FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Mar 2001 to 2 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-70)
Fri, 2 Mar 2001
There are 29 messages totalling 1009 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. fkfanfic site (3)
2. RV4S Insanity
3. Skin & Textiles (5)
4. Questions! and fanfic site
5. Fanfic Site
7. hi
8. <No subject given>
9. FK Fanfic does exist!
10. Fanfic site
12. Site update
13. Alumni-Alert
14. War: War 7 and 8 archives
15. Fwd: FK Site
16. You know you've been watching too much FK ...
18. stephenies fanfic url
19. Can't log on the the Virtual 4th (2)
20. War 7 and 8 archives / War links 1-10
21. Site up and running!
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 22:03:33 +0100
From: Dark-Dancer <sapphicstone@y.......>
Subject: Re: fkfanfic site
> For the past 2 days, i have not been able to find
> any site that starts with It comes up
> as not found.
I tried accessing it yesterday /and/ the day before & IE refused to load it
up. Since my computer's being screwy at the moment, I thought it must just
be me. I guess not. I think someone really doesn't want us to be enjoying
our fic!
Has anyone got in touch with Mel?
!&; Jade.aka.Dark-Dancer.
!&; Ravenettes; We do it with style!
!&; AIM: SapphicStone | OT-Email: jade@m.......
!&; I'm tired of pretending. Anya is a myth, Jade is reality.
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 15:36:36 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: fkfanfic site
> I think someone really doesn't want us to be enjoying our fic!
I don't know what is meant by cache'd, but I just put my Save Internet Page
History at 30 days just in case.
If anyone is desperate for a story only found at Mel's site, I'm willing to
download and foward it on.
May take a day or two to get back since my Internet time is dependent on
other factors, but I'll do my level best.
: (=
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Cause NOBODY should be without fic. It's a cosmic law.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 23:29:38 +0100
From: Dark-Dancer <sapphicstone@y.......>
Subject: Re: fkfanfic site
> If anyone is desperate for a story only found
> at Mel's site, I'm willing to download and
> foward it on.
If I could remember the title of the story I've been swearing to read for
the past six months, I'd ask for that :) But it looks like I'll have to wait
till it's back up &I can just randomly amble around FKFic, clicking on
anything that catches my attention.
Unless someone wants to recommend/send something to me, address is in the
sig <wink/grin>
> Cause NOBODY should be without fic. It's a cosmic law.
!&; Jade.aka.Dark-Dancer.
!&; Ravenettes; We do it with style!
!&; AIM: SapphicStone | OT-Email: star@m.......
!&; I'm tired of pretending. Anya is a myth, Jade is reality.
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:18:05 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: RV4S Insanity
>Bare with me!
*Bare* with you? Oh, now, Beth, that's asking a bit much! <g>
Molly, who was a ton of emails to answer because she's been sick for a week...
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 19:40:59 -0500
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Skin & Textiles
> Valerie Kessler wrote:
> evidence I've come across in recent years seems to indicate that the
> bathing was more frequent in the medieval era, and actually came to be
> regarded as unhealthy in the Renaissance.
The misunderstanding about the whole cleanliness issue started with the
Victorians, or perhaps even earlier with the "historians" of the 17th
century (they were the ones who stuck their great great grandparents with
the "Dark Ages" label). The thought apparently never crossed their minds
that their medieval ancestors might have had superior habits of personal
hygiene. Figuring that out required a less romantic and more practical
approach to history: If you want an idea of how much washing was going on,
don't look in sermons or in contemporary fiction or song. Check out
household accounts to see how much was being spent on water or the services
of laundresses, how space in the household was alotted to laundry or heating
of water for baths, or see how often people in cities complained about their
neighbors dumping bathwater out the window or how often the priest was
dishing out penances to men who had their servant girls wash them instead of
their wives.
I can't remember if it was Nick's crusade or the one before, when the camp
followers were sent away to cut down on expenses, the laundresses were
allowed to stay, because their services were essential in keeping the vermin
(lice and fleas) under control.
