FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Mar 2001 to 30 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-103)
Fri, 30 Mar 2001
There are 25 messages totalling 1007 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. Webpage links question (3)
2. Cousinly Kyer? (was: [FORKNI-L] Webpage links question (2)
3. LaCroix's view of fatherhood (5)
4. Con solution and request for shooting list (2)
5. Super Vamps? <g> ( was Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
6. Nigel Chat (2)
7. Nigel chat transcript pt 1
8. Nigel chat transcript pt 2
9. Nigel chat transcript pt 3
10. Cons
11. Pics sites - a Thank You!
12. LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
13. Admin: Listers' com arrangment _is_ on topic
14. YKYB...
15. FK Canadian fans
16. Violence & Transferance (was: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:31:04 -0500
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Webpage links question
Nah, nah -- Kyer is Queen Jester of the CotK! And Royal Executioner. And I'm
crowned (or is that "beaned"?) Dog's Body! LOL (Read my "Portia's Penance" to
get a feel for my place in the CotK...."g")
Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:
> Strange, isn't it, that *you* should be the first one to answer *this*
> question? Or is this one of those know your competition/opposition things?
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:41:40 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Cousinly Kyer? (was: [FORKNI-L] Webpage links question
Typed: Cindy L. Clark
> Strange, isn't it, that *you* should be the first one to answer *this*
> question? [my giving addy for CotK website] Or is this one of those know
> your competition/opposition things?
Kyer has never hidden the fact that she is a card-carrying Cousin of the
Knight. Truly, the card rests right lovingly right next to her Twilight
Knightie one.
The Cousins of the Knight are made up of both Cousins and Knighties who are
intrigued by the platonic relationship between Nicholas and LaCroix. How
they interact as father/son/friends/enemies. We are a friendly meeting
ground for both groups (though this does not mean that *some* good-natured
tweaking is done <eg>). Indeed, Lisa Harvey--an unabashed Cousin---is a
good friend and keeper of the site in question.
Also, if you look at the site, you will find that the banner was designed by
one 'Kyer' and that the Library in the Comfy Cottage is the one place on the
net where you can find all of her works (save the last xover which is due
for some editing).
Despite how I write I really do like LaCroix as Possessive/Obsessive
Villian/Dad. May he never conquer Nick's spirit nor lose his own sense of
ego. Cause where would be the fun if that happened? ;)
Proud CotK, Twilight Knightie (and just about anything else with Nick in it.
This conservative will even readUFfish if the fic has a good plot and is not
just 'PWP?' stuff because it *does* feature Nick & LC. Why *doesn't* that
site have a fic section, btw?),
Kyer, kyer@p.......
(and, yes, I know Cindy posted that with a smile, but I couldn't pass up the
chance to advertise Margie and Lisa's group! <waves madly at Margie and
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:44:26 -0500
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Cousinly Kyer? (was: [FORKNI-L] Webpage links question
Oh yes, I agree! I *wish* there were a collective archive for UF fic!!!
Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:
This conservative will even readUFfish if the fic has a good plot and is not
just 'PWP?' stuff because it *does* feature Nick & LC. Why *doesn't* that site
have a fic section, btw?),
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:44:32 +0100
From: Linda Hepden <Kezia.Hepden@b.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
David J. Duncan wrote
> By the way, an interesting does LC
> treat someone who beats on their kids needlessly?
> (Is there such a thing in his eyes?) >
The more I learn about Roman society, the more accurate I feel NB has
portrayed LC! Romans didn't value pity, charity or compassion - and mercy
was a quality to be earned by a worthy enemy. Next to patricide, the worst
crime was treason, and traitors were *not* entitled to mercy of any kind.
However, they did value respect, self-control and the concept of setting a
good example (the higher up the social ladder you were, the better the
public example you were supposed to set). So the classic Roman head of
household was very strict - but fair. Step out of line one inch, and he'll
beat the living daylights out of you. Punishment would be both swift and
severe. Choose to obey, and he could be very generous.
