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FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Mar 2001 to 28 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-100)

Wed, 28 Mar 2001
There are 36 messages totalling 1004 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Syndication cuts (4)
  2. Resource for FK fic writers (3)
  3. Nick drawing (5)
  4. Morgue Maniacs (2)
  5. Ben Bass
  6. Welcome, Eve!
  7. Can't Open Nick drawing
  8. Nick's nose
  9. can't view nick drawing (2)
 10. Pics sites (8)
 11. Kyer's sunstruck!
 12. LaCroix's view of fatherhood (4)
 13. FK fans
 14. OT: I-CON 20
 15. OT: I-ON 20


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:15:51 -0800
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Syndication cuts

--- Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......> wrote:
> Boy, do I feel ripped off. I keep hearing about this infamous
> popcorn-throwing scene at the end of False Witness (one of the last episodes
> I still hadn't seen), and in the Showcase broadcast version I just watched
> (and taped!) it was cut! We are not amused. In point of fact we are now
> wondering what else we have been missing.
I perfectly remember that. Everyone who's been watching Fk on Showcase is
ripped off of that one. Me included but I downloaded the clip from a
website and watched it later. Then I made sure I'd record FW from another
channel (Vancouver TV in my case) and get the complete ep. I first thought
it was just that round of airing that had the problem but then I talked to
a friend who also followed and taped the show from showcase and realized
that he too had no idea about it, so you are right, it is a showcase rip.
But I also want to remind you of the benefits that we Canadian fans enjoy
over the American fans. Ever heard of 'scenes from the original Canadian
version'? Yup that's right, they have a lot of cut outs in the US version,
so I'd say we should actually be glad and forgive them for the little slip
in FW.


BTW: Where in Canada do you live?

Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:26:13 -0800
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Resource for FK fic writers

--- Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......> wrote:
> Legally Roman illegitimate children didn't have a
> father and were sui juris, under their own authority
> as opposed to legitimate children who were under the
> father's authority until his death or unless he
> formally emancipated them.

I see. That is why he continues enforcing that authority over his vampire
children as well. So LaCroix's possessiveness over his children doesn't
just come from the vampire master's trait but also from his mortal
upbringing. Very interesting!

Poor Nick, he ended up with a Roman father who wouldn't ever die, nor
would he ever relinquish his control willingly over him. I guess he'd
never imagined that in his wildest Medieval dreams.

Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:51:46 -0800
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nick drawing

--- Portia <portia1@m.......> wrote:
> Is it just me, or is this picture cropped at the nose?  If it isn't just
> me, then why is it cropped?  If it is me, why?  Is this some form of
> "shibboleth"  to separate the chosen from the Philistines? "g"
> Portia

Don't worry, there is an even lesser fortunate group too, the people who
can't even see it, i.e. me.

Countess -- Devoted Knightie, Immortal Beloved, Dark Trinity, with UF and
Enforcement tendencies


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 15:06:21 -0800
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Resource for FK fic writers

Sounds like this would have been really confusing for non-Romans (and possibly
the Romans themselves) to figure out.  I know its certainly confusing me.

Probably a good thing FK vampires have perfect memory, or LC would have gotten
confused eventually!
I can just hear him mumbling, "Now what was that darn woman's name again?"


--- Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......> wrote:
So, if Seline was a freedwoman or the descendant of a
freed slaves of Lucius's family, her full name would
be Whatever Seline or Seline Whatever (the order of
the names varied with the period and/or the person's
choice.)  Which element of a name was the one used in
normal address also varied.


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:18:32 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Resource for FK fic writers

From: Sunny LaCountess
> --- Lisa McDavid
> > Legally Roman illegitimate children didn't have a
> > father and were sui juris, under their own authority
> > as opposed to legitimate children who were under the
> > father's authority until his death or unless he
> > formally emancipated them.

So...  All we gots to do is----prove that Nick is LaCroix's illegitimate

Call the lawyers!  Find a loophole!

God, I'd love to see Old General Nuisance's face if told that Nick wasn't
really his kid.  The sheer colors..