However, there's a big difference between "taking a bath" the way we do and
cleaning yourself thoroughly. Think of the medieval experience as being more
like the practice in Japan.... you got clean first and then, if the luxury
were available to you, you soaked in the hot water to relax. That sort of
bathing could also be a social occasion (although, judging from the
manuscript pictures, it was good etiquette to keep your hat or hennin on in
the public baths).
When Nick, LaCroix and Janette were welcomed to his mother's chateau, a bath
would have been one of the first gestures of hospitality.
Two things that put a serious dent in personal hygiene practice in the West
were the concentration of people in cities and the Black Death. Cleanliness
becomes a luxury when there isn't enough water to go around.... and washing
fell victim to the desperate need to come up with an explanation of the
plague. Bitter irony, of course, since it was fleas that were spreading the
There's a wonderful manuscript picture somewhere of a knight sitting on a
stool (with a tastefully placed cloth) being washed by a couple of smiling
maidens. Every time the topic comes up, I think that I should find it and
put "Nick's" face on it.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
"RL=Real Life. It's that stuff that keeps happening that gets in the way of
that other stuff."--Sue Clark
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:56:54 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Questions! and fanfic site
Klytaimnestra wrote:
>> Presumably it would depend on what they decided when they met their
micro-guide at the gate? (g)<<
This came right after I was looking at my boyfriend's MAXIM and saw a crab louse
magnified, oh, 40 dozen times. Eeeewwww!--but ROTFLMAO at the same time!
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 18:07:48 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Fanfic Site
I'm having no trouble getting into, or navigating around, the site. <shrug>
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 18:46:28 -0700
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Skin & Textiles
Valerie Kessler <valerie@w.......> wrote: >>Linen is seriously tough
Except if you wash it with bleach! You only make _that_ mistake once...
Sorry, Listmommy, but it *was* an expensive mistake.
Your humble & (usually) obedient servant, Ligeia
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 09:59:41 +0800
From: Cheryl Hoffman <hoffman@p.......>
Well, this is going to be some month!!!! First of all, the guide arrived
before the first of the month, that's quite an accomplishment. Second, I
expect sales of blank video tapes to go thru the roof this month. What a
selection of stuff to watch & tape.
Any of you just starting your collection have a chance to get a wonderful
selection of Nigel's work. I've seen all but one of the movies, some you
have to wade thru lots of stuff to find him, in others he has quite a
And I'm anxious to see the 2 TV shows.
The only thing for Ger I could find is the repeats of Black Harbour on
TRIO, but everyone seems to have at least something. This is definitely
one of the best months in a long time. I'm anxious to add a few new tapes
to my collection.
Our assignment here in China is almost up, I'll be back in the States by
the middle of May. More chances to watch movies, and go to conventions,
but will miss all the wonderful people, places and things here in China.
Well, better get this off to the list, and give you all a chance to go out
& buy those blank tapes.
All I Wanna Do (STRIKE) Starz 8,9,17,21,26,30
Between Love and Honor LifeMovie 11
Cagney & Lacey:View Through the
Glass Ceiling LifeMovie 7,8
Chippendales Murder USA 23
The Crossing Biography 20
Darkman3, Die Darkman Die HBO 25
Freefall Family 21
Her Desperate Choice LifeMovie 21
Love & Betrayal:Mia Farrow Story FMC 4,5
Madonna: Innocence Lost FMC 4,5
Narrow Margin Bravo 6,7,27
One Tough Cop TMC 7,15
Passion and Paradise Mystery 8,13,30,31
Sanctuary Max 31
Shattered Trust:Shari Karney Story LifeMovie 17,18,31
Soft Deceit Max 1/2, 13
Synapse Show 22
LEXX - Fire & Water SciFi 5
LEXX - May SciFi 18
LEXX - Gametown SciFi 25
In March, LEXX will be shown late Sunday/early Monday 2am till
