FORKNI-L Digest - 25 Jan 2001 to 26 Jan 2001 - Special issue (#2001-28)
Fri, 26 Jan 2001
There are 29 messages totalling 1000 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. Ben Bass ALERT: Movie and Series
2. Nat and Janette's cure
3. Screed - a tooth mouse?
4. Magic in FK cannon (3)
5. Janette's Parenting Skills
6. Ben Bass Alert
7. That really long story I wrote: Casting the First Stone
8. author search
9. [Magic in FK cannon] (6)
10. Admin: ANother AOL6.0 problem
11. I wrote this really long piece of fanfic - anyone know what I should do
12. a hug for David (3)
13. unclaimed jackets up for sale!
14. I lost my FK bookmarks :(
15. Thank you for the warm thoughts
16. Little FK Moments...
17. Word Association (2)
18. Blitzing for the Knight January
19. Vampire cures
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:30:53 -0500
From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......>
Subject: Ben Bass ALERT: Movie and Series
Greeting, ya'll!
{{{I'm on DIGEST here, so I don't know if anyone
has already mentioned this, and my apologies if
this info has already been posted.)))
The Extraordinarily AWESOME and Very Talented BEN BASS
is in the VH-1 cable channel movie "Strange Frequency".
This was aired twice last night [Wednesday], but WILL
REPEAT tonight -Thursday 1-25-01- at 7 PM EST and Friday
night at 8 PM EST, and POSSIBLY also Saturday -- PLEASE
check your local listings for correct days and times in
your area. According to Jean, the President of the Official
Ben Bass Fan Club [BBFC], this program airs several times
this week & you can also check the VH1 homepage and TV Guide.
"Strange Frequency" is 2 hours long and has 4
segments/stories, each about 1/2 hour long. Ben is in
the beginning of the 3rd story entitled "Room Service"
with John Taylor of Duran, Duran. Ben plays an
English reporter named Tom West. The AWESOME Mr. Ben
Bass looks Very, Very, Very good -- as always!!! :) :)
:) -- and even has a British accent! -- I HIGHLY
recommend ya'll watch AND tape it-- even if just the
2nd hour if you prefer and only want to get the part
with Ben and see his name in the ending credits --
but, in my TOTALLY unbiased opinion :) :) :) ,WELL
WORTH it to just see Ben!!! ...(((okay, well, maybe
my opinions are not quite 'unbiased' but devoted
and sincere! :) )))
I'm reposting the following from the BBFC List
[Ben Bass Fan Club e-Groups list]--
From: "Barry & Margaret Schwienteck" <xxxxxx>
Subject: [bbfc] Strange Frequency air times
Hi all,
I checked the TV Guide for this week and next week.
According to there listings Strange Frequency should
air on the following dates and times on VH1.
Thursday, January 25, 7:00 pm. (eastern)
Friday, January 26, 8:00 pm. (eastern)
Saturday, January 27, 9:00 pm. (eastern)
Tuesday, January 30, 8:00 pm. (eastern)
Hope this helps everyone find it.
I don't know if this is a one-time movie or is a
series; if anyone does know, please let me or us know.
[[[FYI, some of you may also be interested to know
that in "Strange Frequency"-- in the 1st story is the actor
who played "Nick" in the "Poltergeist: The Legacy"
series, and in the beginning of 2nd story is the
actress who plays "Audrey" in ShowTime's "Beggars &
Choosers" series, in which Ben Bass is also a regular
member of the cast as 'Brian Pesky'.]]]
***Also, I'd like to also let ya'll know that BEN BASS
is also currently on the ShowTime series "Beggars and
Choosers" --although ShowTime canceled this series about
Hollywood 'insiders' and a television Network and the
folks who work there, which is in its 2nd season, you can
STILL catch new eps of this show and I assume repeats of
previous eps also. You will need to keep checking your local
listings for the days & times in your area. [I don't have
ShowTime, but a VERY kind, VERY generous, and EXTREMELY devoted VaqDreaming
Vaq fan of The Very Talented AND Devastatingly
Handsome Mr. Bass ::waves to Teri:: has been taping B&C eps
for me so I get to see Ben Bass, too! :)] Ben has been a
regular member of the cast for both seasons, as an agent
named Brian Pesky, who, with his business partner, Herb,
manages to get whatever info they find out EXTREMELY
wrong and, via their almost ever-present cell-phones, spread
their gossip -- Felicia [who is also a dedicated VaqDreaming
Vaq and Ben Bass fan on list here, too] is one of the list
moderators of the Beggars & Choosers List at e-Groups and
also has a B&C Web Page, and she has QUITE ACCURATELY referred
to the team of Brian and Herb as 'The Duo of Distortion'!
