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FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Sep 2000 to 28 Sep 2000 - Special issue (#2000-301)

Thu, 28 Sep 2000

There are 31 messages totalling 1018 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. wrinkly dogs? (4)
  2. [Re: [FORKNI-L] Nick and Crosses] (3)
  3. Nick and Crossess (2)
  4. Nick and Crosses (2)
  5. Dead Issue (2)
  6. Thanks wrinkly dogs!
  7. A New Convenience (8)
  8. Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger (2)
  9. curiouser and curiouser (2)
 10. Lisa Ryder Fanclub
 11. Nick and crosses
 12. [Re: [FORKNI-L] A New Convenience] (3)


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:09:53 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: wrinkly dogs?

This is for a Nicky Fic...anyone know the correct spelling of
Sharpe?(shar-pay) You know the wrinkly dogs.

Many thanks!


knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz
FK clothing available here! Look what's NEW...Beanies & Shorts!!


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 21:28:21 GMT
From:    Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Nick and Crosses]

Emily <emily.m.hanson@u....... wrote;

I think he passed out mostly because the Joan of Arc
flashbacks got a little too vivid and Father Rochefort had just dragged him
pretty close to the altar.

I thought it was the Father's Rochefort's mention of food that did Nick in.


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:55:21 EDT
From:    Dolpfin220@a.......
Subject: Re: wrinkly dogs?

In a message dated 09/27/2000 4:18:45 PM Central Daylight Time,
knightraven@c....... writes:

> This is for a Nicky Fic...anyone know the correct spelling of
>  Sharpe?(shar-pay) You know the wrinkly dogs.

It's Shar-pei.



Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:00:59 -0700
From:    Mysterie <Mysterie@b.......>
Subject: Re: wrinkly dogs?

> This is for a Nicky Fic...anyone know the correct spelling of
> Sharpe?(shar-pay) You know the wrinkly dogs.

The correct spelling is Shar Pei.
-What do you get with white hair and a bottle of purple dye?  .... a VERY
angry 2000 year old vampire.


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:03:30 -0700
From:    s....... <x568quilts@g.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crossess

Lorelei wrote:

> Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:54:24 GMT
> From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
> Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Nick and Crosses]
> I can't imagine Nick would have gone to the church without feeding heavily
> first.  Of course, the strain of being there might have increased his

I CAN imagine Nick (the brick) forgetting to feed.  hee hee hee
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.



Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 18:59:39 -0400
From:    Patti Hutchins <engie2@j.......>
Subject: Re: wrinkly dogs?


Got dog question, got answer!



Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:08:24 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses

Emily wrote:  I'm pretty sure it was the power of the flashback that
> made him faint.

I could'a sworn it was Schanke's garlic-pizza breath.

Kyer,  kyer@p.......


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:26:40 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Nick and Crosses]

It's unlikely he would have gotten anywhere near the altar -- that's in the
sanctuary, and is off-limits to civilians for the most part. No one goes
past the altar railing unless they take part in a Mass or other service.

Nancy Kaminski

Hey, I've been a Catholic for over twenty years, and this just isn't quite
accurate.  We pass the altar, often.  But we genuflect or make some sign of
respect before walking past it.  Anyone at all- even non Catholics- can go
in to the sanctuary to pray.  Anyone can kneel before the altar.  The area
behind the altar is deemed the priest's territory, but I must cross behind
there to turn on the lights over the organ whenever I go in to practice.
The Eucharistic ministers go behind the altar to the back room to get the
pyx- the little container used to carry Comminion to the sick.  Even the
children, the Eucharistic ministers go back there to robe before Mass, and
the Janitor, to vacuum...



Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:41:24 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Dead Issue

Okay... maybe I needed this!  I've been in bed all week with pneumonia, and
nothing to do except watch FK videos... <g>.  But This ep has always bugged

1) Why did Capt. Stonetree get SOOO bent out of shape just because Nick was
doing his job?  I mean, at first, I could see that he wanted to protect his
good friends from embarrassment and the news media as much as possible, but
the woman had confessed to the shooting, so he wasn't trying to "hide"
anything.  This made him seem concerned and caring.  But, when Nick was
finding holes in the story, and Stonetree went balistic, and even threatened
Nick, it made him seem "dirty".  Did he suspect all along?  If he was such
good friends with them, surely he had to know all was not well between them?
  I generally liked Stonetree all along, but in this one ep, he doesn't seem
worthy of his badge.