new episodes start in July
Relic Hunter "Cross of Voodoo" week of March 5-10
Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
"Black Glove of Melchizedek" SciFi 9
Black Harbour -1st season TRIO 3,10
Conspiracy of Silence LifeMovie 20,21
Earthquake in New York Family 4
A New Life StarZ 2,12,23,27
Woman on the Run:Lawrencia
Bembenek Story LifeMovie 3,4
Friday, 13th:The Series:
Double Exposure SciFi 29
And the Sea Will Tell LifeMovie 22,23
Breakfast Club TNT 31
Deep End of the Ocean HBO-Family 4,9,13,29
HBO-P 1,17,23
Johnny Skidmarks Max 3
Man Trouble FMC 28,29
Nothing in Common Family 10
Onassis True 9,10,15,19,25,31
Tootsie HBO 2,6,10,15,21,25
Vibes MoMax 7,19
Young Hearts Unlimited Disney 6,26
Kung Fu: TLC "Chill Ride" TNT 2
Blackheart HBOP 21,26
Andromeda Check your local stations
Bride of Chucky Starz 2,8,14,18,21
Killer Among Friends LifeMovie 6,7,25,26
Murder in a Small Town A&E 11
Biography 10
Blown Away Show-EX 4,9,22,28
Ed & His Dead Mother Max 5,13,21
Henry & Verlin TRIO 19
Skin Deep Love 6,17,22,30
John Woo's Once a Thief:
Brother Against Brother USA 14
Family Business USA 12
Bone Daddy MoMax 12
Cagney & Lacey:True Convictions LifeMovie 8,9
Down in the Delta TMC 4,9,19,24,29
Airborne Disney 22
Critical Care Comedy 1
HBO 24,29
The Insider StarZ 1
The Lesser Evil Max 8,14,26,
Show 1,17
Love 4,10,26
Night Sins TNT 19,20
The Red Violin Max 8
Better Than Chocolate MoMax 10
No One Could Protect Her Lifetime 9
Bonds of Love Love 4,9,19,20,24,29
Echoes in the Darkness Lifetime 4
White Lies TRIO 6
Booty Call Comedy 11
The Defenders:Choice of Evils TBS 15
Judgement Day:Ellie Nesler Story USA 17
The Sweet Hereafter IFC 4,5,22,23
Change of Place Women's Ent. 12
Escape Clause Show-EX 22,31
Million Dollar Babies Lifetime 14
My Date with the President's
Daughter Disney 29
Nat'l Lampoon's Senior Trip USA 10
Family Pictures Lifetime 16
(w/ Tori Higginson & Maria Del Mar)
Rude BETM 2,8,13,17,23,28
Short Circuit 2 Flix 3,16,21,22,29
Trial by Jury TBS 19,20
The Sweet Hereafter IFC 4,5,22,23
Unlikely Angel LifeMovie 5
Friday, 13th:The Series:
The Inheritance SciFi 7
Root of All Evil SciFi 20
JON CASSAR: (Director)
Assault on Devil's Island TNT 26
Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, NBN, GWDFC, G4
"My, my... we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
hoffman@p....... dayabaygal@y.......
Dapeng, Shenzhen, CHINA AIM: DayaBayGal ICQ: 30464256
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:51:37 EST
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: FK ALUMNI - VCR ALERT!!!
In a message dated 3/1/01 8:01:54 PM Central Standard Time,
hoffman@p....... writes:
> John Woo's Once a Thief:
> Brother Against Brother USA 14
> Family Business USA 12
Just wanted to add that Julian Richings, who was in AMPH, is also in the
above episodes as Greg's partner...
> The Red Violin Max 8
And Julian is in the above EXCELLENT movie as well! Wonderful! Not to be
(Okay, it is my favorite movie... but deservedly so)
greg kramer fan klub
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:08:35 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: hi
My sympathies to you, Desiree, I know how you feel.
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:29:17 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: <No subject given>
Whoa, Nellie...I went back to take another look and the site I'm viewing says
it was updated in March of 2000. But it *isn't* cached on my hard drive! I
don't understand this at all...
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:46:05 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: FK Fanfic does exist!
I finally got there with Netscape! A DNS error message box
came up at first, I clicked ok, tried to reload the site
again and it came up! Yay! Tried using Netscape instead
of Explorer just for the heck of it.
Emily M. Hanson
Visit my homepage at
Fanfic -
Message Board -
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:49:27 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Fanfic site
If anyone wants a story, I am also willing to e-mail it, if
the site stays up.
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 13:56:46 -0500
From: Jeannie Ecklund <gersknightlady@c.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW...