So.... by and large, I think LC would have little time for someone who
abuses his children because that man is also abusing his role in the scheme
of things. Added to this, personally I feel that LC probably accepts that
each of us should abide by the mores and precepts of our own culture.
Kezia Hepden
I'm afraid you'll just have to put up with my occassional flights into
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:18:53 -0500
From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Con solution and request for shooting list
There are far too many cons in the US to list everyone that someone will
attend. BUT, why doesn't someone start a con reference list on ebay. Con
info can be posted there and those people who are interested in receiving
it could subscribe.
OBFK - Does anyone have a list of Second season shooting order vs. Second
season airing order? I seem to have misplaced mine.
susanmgarrett@e....... --
EVER Faithful Ravenette.
"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:16:27 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
StormBorn wrote: Les GS wrote an insightful
> essay that's posted on the UF page and points out that in instances of
> physical violence between LaCroix and Nicholas, Nicholas was more often the
> instigator. Emotional 'violence' being another story...
Yep. LaCroix would open his mouth or do something to get Nick's goat (or
dog or girlfiriend or signficant Condemned Bimbo), and Nick would reply with
fists/fangs/flaming stake. Thank god Nick isn't into Stoicism. <eg> (Kyer
loves that fight scene in Killer Instinct! The fact that all that stupid
plastercraft stuff bit the dust wasn't a bad thing to her either. (Ceramic
clay art purist I am! Death to blase molds!)
> LaCroix was right, IMO--Nick did wind up destroying himself).
What? When? Where? Never happened! <eg>
Stormborn continued in different post about Kyer vs LaCroix: You're in
denial, admit it! Otherwise you wouldn't have these split-personality
problems! (no offense to those actually suffering from dissociative identity
Actually, my main Virtual Persons have to do with Nick's desires. Be
mortal! (Light), Be vampire! (Dark), Meet with Dad (CotK), Meet with Janette
(IB), ect., or with other fandoms altogether (Star Wars, Star Trek, Starman,
X-men, Dragonriders, Tolkien..)
We just all agree that LaCroix deserves some comeuppance for his 'tude. (But
not permanent comeuppance as we want the fun to continue and Nobody Ever
Dies! ...except Divia. Divia can (as somebody said) remain toast. <g>)
Which reminds me...
Silver said: Theman(ex-man) must have had the patience of a saint to put up
with that whining for 800 years.
LaCroix as one of Xavier's X-men? What would his code name be? What would
"Wolverine, Cyclops... I'd like you to meet 'Eyebrows' and 'The Brick'.
Eyebrows has the ability to subdue you with his voice. Brick can travel
into the past at will."
Aagh. It's a good thing X-men isn't allowed on fkfic-l!
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 18:36:03 EST
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Super Vamps? <g> ( was Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
In a message dated 3/29/01 4:16:56 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
kyer@p....... writes:
<< "Wolverine, Cyclops... I'd like you to meet 'Eyebrows' and 'The Brick'.
Eyebrows has the ability to subdue you with his voice. Brick can travel
into the past at will." >>
ROFL!!!! These would make nifty Mafia names too. Ooh, maybe there's
a fic in this : Luke "Eybrows" LaCroix and Nick "The Brick" Knight meet
Al "Scarface" Capone.
Come to think of it, Nick's sobriquet wouldn't make a bad wrestling
moniker either. <G>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:38:14 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
From: Linda Hepden <Kezia.
> Romans didn't value pity, charity or compassion - and mercy
> was a quality to be earned by a worthy enemy. Next to patricide, the worst
> crime was treason, and traitors were *not* entitled to mercy of any kind.
And yet Nick is for the most part full of pity, charity and mercy (the
ideals--if not the reality of a knight), yet LC chose to bring him across.
And he forgave Nick his act of patricide. I sure wish the series had lasted
long enough to at least answer the question of Why? What drew him so?
