FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Apr 2001 to 16 Apr 2001 (#2001-126)
Mon, 16 Apr 2001
There are 17 messages totalling 453 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
2. Creepy Coincidences
3. Looking for...
4. Minor FK alum sighting
5. Blood tears (2)
6. Side Effect of Watching FK
7. YKYB....
9. Fanfic and (4)
10. Fanzine request
11. Xover thoughts <g> (2)
12. (PG) vampire sex
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 19:46:30 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
When you look at the license plate of the car stopped in front of you and
read "1228UF" and get ready to beep, wave and jump out of the car to find
out who the "UFer" is. Fortunately I looked again and realized the license
plate actually was "1288UF" and it was a University of Florida alumna.
I was really disappointed.
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 17:01:33 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Creepy Coincidences
I sorta had the same feeling when I discovered my supervisor's name was
Claude Lambert and from Montreal. First thing that came to my mind was,
hmm distant relative of a particular coroner?
--- Tiff Petherbridge <gugenhoffen@j.......> wrote:
> Realized something most scary... my work is infest by Forever Knight!
> Well, not really, but you know it's still creepy the training specialist
> is named Vachon,
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 23:40:08 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Looking for...
Cousin Mary! If you're out there somewhere, drop me a line.
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
Abnormally fond of dead guys
smolly4@q....... or stormborn@l.......
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 08:11:49 -0400
From: Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: Minor FK alum sighting
Thats kind of like my reaction to Nigel in the Jules Verne episode. I sat
the WHOLE thing going... That was Nigel. I KNOW that was Nigel.
"That voice it was Nigel. Those eyes, It was Nigel.. HE was blad... but it
was Nigel....
Dave...isnt that Nigel? It has to be Nigel!"
Dave couldnt wait until we got to the dang credits so I could satisfy my
Lady Ariadne--webmistress
ICQ# 10820105
.at least I'm 95% sure it's him. I'm
not really focusing on it, but it appears he's playing a bad guy religious
zealot (of the Salem witch trial variety <G>).
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 07:17:34 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Blood tears
Hi all!
I thought the subject of bloody tears was a thing of the fanfics until I
watched 'Baby Baby' for a second time and saw Serena cry blood at the end.
But then that made me wonder about 'Last Knight'. In one of the last
scenes when Nick has picked up the vicious looking walking stick we see
his eyes fill with tears, clear tears.
Now I'm wondering, did the guys completely forget about the blood tears,
was it Ger's involuntary emotional reaction to the sad plot or did they
want to imply that Nick was becoming human?
Eager to know, as always.
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:19:26 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Side Effect of Watching FK
This week's issue of the American Cynic has an
amusing story about the Canadian TV show, "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" and a
regular segment they run, "Talking to Americans." Check out the ignorance we
Americans have about our neighbors to the north.
I submit that a beneficial side effect of watching FK is that Americans have
learned a lot about Canada -- if only to identify Tim Bits, and know that
they are *not* used to pummel the caribou in Vancouver to death. <g>
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:59:19 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Blood tears
> Sunny LaCountess wrote:
> Now I'm wondering, did the guys completely forget about the blood tears,
> was it Ger's involuntary emotional reaction to the sad plot or did they
> want to imply that Nick was becoming human?
Those tears weren't in the script -- it was Ger tearing up because that was
the final scene of the series and it everyone was getting emotional.
Any conclusions we draw from those tears are purely our own, and not
anything the writers were intending.
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 12:24:14 -0400
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant@h.......>
Subject: YKYB....
Ok, I can't really say 'watching' because I haven't really had time to watch my
tapes lately, but....
Today at work I had to put paper in the copier and there was a different brand
of paper than we normally use. This brand was called "BADGER". The funny thing
was that I read it as "Bad - Ger" :)
I think I will have problems if this is the permenent new paper we are going to
use. :)
"Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear."
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:28:57 -0700
From: SLH <jerezfino@y.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFK...