His eyes have turned the redness of a fiery ember glow...
He is contemplating places where his fangs will pierce the foe...
He will whammy all the lawyers and tell them where they can go!
His ire is raging on!!

Kyer, kyer@p.......
Cause *somebody* has to keep the old buzzard busy so Nick can make his


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 17:18:19 -0800
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Morgue Maniacs

Great idea!  Would Schanke fit into this one?  Or not?

--- Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......> wrote:
> Perhaps a better name for a Nat/Grace faction is DeadOfTheKnight...

Emily Hanson
New FK Fanfic Addy - http://fkfanfic.fanspace.com
Main website - http://www.starbase-eprime.com
Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com
ICQ# 73113057


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:29:46 -0400
From:    "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......>
Subject: Re: Ben Bass

----- Original Message -----
From: <jmtof@j.......>

: Ben just finished filming an episode of the Fox show "The Lone Gunmen."
: Episode name and possible air date to follow.

I *THOUGHT* that was him!  The episode aired last Friday here in Atlantic
Canada.  Here is a synopsis:

http://Laplor.tripod.com/ (If it's still there)


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:12:06 -0800
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nick drawing

Nope, I can't open the Nick picture, either!  I tried closing the AngelFire
logo screen, thinking it was just a pop-up ad, and it doesn't work.  And here
I'm  supposed to be going into computer programming, you'd think I could figure
it out!

I love a good puzzle, but this is *really* puzzling.


--- Marilyn Teplitz <zeor1@y.......> wrote:
> Am I the only one who can't get this picture to open?...


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:21:20 -0800
From:    Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nick drawing

--- Portia 1 <portia1@m.......> wrote:
> Am I the only one who can't get this picture to
> open? I've been heartbroken for days trying to look
> at it and it just will NOT open - I get a blank
> screen with the angelfire logo in the corner.

That happened to me, too.  Try going up to the
location bar, deleting the last part of the URL
(nick_drawing.jpg, I think) and you should get a page
with a list of links.  Click on nick_drawing.  That
got me the picture.  Which is really nice, btw!


"Vampirism--it does a body good!" Tom Servo, reviewing "The Wild World of Bat

If Anita doesn't want to be Jean-Claude's human servant, can I volunteer?


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:32:08 -0500
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: Nick drawing

>Nope, I can't open the Nick picture, either!

I got all the way to his lips. Then it quit loading. I tried to save
the image, but when I tried to open the saved image jpeg view told me
it was corrupted.

>   And here I'm supposed
>to be going into computer programming, you'd think I could figure it out!

Maybe someone will include it in an e-mail and see if that improves
our 'reception'.

I heard on the news tonight that there has been an increase in
sunspot activity, and I think that Nick must be hiding from all that
extra sunshine...
Emily Lacey


Date:    Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:19:45 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Welcome, Eve!

Kyer is back from the fiasco that was named an outdoor wedding and she
sees---a new name!
(exclamation point alert.  Ah'm feelin' perky.  Must have been all of that
stupid sunshine.)
Welcome, Eve!
And another Knightie joins the crusade!!!  (bwahaahaaaha.. <ahem>)

> > I've never had any of my stuff beta-read 'cause I'm too insecure.

An *insecure* Knightie!
(Good.  Admitting she's insecure means she's devout and unlikely to be
swayed unto the evil that is the Cousins.  [double bwahaahaaha] )

> I've posted one of my stories to the fanfic list, so I'm about to
> experience the bliss for myself.

What?  Where?!  Gads!  I *can't* be missing a Nickfic!  Is it angsty?  I
like mine with double scoop angst--hold the romance, please.

Eve's sketch> https://www.angelfire.com/mb/malecandra/images/nick_drawing.jpg

Gorgeous!  (Of course, with such subject material, could it be otherwise?)

> Eve, the as-yet-unaffiliated-but-open-to-recruitment :)

Kyer, the Multi-Faction/Fandom Personality Split (Schitzo) Knightie who
hasn't a klew with who she will be fighting for (or who will not run and
hide when she knocks at their door) because certain parties need to get
their acts together!  Oh.. And who just gave birth to another Personality
for the X-men's Cyclops.  Man, it's getting crowded in here..