> ... when you're at work, ringing up purchases through the till, and upon
> seeing the total come to £12.28, and seeing the name on the credit card
>is"Nick Bradant" - you immediately wonder if the cute dark-blond-haired guy in
>front of you is a vampire.
This is very interesting, my question was it night or day time:)=
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:07:19 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Site update
The site hasn't been updated since then, I don't think.
--- Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......> wrote:
> Whoa, Nellie...I went back to take another look and the
> site I'm viewing says it was updated
> in March of 2000. But it *isn't* cached on my hard drive!
> I don't understand this at all...
Emily M. Hanson
Visit my homepage at
Fanfic -
Message Board -
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 03:41:12 EST
From: MRKKaye@a.......
Subject: Alumni-Alert
Barclay Hope (Only the Lonely) can now be seen in a Citibank/AAdvantage
credit card commercial. Just caught it on CourtTV.
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 06:37:46 -0600
From: "Carla M." <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: War: War 7 and 8 archives
If you can compile them into one or more documents, I'll post them up to the
fkfic site on yahoogroups.
That can work in the interim until they join the rest of the War Archives.
Pat Witham wrote:
> I'm not sure whether to post this under the War topic or
> not, but there have been requests about where to find the
> archives for wars 7-8. I have all of them (mostly) stored in
> my email folders. I don't have a website so can't put them
> online and I have no idea how to get them to someone who
> might like to archive them (there are more than 1700 posts),
> but if anyone wants to work with me, I sure would like to
> see them made available to everyone somehow.
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 05:48:23 -0800
From: Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: Fwd: FK Site
Forwarding for Steph, who was over her post limit.
> Here is a URL to get to Mel's site I downloaded.
> NOW!! You will NOT be able to
> get to it all the time because it is on a web site I
> am running on my PC and my
> pc goes up and down. I do have ADSL so it does not
> have a modem. I have a
> continuous connection to the internet. It will only
> go down when I decide it
> needs a rest. That does not mean it has
> disappeared. It is still here on my
> pc and also I have copied it to a cd. I will look
> for a permanent site if Mel's
> site does not come back up.
> Also, some of the links will not work since they
> require a password to an
> account she started. For instance the poll does not
> work. But all the fiction,
> and most everything else is there.
> You HAVE to use the ip address( that is the name of
> the number you see at the
> beginning). It won't work under a name.
> This is just a temporary fix for right now.
> --
> Steph
> stephke@i.......
> "The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds
> himself", Richard Basehart as
> Ishmael
> "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
> Katherine Hepburn
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 09:01:19 EST
From: Marel Darby <Frostsaint2@a.......>
Subject: Re: Skin & Textiles
> don't look in sermons or in contemporary fiction or song. Check out
> household accounts to see how much was being spent on water or the services
> of laundresses, how space in the household was alotted to laundry or heating
> of water for baths
There's the famous comment about Elizabeth I, that she had a bath once a
month, '-- whether she needed it or not.' <g> In medieval times the middle and
upper classes may have had better standards of hygiene than they are usually
given credit for, but most of the poor were probably in a worse case than we
can imagine ...even up to and including Victorian times. In 19th century London
--then the richest city of the richest country on earth-- the residents of the
deprived areas, like Whitechapel (site of the Ripper murders) would live four
families to a room, and open sewers ran along the streets. Conditions in
over-crowded filthy towns were so unhealthy that over the centuries the
average height of the urban poor decreased, until in Victorian London they
were several inches shorter than that of their Dark Age ancestors.
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 06:06:51 -0800
From: Lisa McDavid <cecily1349@y.......>
Subject: You know you've been watching too much FK ...
When the Girl Scout and her mother who are delivering
your cookie order get it mixed up with one belonging
to a Ms. Debrabant a few streets away. You
automatically imagine that Janette wasn't a vampire
again after all, reclaimed the boy and moved to
Indianapolis. :)
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 07:41:27 -0700
From: Molly Schneider <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Skin & Textiles
Marel wrote:
>><snippety>Conditions in over-crowded filthy towns were so unhealthy that over
the centuries the average height of the urban poor decreased, until in Victorian
London they were several inches shorter than that of their Dark Age ancestors.<<
Not to mention bow-legged from rickets, scurvilous, lousy, and suffering from a
host of nutrition and hygiene-related maladies. Aside from that, though: what
was the average height of a man in Nick's era? I seem to recall that the average
height during most of the Roman Empire was something like 5'5" to 5'7".