--This series is basically a Comedy, and, although I hope
I'm correct in saying that 'Beggars and Choosers' is
"Adult/Mature" in nature and content, I understand from
other folks on the B&C List that some of the eps, especially
and ironically the new ones that have been aired since the
cancellation was announced, are very good. So, you may also
want to check it out and tape this series while you can!
Also, Ben is in a CANADIAN series entitled "Big Sound" and,
IIRC, the actor who plays his business partner 'Herb' in
'Beggars & Choosers' is also in this series (or maybe he
directs it?). Maybe some of our Canadian Listmembers have/will
see this and let us/me know about the "Big Sound" series and
Ben's character.
---{{{I hope ya'll don't mind my mentioning about Ben Bass
being in these two series, [and PLEASE do NOT think I am
complaining], but at least during the past year that I have
been on list here, I have seen posts on ForKni-L
about other FK Alumni who are regulars on series, I don't
recall seeing this ever mentioned in any of the ALERTS for
FK Alumni, and I just wanted to let other past, present,
and future fans of the VERY talented Mr. Ben Bass, who brought
The AWESOME Javier Vachon to Unlife for us in the 3rd season
of FK, to be aware of his being in this series and be able to
enjoy watching him when they can! :) :) :)
***I also want to thank Cheryl --who sends us listings EVERY
month!!!- and everyone else who takes the time to let us know
about the SEVERAL appearances of FK Alumni! }}}
Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel
Devoted VaqDreaming Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future
Proud Vaq Brat/INCArnate/with Immortal Beloveds,Ravenette,Urchin &
DarkHearts Tendencies
Check out BBFC Web site:
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:27:10 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Janette's cure
Lisa McDavid wrote:
> Oh, dear, now I have a mental image of Nick trying to
> whammy R's son and sister for blood samples in case it
> was in their blood, too. :)
This is an interesting thought. If Nat hadn't (didn't?) die, would she have
done just this? It would certainly be interesting to pursue the idea that
certain blood had anti-vampire properties. How would she have explained
this to Patrick and his aunt?
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:30:33 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Screed - a tooth mouse?
Christella M. Stillman wrote:
> Long as he doesn't leave them a drained ratsie in place of the tooth instead
> of the promised money. Can you imagine reaching up under your pillow
> expecting to find a bright, shiny quarter
Maybe that's why he went to all those swap meets to get bright shiny things,
so that he could leave something nice for all those cute little children :-)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 19:41:38 -0500
From: Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: Magic in FK cannon
Emily wrote:
>Just out of curiosity, has there ever been an ep in FK involving any sort of
>magic, even just a mention of it? Possibly in Nick's search for a cure? I
>don't seem to recall one, but then I haven't seen every all the episodes yet.
Others have mentioned examples. I'd like to add the Chinese spell that
the old man put on Nick's chest after capturing him with an acupuncture
needle to the neck in Cherry Blossom.
McLisa wrote:
>Just as a point of interest, the harp in Queen of
>Harps was supposed to be definitely magical. The
>writer, Gillian Horvath, intended for the harp
>actually to cry out in the scene where the modern de
>la Barre grabs it. This was not done in the final cut.
I don't know about that. There was a high-pitched whine
sound when de la Barre tried to take the harp from the
woman the first time. Sounded like a crying out to me.
Also, earlier in the episode the mortal Nick is the one
to hear the harp music being played. None of the rest
of his party hear it.
I thought the scene where the magic sound effect was
left out was where Nick steals the harp.
--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 19:58:59 -0500
From: Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: Janette's Parenting Skills
Barb wrote:
>Her [Janette] child is in Toronto doing something that could easily bring
>unwanted publicity to the community and Janette seems totally oblivious. Or
>is this a good argument for LaCroix being the baroness' sire?
Well, the same applies. If LC was the baroness' sire, he didn't seem
concerned about her behavior being risky to the vampire community.
> And if it is, what
>does that say about his lack of interest in some f his children?
LC hasn't been shown parenting any of his other children like Nick and Janette,
imo. There is no indication he tried to teach the Barber anything. And since
Nick didn't know that Alexandra the barmaid had survived, LC must not have
given her much training either. Is there any evidence he trained Tran, the
Vietnamese vampire, much?
