FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Mar 2001 to 9 Mar 2001 (#2001-78)
Fri, 9 Mar 2001
There are 10 messages totalling 292 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. FORKNI-L Digest - 7 Mar 2001 to 8 Mar 2001 (#2001-77)
2. Heights (3)
3. New president at USA (2)
4. Angel DVD poll...another opportunity to mention FK....
5. <No subject given>
6. FK Fic and Elton John
7. piercings, tattoos, etc
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:14:00 -0500
From: Valerie Kessler <valerie@w.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 7 Mar 2001 to 8 Mar 2001 (#2001-77)
> From: "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
> I guess no one knows how tall CD is? I've seen numerous posts on the
> subject, just no answer as to how tall she is.
If I remember correctly, the info her agent sent Cathi Strickland
several years back said 5'5".
-- forkni's resident Queen of the Wilis, eye to eye with Nigel in pointe
shoes... ;-)
~:O Valerie Meachum Kessler
valerie@w....... ~
"Have I mentioned lately how much I *love*
the myriad of ways in which we're all
over-educated???" -- Dee
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 22:48:44 -0000
From: Linda Hepden <Kezia.Hepden@b.......>
Subject: Re: Heights
At 5'1", I qualify for the Petite Legion too! Yayy!
As my (4'10") mother always used to tell me, "Diamonds don't come the same
size as bricks!"... only that evil little voice inside my head (aw, c'mon,
you all know which one I mean!) muttered "Considering this group, shouldn't
that be Nicks, not bricks?" - so I thumped my evil little voice for bad
Mission objective in the coming War: To bring NK and LC to their knees - but
only so we can look 'em in the eyes! <VEG>
Mindy wrote:
> Hmmm the "Petite Legions"? Possibly a new faction for the War???? *WEG!*
> Our motto: "Shorter is Better!" *G*
Kezia Hepden
I'm afraid you'll just have to put up with my occassional flights into
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 18:28:51 -0500
From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: New president at USA
Any change at USA is a chance to interest them in FK . . . .
As it tries to re-arm and ascend once more to the head of the cable
ratings pack, USA Network announced yesterday the appointment of cable
veteran and former Comedy Central and Fox chief Doug Herzog as
president, hoping that Herzog can inject some much-needed energy into
the network's lineup. The 41-year-old Herzog has been out of work for
about a year, having been nudged out of the top job at Fox after he
failed to deliver any hits except Malcolm in the Middle.
susanmgarrett@e....... --
EVER Faithful Ravenette.
"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:05:33 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Heights
> Mission objective in the coming War: To bring NK and LC to their knees - but
> only so we can look 'em in the eyes! <VEG>
Argh! Lacroix cried, as the mob of mischievous munchkins descended upon the
vampire and caused him to topple over. Darn the Petite Legion! Darn these
stupid 3-inch heeled boots!!!
Kyer, one of the Petites at 5'4"
(Petite my eye!)
(Well, if mom would quit making those darn corn muffins..)
(ack! You just let the vampires know we're corn fed!)
(Just don't start mooing.)
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 20:27:12 EST
From: Dolpfin220@a.......
Subject: Angel DVD poll...another opportunity to mention FK....
Although it is not Forever Knight, there is an opinion poll sponsored by 20th
Century Fox about the series Angel on DVD. In it they are looking for input
on features desired and marketing of the DVDs, i.e., full season releases,
chronological, etc. They also ask for information regarding the target
audience, ie: favorite magazines, favorite television shows and more. When
filling this out, I was sure to list Forever Knight as a favorite show. They
may never have anything to do with Forever Knight getting released, but I
figured it couldn't hurt to make sure the show was mentioned....
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that,
you've got it made. -Groucho Marx
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 20:08:35 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Heights
Kyer wrote:
>> Argh! Lacroix cried, as the mob of mischievous munchkins descended upon the
vampire and caused him to topple over. Darn the Petite Legion! Darn these
stupid 3-inch heeled boots!!!<<
Thereby causing me to laugh until I choked. Note to self: <thwap!> Kyer with
herring as soon as one is procured.
> (Petite my eye!)
I just think of myself as an Amazon, only in more manageable proportions.
Speaking of females (ok, it's a rough segue, but it keeps us ontopic), Janette
actually did look like a woman of her time would have, at least IMHO. Am I
> (Well, if mom would quit making those darn corn muffins..)
> (ack! You just let the vampires know we're corn fed!)
> (Just don't start mooing.)
Note to self: find herring *fast*.
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagan
Remember: always pillage *before* you burn!
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:04:29 -0500
From: Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: <No subject given>
>Just so ya'll know... I dropped a short story to the fic list. I
>actually wrote it several weeks ago, but I just finally got the time to
>post it. It's called 'She Misses Him'.
This one a winner and a five hanki story. Amazing work KC.
I encourage everyone to read it.
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:01:34 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: New president at USA
--- "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......> wrote:
> Any change at USA is a chance to interest them in FK
> . . . .
I think we should use this opportunity. I don't really
know how--being a fledgling, just over 6 months
across--but I think we have to.
Countess, who wants he Knight back
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 14:20:30 EST
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Re: FK Fic and Elton John
In a message dated 2/22/01 5:02:59 PM, LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< Anybody know if there was ever an FK song fic written with EJ's "The Last
Song" (I think that's the title -- you know, the chorus has something to do
with underestimating love "between a father and a son")? Something reminded
me of the song today and I seem to have a dim memory of seeing it used in a
fic, but I'm not sure....
I wrote a story that went with that song way back in 1996. It's called The
Last Song.
Sorry for the late response but RL got busy, email got backed up, and then I
decided I was going to put up a website. I have it partially up and had hoped
to have it up before the FK Fanfic awards were open, but have failed to do
so. I do have some of my fics archived there, and eventually all will be.
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 14:40:34 EST
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Re: piercings, tattoos, etc
In a message dated 2/23/01 5:01:00 PM, LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< I seem to remember a first season episode where Nick goes to
the Raven to see Janette and finds her at the bar getting her
shoulder tattooed. >>
I believe it was Natalie who saw Janette getting the rose tattooed on her
shoulder. It was the tattoo artist that commented on it being gone tomorrow,
that he'd have to redo it. Janette said something about that being half the
fun or part of the fun.
As for peircing.... I think that the holes wouldn't automatically close up
and trap the metal. I think they would heal like a mortal's does, only
faster. I wrote a Halloween story where Nick pierced himself as part of the
costume because he knew the holes would be gone by the next night, but mostly
because he was afraid the spirit gum wouldn't hold long enough.
I think Nat dug around in Nick whenever wounded because the bullet was
annoying. He could feel it. Maybe he wanted to prevent the tissues from
growing over it. Maybe it would be really aggravating if he left it in. Maybe
he'd feel it every time he moved or whenever he touched that spot. And if it
happened to be anywhere near a nerve.... And then again there is the metal
detector aspect, or if he wound up in the hospital like in Night in Question
it would be hard to explain lead in his body that was never previously
accounted for in officer involved shooting reports, injury reports, and so on.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Mar 2001 to 9 Mar 2001 (#2001-78)
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