Did anybody ever get the chance to corner the creators/actors and ask about
: (=
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:29:40 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
StormBorn gave several possibilities for why LC seems to be so much in
control. I think all of them have some merit, but I wonder if he actually
learned self-control as a soldier - especially a general . He would not
have been very effective if he (over)reacted emotionally t every reversal on
the battlefield or every minor case of insubordination. Whatever he may
have wanted to do, he would have learned quickly that he wouldn't advance
through the ranks if he just exploded whenever something didn't go his way.
Many humans tend to behave in the way that brings the most rewards.
Of course, this becomes something of a "chicken and egg" discussion. Did he
become a solder becasue it fit his personality or did becoming a soldier
forge his personality?
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:00:33 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Nigel Chat
Blast my foggy, malfunctioning brain--I missed all but the last 15 minutes!
I saw a few familiar names there, though. Any tidbits to share?
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 21:44:39 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Nigel Chat
> Blast my foggy, malfunctioning brain--I missed all but the last 15 minutes!
> I saw a few familiar names there, though. Any tidbits to share?
Damn! (sorry, listmommy but it was a heartfelt curse.) Two reminders
yesterday and none today---I plumb forgot about that.
I was wondering where everyone had gone off to!
Was anything said in an FK vein?
: (=
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:48:00 -0600
From: Annette Williams <dollhouse9@h.......>
Subject: Re: Webpage links question
some wrote:
> Light Cousin Homepage
> ****I believe this site has been taken down..
It's still there, just has a new addy:
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:16:35 -0500
From: Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: Nigel chat transcript pt 1
Here's what I got after I logged in... I'm sure SciFi will have the whole thing
up soon.
*** Topic for #auditorium: LEXX Actor Nigel Bennett 9PM ET
*** Users on #auditorium: scribe Snoopy gersgal1 seconstar Midnight
TIBERIUS?$ Siana Lucifyra Mirazh Nathan Serious lacroix666 Q zula
nUuRTH VampUK ancs necrophiliac KRin Desiree-FK @Moderator Anja
Summer Shallah mrfrey NiteMar AuntyAlias @Bouncer
dishroom-princess JO Tag Gab??e? Kn?gh? Ringman007 drakh Jan-1228
N-Hyumin xevgazer Lill laudon Ryndi @NigelB dgrequeen Gisselle
ForeverLurker SergeArtLover Rosebud mryouwho
*** Users on #auditorium: HumanVintage EveningStar Panzerfx
MeLuSiNe- Jarvinia Gwenn ideath PrimaNW MarciC Princess laemusGT
Cerri Druith lexxfan JoniL Aurora fenelli laceye Starkiller
knightrise DeeinVA blonde1228 Ahha DeepThinker FrogSplash
typhlosion DevilGirl Shiloh-Namir Kari42 Janet quietly cricket1
RavensFyre Marrah Lindy
<NigelB> The best was the box of oatmeal thust in my face instead of
a cross. I used to do ads for oatmeal
<NigelB> I don't think ther was a bad one
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <HumanVintage> to <Moderator>: The dialogue on Forever
Knight, particularly that of Lucien LaCroix, was surprisingly
intelligent, and always interesting. To what extent was Lucius
your character, and how much was taken verbatim from the writers?
<NigelB> No a lot was taken verbatim
<NigelB> The writers wrote for the character we created
<NigelB> I knew exactly how he sounded and chould sound
<NigelB> But the writers loved the charater and enjoyed writing for
<NigelB> I was challenege for them
<NigelB> GA
<Bouncer> - were they all written ahead of time?
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: Does Nigel plan to come over
here to the UK to promote 'His Father's Son'?
<NigelB> I would love to. His Father's Son is the second of the
three novels I co-author.
