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FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Jan 2001 to 21 Jan 2001 (#2001-23)

Sun, 21 Jan 2001
There are 19 messages totalling 630 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Has Anyone...
  2. Nat's birthday
  3. Ger "Sighting"
  4. author search (4)
  5. Extra "Art" Ticket
  6. Nick's Failures as a Sire (2)
  7. All This Talk Of Sci-Fi Channel
  8. Little FK Moments... (2)
  9. No Fan Club For CD (2)
 10. ADMIN Believe it or not!!!
 11. Raven Awards (2)
 12. Myra's amazing resurrecting mother


Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:24:48 -0600
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Has Anyone...

...downloaded any of my FK movies?? I haven't gotten one response to them,
other than the download limit at Freedrive for my music video, but as I said
before it's just for 24 hrs, then the movie is supposedly available again to
download (they have a 500 mb limit).

Has anyone actually downloaded any others though? Most of them are at
MySpace & Driveway. I've tested some and they appear to be fine. I've spent
a lot of time making these and would just like to know if anyone has
actually watched some? If so, what'd you think? Are the storage places
working okay to download off of?

"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."


Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 2001 21:57:06 -0500
From:    "Stephanie S. Babbitt" <sbabbitt@b.......>
Subject: Re: Nat's birthday

McLisa wrote:
>The Apr. 14th thing is a continuity glitch. Apparently nobody caught the
>fact that Nat's birthday had already been established, not even people whom
>we know had had access to the discussions on the list.

C'mon, Listmommy, we all know that wasn't a continuity glitch; it was
deliberate to prove that LK was an hallucination! ;-)

Stephanie, who INSISTS that LK never really happened.

Stephanie Babbitt (sbabbitt@b.......), Atlanta, GA
Vaquera (Because I Can), MadNatter, N&NPacker
Nobody Dies. Nobody Ever Died.


Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 2001 22:04:20 -0600
From:    Sheila Strickland <sjstrick@c.......>
Subject: Re: Ger "Sighting"

On Sat., Jan. 20, 2001 at 9:03 AM, Emma said


> Recently while poking around the books on tape at a book store I
> stumbled across a volume entitled "Great American Suspense" Read by
> Geraint Wyn Davies.

And I have a copy of "Great Classic Hauntings", also read by Geraint
Wyn Davies.

> I says it was originally published by Tangled Web Audio under the
> title "Forebodings: American Classics."

And this tape was also originally published by Tangled Web under the
title "Hauntings:  A Classic Collection".

> IMNSHO, he does a wonderful job reading the stories.

That he does, that he does.  Oh, and I found mine in one of the
on-line bookstores.  I looked in the local stores a while back
and didn't see it there.



Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 2001 22:12:56 -0600
From:    Monica Thadine Rodriguez <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: author search

I've bumped into more authors with bouncing email addies.  But hey!  I've
almost gotten through all of fkfanfic!  (Bet you were wondering why I've
been asking about so many authors, huh?)  It was a mission of mine, and I'm
about done, and ready for when they're updated again.  And I'm all ready
for reading for the Awards 2000! (2001?)

I appreciate Nancy (?I think it's her) getting stories togehter since
fkfanfic hans't been updated, b/c I'm not on fkfic-l.  So please, make
those stories available so *all* of us can read them!  Send her your
stories! (so I get to read them!)

Anyway, if anyone knows the addies of these authors, please let me know:
Shelia Turner, last email: kturner@s.......
Trish ?, last email: dark_hearts@h......., wrote Uninvited


luscious lucius lover
"I can be your strength when you have none.   I can be your wisdom, your
truth... and all you need to share with me is your very soul."  LaCroix


Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 2001 22:58:17 -0600
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: author search

Monica wrote:

> I appreciate Nancy (?I think it's her) getting stories togehter since
> fkfanfic hans't been updated, b/c I'm not on fkfic-l.  So please, make
> those stories available so *all* of us can read them!  Send her your
> stories! (so I get to read them!)

NOOO! Don't send me your stories. Have them archived somewhere on the web
(Stephanie Kellerman is updating the FTP site very quickly -- thanks,
Stephanie!) and send me the *links* to them. I'm collecting links, not stories.

FYI, the 2000 Awards website should be up and running by the first week of
February. I'm taking some vacation days before starting my bright shiny new job
and I'm taking my laptop with me so I can work on it.

So yes, authors, if you haven't done so already, please send me a list of your
2000 stories and where they're located and they'll be included on the Story List


Nancy Kaminski
2000 FK Fanfic Awards Administrator


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 08:09:03 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: author search

If anyone wants to send me their stories send them to me at this address. I
would just appreciate it if you send me one story per email and don't forget to
put permission to archive at the FTP site at the top of the the story.  If I
don't upload them the same day I get them I usually have them uploaded on the

"The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 08:13:16 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: author search

I forgot.  If you have never archived anything at the FTP site before, please
let me know what you want it archived under,  I.E your name, your email addy,

"The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 09:35:14 EST
From:    Paula Newman <RAVENSFYRE67@a.......>
Subject: Extra "Art" Ticket

Hi All!

