FORKNI-L Digest - 8 May 2001 to 9 May 2001 (#2001-149)
Wed, 9 May 2001
There are 7 messages totalling 341 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Jubilant Rejoicing! (3)
2. Forever Knight Fanfic Drinking Game
3. Fanfic drinking game (2)
4. FK Alumni Alert - Javier Vachon AND The Inca
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 21:03:07 -0500
From: eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Jubilant Rejoicing!
Hi Y'all!
It's Official! The pathology report came back today. The mass was
benign! I feel like a lot of weight (wait?) has been lifted from me.
Virtual hugs to everyone! I couldn't have managed these last few days
without your love, support, prayers and good vibes. Thanks!
And to those of you who answered my plea for stories about "talking" with
your pets...the paper is done. I turned it in tonight. Please
understand that I found myself with so much great material it was
impossible to use everyone's contribution. I used the stories that
seemed the best to illustrate points I was trying to make. Nancy Taylor
has graciously agreed to put it up on her website in the near future.
We'll let you know when it'll be available if anyone wants to read it.
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 14:59:20 -0700
From: Cousin Tserisa <headpigeons@h.......>
Subject: Forever Knight Fanfic Drinking Game
I've seen them for the actual show, but not FK fanfic in general, and
there's new fanfic to read all the time... so I thought it'd be fun! This
is also on my FK website, at
Please drink responsibly (or use PEZ!). :D And no barfights!
FK Fanfic Drinking Game
Sip - Nick angsts.
Sip - LaCroix torments Nick.
Sip - Nick tries to find a cure for his vampirism.
Sip - LaCroix tries to foil his plot.
Sip - The word "angst" is used.
Sip - The word "klew" is used.
+1 if it wasn't said by Nick.
1 - Nick is cured.
1 - Natalie tries a new cure.
1 - Screed-speak is used (or attempted).
1 - A vampire cries blood tears or perspires blood.
1 - Someone gets eaten, drained or bitten.
1 - Flashbacks.
+1 if they're historically accurate.
1 - Jokes concerning Vachon's hair, cows, Nick's angst, or bricks.
1 - Schanke eats souvlaki.
1 - Nick eats a human.
+1 if it's not a flashback.
1 - Screed has baby food jars.
1 - Vachon rides his motorcycle.
1 - Someone is murdered.
2 - It's set post-LK.
+1 if everyone "remains" dead.
2 - It's set pre-DK.
2 - Nick turns to the Dark Side.
2 - One of the vampires is present at an important historic event.
2 - Someone is brought across.
+1 if he/she/it is non-human.
+2 if he/she/it is plant-life.
2 - Enforcers show up.
2 - French, Spanish or Latin are used.
+1 if it's grammatically correct.
+2 for other languages.
2 - LaCroix and Nick reconcile their differences.
2 - Tracy or Schanke find out Nick is a vampire.
2 - "Commercial breaks" are added.
2 - The intro ("He was brought across in 1228...") is altered.
2 - Sidney gets a cameo.
+1 if he gets a whole fic.
+2 if he gets a whole fic and isn't anthropomorphised.
2 - A Nightcrawler monologue.
2 - Someone washes the Caddy.
2 - Someone crashes the Caddy.
2 - Non-vampiric supernatural occurences.
3 - The main focus is a character that only appeared 1 to 3 times in the
actual show.
3 - A main character dies.
+Sip if it's suicide.
+1 if it's murder.
+2 if it's an accident.
+3 if it's natural causes.
3 - Screed displays his underwear.
+Sip if it's embroidered.
3 - Vachon cuts his hair.
3 - Vampire in Trunk.
+1 if it's not the Caddy's trunk.
+2 if it's not Nick.
3 - Ghosts of any dead main character are involved.
+2 if the character didn't die in the actual show.
3 - The Caddy gets painted a horrific color or is otherwise desecrated.
3 - Nick is happy through the whole thing.
Chug - All the main characters die.
Fic Types:
1 - Romance.
+Sip if it's Nick/Nat, Nick/Janette, or Tracy/Vachon.
+1 if it's slash.
+1 if the relationship causes angst.
+1 if it's Nat/LaCroix.
+1 for Mary Sue.
+2 if it's Janette/Someone Other Than Nick.
+2 if you never thought of that pairing or you've never seen it done.
+3 if it's Schanke/Someone Other Than Myra.
+3 if it's Nat/Screed.
+3 if it's Nick/the Caddy.
+Chug if it's LaCroix/Divia.
1 - Vignette.
+Sip if it's angsty.