2) What was the relationship between the two women - the nude model in the
flashback and the cop's wife in the present?  OTher than they both suffered
guilt... but I really can't see what was the connection in Nick's mind...
(Can anyone understand Nick's mind? <g>)  I mean, the model was innocent, a
victim, and the wife was sick, but she was innocent of nothing, except the

3) What were the "missing scenes" that were cut from the Canadian version in
this one?  That last bit, where Nick and Nat are chatting on the picnic
table, it looks like a bad cut, like she's about to say something, but
doesn't... was it?


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:51:11 +0000
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: Dead Issue

Both felt they had done something very wrong. The one in the past thought
she had commited a crime of being proking towards men, a woman's evil (her
hair fluttering int he breeze,etc..). The one in the present feels like the
crime is her fault, because she had brought the guy into her apartment. Both
really were not gulity for the actual crime, rather the men in both's lives


> 2) What was the relationship between the two women - the nude model in the
> flashback and the cop's wife in the present?  OTher than they both suffered
> guilt... but I really can't see what was the connection in Nick's mind...
> (Can anyone understand Nick's mind? <g>)  I mean, the model was innocent, a
> victim, and the wife was sick, but she was innocent of nothing, except the
> murder.


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:33:14 -0500
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Nick and Crosses]

> Lorelei Sieja wrote:

> Hey, I've been a Catholic for over twenty years, and this
> just isn't quite accurate.  We pass the altar, often.  But we genuflect or
> make some sign of respect before walking past it.  Anyone at all- even non
> Catholics- can go in to the sanctuary to pray.  Anyone can kneel before the
> altar.

I wasn't clear in my comment -- sorry. Of course people who do church
maintenance, play the organ, and other stuff go into the sanctuary. I have to
say that in the parishes I've belonged to, parishioners never went into the
sanctuary to pray, but stayed in the church proper. Apparently it's different in
your parish.

What I was trying to say was that, in the ordinary course of events, only people
with a reason go into the sanctuary -- at least in my parish. To most
parishioners it's off limits.

It didn't look to me that Nick was anywhere near the sanctuary in that
particular scene, but rather near one of the church entrances and thus far away
from the altar.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:56:42 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Thanks wrinkly dogs!

> Shar-pei
> Got dog question, got answer!

Many thanks to all who gave me my Shar Pei! I just knew there had to be a
doggy person or ten out there!!<G>

knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz
FK clothing available here! Look what's NEW...Beanies & Shorts!!


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 18:50:10 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

Nancy K wrote:
> Wonder no more! I've found an Evil Plan Generator, located at:
> https://members.tripod.com/~mrpuzuzu/plan.html\
> Have fun!

Kyer would love to.  She read all the options and had a blast recognizing
some golden moldy movies from her childhood.  (evil brain in a jar bent on
taking over the world! <snicker>)

Unfortunately, she keeps getting a stupid "This Page Cannot Be Displayed."
as her Personal Evil Plan For Stealing The Grand Canyon.  Ditto for
Traumatizing the Chosen One Via Mean English Teachers.
Now, admittedly, "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" *is* proving pretty
traumatizing.  But I am not the Chosen One!   ...Am I?  Hmmm...  Bringeth
Back Forever Knight on SCI-FI--Noweth!   ....darn.

Maybe its my NickAngst interfering with the wavelengths?
Anybody else having trouble being evil?

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:04:40 -0700
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger

For our Spanish speaking list members, I found this during a TV Guide

Encuentro Fatal
 120 min.
 La reunión de una madre psicópata con la hija a quien dejó en adopción
 hace muchos años. Diane Ladd, Wendel Meldrum, GERAINT WYN DAVIES.

 Cast: Diane Ladd, Wendel Meldrum, GERAINT WYN DAVIES, Illya Woloshyn
 Category: Movie , Mystery & Suspense
 Director: Jorge Montesi
 Release Year: 1993

              Date                   Channel
         Fri 29  1:00 PM             64 GEMS


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:07:16 EDT
From:    Enid Rodriguez <LadyEnid512@a.......>
Subject: Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger


Ain't nothin' funnier than dubbed Ger.



G5/Wolfville2000/Enforcer/Harem Wife/BGoBH/Kaydick Tech Cult
"Four beers, a little James Brown and you can't keep me off the tables."
"If you're gonna fish.......FISH!"
"T...is for Thomas."


Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:32:08 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

At 06:50 PM 9/27/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Now, admittedly, "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" *is* proving pretty
>traumatizing.  But I am not the Chosen One!   ...Am I?  Hmmm...  Bringeth
>Back Forever Knight on SCI-FI--Noweth!   ....darn.
>Maybe its my NickAngst interfering with the wavelengths?
>Anybody else having trouble being evil?
>Kyer, kyer@p.......