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:47:47 -0800
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Can't Open Nick drawing

If you are unable to open the Nick drawing try this.
It worked for me


Then select nick_drawing.jpg


UFfer, UA, UT, NNpacker


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:05:22 -0500
From:    Caro LaRoche <soundwench@t.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's nose

That is a beautiful picture!!  By all means, keep drawing!


PS sorry McLisa, didn't mean to send that just back to you (dang screwy


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:29:29 -0800
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: can't view nick drawing

If you are unable to open the Nick drawing try this.
It worked for me


Then select nick_drawing.jpg


UFfer, UA, UT, NNpacker


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:35:15 -0800
From:    "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Pics sites

 I can't find the sight that has pics of FK by episode... anybody have a
klew where they are?  Can you send me the URL's?
 Also, I'm trying to find pics of Catherine Disher and/or Ger.

KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:47:11 -0800
From:    "Nancy A. Taylor" <nat1228@h.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

At 08:35 PM 3/27/01 -0800, K. C. Smith wrote:
> I can't find the sight that has pics of FK by episode... anybody have a
>klew where they are?  Can you send me the URL's?
> Also, I'm trying to find pics of Catherine Disher and/or Ger.

I have copious pictures from every episode at my site:

I believe Kristin has most or all eps as well.

Nancy Taylor   --   nat1228@h.......
"The first hundred years are the hardest."
    --Wilson Mizner


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:59:17 EST
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

kristin's sight has photos by episode. Shes done a wonderful job.



Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:22:21 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

Nancy T. wrote:
>> I have copious pictures from every episode at my site:

And a standing ovation to Nancy for an outstanding resource! <whistles,
stamps, applauds>

Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:24:05 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Kyer's sunstruck!

This bit was from me:
> I've never had any of my stuff beta-read 'cause I'm too insecure.

Kyer wrote:
> An *insecure* Knightie!

I am not!

Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 00:39:34 EST
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

In a message dated 3/27/2001 9:32:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,
smolly4@q....... writes:

<< http://members.nbci.com/nancyt1228/archives >>

This doesn't work for me what am I doing wrong?


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 22:40:19 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: LaCroix's view of fatherhood

Countess wrote:
>> I see. That is why he continues enforcing that authority over his vampire
children as well. So LaCroix's possessiveness over his children doesn't just
come from the vampire master's trait but also from his mortal upbringing.
Very interesting!<<

I've tried to explore this in a few of my stories, like 'Sins of the
Fathers,' and the scene in FD where LaCroix is reading Schanke's essay on
fatherhood brings this up also (Nick:  "He left out freedom."  LaCroix:  "So
would I.")  I see a lot of parallels between the Roman concept of family and
the Mafia concept.  Also, in Roman times, the worst crime imaginable was

>>Poor Nick, he ended up with a Roman father who wouldn't ever die, nor
would he ever relinquish his control willingly over him.<<

I believe that Nick has a great deal of control over LaCroix as well.  After
all, who has more power, the lover or the beloved?

Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys


Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:49:28 -0800
From:    "Nancy A. Taylor" <nat1228@h.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

At 12:39 AM 3/28/01 EST, Jeannie Ecklund wrote:
>In a message dated 3/27/2001 9:32:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>smolly4@q....... writes:
><< http://members.nbci.com/nancyt1228/archives >>
>This doesn't work for me what am I doing wrong?

You have to add the .htm after "archives."


Good luck! If anyone else has problems, let me know.

Nancy Taylor   --   nat1228@h.......
"The first hundred years are the hardest."
    --Wilson Mizner


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 00:05:59 -0600
From:    Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: Syndication cuts

Sunny LaCountess wrote:
> But I also want to remind you of the benefits that we Canadian fans enjoy
> over the American fans. Ever heard of 'scenes from the original Canadian
> version'?