1 - Crossover.
+Sip if it's with another vampire show.
+Sip if it's with a show involving immortal characters.
+1 if it's with scifi set in the future.
+1 if it's to "fix" something from a show (such as the death of a
+2 if it's with more than one show.
+3 if it's with a children's show or an animated show.
+3 if it's a musical, complete with lyrics.
+3 if you never thought of that xover or you've never seen it done.
1 - Explains away or "fixes" Last Knight.
+Sip if Last Knight was a dream.
+1 if other "problems" are also fixed.
+1 if it's also a crossover.
+3 if the fix is original.
2 - War Post.
+Sip if it involves animals.
+Sip if McLisa is drunk and/or behaving like a cat.
+Sip if it involves costumes.
+Sip every time you giggle, laugh, or spray your drink on the screen.
+Sip for "getting to TO" posts.
+Sip someone gets confused.
+1 for every prank (+1 if it's a very original or well-planned
+1 if someone is jailed.
+1 if someone is kidnapped.
+1 if something is stolen.
+1 if something or someone is lost.
+1 if someone backs out of the War and makes a post explaining it
+1 when a faction's headquarters get trashed.
+1 for displays of paranoia.
+1 if someone's pets are involved.
+2 for anthropomorphism of said pets.
+2 for Mary Sue.
+2 if potions or chemical concotions are involved.
+2 when highly advanced (scifi level) gadgets are used.
+2 if people get drunk.
+2 for barfights.
+2 for parties and other "pleasant" events.
+3 for karaoke.
+3 when someone goes a little nuts for any reason (head trauma,
hypnotism, etc.).
+3 if someone is in two places at once.
+3 when something happens to someone and they don't seem to notice.
+Chug if it's angsty.
+Bottle when the first War post drops. You're going to need it!
+Sixpack if you're McLisa.
2 - Case or homicide investigation.
+1 if it doesn't involve anything supernatural.
+1 if it "hits close to home" for the characters involved.
+2 if someone is investigating Nick.
2 - Hurt/Comfort.
3 - Cheese, explains plot-holes or inconsistencies, or ties up loose ends.
+2 if it introduces new plot-holes, inconsistencies or loose ends.
+2 if it explains or cheeses well and believably.
3 - V4S.
3 - Challenges.
3 - Filks.
+1 for country songs.
+1 for classic rock.
+2 for folk or traditional.
+2 for children's songs.
+3 for heavy metal.
+3 if you hear it sung in person.
+Chug if you're about to perform it for an audience.
Chug - It doesn't fall under any of these categories.
Bottle - If not a single thing from this drinking game occurs in the fic.
Cousin Tserisa & the Cousinly Critters
- headpigeons@h....... -
Cousin, Ratpacker 8:>X and CaddyWhack
FK Stuff:
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 03:31:45 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Jubilant Rejoicing!
Terri wrote:
>> It's Official! The pathology report came back today. The mass was
benign! I feel like a lot of weight (wait?) has been lifted from me.<<
Yee-haw! <Molly does the Dance of Joy> So happy to hear it; I somehow
*knew* it was going to be all right!
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
Abnormally fond of dead guys
smolly4@q....... or stormborn@l.......
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 07:45:56 -0700
From: Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: Fanfic drinking game
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 07:47:22 -0700
From: Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: Fanfic drinking game
>+Sip if McLisa is drunk and/or behaving like a cat.
What if I'm both drunk and behaving like a cat? :)
Btw, apologies to the list for the blank post I just sent. I
clicked the wrong button.
McL, sober and human but with three windows open onscreen and
clicks required on both <g>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 13:50:27 -0400
From: Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: Jubilant Rejoicing!
Woderful news Terri! You made my day! Thanks for letting us know.
It's Official! The pathology report came back today. The mass was
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 15:37:03 -0400
From: Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: Re: FK Alumni Alert - Javier Vachon AND The Inca
Kyer wrote:
<snip> Speaking of things related to Vachon and the Inka, isn't there supposed
> to be a PBS television special coming up about Conquistidors? Specifically,
> the invasion by the Spaniards of the Aztec and Inkan cultures.<snip>
For the FK fans in the Carolinas, 'Conquistadors' airs tonight(Wed.) on PBS.
WUNC - 8-10pm
WNSC - 9-11pm
Bonnie Rutledge..........<br1035@i.......>..........Single and Fabulous!
Quechua Lesson #37: 'Nick ujyan waca yawar' = Nick drinks cow blood
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 8 May 2001 to 9 May 2001 (#2001-149)
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