For someone praised for his parenting skills (which I don't agree are
praiseworthy), LC sometimes seemed to throw all caution to the wind
himself. On at least two occasions (Capitol Offense and the ep where
the guy murdered Nat's godchild) LC went on killing sprees that got the
populace up in arms searching for a vampire (trying to throw the blame on
Nick for these attacks doesn't excuse his irresponsibility in making them).
--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:50:13 -0500
From: jmtof@j.......
Subject: Ben Bass Alert
Ben is an anthology movie (much the same as The Twilight Zone movie) on
VH1 entitled "Strange Frequency."
He's in the story entitled "Room Service" with John Taylor of Duran,
It airs several times this weekend. Check the VH1 page or TV Guide for
times in your area.
Pres, BBFC
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 23:40:52 -0500
From: Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: That really long story I wrote: Casting the First Stone
Casting T. F. Stone wrote:
>Also, copyrightwise, my friends have said that the flashback story (which is
>pretty brutal- the worst thing Nick has ever done ) is worth a book by
>itself. To quote, "Get rid of that Forever Knight crap and just do the
>flashback as a book." So I am probably going to do that since Fk is a dead
>market (no pun intended.) I can still recycle the flashback after posting to
>FTP, correctamundo? Just checking.
Do I understand you to mean that you will include the flashback you want to
market to publishers in the FK story that you want to post to the FTP site?
If so, I strongly advise against doing this. Some publishers consider the
posting of a story online in a public venue (and the ftp site could be
considered this since there is no restriction on access to it) as
IOW, they figure why should they pay for something that's already been
--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:33:12 -0500
From: Pat Casey <magicpac@t.......>
Subject: Re: author search
I'm a former author on the list. I wrote under the names of CandyPAC and
MagicPac. I know that my email addresses have not been kept up to date. I
don't even know what I used then.
Pat Casey, writing as Jayme Evans,
To Sail Through Time, available NOW, from SWP
Sinister Knight, coming April 2001, from SWP
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:02:15 -0500
From: Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
Tim wrote:
>but when presented with new
>information - Janette, alive and mortal with details as to how she
>had done this - Natalie was a good enough researcher to realize
>that there was a way she had been discounting. With credible
>proof in her hands, she adjusted her thinking to embrace what the
>facts were, instead of what she wanted to preceive.
Um, what facts? Janette didn't know how she had become mortal
(if indeed she did, which is another issue). She left Toronto before
Nat could run any kind of tests on her. So, in actuality, Nat was
*hoping* that if Nick took just a little of her blood at a time (as
Janette did with Robert) that he would also become mortal. But,
imo, there was nothing scientific in her reasoning there. I think she
wasn't really thinking at all; just under emotional distress and
desperate. Nick was about to leave, after all.
That said, *if* Janette truly became mortal for a time, I don't think
there's any evidence that there might not be a scientific reason
behind it. Perhaps there was some physical element in Robert's
blood that effected the change in Janette, or maybe there was
some sort of hormonal changes going on. Heck, it might even
have been a latent virus. ;) If Janette's return to mortality *was* the
result of an actual physical process, it might have been something
that only would have affected Janette. IOW, there would be no
guarantee that Nat would have the type of blood or hormones or
whatever to effect a similar change in Nick.
Nat as a scientist would have realized this. But Nat in LK was
thinking with her emotions, not her head.
--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:13:56 +0600
From: Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: Re: Admin: ANother AOL6.0 problem
On 22 Jan 01, Lisa McDavid wrote:
> I've just been told that apparently AOL now insists on
> including the whole previous message when you reply. I
> don't know if this can be turned off.
Quaking with fear at the possible consequences, I gritted my teeth and
installed AOL 6. A quick experiment showed an easy way around this
particular problem.
Highlight the section of the message you want to quote, BEFORE you
hit the Reply or Forward button. Only the highlighted section will appear
in the message you send. If that is still too large you can further edit it
while adding your own comments.
Don ----,-'<@
Argent@e....... - List Help
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 16:01:26 -0500
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: I wrote this really long piece of fanfic - anyone know what I
should do w...
At 03:24 PM 1/24/01 -0500, Libs suggested:
>However, I do like the idea of breaking [WRDRR's story] up.
This is the typical way of posting long stories to FKFIC-L.
>Or maybe post it to a webpage somewhere?
At 80,000 words, please break it up even to throw it on a Web page. Folks
with slower machines and slower Internet connections will have a hard time
downloading the large file it will create all at once. (Jan and I did this
when she posted my story Shadowsong to the FK Pagans site; the original
file was about 120k. It loads *much* better as three separate pages.)