My attempts to think like LaCroix in making choices also resulted in the
above response.  Maybe the result was just so horrifying that the Net
didn't feel it was safe to show it?  Or maybe the Great Powers of
Benevolency want to foster my Knightie-ness and have thwarted my efforts to
emulate the Sadistic Fiend who always Dresses in Classic Black, employs
Supernatural minions, and who wants to seduce his way into power.



Date:    Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:55:17 -0000
From:    Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crossess

> > I can't imagine Nick would have gone to the church without feeding heavily
> > first.  Of course, the strain of being there might have increased his
I  thought it wasn't whether he fed, but what he was feeding on.  Cow
doesn't give him the power he would get from human.  And in GVP he goes into
the church and gets a little uncomfortable (maybe weak) but doesn't faint.
And I've always thought that he had been cheating with human blood on and
off during 3rd season.  Don't know that I have any proof of that, but it
just seems like it would be part of the reason Nat was so frustrated with



Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 01:28:11 EDT
From:    Doña Angel <donaangel@h.......>
Subject: Re: curiouser and curiouser

Greetings, ya'll!
I'm on digest here, so the posts from Kyer, Portia, and Lauren I'm referring
to were in the FORKNI-L Digest - for 9-25 to 26 (#2000-299) that was dated
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 and I read on Wednesday-- so if
anyone else has already said what I'm saying, sorry for the repeat.

Kyer <KYER@p.......> wrote about the Favorite Forever Knight
Hottie Poll.
I recently joined the FK list that the Poll Owner is on and since
I subbed to not receive the mail-- (because this list is VERY talkative!), a
friend there is kind enough to send me some posts
that she knows would be of interest to me, but sometimes I wander
over to the ForeverKnightFanatics Archives at GlobeLists and read
some of the posts. That is how I learned of the FavFK Hottie Poll.
I did not know if it was only for list members of that particular
list, but when I e-mailed the Poll Owner requesting she add someone to the
poll list, she was very kind and gracious in adding that character to the
list. So, there was nothing secretive or sneaky going on.

A) As far as 'crazy mode'--
Over the past several months --when notified usually on FK-L here--
I have visited MANY polls-- some only for FK, some non-FK but including FK
characters and cast/actors. Some you can only cast 1 vote per day, some will
permit 2,3, or 5 votes daily-- for whatever character or characters you
wish-- e.g. if allotted 5 votes per day, 3 votes for Javier Vachon, 2 Votes
for Urs. Sometimes that # of votes is specified in the directions, sometimes
you just have to cast another vote to see if it is accepted. And I have also
voted at SOME that are in 'crazy mode' and you can vote as many times as you
want-- or cast as many votes at as many times throughout the day that you
have the time, determination, and strength in your hands and mouse to keep
casting your votes for the character/s you choose.

#1-- Soooo, rest assured ya'll, the Poll in question is NOT the only Booth
to be in 'crazy mode'!

#2--The booths that only allow 1 vote per day per person, while you
may assume them to be more accurate, sometimes voters try their best
to 'get around that' i.e. = CHEAT -- e.g., as I think Kristen has even
warned us here, do not try to cast votes at the Global 100 Charts from more
than one e-mail addy, so you can see that sometimes folks will
try their worst to get votes for their favs. Allowing voters to vote
as much as they can, while not statistically accurate, at least helps us to
honestly vote, as well as being a harmless outlet for our FK enthusiasim and
devotion ...and besides...

#3-- it's fun! Having been one of the Vaqs who was voting in the final
minutes for my beloved Javier, while I could also see some votes being cast
at the same time for Nick ...was exciting! And yet, there were other
characters that I was also able to vote for, one did very well, and another
I was trying VERY hard for her to do well in the poll there were times that
she fell behind some other FK females, but by the end of the poll, she had
done pretty well, too!
As Portia wrote:
>It's kind of a "no holds barred" contest, which can be rather fun at times.
>  I'm sure Nick can get into that. He has a sense of humour and a
> >competitive edge, surely!!
And Lauren wrote:
>It's just a game for fun.

Kyer wrote:
>I'm sorry...but I can't see my favorite smiling approvingly at this.
>Wouldn't it be better to spend our time writing/e-mailing broadcasting
companies to get our Knight back? Or at least write fanfic (another
>way to get FK, if not the way that we most want).