You're right, Sunny, I should count my blessings. I just wasn't sure if they
were being sneaky, claiming to show the uncut Canadian version and then not
delivering. I didn't like to think that I thought I'd seen the whole episode
when I hadn't. And thanks for clearing that up about the cut, miserable as
it was. I did watch the online vid and I feel a little better now, perhaps
I'll get in touch with one of these "tape fairies". As I've told a couple of
people, I'd be more than willing to trade drawings for tapes. :)

> BTW: Where in Canada do you live?

Xxxxxxx, or as I like to call it, Xxxxxxx. And no, for those of you who
may have heard the Dragon's Lair studios FK audio drama "Personal
Servitude", we do not really have gangsters here. ;)

And now, if you wish, you may check out my latest artistic effort. (The
painting didn't work out, it came out rather cross-eyed so I scrapped it in
favour of a medium I have slightly more control over.) You've created a
monster here, folks, a very show-offy one at that. ;)


Hopefully this time everyone will be able to see it. ;) Enjoy!



Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 01:11:48 -0500
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Syndication cuts

Nancy Kaminski wrote:
> Oh, don't do that. THere are a number of kind people onlist who can provide
> you with Canadian versions of the first season, and uncut versions of the
> other two seasons. Marg Yamanaka is one of our best tape fairies---you might
> contact her at mytoronto@s........

Thanks for the kind words, Nancy, but you've got my old addy there.
<g> My current address is shown below.

Marg Yamanaka  <mytoronto@h.......>
in the City of the Knight
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 01:01:17 -0800
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

> StormBorn wrote:
> And a standing ovation to Nancy for an outstanding resource!
> <whistles, stamps, applauds>

To both Nancy *and* Kristin for all their hard work.

But Nancy's site has something Kristin's doesn't....  Vachon!!  <wVg>

Cloud         <clouddancer@h.......>
Vaquera, Incarnate, Lonely Heart & closet Night Haven


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 02:43:53 -0800
From:    Teresita Tazon <teresitatazon@n.......>
Subject: Re: FK fans

----- Original Message -----
Subject: FK fans (was Re: Does it bother anyone else?)
On Wednesday, March 21, 2001 @ 10:10 AM
Tserisa <horridcow@h.......> wrote:
> I'm surprised how many people love FK but have never known We the Fans are
> out there and gathered.

Also, On Sunday, March 25, 2001 @ 6:52 PM
Judy <DanaKnight@a.......> wrote this:
>You never know when you're going to run into a fan.

Yep, I agree with both Cousin Tser and Judy on this point.

I had my FK baseball cap on when I went to the grocery store this past
weekend and the cashier asked about it...  "Oh, that's for Forever Knight!
I just loved that show.  I wish it was still on..."  She went on like this
for a few minutes (and just to give her complete credit... she also
commented on Highlander in the same vein.  No pun intended-  ;-)=  ).  Well,
before I left the store I made sure she knew 'We, the Fans' *are* here.
Also, I gave her the URL www.fkfanfic.com , and I told her she could reach
just about everything by accessing through there.

So, to the cashier I met Saturday night at the grocery store on Hook Rd., I
hope you've joined our happy family!

Fk Grins and Hugs,
Teresita teresitatazon@n....... <Who is afraid she and Cousin Tserisa
could again be confused by others as one and the same person!  What a riot
that was last year!  An easy way to remember how to tell us apart:  She's a
Cousin (hence her sig of *Cousin* Tser), and I'm a Vaquera (hence my use of
*Teresita* as the Spanish diminutive of Teresa.)  Plus she, Cousin Tser, has
"The Critters" and I don't.


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:23:15 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Morgue Maniacs

> Great idea!  Would Schanke fit into this one?  Or not?
   If you assume my first idea that it is a faction for the Coroner's
OFfice, no.
   if you assume my second idea that it is for folks who do not
survive to scene two, Schanke does not qualify until the 3rd
season.  At which point, he becomes the Crown Prince of the
Faction.  :-)

 Tim Phillips


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 03:50:07 -0800
From:    June Williams <mssivan@y.......>
Subject: OT: I-CON 20

Is anybody heading out to I-Con 20 this weekend ?
They had a last moment cancellation so I now have a
dealers table there, and it would be great to meet any
fellow listees while I'm there :)
Drop me a line if you want to get together.