<NigelB> The book is due out any moment now
<NigelB> And the comments are very good
<NigelB> It's a stronger book than the first
<NigelB> But I haven't been invited
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Midnight> to <Moderator>: I have been a huge fan of
yours for quite some time.. and find your web site very
interseting... do you ever get time to read your guest book?
<NigelB> I confess...I've never had the berve to read it.
<NigelB> I do log on to visit the links
<NigelB> I should read the guest book, but I'm a coward
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <KRin> to <Moderator>: I would like to ask Nigel why he
started the Motion Picture Industry Charitable Alliance rather
than froting an existing charity?
<NigelB> We started really as a way to get rid of my wardrobe from
<NigelB> When that first year was so successful we decided to go on
<NigelB> We choose two charities a year
<NigelB> And we can change charities every year and do right by them
<NigelB> There are so many group[s that need the help
<NigelB> It really feels good
<NigelB> GA
<NigelB> And by the way, it happens again in October!
<Moderator> <Mirazh> to <Moderator>: How did you get involved with
Lexx? Was it something you always wanted to be in or was there
some other reason?
<NigelB> I was approached by the producers
<NigelB> I'd worked with them on a film called Paint Can
<NigelB> They wanted a new character and they thought I'd be right
for the part
<NigelB> It seemed like a good idea at the time...and was
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: has he had his eyebrows
bleached to play Prince again this time?
<NigelB> Yes. It's not quite as obvious as it was last time. But
yes, they're bleached again
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <cricket1> to <Moderator>: What is the most challenging
role you've had in your career?
<NigelB> That's tough
<NigelB> There have been so many that were tough in different way
<NigelB> The most satisfying was a film called Different, with Lynn
<NigelB> It was very gratifying
<NigelB> It was on Shoiwtime I think
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <VampUK> to <Moderator>: Was the episode Francesca you
first attempt at directing. I liked it by the way.
<NigelB> It was my first attempt at directing for television. And I
was quite pleased with it. Thanks
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <AnglimFCPrez> to <Moderator>: Dear Nigel, I got to see
you at Syndicon in Baltimore and you were great with everyone. I
was wondering if the sci-fi genre' picked you or you picked it
since so much of your work has been in it.
<NigelB> I think that it picked me
<NigelB> I never had any great desire or interest in sci fi
<NigelB> FK certainly started it all, and the genre hasn't let me go
<NigelB> I've enjoyed it
<NigelB> A good ride so far
<NigelB> GA
<NigelB> Oh, and I think I'm going to be doing a con in Pittsburgh
at some point
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Calico-Kitten> to <Moderator>: Hello, Nigel. Another
Lexx question. What exactly was Prince shouting as he plummeted
to the little blue planet presumed to be Earth? It has been a big
topic at newsgroup of the meaning. It sounded like
Prince was saying, "Oh, pain. Oh, joy." repeatedly. Why?
<NigelB> That's exactly what he was saying, on the other way around.
Oh joy Oh pain
<NigelB> GA
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:16:50 -0500
From: Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: Nigel chat transcript pt 2
More of my transcript...
<Moderator> <DeeinVA> to <Moderator>: Good evening, Nigel. Will you
have time for more theater this summer?
<NigelB> I'm hoping to... I'm just working on things at the moment
in Nova Scotia. Nothing is definite yet
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> Gwenn> to <Moderator>: Since you write vampire stories,
I was wondering why you never attempted to write for the Forever
knight series.
<NigelB> Oh I did.
<NigelB> I wrote a script which was rejected
<NigelB> I started writing it at the end of season two, but with
cast changes it didn't fit in Season 3
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <VampUK> to <Moderator>: Will you still be in Nova
Scotia in August, and if so will you be going to Ger in his one
man show around that time
<NigelB> July and August is our hiatus from Lexx, so if the theater
works happens I'll probably turn up there.
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Princess> to <Moderator>: Another Lexx question - How
many different outfits for Prince are there exactly? Will they be
for sale after Lexx finishes season 4?