Cousin, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, FK Pagans
Abnormally fond of dead guys...
smolly4@q....... (under reconstruction)
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 07:18:09 -0800
From: "K. C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
You Know You've Been Writing Too Much FK FanFic When...
Talk about freaky!!! I get a trivia Q&A in my email everyday and guess
what today's was?!
Take a look at this:
Q: Why do we call unrealistic ideas pipe dreams?
A: Because only drips and plumbers have them? Hardly.
To understand the origins of the expression, imagine that in
the 1960s a similar phrase likened unrealistic ideas to the
kind of distorted thinking engendered by using LSD. The drug
was often supplied on a sugar cube, so unrealistic ideas
could have been called "sugar cube fantasies."
The 19th century equivalent of LSD was the hallucinogenic drug
opium, imported into Europe from Asia. It was widely used in
certain literary circles in Britain. Opium was smoked in a
pipe and once under the influence, people had strange
visions. But they were only pipe dreams.
(Source: WHY YOU SAY IT by Webb Garrison)
I had NO idea!!!
I found the saying in an online thesaurus and thought it would make a
cool title.
KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:13:35 EST
From: Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
Subject: stephenies fanfic url
I just tried Steph's new address for the fk archives, and it worked! Just be
careful to put in all the dots between numbers. 1st time I missed one. Bless
you Stephenie. If I can get it, anyone can, since I am probably the worst one
around when it comes to computers JudyL
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:17:07 EST
From: Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
Subject: Re: Skin & Textiles
I remember when reading the Hornblower series how shocked his crew would
be when he insisted on taking "shower baths" every day on deck. This was
during Napolianic Wars in early 18th century. JudyL
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:17:35 EST
From: NJG52@a.......
Subject: Can't log on the the Virtual 4th
I've heard that there is finally a new episode for the Virtual 4th season,
but every time I try to log on to that site or Mel's fanfic site, I get a
site not found message. Does anyone know what is going on?
(I just scan the digest so I'm not up with the finer points of what is going
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:42:39 EST
From: Dolpfin220@a.......
Subject: Re: Can't log on the the Virtual 4th
In a message dated 3/2/2001 7:19:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, NJG52@a.......
> I've heard that there is finally a new episode for the Virtual 4th season,
> but every time I try to log on to that site or Mel's fanfic site, I get a
> site not found message. Does anyone know what is going on?
I forwarded the posts on to her....
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that,
you've got it made. -Groucho Marx
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 16:51:59 +0100
From: Cloudrider Siri <cloudrider99@y.......>
Subject: Re: War 7 and 8 archives / War links 1-10
War 8 is on fkfanfic. War 7 was on a site too, but seems to be gone???
In any case, if Callalily still has the pages in a file somewhere, it may not
be necessary to put all the posts together again, but someone would have
to ask her and check it out.
Big Thank You to Steph! You do an awesome job, and whenever someone
has trouble with the web you're there to help.
Wars 1 - 4:
War 5:
War 6: was skipped
War 7 was on Callalily's page, she seems to have deleted or moved it???
War 8:
War 9 and Susan Garrett's War Tutorial:
War 10:
Btw, there's a search engine that keeps copies of most sites on their server.
When a site doesn't work temporarily or disappears for good, you can still
check it out at I find it very handy, and quick too. But works
no longer than a few weeks, and further links must be copied and pasted into the
browser address line manually. Example
CloudRider Knightie forever
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 14:02:19 EST
From: Enid Rodriguez <LadyEnid512@a.......>
Subject: Site up and running!
Sorry if this is a dupe!
My GWD is up and running! If you want to take a look, here the addie
It's still small, but I hope to expand. My monthly GWD sound page is updated!
Lady Enid (Enid Rodriguez)
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Mar 2001 to 2 Mar 2001 - Special issue (#2001-70)
Parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at