
#15 $ 15.00 Stephanie Kapelos Autographed photo
#16 $ 5.00 Heather-Anne FK book package
#17 $ 15.00 Stephanie Button collection
#18 $ 10.00 Spacecat Play 'Art' program book
#19 $ 5.00 Linda FK clutch purse
#20 $ 40.00 LaCroix Movie 'The Skulls'
#21 $ 30.00 Debra Ger package with autograph
#22 $ 45.00 Paula Nigel picture package
#23 $ 5.00 Heather-Anne 3 FK bags
Check out our site and see if there's anything that might tempt you. We
appreciate your interest and help.
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 23:49:26 EDT
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: KtK auction update - 11:45pm
Sitting here grooving to Moulin Rouge. Damn that McGregor kid is gorgeous.
<laugh> One change with this update.
Check out the KtK web page for links to the auction or go to <A
(( )) for the auction page. Directions
for PayPal are there if you decide that is the way to go to obtain one of
these gems. <g>
Please let me know if you spot an error. Sometimes I get to typing too fast.
Sunday, June 17, 2001 11:30pm
# 1 $ 25.00 DNPDoc Dying to Know You Script
# 2 $ 75.00 Karen Only the Lonely script
# 3 $ 10.00 Karen Feeding the Beast script
# 4 $ 15.00 Diana Love You to Death script
# 5 $150.00 Sue Last Knight script
# 6 $ 30.00 Vamp1228 Father's Day script
# 7 $ 25.00 Vicky Blackwing script
# 8 $ 35.00 LaCroix Son of Belial script
# 9 $ 30.00 Debra Ribena package
#10 $ 15.00 DNPDoc Tracy poster
#11 $ 20.00 Spacecat Nick & Schanke poster
new #12 $225.00 Beverly Raven matchbook prop
#13 $ 30.00 Gail Sweatshirt package
#14 $ 15.00 LaCroix T-shirt package
#15 $ 15.00 Stephanie Kapelos Autographed photo
#16 $ 5.00 Heather-Anne FK book package
#17 $ 15.00 Stephanie Button collection
#18 $ 10.00 Spacecat Play 'Art' program book
#19 $ 5.00 Linda FK clutch purse
#20 $ 40.00 LaCroix Movie 'The Skulls'
#21 $ 30.00 Debra Ger package with autograph
#22 $ 45.00 Paula Nigel picture package
#23 $ 5.00 Heather-Anne 3 FK bags
Check out our site and see if there's anything that might tempt you. We
appreciate your interest and help.
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 23:09:55 -0700
From: Cousin Tserisa <headpigeons@h.......>
Subject: WAR: Cousins War Page
The Cousins have a War page:
Cousin Tserisa & the Cousinly Critters
- headpigeons@h....... -
Cousin, Ratpacker 8:>X and CaddyWhack
FK Stuff:
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Jun 2001 to 18 Jun 2001 (#2001-191)
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