Ad Astra,

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
Cousin,Valentine,Closet Knightie


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 03:57:28 -0800
From:    June Williams <mssivan@y.......>
Subject: OT: I-ON 20

Is anybody heading out to I-Con 20 this weekend ?
They had a last moment cancellation so I now have a
dealers table there, and it would be great to meet any
fellow listees while I'm there :)
Drop me a line if you want to get together.

Ad Astra,

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
Cousin,Valentine,Closet Knightie


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:46:47 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Syndication cuts

>You've created a monster here, folks, a very show-offy one at that. ;)

This forum is devoted to fans of a vampire television show.
We like monsters.  Especially talented ones.  Very nice  :-)

 Tim Phillips


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:10:01 -0800
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood

Hi Everyone:

This is an interesting point.  I think that LC's
view of fatherhood comes out of the Roman concept
of the paterfamilias.  Remember his comment to
Janette in the Constantine episode (darn it! is
it Father's Day?)--"I don't want another one.  I
want THAT ONE!"  I think the possessiveness is
mixed with protectiveness as well.

In terms of the theme in stories...this, of
course, is one of my big things.  There is the
speech made by David Dubois to LC in the Raven
during "Trouble in Toronto" about fatherhood.
Currently, I am writing a story about this very
concept...and how LC is the "dark father"
(mortal: Divia; adoptive mortal: to be announced;
vampiric: Nick & Janette; influential role model
(in a firm, old fashioned kind of way): to be
announced as well...but I think you can guess.

By the way, an interesting paradox...how does LC
treat someone who beats on their kids needlessly?
 (Is there such a thing in his eyes?)  In my
latest story, I'm working on a scene where LC (as
the Nightcrawler) receives a call from an abusive
parent.  If you want, reply off-list.

Thanks everyone.  I'll try to get this story out
as soon as I can.




Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:13:18 -0800
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: can't view nick drawing

Hi Everyone:

The link wouldn't work in Netscape, but once I
switched over to Internet Explorer, it came up
for me just fine.

Kudos to Eve on a nice piece of work!!! :)




Date:    Tue, 27 Mar 2001 15:15:12 -0400
From:    IIIMMIII <lllmmlll@b.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood

David wrote:

>>By the way, an interesting paradox...how does LC
treat someone who beats on their kids needlessly? >>

I think he would object to any kind of punishment that is based on loss of
control which is something I have a notion is important to him.

Loss of control denotes weakness and is unforgivable.

The pain caused in punishment, on the other hand, if it is inflicted for
"good reason" such as to teach a lesson (or to do "the right thing" as in
Divia's case), would be immaterial so it is the intention behind the
beatings that will make the difference  between acceptable or desirable and
unacceptable and despicable.

That's what I kinda think, anyways ...:-)


Silver Hartmann

"Vires Per Virtutem"



Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:18:30 -0800
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nick drawing

I finally got it to work in Netscape.  Don't know why my IE 5 didn't work.
--- Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......> wrote:
> Nope, I can't open the Nick picture, either!...


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:24:09 -0800
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Pics sites

Here is one web site for you.

--- "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> wrote:
>  I can't find the sight that has pics of FK by episode... anybody have a
> klew where they are?  Can you send me the URL's?

Emily Hanson
Main website - http://www.starbase-eprime.com
Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com
ICQ# 73113057


Date:    Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:24:27 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood

David wrote:
>> By the way, an interesting paradox...how does LC treat someone who beats
on their kids needlessly?<<

Oooh, you must read Vampwrtr's The Sandpiper
(http://www.fkfanfic.com/fanfic/s/sand2989.txt) for an interesting treatment
of this.  V and I both subscribe to the theory that LaCroix was himself an
abused, unloved child.  (And FK fanfic lost one of its greatest writers when
V disappeared, IMO.)

Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Mar 2001 to 28 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-100)

Previous digest Back to March's list Next digest

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