FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001 - Special issue (#2001-112)
Thu, 5 Apr 2001
There are 30 messages totalling 1031 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. LC evil? (3)
2. Nicks Crusade (4)
3. Is LC evil? (2)
4. Nature of vampires (was: LC evil?)
5. LaCroix Came & Sucked All the Blood Out of My Computer!! <g>
6. High Council?
7. Need some help! (9)
8. LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood) (5)
9. Is LC Evil?
10. For Philadelphia/South Jersey List Members - Looking for a "Date"
(kidding!) to the Phillies Home Opener Tomorrow (Friday)
11. A Possible Answer to LK?
12. Janette's cure??! (was: Re: LC evil?)
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:22:02 -0700
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: LC evil?
Also one thing nobody has mentioned yet (that I saw, anyway) is that people who
have different religions also have different notions of evil, and also how
those notions affect the culture as a whole. If you're brought up with
Christianity versus the ancient religions of Rome, you're going to believe very
differently from someone in LC's time. Trying to avoid a debate, but those of
us brought up in certain religions believe different things are evil from others.
I do agree that someone who loves, or has loved, cannot be entirely evil. But
that does not make them a good person, if they don't try to change their ways.
Vampires are not human, but Nick has proved that they can change and that they
don't need to completely drain humans to survive.
Just my two cents.
Emily Hanson
Main website -
Web Graphics -
ICQ# 73113057
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:23:58 -0700
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nicks Crusade
I've read them, but it's been a while, and I can't place this reference.
--- Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......> wrote:
> Am I the only person who doesn't understand a boogs of what he's talking
> about here? Nick had a flashback with Sultan Ayub?? In "Climax"? Is that
> something related to any of those FK novels I can't get my hands on?
Emily Hanson
Main website -
Web Graphics -
ICQ# 73113057
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:39:03 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LC evil?
Portia said (...sorry, about this, my minion <g>): > The argument that
>vampires are just another breed of predator falls down if you *do* view
>vampirism as a *metaphysical* state -- which possibly can be supported if
>you look at the reaction to religious objects, the flying, demonic
>possession, mesmerism, the multiple-personality vamp Jacqueline, Janette's
>cure, etc
Religious objects are a state of mind. When in that Jack the Ripper
episode, the lady cop had the crucifix, Nick didn't even react until he saw
it. *She had it on her person* all the rest of the time, and he didn't
Flying. Hey---they say that the bumble bee is aereodynamically unsound.
Remember that next time one comes after you. <g>
Demonic possession seems to happen to any living thing. (Or at least it
does if you read Stephen King.)
Mesmerism. Flash a carton of Rice Dream in front of my face and I am
whammied. Again, anybody can do this with bait. And what about snake's
ability in that area?
Multi-personalities. Could be lions running around with a tiger's
personality. Who knows?
Janette's cure. This was pure hog..cowwash. A dream caused by spoiled
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:43:50 -0700
From: Klytaimnestra <lbowman@c.......>
Subject: Is LC evil?
on 4/4/01 2:00 PM, Molly (Stormborn) wrote:
> Personally, I believe that
> vampirism is a retro-virus that slowly mutates its host
Can't be that slow; it has to resurrect them from the point of death
instantly, slow the heartbeat, and give them fangs, a craving for blood,
night-vision, acute senses of hearing and smell, the strength of ten, and
the ability to fly, all in the first 24 hours - oh, and a telepathic link to
their sire and siblings, I forgot ... so let's say a retro-virus that
quickly mutates its host? (g)
However, I think the point that vampirism is shown as (at least partly) a
metaphysical condition, to judge by the abhorrence of sacred objects, is
well-taken. We can't see vampires as simply predators on the human herd of
herbivores, because all vampires start out as humans, and their relationship
with us is thus a complex one. They aren't ONLY predators because they
started out as a part of the herd.
By analogy, bullies started out as part of the herd of potential victims.
Criminals started out as part of the general population of law-abiders.
