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FORKNI-L Digest - 29 May 2001 to 30 May 2001 (#2001-171)

Wed, 30 May 2001

There are 11 messages totalling 318 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Schanke and the Toronto sewer system (3)
  2. PN Elrod comments on comments.... (3)
  3. His Father's Son
  4. GWD in SciFi ad??? (4)


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2001 14:59:06 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Schanke and the Toronto sewer system

(Ha!  that ought to grab somebody's attention. <eg>)

I need info on.. well, a bunch of stuff actually:

1. what Myra looked like (assuming she was ever shown on the series),
2.  where their house was in relationship to Toronto.
3.  How far would a six-foot tall vampire have to travel from Schanke's home
to get to a sewer pipe at least tall enough for him to stand upright in?
4.  I was going to use the demolished site of Kessel House..until I just
realized that was 3rd season and this story  is set in 2nd season.  Is there
anyplace in Toronto that is reputed to be haunted?  Can be outdoors if
somewhat secluded from passerbys.

Kyer  kyer@p.......


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2001 19:39:50 -0400
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Schanke and the Toronto sewer system

Kyer wrote:
> 1. what Myra looked like (assuming she was ever shown on the series),

She appears briefly with Nick on the front porch of their house in black
Buddha 2.

> 2.  where their house was in relationship to Toronto.

Just a couple of blocks away from Toronto's Greektown, of course, so
that Schanke could get to his favourite souvlaki joints easily. <g>

> 3.  How far would a six-foot tall vampire have to travel from Schanke's home
> to get to a sewer pipe at least tall enough for him to stand upright in?

Sorry, you'll have to ask Screed that question.

> 4.  I was going to use the demolished site of Kessel House..until I just
> realized that was 3rd season and this story  is set in 2nd season.

Kessel House, the film site, is still standing but is now occupied. it's
located in an area of Victorian red brick houses known to locals as The

> Is there
> anyplace in Toronto that is reputed to be haunted?  Can be outdoors if
> somewhat secluded from passerbys.

"Haunted Toronto" by John Robert Colombo, Hounslow Press 1996 will give
you 50 or 60 ghostly locations in Toronto, including a haunted
lighthouse, a ghost ship and even a haunted Chinese restaurant. Probably
the most famous haunted location is the University College building, a
Gothic Revival edifice originally built in the mid-1800's, now in the
centre of the grounds of the University of Toronto. It is said to be
haunted by the ghost of Ivan Resnikoff, who carved the gargoyles around
the Croft Chapter House.

I can give you more details off-list if you want, Kyer.

Marg Yamanaka  <mytoronto@h.......>
In Toronto, the City of the Knight


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2001 18:30:53 -0700
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Schanke and the Toronto sewer system

A friend of mine and I were trying to determine this several months
ago.  There might have been a photograph of Myra in one ep.  I think
it was in one of the Black Buddah eps, but I could be wrong.

There was also a mysterious picture of Schanke with a boy, who was
never mentioned again in the series.  It was like the writers just
forgot about him.

I believe Myra had dark hair.


--- Kyer <kyer@p.......> wrote:
> I need info on.. well, a bunch of stuff actually:
> 1. what Myra looked like (assuming she was ever shown on the
> series),


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2001 22:16:10 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: PN Elrod comments on comments....

PN (Pat) Elrod asked me to send these comments on the comments concerning her
and Nigel's books. If you have any direct questions or anything like that,
feel free to ask. She can't promise she can answer due to scheduling (and MY
schedule too), but you never know.

(By the way, don't worry about critical comments or questions either as long
as they are politely worded. Writers learn to have a thick skin)

You can tell YMMV for me in comment to her comments on Keeper of the King:

<...picking out what I think are small references to Forever Knight >

We didn't consciously put any in!  The only on purpose in-joke were the fans
in the elevator with the plastic flamingo lawn ornaments and cans of
macadamia nuts.  They were hiding there hoping for a glimpse of "some actor"
(Nigel) who would be at the Royal York shindig.  Richard has them evicted
once his people determine there are no bombs hidden in the birds.

<Charon / John Kapelos playing him.>

It was Nigel's idea (he was pretty gleeful about it!) to "cast" John as

<character of Bourland, I think, is written with GWD in mind.>

I'm sure GWD could play Bourland very well, but that was the part Nigel
wanted to play if it was ever made into a film, so we based Bourland on him,
hence the tall blond guy stuff!  He has more to do in the 2nd book and much
more in the 3rd, Siege Perilous.

< And I could see Janette being Sabra!>

Ditto for Deborah playing Sabra, but she was based on a gal named Louise
Vallance who played the killer in the FK episode "My Boyfriend is a Vampire."

Cheers-- Pat da writing rat!

'Ey! She stole me nomiker!

Libs da writin' RATpacker!


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2001 22:30:44 EDT
From:    KaAG@a.......
Subject: Re: His Father's Son

In a message dated 5/29/01 3:36:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
Laudon1965@a....... writes:

<<  Also I was surprised to find a big ole
 geographical and historical error in the flashback part.
It wasn't just the flashback.  I live in the Dallas area and I can tell you
that Addison is a land-locked town that is just north of Dallas- it is no
where as big or remote as was depicted in the story- there are at least three
more suburbs to go before you have a residence on a lot bigger than a 1/4
acre!   That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the story- I did....



Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 14:01:51 -0600
From:    "B. Stone" <STONEB@g.......>
Subject: GWD in SciFi ad???

Last night, while taping a portion of "Friday the 13th, the series", I caught
a SciFi ad for the new "Outer Limits":  "New stories!  New stars!"  Right after
you see/hear "New stars!" a face appears that looks remarkably like GWD's.
Is it?  The angle of the shot and its graininess made
it hard for me to be sure.  Don't try to figure it out without taping
it & using the freeze frame button--it goes by awfully fast.
        B. Stone


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 15:32:52 -0400
From:    Brenda <bcammarata@h.......>
Subject: Re: GWD in SciFi ad???

> you see/hear "New stars!" a face appears that looks remarkably like GWD's.
> Is it

Probably was.  He has recently finished an OL ep that will be shown, I
think, at the end of June.

Carpe Noctem,

UCCelebration 2000, Wolfville 2000


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 15:34:04 EDT
From:    Paula Newman <RAVENSFYRE67@a.......>
Subject: Re: PN Elrod comments on comments....

In a message dated 5/29/2001 10:17:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
Libratsie@a....... writes:

> I'm sure GWD could play Bourland very well, but that was the part Nigel
> wanted to play if it was ever made into a film, so we based Bourland on him,
> hence the tall blond guy stuff!

Ah, but then why did the opening description of Richard in the first book
match Nigel so well?  Not to mention putting his face on the cover as Richard.

You know I have wondered what Nick would make of Richard if they were to meet.
Given Nick's view that all vampires are damned.  How would feel to find out
that there were at least two (counting Sabra) that were created by a Goddess
to work in Her service?  And how would LaCroix feel about one of them being
his double?



Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 15:38:07 EDT
From:    Paula Newman <RAVENSFYRE67@a.......>
Subject: Re: PN Elrod comments on comments....

Sorry McLisa I forgot to convert that last post to plain text.



Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 11:39:34 -0800
From:    Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject: Re: GWD in SciFi ad???

I saw that ad, too.  I had the same reaction.


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2001 13:53:50 -0700
From:    Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: Re: GWD in SciFi ad???

I saw it too, but decided after looking closely every time it
came on that it was actually the guy from MacGyver.



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 29 May 2001 to 30 May 2001 (#2001-171)

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