<NigelB> There were three outfits last season
<NigelB> Dark blue heavy
<NigelB> Dark blue silk in South Africa
<NigelB> And a powder blue outfit
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: How often does he have to
bleach his hair for Prince?
<NigelB> About every ten to fourteen days.
<NigelB> And you can actually see little tiny roots after four days.
<NigelB> Incredible
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Lindy> to <Moderator>: How long did the make up take
for the Secret Adv of Jules Verne episode you did? (Good show
<NigelB> That took about an hour and a quarter every day
<NigelB> They used an airbrush
<NigelB> They airbrushed me with paint
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: Why did he wear more make-up
to play LaCroix in the third season?
<NigelB> I didn't think that I did. But lots of people have said
that I did
<NigelB> I had the same makeup person, so that's not it
<NigelB> But it was always very extreme if yopu think about it
<NigelB> Like a demonic clown
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> MeLuSiNe-> to <Moderator>: what was our most memorable
moment of filming Lexx?
<NigelB> On the beach in Namibia
<NigelB> There was aday when we were trying to hold up a green
screen and it took four men to hold it against the wind
<NigelB> Namibia is unlike anything I have seen before
<NigelB> The desert is so ememse
<NigelB> The ocean is so huge...And there is nothing between there
and South America
<NigelB> We saw so many kinds of animals.
<NigelB> What a place to work.
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <nUuRTH> to <Moderator>: We've heard about how you
initially felt about the character "Prince," but is there any
aspect of him in particular that you came to enjoy, as the series
<NigelB> I think I kind of enjoyed everything about him from the
<NigelB> Like my character in FK he has tremendous power
<NigelB> And great freedom comes with that kind of power
<NigelB> I like that about him
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Marrah> to <Moderator>: I loved Keeper of the King, and
have been a fan of yours for quite a while - you play the best
"bad guys" yet make them so attractive. I wanted to know how much
of your personality come out in "Keeper"?
<NigelB> Quite a lot, I think
<NigelB> I think in a way writing is more personal than acting
<NigelB> There's a lot of me in His FAther's SDon as well
<NigelB> You can't avoid it
<NigelB> A lot of Richard's fears are mine
<NigelB> I don'
<NigelB> t like to fly either
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Janet> to <Moderator>: Both Prince and LaCroix are very
sensory and tactile. Is that something that was planned by the
writers or something you brought to it?
<NigelB> Certainly with Prince I brought it to the role
<NigelB> From the first episode I saw that he would smell everything
<NigelB> Sniff people
<NigelB> That worked well with his obsession with water
<NigelB> Since he com,,es from a dry planet
<NigelB> These are the kind of moments that you create on the set
with the director
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <JO> to <Moderator>: MODERATOR <JO RITA> TO MODERATOR/
<NigelB> Well, the third book will be about the end of the world
<NigelB> We decided to tackle something small
<NigelB> And I won't say any more about it than that!
<NigelB> GA
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:17:26 -0500
From: Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: Nigel chat transcript pt 3
And the end:
<Moderator> <Shallah> to <Moderator>: Despite evil darkness of both
the LEXX and FK characters you portrayed--- there seemed to also
be a deep lonliness as well-- Care to comment?
<NigelB> I think the lonliness comes from eternity
<NigelB> They are immortal
<NigelB> Immortality must be very lonely
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <gersgal1> to <Moderator>: Nigel, Who came up with the
idea of The Night Crawler on Forever Knight? Did one of the
actors? Incidentally, no one could give him the character and
flair that you did.
<NigelB> The was written into the first episode
<NigelB> But teh Night Crawler changed with each season
<NigelB> He was a heavy metal dj in the beginning
<NigelB> Then a lonely voice in the darkness later
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <nUuRTH> to <Moderator>: If , now this is an if
question, could choose to play the part of any character, from
film, theater, or so on, who do you think you would most enjoying
playing as? That is, if you could ever decide...