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:38:34 -0500
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Magic in FK cannon
At 03:05 AM 1/25/2001 -0500, Stephanie Babbitt wrote:
>Do you know how she *did* dispose of [Lord Carraig]?
Didn't McLisa intimate that the harp killed him by its magic when he
touched it?
>Presumably, he didn't make it any farther along in age than
>any of his ancestors, with the harp still intact...
That would be in line with the typical family curse...
If anyone is interested, I took the harp's story and magick a bit further
along in my story, "Shadowsong", which is available on the FK Pagans Web
site. (Direct link: )
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 18:26:19 +1300
From: Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: a hug for David
Hi everyone!
I feel a bit of the town cryer theses days...
David, lost a loved one this week and i am sure can use all the support and
love he can get.
hugs to all and a {{{{{{{BIG HUG to David,}}}}}}}}
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 19:31:24 +0000
From: Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: a hug for David
David my prayers and thoughts are with you.
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 19:06:18 +0000
From: Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
I always thought it was because of Janette's absolute love for Robert
that weakened and eventually killed the Vampire. Vampires have always
been thought of evil beings and love heals. Love cleanses and gives
strength. Love forgives. I believe if Nick truly loved Natalie her blood
would have "cured" him. I sometimes doubt he did. He did an lot of
flitting from this woman to that woman in the last season. He remembered
his love for Natalie on Valentines Day even if she didn't and he moved
on to other women and Janette to ease his pain. He was unfaithful to
her in a sense. I doubt her blood would have cured him.
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 01:34:28 -0500
From: g4akl@c.......
Subject: Re: Magic in FK cannon
Emily wrote:
>has there ever been an ep in FK involving any sort of magic, even just a
>mention of it?
Another instance of it (depending on your defination of magic) could be the
psychic who sensed something 'odd' about Nick & thought she must be losing her
mind because of the uncomprehendable flashes she was getting. Don't
remember the ep title but it was the one where a rich guy was conspiring to
have his wife and daughter kidnapped and murdered.
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 21:32:47 +1300
From: Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: unclaimed jackets up for sale!
With permission from McLisa.
I have not received payment for a few of the jackets being made... I am now putting these up for sale.
They range in sizes M-3XL, and are either in Black bull-denim or black
with blue sleeves.
Please check out the my webpage for all the info, or contact me off
It will be first in first served.
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 07:44:08 -0500
From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
> But Nat in LK was
> thinking with her emotions, not her head.
Very true. And this one statement really makes a lot of what I
said unimportant. We can "argue" a lot about what is the "science"
behind what happened. The truth is that our friends were star-
Who has been thinking a lot about Romeo and Juliet as of late
and wondering about a FK version (BACK!! BACK!! I have other
fan fictions half-written that need to be done first!! BACK I SAY!)
Tim Phillips
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 07:56:07 -0500
From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
> (BACK!! BACK!! I have other
> fan fictions half-written that need to be done first!! BACK I SAY!)
I have had people gently inquire about a sequel to Lady of
Knight and I definitely did not mean for this to appear that I was
yelling (in good fun) at anyone but myself and my own overactive
imagination and need to finish projects that I have started.
"Without Civility There is No Point at all"
P.S Name the Movie and Join the Ranks of "Those Who
Remember Too Much Obscure Movie Trivia" All replies off-line to
my e-mail address please :-)
Tim Phillips
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 09:42:46 EST
From: Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
Subject: Re: a hug for David
As are mine. JudyL
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:45:25 CST
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: I lost my FK bookmarks :(
My hard drive crashed yesterday. I had to use the dreaded format C: and as a
result, I lost everything, including my bookmarks. I'm in the process of
installing software.
Can someone please send me off list the ftp site URL and the URL for
KnightRaven's site, as well as the sites for the factions? Thanks in advance!
E-mail: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 09:00:15 -0800
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Thank you for the warm thoughts
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for all of the emails! I must admit
that I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at
my accounts this morning. I do appreciate the
support. Frankly, between my trip last week,
dealing with my family, and the deadlines here at
work, I had thought that I could keep rolling
along.... It's funny how one phone call can stop
everything. But, I kind of knew on Sunday
I had been trying to find the words to put into a
letter to my grandfather while I was home on
vacation. For a week, they wouldn't come.