Kyer, it IS okay for you and Nick and Dark Squirette and Light Squirette and
everybody else to take a lil break from RL and important things like writing
& e-mailing TPTB and have a little fun! Even Uncle has his 'fun things' that
he enjoys doing! {{{...And it was nice to see that you were so concerned
about where a certain buzz-cut 2,000 year old Roman General was in this
poll!}}} ...JUST KIDDING!!!

[will continue in next post]

Angel a.k.a. Doña Angel
Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq
Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/with Immortal Beloveds,Ravenette,Urchin &
DarkHearts Tendencies
Check out BBFC Web site: http://www.benbassfanclub.com


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 01:30:25 -0400
From:    Tiff Petherbridge <gugenhoffen@c.......>
Subject: Lisa Ryder Fanclub

Hey everybody!
It's done! Er, uh, as done as it's gonna get, without having me lose my mind.
The Unofficial Lisa Ryder Fanclub page is finally up and running.


Go! Check out the photo gallery, articles, biography! Join the club! It's
completely free of charge. And I'm working on stuff for members to get when they

Anyway, go, click, see!

Evil Cousin Tiff

"I bet you'd stand at the pearly gates and kick St.
Peter right in the teeth before you'd let somebody
play you."
- Michael McCann (Thomas Crown Affair)


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 01:47:56 EDT
From:    Doña Angel <donaangel@h.......>
Subject: Re: curiouser and curiouser

[cont. reply to Kyer's 'curiouser and curiouser' post about FK Poll]
B) Lauren wrote:
>Some people like me did let people know of it on other lists.

I did not know if the 'Hottie" poll was only for FK Fanatics listmembers
myself -- UNTIL when the owner of the poll e-mailed me saying she had added
my requested character to the poll and said to "tell all your Vaq friends"
about it-- so, being a devoted, faithful Vachon-Obsessed VaqDreaming Vaquera
with Immortal Beloved, DarkHearts, Urchin and Ravenette Tendencies, I forwarded
info about the poll to other lists I am on that I thought would be interested.
So, the poll was not a secret, just not everyone knew about it-- it started a
few weeks ago and I had only found out about it a few days ago and it was over
Monday night 9-25 around midnight, but I DID vote for my favs when I had the chance!

C) Kyer wrote:
>Or is it commonplace for Nick and Vachon to be running neck and neck, while
>the likes of LaCroix is so far behind he might as well not exist?

Me thinks, Kyer, ya have not visited many polling booths! The answer to this
question is YES! YES!! Y E S!!!
Well, I have visited many FK and Non-FK polls and have found
#1-- many times in Non-FK polls, FK characters AND/OR the actors who
portrayed them are not only listed in the polls, but sometimes do EXTREMELY
well-- here are just 3--

#1 -- Sexiest Actor Poll <http://freevote.com/booth/sexiestactor>
#2 -- Absolute Favorite Celebrity Poll
#3 -- Who Played the Best Vampire? Poll
<http://www.freevote.com/booth/bstvampire> "Who played the best vampire?
(Not who played the best vampire character, but who did the best at
playing a vampire)..."

***If you check you will see that among GER, Nigel Bennett, and Ben Bass --2
or all 3 of them are doing very well in these NON-FK Polls-- and, in the Fav
Vamp Actor poll-- which includes very well known actors who played vamps
such as Bela Lugosi, Frank Langella, Christopher Lee, Brad Pitt, as well as
the vamp actors in current televisions series "Buffy TVS" and "Angel", there
are 10 FOREVER KNIGHT vamp actors -- regulars and guests, PLUS Rick
Springfield as Nick Knight from the FK pilot movie!!!
...So, ya'll can be VERY, VERY, VERY proud of FK and its characters
AND the extremely gifted and talented actors who played them! ...AND, while
there was a 'heated' battle I remember some months back between Nigel as LC
and Ben as Vachon, all I will say is that in this poll-- 1 vote per day,
BTW-- the Top 4 are Ben as Vachon, Nigel as LC,  Deb Duchene as Janette, and
GER as Nick; and Greg Kramer as Screed is also among the top 10!!!