Murderers start out as part of the herd of non-killers. And so on.
Vampires, like bullies, criminals, and murderers, made a choice to become
what they are. The difference is one of degree. Vampires, once they are
vampires, may claim that they MUST kill to survive, so that makes it
different. But while one gathers that human blood tastes a lot better than
animal blood, and the compulsion to drink human blood is a strong one, every
vampire CAN survive on the blood of any mammal; they choose not to do so.
So choice occurs at the moment of becoming a vampire, and every time they
Kyer's Scottish terrier was never anything but a terrier, and no one would
expect more of it. Vampires didn't have to be vampires.
In fact, with the thought that victims often tend to grow up to become
abusers in their turn, and abuse in order to repress the memory of their own
abuse, "kill off" the person they used to be, over and over, I can't help
but wonder if part of the vampire compulsion to kill humans is not because
they have to for physical reasons, but because they are trying to forget the
fact that they were human once themselves. Every time they kill, they widen
the divide between themselves and humans, not BECAUSE they're that
different, but in order to MAKE themselves different - because pretending to
themselves that they are fundamentally different from humans, that humans
are only prey, there just for their pleasure and nourishment, is the only
way they can deal with the guilt they would otherwise feel. Every time they
kill they reinforce, by their actions, the idea that humans are only prey,
there for the killing. Of course every time they kill the guilt increases
too. It's an endless, horrible circle.
LC has managed to repress most of this; Nick has not. Does this make LC
evil? A complex question, again. No one is wholly innocent or wholly evil
as long as they have the power of conscious choice, which enables them to
change. LC's desire to believe that humans are fundamentally different from
him is no different from any career criminal's wish to believe that all
'straights' are suckers, there for the taking, and different from him too.
Or any racist's desire to believe that another race is really a sub-species.
Or any sexist's desire to believe that the other sex is a sub-species.
Vampires simply take it to extremes. But in essence, that belief in any
form is itself evil, and those who subscribe to it are liable to commit evil
acts based on it.
The physical condition of vampires - their compulsion for (human) blood -
makes it hard for them not to commit evil acts. Their culture - their
popular, and convenient, belief that humans are a sub-species, and their
rightful prey - likewise makes it hard for them not to commit evil acts.
This means that when they commit evil acts, they cannot be judged as harshly
as one who does not labour under the same difficulties. And when they
commit acts of compassion or love, they should be commended the more highly.
Nick doesn't get nearly as much credit as he deserves for stopping killing
However, I believe that in FK, vampires aren't portrayed as 'other than'
human, but as the very far end of the human spectrum - what we all, in our
worst nightmares, could be - and so, as part of the human community, we can
judge their acts as good or evil on the same standards as we judge our own.
Of course that's what keeps the show so interesting. If vampires really
were completely unlike humans, we probably wouldn't be interested in them!
I guess this is where I should say IMHO - IMHO, of course -
Klytaimnestra lbowman@c.......
Fanfiction at
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:44:27 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Nicks Crusade
> > Am I the only person who doesn't understand a boogs of what he's talking
> > about here? Nick had a flashback with Sultan Ayub?? In "Climax"? Is that
> > something related to any of those FK novels I can't get my hands on?
David is, I believe referring to his own story fics. (psst...David? I
think its time to re-enter Reality. We know its not pleasant...Lord knows
its not pleasant--specially with tax time looming---just kinda surface every
now and then for air before resubmerging into your own world. <eg>)
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 16:04:26 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Is LC evil?
From: Klytaimnestra
> Vampires, like bullies, criminals, and murderers, made a choice to become
> what they are. <snip> But while one gathers that human blood tastes a lot
> better than animal blood, and the compulsion to drink human blood is a
> strong one, every vampire CAN survive on the blood of any mammal; they
> choose not to do so.
But did they make a choice to become a predator.... or to "live forever"?
How many knew right from the start that they would be drinking blood to
survive? We never saw this info imparted to another beforehand except in
rare cases where the person realized that the vampire was a vampire to begin
with as did Alyce.