(Sometimes it easier to write a 135 page story
than a short card....) Then, while I
was in the airport in Baltimore, the inspiration
finally hit me and I started writing. I finished
the card at 2:56PM ET. Meanwhile, in Florida,
my grandfather passed away at almost that exact
moment. While I'm disappointed that he didn't
get the chance to read it, I know that he knows
and that helps me to deal with it.
My grandfather and I respected each other. He
gave me my work ethic and sense of dealing with
people. But, when it came to certain topics, we
disagreed often...and oftentimes, these
interchanges grew very heated. Despite our mutual
disapproval of the other's modus operandi, we
still cared about each other.
Well, my apologies for spilling my guts like
this, but I know that everyone will understand.
You all have been great both now and in support
of my stories and I do appreciate it.
Ago gratias sibi.
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:05:39 -0500
From: Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: Re: Little FK Moments...
Eric wrote:
<snip> Also, punk/alternative rock fan that I am, I've found myself making my
own imaginary soundtrack for FK. <snip>. What would the list choices be?<snip>
I have accumulated quite a song playlist that I use when I write FK fanfic.
Some of my choices are perhaps more attuned my personal storylines, but
the list includes selections from Siouxsie and the Banshees' 'Hyaena'
as Eric mentioned, plus songs from their 'The Scream' and 'Superstition' albums.
I also use multiple songs from The Smiths, Joydrop, Poe, U2, Edith Piaf, K's
Choice, Stabbing Westward, Tracy Bonham, Eddi Reader, Shakespeare's Sister, Led
Zeppelin and A Perfect Circle (I prefer their cover of 'Diary Of A Madman' to
The Cure's and Ozzy Osbourne's).
I always thought Screed would like the punks, so I have songs from The Clash,
Agent Orange ('Bloodstains'! A classic!), The Ramones, Rancid, A New Found
Glory, and the Sex Pistols on my list in his honor.
There are classical pieces on my list as well from Orff, Bach, Mozart, Puccini
and Beethoven.
And there's always ABBA. Like I would find a reason to not play ABBA :D
And (ahem, embarrassing confession time) I play Charo (Vachon played backup,
right?) but I swear I only use the Grammy winning flamenco guitar album 'Spanish
Passion', none of the 'cuchi-cuchi' disco music!
There's the song that always makes me think of fanfic war, symbolic of the
affection between the Cousins and the Vaqs, Southern Culture On The Skids'
'Walk Like A Camel.'
A few other songs I love on my FK soundtrack:
Paul Oakenfold's 'Nightmare' (trance song now being used in Showtime's ads for
their original productions)
Pretenders 'Human' (Theme song to the old 'Cupid' series, but very much a Nick
and Nat song)
Paul Revere & The Raiders 'Hungry' (an oldie, but vampirey song)
Johnny Quest's 'Lady Cop' (Impossible to find 1989 song from an old Raleigh
band, but SO Tracy! I have two back up copies of my
cassette LP in case it dies. Ah, the college
freshman memories!)
Kittie 'Charlotte' (Angry Canadian girls - intriguing, n'est ce-pas?)
Reel Big Fish 'There Is Nothing Like A Dame' (Rodgers & Hammerstein done
disco-style. I play it whenever
I do or read stories. I play
goofy stuff when I do NunkAnon -
like Jacques Brel's 'J'arrive!'
They get my silly juices flowing.)
There's more, but this list is too long as it is.
Bonnie Rutledge............<br1035@i.......>............Single and
"Your program will reflect your personality."
"That explains why mine is stuck in an infinite loop."
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 11:51:18 -0700
From: Rose Thatcher <dreamerextrodanar@h.......>
Subject: Re: Word Association
>What words or phrases do you associate with Vachon?
Candles. Because he always has some lit.
Rome was not built by holding committe meetings. It was done by killing all
those who opposed them.
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:10:16 EST
From: PF820@a.......
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
I like to think Nat's blood would have cured him (I am a hopeless
romantic) but they didn't go about it the right way. In Last Knight, he just
bites her and she dies. When Janette took Roberts blood, there was a
flashback as I recall, it was while making love. I prefer to think that if
they had actually made love it would have all worked out instead of him just
pouncing on her and taking too much. Just my humble opinion!
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:29:36 -0500
From: Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: Re: Word Association
Bonnie Kate wrote:
<snip> What words or phrases do you associate with Vachon?
> For example, Spaniard or "Because I can."<snip>
Well, that's just asking for it! :D
"screaming fine ride"
good with his hands, no matter where they might be
imposition (He's Screed's handy dictionary helper in BB2)
Peter Pan
getting back on the horse that threw you
airplane engines
oil rigs
infrequent shaver (stubble, stubble, stubble)
"Cars are sexier with fins."