I had an FK moment (well, sort of) this morning, and I
just had to share.
I was suddenly reminded of our favorite vampires this
morning as I wrote out check #1228 and was even more
amused when I realized who it was made out to...a
bloodsucker, of course: the IRS <g>.
:) Boomer
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:24:35 -0400
From: Mickey <wench@a.......>
Subject: Fanfic and
I don't know anything at all about this site, I went there because of a
post on the Red Dwarf list, but I was amazed at all the fanfic there! FK
only had 84 entries though, as opposed to Buffy's 2905 and even Dark
Angel's 457. I admit I'm not a big fanfic writer, but *if* this is a
reputable site, I was wondering if we could get some new fans through
fanfic and if people would be interested in posting there in order to do
so? Thanks.
Here's the address:
Annmarie aka Mickey
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:08:02 -0700
From: Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: Fanfic and
I ended up here because I posted on the themed message
boards at and Kyer directed me. I don't know
how many more there are floating around there,
though--the demographics are highly skewed to the
younger end--that is, people who weren't old enough to
watch FK when it was in first-run. You might get a
few, but I'm not sure how you'd go about looking.
FK's one of the tiniest fandoms represented there.
(Though I will say, if you are looking for fan fics
for a show, book, movie, game, etc, and you don't know
where to start, try, because someone
probably has at least one up there.)
"Vampirism--it does a body good!" Tom Servo, reviewing "The Wild World of Bat
If Anita doesn't want to be Jean-Claude's human servant, can I volunteer?
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:17:56 -0700
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: Fanfic and
Hi Everyone:
Yes, it is something, isn't it? They even have a
special place for crossovers. (Their reviews are
well-done as well!) That is one place (along
with Fan Fiction Central and one of the Xena fic
sites) that I'm considering posting some stuff
Anyone else have any ideas??
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:33:30 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Fanfic and
I still prefer to send my stuff to the FTP site (and had been sending things
to, but that appears to be dead, as least as far as being
updated). I consider these extra sites, not primary archives.
Just because the two main FK ones have such a wealth of fanfic, that's where
I go first for a story fix. (I'm also not crazy about html-formatted fanfic:
unless well done, it's hard to read because the line widths are so wide. I
much prefer text files, and that's what you get at our main sites.
This might be a good place to recruit new fans, though. And if you send a
story there, perhaps you might include a referral to and the
ftp site, as sources of most FK fanfic?
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 12:05:46 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Fanzine request
Hi friends!
I'm looking for this particular fanzine called 'Touch of Forever' for
months now. The last place I checked were sold out and I don't know where
else to check. If anyone has any info of a site that still sells them or
anyone owns a copy they don't want and are willing to sell, please email
me offlist.
Countess -- Twilight Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:29:41 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Xover thoughts <g>
I was thinking about Kyer's recent offering on the consequences
of Nick switching to a porcine diet. It's too bad print Xovers are
verboten, otherwise somebody could do a really macabre xover
of FK with Charlotte's Web, where Nick puts the bite on Wilbur
and Screed gets up close and personal with Templeton the Rat.
I'd pay real money to see Greg Kramer channel Paul Lynde. <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:32:02 -0400
From: Brenda <bcammarata@h.......>
Subject: Re: (PG) vampire sex
Tim wrote:
> It would depend upon the individual and their mood
Did I read in one post that a male vampire doesn't have the blood pressure
to do the nasty?
I was under the impression that male mammals supplied the necessary
hydraulics through a different system. So, if they were in the mood, things
would proceed as required.
Carpe Noctem,
UCCelebration 2000, Wolfville 2000
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:43:13 -0700
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: Xover thoughts <g>
Hi Everyone:
How about Charlotte giving Nick some advice on
life. (Wonder what she'd say to LC?)
Of course, there's always the possibility that C.
would give Nat advice on how to get Nick out of
the doldrums..... <g>
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Apr 2001 to 16 Apr 2001 (#2001-126)
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