And it maybe only a fanfic thing, but I got the impression that Nick was
physically weakened by drinking only animal blood---like a human who had
only a 'garbage can restaurant' to go to.
> Of course that's what keeps the show so interesting. If vampires really
> were completely unlike humans, we probably wouldn't be interested in them!
Nah. Growing up, my favorite non-science fiction show was Mutual of Omaha's
Wild Kingdom. I assure you it was not the two humans I found so
fascinating. In other words, it's not Nick's *human side* I'm drawn to.
(Remembering that feelings of compassion are not exclusive to homo sapiens.)
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 16:08:08 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Nature of vampires (was: LC evil?)
Klytaimnestra wrote:
>>Can't be that slow; <snip examples>... so let's say a retro-virus that
quickly mutates its host? (g)<<
OK, let's say some of the changes are obvious at first. Also, IMO, one is
not 'resurrected' from the dead, one is at the point of death and makes a
(subconcious) choice not to die. But as vampires age, they apparently grow
stronger ("I'm much too old and powerful than that.") and they may
experience other changes that we weren't shown in the series.
and then:
>>However, I think the point that vampirism is shown as (at least partly) a
metaphysical condition, to judge by the abhorrence of sacred objects, is
well-taken. <<
And, in the case of LaCroix, who predates the widespread acceptance of
Christianity, requires one heck of a lot of cheese to explain. When this
was previously discussed on the list, we concluded that it was the power
invested in the object by the believer that made it repellant to the
susceptible vampire. We can see this in humans, some of whom can pick up on
'vibes' that others can't.
>>We can't see vampires as simply predators on the human herd of herbivores,
because all vampires start out as humans, and their relationship with us is
thus a complex one. They aren't ONLY predators because they started out as
a part of the herd.<<
Even LaCroix, in AMPH, admitted how dependent vampires were on humans, and
not just for the blood.
>>Vampires, once they are vampires, may claim that they MUST kill to
survive, so that makes it different. But while one gathers that human blood
tastes a lot better than animal blood, and the compulsion to drink human
blood is a strong one, every vampire CAN survive on the blood of any mammal;
they choose not to do so.<<
Not having seen the tapes in a long time, I'm not sure, but aren't there one
or a few episodes where LaCroix tells Nick that his diet of animal blood is
making him weak, or that he's starving himself?
> So choice occurs at the moment of becoming a vampire, and every time they kill.
And you make a choice every time you choose to eat meat (if you do). You
don't need it to survive, but nothing's stopping you except the realization
that animals feel pain and terror the same as you do. Most people wave this
away and slap that steak on the grill, don't they?
Take into account, also, that a vampire's lifespan gives it a different
perspective on human life than human's have: "Mortals die, Nicholas. Does
it really matter how or when?", or, "Blink, and they'll all be ghosts.
Blink, and they'll all be gone."
>>Their culture - their popular, and convenient, belief that humans are a
sub-species, and their rightful prey - likewise makes it hard for them not
to commit evil acts.<<
Well, vampires aren't why shouldn't they consider humans a
subspecies? I'm a mammal, so is a cow, pig or deer.
>>However, I believe that in FK, vampires aren't portrayed as 'other than'
human, but as the very far end of the human spectrum<<
So, if we put our minds to it, we could all fly, have preturnaturally
heightened senses, and live for thousands of years? Hmmn, I'll get right on
that! <g>
>>and so, as part of the human community, we can judge their acts as good or
evil on the same standards as we judge our own.<<
But the 'human community' doesn't share the same standards of good and evil!
To a Hindu, is suttee evil? No. Is it to a Catholic? Yes. Is buying
Nikes evil? Or goods made in China? Is eating meat, eggs and milk evil?