"If she's an amateur, I'm a vegetarian."
supernatural chum
"Do you want me to draw you a picture?"
"Time is relative."
coin flipper (see Ashes to Ashes)
cocktail umbrellas
snackcakes <eg>
The Church (doh!)
'The Maltese Falcon'
"I love women."
A look worth a thousand words
rat-petter (see BB part 2 - the man needs a pet! Hence...)
a tortoiseshell cat named Carmen (fanfic appropriation, not series-based)
Bonnie Rutledge..........<br1035@i.......>..........Single and Fabulous!
"Your program will reflect your personality."
"That explains why mine is stuck in an infinite loop."
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:44:49 -0600
From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: [Magic in FK cannon]
At 02:10 PM 1/26/01 -0500, PF820@a....... wrote:
> I like to think Nat's blood would have cured him (I am a hopeless
>romantic) but they didn't go about it the right way. ... I prefer to think
>that if they had actually made love it would have all worked out instead of
>him just pouncing on her and taking too much.
I've got a theory (Caution! Wild Speculation Ahead!) that each person's
cure for vampirism is individual, and it would have something to do with
the circumstances surrounding the person becoming a vampire in the first place.
In Janette's case, becoming a vampire had to do with the way she was being
treated by mortal men. Thus, when she found a mortal man so different from
the others she had known and whom she could trust, she, in a sense, didn't
need the vampire anymore, and she was able to be cured.
For Nick, I think the cure would have to be something different.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK Site --
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:53:56 -0600
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Blitzing for the Knight January
Hello everyone!
This is just a reminder for this month's blitz. New to the list or need to
see the info again? See below...
This entire month we are focusing on three powers that be, Tristar, Sci-fi,
and TNT!
A lot of FK fans have wondered why we don't approach other networks about
possibly reviving the series. Well, we will continue to include TNT, and of
course Sci-fi and Tristar.
E-mail: tnt@t.......
(and place in the subject line: "To The Attention Of The Vice-President of
You also may call TNT's Viewer Comment and Question Line at (404) 885-4538,
however we ask that any phone calls be in addition to letters and e-mails.
For snail mail, send to:
Vice-President of Programming
TNT 1010 Techwood Drive, NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Its going to be a big dose of e-mails from each of you the fans that would
love to not only have FK back on Sci-fi's schedule, but want to make sure
everyone knows that we are want more FK with the original cast in new
episodes and or movies!! So, what do you say? Are you ready to sit down,
take that few minutes and send off three e-mails? It could make all the
difference in the world!
Remember, say a little or say a lot, but say it!! We can make more FK
For the "whole" month of November, we are asking everyone to blitz the
feedbacks!!! For the month, you can re-use the e-mails you did before, or
write new ones. They can be long, or as short as just saying, "Bring Back
Forever Knight."
Important info to add in your letters: During this current blitz, we could
ask that an upcoming "SCIography" ep feature FK! So far, they plan to do eps
on "Battlestar Galactica", "Quantum Leap" and "Sliders", so asking them if
they plan to do a "SCIography" ep about FK can't hurt.
Also, Sci-Fi is airing "Sci-Fi World", which is a 6 hour block of sci-fi
programs with a different theme each day. It's also possible to ask them if
FK will be a part of the "Sci-Fi World" programming block!
ALSO REMEMBER!! Sci-fi will be changing its schedule around again soon....
lets make sure that we get Forever Knight on!!!
Sci-Fi's E-mail: feedback@w.......
Sony/Tristar Mail Form:
When e-mailing TriStar,(especially) give as much personal info as you
can...rather than just an e-mail name. A bit more personal carries more
weight with TPTB.
ALSO: Remember to post a message for the Valentine Bboard saying why you
love FK and want to see it return to Sci-fi.
There's also a button, I made, which you can post on your websites to spread
the word about the blitzes. Have it link to my "save fk" page.
Long Live the Knight!
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:59:13 CST
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Vampire cures
Interesting idea. I wonder if Nick's would have something to do with his
desire to be forgiven for the past.
Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> wrote:
I've got a theory (Caution! Wild Speculation Ahead!) that each person's
cure for vampirism is individual, and it would have something to do with
the circumstances surrounding the person becoming a vampire...
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 25 Jan 2001 to 26 Jan 2001 - Special issue (#2001-28)
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