<NigelB> I don't know...
<NigelB> I get asked this and I alway mean to work on an answer
<NigelB> The type of character, is certyainly someone who admits his
weakness and trys to come to term,s with it
<NigelB> I'm sure there are dozens of such characters.
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> Magus> to <Moderator>: How do you think Prince came to
his existense? A God-like being or a highly evolved human, etc??
<NigelB> I don't think that even the writers know that
<NigelB> I think he just worked his way to the top of the food chain
<NigelB> The problem is that if anthing kills him, they've lost
<NigelB> I think in one episode he said he didn't know where he came
<NigelB> He just knows what he does
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <dark-ravenette> to <Moderator>: i wanted to ask Nigel
if he still keeps in touch with the cast from Forever Knight
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: Did he ever imagine the
character of LaCroix would be so popular?
<NigelB> I don't really keep in touch
<NigelB> I bump into Ger occassionally, but that's about it
<NigelB> Most of the time when you work on a long term project there
is a sense of family while you are working, but it doesn't really
last when you move on
<NigelB> I'm sure we would all still be friends if we saw each other
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <ideath> to <Moderator>: Your writing is great. Can you
tell us what your favorite authors and or titles are?
<NigelB> My favorite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez
<NigelB> Love In The Time of Cholera
<NigelB> One Hundred Years of Solitude
<NigelB> I started writing when I was still a kid
<NigelB> I still have fifty pages of a book I started twenty years
<NigelB> I enjoy writing very much
<NigelB> Glad you like it
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <nUuRTH> to <Moderator>: Its very common for an actor to
bring his own personality to a character, but have you ever taken
a role that has somehow changed your life in ways that you didn't
or couldn't have imagined?
<NigelB> Well yes, Forever Knight is a perfect example
<NigelB> It changed all of our lives
<NigelB> It made us successful
<NigelB> I don't thinkl a role has ever changed my beliefs or
<NigelB> But every role has to cahnge you to some degre
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> What was Legends of the FAll Like?
<NigelB> Working w/ Brad Pittg was fun
<NigelB> And working on a big budget film is quite an
experience..There is so much TIME taken
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <cricket1> to <Moderator>: Please? just one fun little
question! :) did you like those lexxy boots?
<NigelB> They were hand made for me here in Halifax
<NigelB> They weren't the most comfortable boots in the world
<NigelB> They're tigbht
<NigelB> They were interesting
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <blonde1228> to <Moderator>: How did you like working
with Wesley Snipes?
<NigelB> Wesley was great
<NigelB> He's very professional
<NigelB> It was good fun
<NigelB> The mockup of the White House they build in Toronto was
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> Tag> to <Moderator>: <Tag> Hi, my question for Nigel:
Lexx's 3rd Season dealt with religious suject matters (Heaven and
Hell, etc.). Are you a religious person? How were you brought up?
<NigelB> I am not formally relgious at all
<NigelB> I believe taht you make your own Heaven and Hell here and
<NigelB> I have spiritual beliefs that are important to me
<NigelB> I think we do have a spirit
<NigelB> and the spirit goes on
<Moderator> <angelmay> to <Moderator>: What was it like working with
the cast and crew of the Lexx Show?
<NigelB> GA
<NigelB> I was talking to some of the crew this evening
<NigelB> They are such a wonderful crew
<NigelB> We have amazingly talented people
<NigelB> Especially the cgi guys
<NigelB> Very high quality
<NigelB> The crew on the set works so hard, and they work such long
<NigelB> They're the real troopers behind the show
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: Has he visited Glastonbury as
he seemed to have the directions to the Chalice Well and Tor just
right :)
<NigelB> Yes I have
<NigelB> I've visited about three time now
<NigelB> It's a magical place
<NigelB> If you climb to the top of Tor on a sunny day there is a
feeling of peace, and you can actually feel the power
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <Vamp1228> to <Moderator>: What do you do to relax?