Is the human suffering caused by the US's lack of a nationalized health care
system evil? Is suicide evil? Is homosexuality evil? Is killing your
child evil? (Not in Greek and Roman times, it wasn't.) We all have
differing opinions, which is why I say the good/evil dichotomy is not
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:18:44 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: LaCroix Came & Sucked All the Blood Out of My Computer!! <g>
.....or **someone did!!**
Hello Dearest Friends and FK List Family,
If someone could be kind enough to pass this on to the FK Christian List
(Knights of the Cross, KoC--and McL or FK Fans Hugs too if you like....) I would
be most appreciative!! I don't seem to be able to call the addy to mind right
now <sigh>... I have no access to my own computer right now, I am writing this
from my SO's work site, quite a little ways from home.
Sorry to waste bandwidth with this, but sending it to the List and the few addys
I know by heart is the best way I could think of to do it! :<)
Some computer Vampire came and sucked all the blood (life <g> <--well, sorta
<g>) out of my computer. Not ten minutes after I got the printer working so
that I could print the wonderful messages of support I have been getting from
you guys, I managed to totally crash my system without knowing how I did it.
Even with all my computer savvy <g> I could not fix it. It all apart and
waiting for my computer guru friend to finish helping me recover my work data &
all my programs.
Sooooooooooo, I have no access to my email. If you don't hear from me for a
while, that's why.
My son is safe with my folks now, BTW (<--ignore that if you don't know what I
am talking about <g>).
My best and many {{{{{{{{thank yous}}}}}}}} to all for your support.
OH!!!!!! I almost forgot!! Many thanks to Laurie and those who helped her get me
"By the Book," the latest V4S story. I managed to get it printed out before
that computer Vampire (would Uncle do such a thing <LOL>???)came along and
sucked me dry. It looks like a wonderful story, my hat is off to the author
(sorry, I don't have it with me so cannot recall the name <more sighing!>) and I
am sure I will really enjoy reading it!
Forever Yours, and hoping to be back **soon,**
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:23:37 -0400
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: High Council?
At 09:15 AM 4/4/2001 -0700, McLisa wrote:
>But FK doesn't have a High Council. There may be one
>in fanfic, but it's not canon. We don't know anything
>from the show about organization except the Enforcers.
I dunno... the Enforcers seemed to be as self-appointed as all the other
Evil Vamps <TM>!
>There aren't any cannonical references to Elders, as a
>distinct class, either. LaCroix's and Nick's
>positions seem to be based on personal (vampirical
><g>?) reputation.
I assumed it was (1) age, (2) physical strength (a factor of age, diet, and
other things), (3) strength of character/ability to intimidate.
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:37:26 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: LC evil?
>>I'll just say that I do not, I *cannot* believe in absolutes, and then I'll
let it drop. Wise men have debated issues of morality for millenia; we're not
going to resolve the issue here.
Well, I knew that I was cruising for that kinda headache, but that's my personal
take on Nicky boy's situation and why I wouldn't want to be a vampire, and so I
hadda toss it in. But, I think you are right that we are touching on one of
those philosophical debates that can't be solved (and that has a tendency to
bring this poor list into an uproar! "g"). So, I'll follow your gracious lead.
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:26:40 -0500
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Nicks Crusade
> --- Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......> wrote:
> > Am I the only person who doesn't understand a boogs of what he's talking
> > about here? Nick had a flashback with Sultan Ayub?? In "Climax"? Is that
> > something related to any of those FK novels I can't get my hands on?
I believe this is a reference to David's own fanfiction. It certainly isn't in
any of the FK novels.
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 20:23:00 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Need some help!
Hello All,
I need your input. What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
KnightWitch ;-]=
CaddyWhacker{first and foremost}, Die Hard, Ravenette with Enforcement
A Unique line of Forever Knight apparel is now available at: .....and.....
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 17:33:11 -0700
From: Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
> KnghtWtch@a....... wrote:
> I need your input. What is Janette's favorite color? I've got
> another shirt planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
I'm picturing emerald green.
Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Vaquera, Incarnate, Lonely Heart & closet Night Haven
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 20:39:54 -0400
From: Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
knghtwtch asked;
What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
Whenever I think of Janette, I think of black, but I would think that any
dark rich color would suit her. How about the royal color of purple?