My friend must be a resistor!  <g>  After I thought I had her whammied into
going with me to Halifax, she's told me now she can't go.  So now I have an
extra ticket to "Art", staring Nigel, for the Feb. 16th performance (that a
Friday).  If any one would like the ticket please e-mail me off list.  I would
really hate for it to go to waste.



Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 09:53:37 -0500
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's Failures as a Sire

At 12:20 PM 1/20/01 -0600, Margie Hammet wrote:

>I think LC... didn't teach [Nick] parenting skills... .

Ah, but vampire-master skills *aren't* parenting skills, either. We're
talking about adults, not children, so indoctrination and force aren't
going to work. (Oh, they may work physically -- resulting in physical and
emotional abuse -- but they won't work to teach the fledgling the new
skills s/he needs to survive and thrive amongst the Undead.) Perhaps
Lacroix didn't learn this, or perhaps Nick was too headstrong to be
mentored to -- resulting in Nick feeling he was Lacroix's slave -- or
perhaps Lacroix was trying a new approach, because he wanted something
different from Nicolas than he did from any others of his fledglings.

Consider also that Nick -- even in the "wild-and-free" days of the "Blood
Money" flashbacks -- never seemed to fully accept both his vampiric nature
and the consequences of his actions at the same time. In short, by the
mores of the vampire community, Nick is somewhat... socially inept. He is
by turns aloof, moody, brusque, self-righteous, and demanding; he is
largely monogamous and demanding of a monogamous relationship in a world of
"free sex"; he maintains religious belief in a life that cannot coexist
with religion; he is contemptuous of vampires and vampirism. This suggests
that perhaps Nick has not reached the level of "maturity" as a vampire
vampire necessary to be a successful vampire master. If this is the case,
then it would not be surprising for Lacroix to not teach Nick the skills he
is not yet mature enough to handle.

Brenda Faith Bell       webwarren@e.......
Consultant, The Web Warren      http://www.webwarren.com/



Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 07:15:48 -0800
From:    Extremis <e_blanco1@y.......>
Subject: Re: All This Talk Of Sci-Fi Channel

Hi Luc,

<<Where's Forever Knight? It's been how long now? With
the tapes, you don't need Sci-Fi, unless of course one
or two of you out there really believe that Forever
Knight will be re-vamped as a show>>

The last time I remember seeing FK on Sci-Fi was a
Valentine's Day marathon that surprised the heck out
of me. Not to knock some their original series', but
the way they choose what stays and what goes leaves
alot to be desired, and besides, they dropped Beauty
And The Beast without fanfare, and for that they
should be punished, but I digress. I've been reading
that there have been some FK cast sightings, so tell
me, how do our favorite vampires look nowadays?
Considering that they were playing imortals, it would
be a little depressing to see them wearing industrial
strength Max Factor and girdles reprising their roles.
I don't want Ger or Nigel to turn into the next
William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy, hanging out in hair
piece heaven.

I would very much like to see the shows released on
DVD. I was able to re-tape the entire series on a
six-head/hi-fi vcr, and the sound quality-the score,
and all the effects they treated LaCroix's voice with
during his Nightcrawler broadcasts-really stand out.
On DVD, it would, uhm...kill, not to mention the
picture. The Raven set would look fantastic.



Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 08:53:46 -0800
From:    Extremis <e_blanco1@y.......>
Subject: Re: Little FK Moments...

Hi David,

Inspired by the fun I'm having with you all, I dug out
my seriously abused copy of "Dark Knight I & II". Have
to work the tracking at this point, but it's cool to
go back to where it all started-not counting that
great thespian, Rick Springfield. Never saw that
one-what does the list think of it?

Also, punk/alternative rock fan that I am, I've found
myself making my own imaginary soundtrack for FK. So
far, one sure fire entry would be Siouxsie And The
Banshees' "Hyaena". With titles "We Hunger" and "Bring
Me The Head Of The Preacher Man", it's a natural.
Runners up would be anything by The Cure. What would
the list choices be?


From DK I: "Hello, Mr Nick Knight, you have been
selected by a major market research company to spend a
sun-filled week in beautiful Hawaii..."


Date:    Mon, 27 Aug 1956 13:26:26 +0000
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: Little FK Moments...

-not counting that
great thespian, Rick Springfield. Never saw that
one-what does the list think of it?

I have this one.  I really like it.  It's not Geraint and Nigel but it
has its good points. I've watched it 4-5 times already. Worth looking



Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 09:11:52 -0800
From:    Extremis <e_blanco1@y.......>
Subject: Re: No Fan Club For CD

Hi Melissa,

It's unfortunate that CD was spooked by off the wall
fans. I'm hearing about places that have FK
merchandise for sale, isn't it possible to have (if
there isn't one already), some sort of official site
where the stars can make their autographed photos
available for sale through them, without the intrusion
that a personal fan club or convention appearance
might sometimes create?



Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 12:18:28 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: No Fan Club For CD

In a message dated 1/21/01 11:12:04 AM Central Standard Time,
e_blanco1@y....... writes:

> some sort of official site
>  where the stars can make their autographed photos
>  available for sale through them, without the intrusion
>  that a personal fan club or convention appearance
>  might sometimes create?