<NigelB> At the moment I'm putting a bathroom into my cottage
<NigelB> I hunt, and fish, and I play golf
<NigelB> I go for hikes
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> Lucifyra> to <Moderator>: What do his sons think of the
characters he plays?
<NigelB> THey didn't watch Forever Knight
<NigelB> They've watched Lex
<NigelB> They think it's kind of wierd
<NigelB> I'm never sure if they are proud of me. or if it's a burden
<NigelB> I think at least they really know that tv isn't real
<NigelB> And that's good
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> <StormBorn> to <Moderator>: I hear you like to
cook--what's your specialty?
<NigelB> I have a lot of venison in my freezer
<NigelB> So I'm very good at that
<NigelB> I like barbeque
<NigelB> The man's way of cooking
<NigelB> Nothing to clean up
<NigelB> I live on a Salmon river, so I cook a lot of fish
<NigelB> GA
<Moderator> Our last question. What advice do you have for those who
aspire to be actors
<NigelB> Do it
<NigelB> Just do it
<NigelB> If you want to be an actor, find a way to act
<NigelB> Don't be told you can't
<NigelB> Don't be told you should
<NigelB> The more you act, the better you will get
<NigelB> Apart from that find a good school and get the best
training possible
<NigelB> Then keep trying!
<NigelB> Thanks so much to evertyone who logged on
<NigelB> I'm glad you enjoy Lexx so much
<NigelB> Good night!
<Moderator> WE'll open the floor now
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:49:47 -0600
From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Con solution and request for shooting list
At 06:18 PM 3/29/01 -0500, Susan M. Garrett wrote:
>OBFK - Does anyone have a list of Second season shooting order vs. Second
>season airing order? I seem to have misplaced mine.
I sent this.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK Site --
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 01:04:28 -0500
From: Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: Cons
There is an enormous resource for info on conventions (world wide!) at:
--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:46:19 -0600
From: SAMI THOMPSON <angels2@f.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites - a Thank You!
Nancy A. Taylor wrote:
> I have copious pictures from every episode at my site:
WITHOUT WHICH, incidentally, I would never have been able
to make any of the FK board games, puzzles, or other projects
for the GWDFC charity auctions!
Thanks to Nancy and the other generous list members who
make these projects possible.
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 22:19:31 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
Silver wrote:
>>But on the other hand and although he might have been right about his
outcomes, his means to achieve them weren't very successful.<<
Well, gosh, I don't know what else he could have done. The man was a
soldier, not a psychiatrist! :)
>>The man(ex-man) must have had the patience of a saint to put up with that
whining for 800 years. Either that or Nick was indeed the love of his
We tend to forget that Nick didn't whine and have regrets *all* 800
years--there were times when he *enjoyed* being a vampire (oh, no, I just
know someone's gonna write a filk...or already has: I Enjoy Being a Vamp!).
I do believe that Nick was, if not the love of his life, certainly deeply
alluring to him, perhaps because he is everything LaCroix is not.
Kezia wrote:
>>The more I learn about Roman society, the more accurate I feel NB has
portrayed LC! <snip><<
Indeed! I think the man did his research well.
Kyer wrote:
>>And yet Nick is for the most part full of pity, charity and mercy (the
ideals--if not the reality of a knight), yet LC chose to bring him across.<<
Maybe if he'd known that about him, he would have reconsidered. <g>
and finally, Barb V. wrote:
>>Did he become a solder becasue it fit his personality or did becoming a
soldier forge his personality?<<
I think it was a matter of pragmatism, actually. If he was from Pompeii and
not Rome, he may not have had the connections to embark on a political
career (virtually the only 'career' open to conservative patricians) without
gaining status/honor through military service.
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 08:54:04 -0500
From: mclisa@m.......
Subject: Admin: Listers' com arrangment _is_ on topic
I see I need to edit the topicality rule.