Gwenn Musicante
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 21:27:34 -0400
From: urtikit@m.......
Subject: Re: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
Sunny LaCountess wrote:
>Remember, *they* live in a different society than we do, so *their*
>standards are different from ours. Vampires consider themselves as higher
>beings in the food chain and what counts for us as "killing innocent human
>beings" is for them "going to McDonalds and getting a couple of eats".
But is it the same? I think they like to tell themselves that they're separate
and apart, but when it comes down to it... maybe not. After all, what is
*their* society?
I always think of LaCroix's words to Nick in AMPH. He starts out talking
about humanity as a hunter might speak of game -- purely interested in the
sport & sustenance they provide. However, it quickly becomes apparent that
humans are much more. Not just human blood (food) and sport are required,
but also "their art, their laughter, their society...."
I can't imagine looking to a head of lettuce for cultural influences.
I can't imagine falling in love with a nice steak.
I can't imagine making a turkey club sandwich my child or brother.
I can't imagine why LaCroix was apparently hanging out in Nick's bathroom in
this scene. Do you suppose this answers that much-debated question
about whether they...? <g>
(Although I do sometimes come close to a loving relationship
with chocolate, unrequited though it is.... <g>)
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 02:15:10 +0000
From: "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
Kyer wrote:
> > StormBorn wrote: <snip>I believe that what we see as evil varies
> > > according to the situation and the mores of the time.
> To me evil is without love. To be without love is to be evil. LaCroix has
> held love, so to me he is not evil.
Ah... this seems very much a point with which it may not be possible
to agree. I don't know how to define 'love' but I not believe that,
until the end, LaCroix demonstrated love toward Nick. Control and
manipulation are what I saw. I suppose we can only perceive love from
personal experience and maybe LaCroix believed that he did love
Nicholas and expressed that through his control. But from my
perception it is not love.
> I agree that LaCroix chooses to do things that we think are bad. However,
> LaCroix is not human---he is a vampire, a predator, and must be judged by
> vampire rules. Is an animal evil because it kills and takes delight in
> hunting?
To me the predator animal to vampire comparison is a poor analogy.
An animal has the ability to make a choice about hunting and killing.
The fundamental differnce here is that vampires make a choice.
LaCroix chooses to kill. He has the ability to opt for not killing
humans, but he does.
That LC "must be judged by vampire rules" is vague to me. Who must
judge him by those rules? Why should I judge him by a set of rules to
which I do not subscribe? Why "must" that be so?
> On the last point...who in the world ever claimed that LaCroix was a 'good
> person'? I don't think even the Nunk Anons ever made that claim.
I apologize if that is not clear, I mean to say a 'non-evil' person,
if that helps at all.
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 18:51:40 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
> What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
> planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
Deep burgandy?
Heartsblood unsullied by light
Deepened by night
A plume of rebirth
Marked by past centuries.
Lady of the Endless Night
Raven in flight
Revenge her dark mirth
Faster than mad Furies
But that's just my humble opinion.
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 02:22:17 +0000
From: "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
Sunny LaCountess wrote:
> Remember, *they* live in a different society than we do, so *their*
> standards are different from ours.
I am not disputing that vampires have different standards. I am
saying that I have no reason to judge them by their own standards.
Why would I do that? I am not a part of their society?
>Vampires consider themselves as higher
> beings in the food chain and what counts for us as "killing innocent human
> beings" is for them "going to McDonalds and getting a couple of eats".
Well, I do think it is a bit more than that. I think equating it to
more of an addiction is better. I am not even sure that they consider
themselves "higher" beings (I am not sure what you mean by that but I
am taking it as meaning "better" in this case), afterall, they are
capable of comminicating, socializing, and appreciating human society.
Rather I think they think of themselves as more powerful beings, and
they are hooked on that power.
just a few wandering thoughts...