I don't know what you mean by "intrusion" of a personal fan club, but the
actors would have to have SOMEONE to handle the autograph pictures, etc.
Agents probably don't have time, and even the FK actors wouldn't want to do
it directly to keep their privacy (not to mention the time involved for
them).  It is very sad that some fans can not keep themselves firmly grounded
in reality so it, understandly, scares the actors away from the "normal" fans
who merely want to show their appreciation for the joy the actors bring us.

Plus, the autographed pictures (or rather the photos themselves) are very
expensive for the actor and/or the fan club to produce. With Greg's club, I
finally just created my own on a computer as I couldn't afford to have a
picture mass produced. Maybe someday.

greg kramer fan klub ... prez or whatever I feel like calling myself<g>


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 12:53:43 -0600
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's Failures as a Sire

At 09:53 AM 1/21/01 -0500, Brenda Bell wrote:
>At 12:20 PM 1/20/01 -0600, Margie Hammet wrote:
> >I think LC... didn't teach [Nick] parenting skills... .
>Ah, but vampire-master skills *aren't* parenting skills, either. We're
>talking about adults, not children,

One of the things a new FK vampire needs to learn, it appears to me, is
self-control.  They can kill, but not indiscriminately, not in a way or so
much that brings about suspicion.  What I'm saying is that, I don't think
self-control is something that is automatically passed on in the process of
bringing someone over.  Whether you think of it as "parenting" or
"training", the vampire master is responsible for passing this skill on to
the new vampire.

Apparently, LaCroix was able to pass on the skill of self-control to Nick,
in that Nick never endangered the vampire community by killing too much or
too suspiciously.   What LaCroix was not able to pass on to Nick was how
Nick would go about passing on that skill to his own offspring.  That's
what I mean by not teaching parenting skills.

Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK Site -- http://lavender.fortunecity.com/evildead/879/


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 15:00:18 -0500
From:    mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: ADMIN Believe it or not!!!

Well, clearly someone doesn't, because we keep getting more than four line
quotes and a lot of more than six lines in sigs. Please be sure to read the


-- McLisa

If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to
contact Don Fasig <Argent@e.......> or Lisa McDavid

For tips on managing your Forever Knight  subscriptions please visit Don's
help page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm

List digests are archived at:



2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying.
If you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the
relevant four lines for that point also.

3. Limit sigs to 6 lines.  This includes all information, decoration
quotations and blank lines.  Your name and address count as part of
the six. If you sign your name on a separate line above the body of text,
your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of the six
line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on putting an
advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. We realize you can't
control that and it doesn't count as part of your sig.

4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the
person who  wrote  the post you are answering.

5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
listowners, Lisa McDavid,  <mclisa@m.......> or Don Fasig,
<Argent@e.......> for permission.

6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew, staff > and
producers in connection with what they're doing now or have done in the
past are ok. Vampires in general are _NOT_ ok except in relation to
Forever Knight.

7. Off-topic posts are not allowed, no matter what they are about or how
urgent the warning may appear. If you have an off-topic post which you
think should appear on the list, ask one of the owners for permission.

8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic. Occasionally
one of the fan club presidents will make an announcement, but other
than that, we leave the cast their privacy.

9. Con announcements must come from con officials or a designated
liaison and must be kept brief.  Cons are only announced on list if there
is a connection to FK.

10. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may
make announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff,
before said projects have been released or written about in the media.

11. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as
pseudonyms or posing as a character.

12. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.

McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
"That will be trouble".
Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 15:36:34 -0500
From:    Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Raven Awards

Can someone tell me what website has information about the Raven Awards?
The bookmark I had for it doesn't work.  Thanks.

--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 14:37:43 -0600
From:    Lisa Luksus <tokaara@m.......>
Subject: Myra's amazing resurrecting mother

At 12:22 PM 1/20/01, mclisa wrote:
>Remember Myra's
>amazing resurrecting mother? Schanke had a long speech in one episode about
>dealing with her mother's death. Then, later, they had a line in which
>Schanke said Myra was in Florida with her mother!

Okay, I'll haul out the Velveeta for this one.  I don't recall them ever
mentioning Myra's *father*, so let's first of all assume he's still
alive.  Myra's mother did indeed pass away, and after a period of time, her
father remarried.  Let us also assume that Myra approved and got along well
with her stepmother.  I have a cousin-in-law whose father died after she
reached adulthood, and her mother later remarried.  She often refers to her
stepfather as "Dad".  So Myra could easily refer to her stepmother as "Mom"
or "Mother", and Schanke goes along with her.

Cousin Tok
and the Cousinly kitties
tokaara@m....... / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308


Date:    Sun, 21 Jan 2001 16:11:35 -0500
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Raven Awards

Here you go: http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/knightraven/

At 03:36 PM 1/21/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Can someone tell me what website has information about the Raven Awards?
>The bookmark I had for it doesn't work.  Thanks.
>--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Jan 2001 to 21 Jan 2001 (#2001-23)

Previous digest Back to January's list Next digest

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