I've always considered arrangements for FK fans, especially list members, to
meet at a con or party or whatever to be topical. When the show was still in
production, we used to ask onlist all the time about possible con room mates,
parties, etc.
Posts about what happened are also topical. I miss the con quote lists, my
all-time favorite line of which was, "there's a train bearing down on us; is
that a problem?" :)
listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 06:57:33 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Webpage links question
The link to the Light Cousins page is:
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 07:16:17 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
--- Kyer <kyer@p.......> wrote:
> Yep. LaCroix would open his mouth or do something to get Nick's goat (or
> dog or girlfiriend or signficant Condemned Bimbo), and Nick would reply with
> fists/fangs/flaming stake. Thank god Nick isn't into Stoicism. <eg>
Have you heard about the psychological case of the 'wounded child'?
Individuals who have been abused by their parents (physically, mentally,
etc) in their childhood tend to act violently towards them when they grow
older and acquire the strength they lacked when they where victims. I've
heard more than one case of an abusive father being beaten or killed by
his now adult son. Nick's behavior might just as well be a reaction to
LaCroix's treatment of him when he was a chi-- err fledgling.
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 07:59:39 -0800
From: "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: YKYB...
You Know You've Been Writing Too Much FK Fanfic When...
You read the following and immediately think to yourself that Nat would
LOVE this site!
It's about time cats got their own Web site, right? If you're already
retching at the thought, read no further. For the rest of you, head
on over to MeowMail for an extremely cute and thoroughly
entertaining site. Your cat can join the community, get MeowMail
(like email, but for cats), and receive something they
affectionately refer to as "The Morning Hairball." Cough it up,
Good heavens! What will they think of next?
KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 07:55:49 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK Canadian fans
--- Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......> wrote:
> Hey! Two more Canajans! I'm in Calgary--where are you, Sunny?
Hi Angela and other fellow Canadian Fkers!
Your question reminded me of the fact that I never actually have given any
background info about myself on the mail list. I just jumped in and…well
I was in. Now it might be a good time to correct it.
Where I am from? Hard to answer. Everywhere honestly, and nowhere. I was
born and raised in Iran (Yup, the dreadful country no less) but lived
parts of my childhood and teen years in Germany and Holland. My family and
I migrated to Canada in 1997 and I’ve lived in Vancouver ever since. I am
now in Montreal for an intern job but will soon be back to Vancouver
(which is great because it is the only place on earth that you can watch
FK 7 days a week, no overstatement)
How I came to become obsessed with FK? Well I used to watch it every now
and then with no particular passion. But I started to get fascinated by
vampires last summer when I read two vampire novels. When I went to find a
third one I came back empty handed. Desperate for some good vamp fiction
and for no apparent reason but a leap of fate I searched for FK fiction
online and found That was my first step through the entrance
of Eden, sometime around October 2000. I’ve been a Knightie ever since.
It never seizes to amaze me how a show that went out before I even got
here found me three years later. Destiny perhaps? At least that is what
one of my cousinly friends believes.
Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:19:54 -0800
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Violence & Transferance (was: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
Hi Everyone:
Countess's point about abused children
acting/reacting violently does have merit. (For
more on this, take another peek at my storyline.)
There is also the issue of transferance (which
Nat refers to in "Children of Darkness"). While
I don't know what the "official" take on this
topic (research wise, etc.--sorry, my specialty
are the humanities not psychology<g>), a
abused/formerly abused child can transfer
feelings to someone who resembles (in actions,
manner--not necessarily physically; although the
physical similarity could intensify the
reaction). Once again, in the case of Dave
Dubois, this is why he feels the way he does
towards LaCroix and deliberately challenges him.
(My upcoming story, Parents & Children, deals
with this theme once again...and was the reason
for my original question in this regard.)
Okay, enough of my postulating and such. <Jumps
off of the soapbox> Next up...?
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Mar 2001 to 30 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-103)
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