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:57:36 +1000
From: Access1 <taliesyn@c.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
I'll agree with that, Deep Burgundy
> From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
>> What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
>> planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
> Deep burgandy?
Alexander J Braun - Taliesyn@c....... - ICQ # 12610993
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I
thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?
So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of
the universe". Marcus, B5
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:14:15 -0400
From: Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: Is LC Evil?
Is LC Evil?
Well, yah!
How do I know?
He says so.
In an example from Ashes to Ashes, he says:
"As a general in the Emperor's army, I visited suffering upon my enemies
in unspeakable ways. I've seen evil on this earth in all it's forms.
And yet, there was an evil in my own child that I could not bear to look upon.
An evil that she inherited from me, magnified a hundred times by the one who
brought her across."
Divia inherited an evil gene or two from him - that's how he puts it.
And if LaCroix admits the significance of evil as a concept and how it
applies to his own case, I'm not going to say he's wrong.
At least four characters recognize evil in FK vampires: Nick, LC, Vachon and
Tracy. They speak of it; it's part of canon. For me to say that LaCroix is not
evil requires that I apply my own personal philosophy of what encompasses
moral behavior. If I'm going by canon, though, LaCroix acknowledges that he
is evil.
And that's good enough for me. Rock on, Evil Daddy!
Bonnie Rutledge..........<br1035@i.......>..........Single and Fabulous!
"You're really not like your mother, are you?" "Thank you! Oh, THANK YOU!!!!"
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 23:17:29 -0400
From: Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
I second this. She was wearing a burgundy gown in Curiouser & Curiouser,
and also in Fate Worse Than Death, IIRC.
Kyer wrote:
> > What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
> > planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
> Deep burgandy?
Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
in Toronto, the City of the Knight
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 20:27:47 -0700
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
<<Marg Yamanaka I second this. She was wearing a burgundy gown in
Curiouser & Curiouser,and also in Fate Worse Than Death, IIRC.>>
<<Kyer wrote: What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
Deep burgandy?>>
And Third... although I would call the color Crimson.
UFfer, UA, UT, NNpacker
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:04:41 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Need some help!
In a message dated 4/4/01 11:22:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mytoronto@h....... writes:
<< > > What is Janette's favorite color? I've got another shirt
> > planned and am unsure as to what color to use for Her.
Thanks all for the response.
Deep burgundy came in first with emerald green second and purple third.
So I'm going to use the burgundy for Her shirt.
I've already used royal blue for Nick.
Thanks again....
KnightWitch ;-]=
CaddyWhacker{first and foremost}, Die Hard, Ravenette with Enforcement
A Unique line of Forever Knight apparel is now available at: .....and.....
Two new shirts and 2XL,3XL sizes will be available soon.
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 07:10:02 -0400
From: Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: For Philadelphia/South Jersey List Members - Looking for a "Date"
(kidding!) to the Phillies Home Opener Tomorrow (Friday)
(Date?!? Date?!!! I'm a newlywed, pshaw!!! :-) )
Howdy everyone - especially Philadelphia / Delaware / South Jersey list members:
This is incredible, so here goes.... I _just_ won two tickets to the
Phillies home opener on Friday at 1:00pm!! They'll be the hottest tickets
in town.
Naturally, I'm going. Unfortunately, my wife can't go, and neither can any
of her friends who like baseball. So....I throw open the invitation to the
list. You'd get the hottest ticket in town FOR FREE, and yes, you'd have to
put up with my company for a few hours (horrors!!!!! :-) ). Also, anyone
who's been on "The Tour" of Toronto filming sites knows that I don't bite -
really! :-)
If interested, please contact me off-list. Even if you aren't the first
person to get back to me, hey, it would be nice to say hello to people who
live near my newly adopted home town. (Hey, maybe we can start a Delaware
Valley Contingent like I helped start the Toronto Contingent, only it
wouldn't quite have the same "ring" to it, especially considering that the
series wasn't filmed in _this_ area, alas)
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 06:46:12 -0700
From: Lady hawke <darkknightie@y.......>
Subject: Re: A Possible Answer to LK?
--- Linda Hepden <Kezia.Hepden@b.......> wrote:
> Idly watching the trailers while waiting for the news to start this evening,
> I suddenly woke up when the voiceover for British cop show "The Bill" went
> something along these lines:
> "Nick Klein is doing a job he loves. (On screen image of a uniformed
> British bobby...) A job he really believes in. The trouble is, his father
> doesn't approve...."
> Kezia's imagination promptly goes into overdrive and comes up with: Nick
> and LaCroix are - more or less - reconciled, enough to be living as father
> and son, in South London, using the surname of Klein. Nick is now a
> uniformed officer (a 'bobby') with the Metropolitan Police Force, working
> out of Sun Hill station in the south of London....
> Okay... I'll buy it! There's just one thing annoying me.... I only live 30
> miles from London, and I was there *yesterday*. Aaack! Typical, isn't it?
> (And does this mean I now have to start watching The Bill?)
> Kezia, perplexed by her own wierd imagination...
> I'm afraid you'll just have to put up with my occassional flights into
> reality
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:17:12 -0500
From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
At 12:38 AM 4/4/01 +0000, A. wrote:
>LC doesn't want Nick to pull away from him further. Hewants Nick close to
>him, I think, to exert more control over him.
Or maybe it's the other way around. He tries to exert control over Nick,
in an effort to keep Nick close to him.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK Site --
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 07:36:29 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Janette's cure??! (was: Re: LC evil?)
--- Kyer <kyer@p.......> wrote:
> Janette's cure. This was pure hog..cowwash. A dream caused by spoiled
> bloodwine.
I'm with you on that Kyer, all the way. 'Human Factor' should be wiped
away from the surface of the planet. Who ever wrote that episode needed a
large portion of 'klew' injected to them.
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 07:50:37 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Need some help!
I'd say dark red, at least that is the only color (other than black) that
we've seen her wear in the show. (if my memory isn't failing me because of
LC's attack on my person in the MiniWar :)
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 08:05:02 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
--- urtikit@m....... wrote:
> humans are much more. Not just human blood (food) and sport are required,
> but also "their art, their laughter, their society...."
Which accounts for the actual enjoyment of their feeding. Again I must
recall that feeding is not just digesting the blood of the victim for
sustenance. In the most part, it is about the emotions, memories and
feelings they experience from the blood they drink.(this *is* from the
cannon BTW,"Franchesca" I believe was the ep.) This might also explain why
Nick couldn't stop draining Nat in LK even though he didn't seem to be
starving and had such a high control. If the person you drain is someone
who loves you and has history with you, you might get overwhelmed and
trying to get as much as you can from those pleasing images, drain them
> I can't imagine falling in love with a nice steak.
If you had a lamb or a cow as a pet you can.
> I can't imagine why LaCroix was apparently hanging out in Nick's bathroom in
> this scene. Do you suppose this answers that much-debated question
> about whether they...? <g>
Of course there even a question?
Ask Molly for more info if you doubt it. It appears to me she had been
there at least in a couple of them (ducking and running back to my UFfish
closet before either Molly or Lisa can catch me. )
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:15:32 -0700
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nicks Crusade
Hi Everyone:
Apologies about the confusion. Yes, the
reference is in "Climax" which is one of my
fanfic stories. To read the story, you can go to
my story site
or look at the fkfic FTP site.
Anyhow, the flashback in the story has Nick
involved in the negotiations with the Mamluks for
Louis IX's ransom in 1250. The reason that the
sultana (Shajarat al-Durr) deals with him
directly comes from the fact that her deceased
husband (Sultan Ayub) had met Nick during the
fifth crusade (*again, my own reference*) and
admired him for his virtue and morals. (Given
his stance on things, Nick must have stood out
from his crusading peers in the eyes of the
Thanks again.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001 - Special issue (#2001-112)
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