And there have even been polls that are not related to FK, such as for Fav
Male Actors, Sexiest Actors, Fav Celebrities, and even Fav SciFi Hero, and
our FK alumni are listed and some have done VERY well!
I've voted in some non-FK polls in which the top 2 are The Actor Who Played
LaCroix and The Actor Who Played Vachon-- going back and forth between Nigel
and Ben being #1 & #2! And in "The Sexiest Actor Poll"-- #1 is Adrian Paul,
#2 is GER, and #3 is Ben Bass, and they are ahead of a HUGE list of other

#2-- in MANY FK-Only Polls -- ya bes be sitting down, Kyer for this one...
Javier Vachon even beats out Nick and LC... and more times than not, Vachon
has been voted as #1 favorite character -- ahead of Nick, in FK polls. And
considering that I assume we devoted Vaqueros are out numbered severely by
all the various flavors of Knighties and Cousins, as well as N&N Packers, I
am very pleasantly surprised by seeing my Beloved Javier, who was only in FK
for the 3rd season, so extremely popular in these polls -- and they are NOT
all in 'crazy mode', FYI!
So, YES, it IS quite "commonplace for Nick and Vachon to be running neck and
neck" and sometimes it is Vachon and LC, Ben Bass and GER, or Ben Bass and
Nigel Bennett who are "running neck and neck" in polls-- and these are
frequently the 'more accurate' not "crazy mode" polls.

BTW, in case ya'll don't know, the #1 favorite Forever Knight Hottie"
winners are ... ::drum roll, por favor::
King of the FK Hotties : Javier Vachon !!! vvvvBVaqG
And Queen of the FK Hotties: Janette DuCharme!!! vvvBImmortalBelovedG
(((Nick was #2 Fav FK Male Hottie... does that make him Prince of the
Hotties, maybe? :) -- It was VERY close between Nick & Vachon, just 1
percentage point between them and they EACH received OVER 55,000 votes!!!))

Granted, this does not carry the weight of say the Global 100 Charts polls,
but it was fun and I am EXTREMELY OVERJOYED that The Object of My Devoted
Vaquera Obsession won! But, this was a VERY hard fought 'virtual battle' and
Javier Vachon won fair-and-square-- when I started voting a few days ago,
Vachon had less that 1,000 votes-- he was #5 after LC at #4. {{{And I am
also pleased -- since I have Immortal Beloveds (JANETTE & Nick) and Dark
Hearts (URS & Vachon) tendencies, I am glad that Janette came out higher
than Nat and Urs came out higher than Tracy (for a change!) }}}

I had seen a post about this poll of ForeverKnight Fanantics List at
Globelist. And, just so ya'll know, on the ForeverKnightFanatics List, there
are definitely VOCAL and EXTREMELY Devoted Knighties --[including the one
who started the "Hottie" poll herself!]-- who dearly love Nick and are NOT
shy about their Knightie Obsession, and the #1 ListMommie there is a LaCroix
Addicted Cousin-- and she's not the only devoted and obsessed LC Addicted
Cousin there, either!!!
   FINALLY, I want to thank Betsy, who was generous enough to have the
Favorite FK Hottie Poll-- I enjoyed it!!! And also want to thank ALL those
other FK fans who go to the time and trouble to have other FK Polls-- for
our interest, entertainment, and enjoyment! And, last but not least, I want
to thank all of those who voted-- I hope ya'll had fun! :) :) :)

Final results The #1 Favorite Forever Knight Hottie Poll
#1-- Javier Vachon --42.8%
#2--Nicholas Knight  --41.8%
#3--Janette DuCharme --5.3%
#4-- Natalie Lambert --4%
#5-- Lucien LaCroix --2.1%
#6-- Urs 0.8%
#7-- Eva 0.7%
#8-- Alma 0.7%
#9-- Francesca 0.7%
#10-- Donald Schanke 0.3%
#11-- Tracy Vetter

*BTW, WHO is "Eva"??? I have seen her name in at least 3 FK polls, and
cannot remember a character on the FK series named Eva.

Angel a.k.a. Doña Angel
Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq
Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/with Immortal Beloveds, Ravenette,Urchin &
DarkHearts Tendencies
Check out BBFC Web site: http://www.benbassfanclub.com


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 05:48:12 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

 > https://members.tripod.com/~mrpuzuzu/plan.html\
 > Have fun!

>>Kyer would love to. <snip> Unfortunately, she keeps getting a stupid "This
>>Page Cannot Be Displayed.">>

You have to copy and paste the URL, then delete the last backslash\.  That
does not belong there <G>



Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:19:55 -0500
From:    "Christella M. Stillman" <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

At 06:50 PM 9/27/2000 -0700, Kyer wrote:

>Unfortunately, she keeps getting a stupid "This Page Cannot Be Displayed."
>as her Personal Evil Plan For Stealing The Grand Canyon. <snip>
>Anybody else having trouble being evil?

Alas, I, too, am having problems being evil.  I think the true evil behind
the Evil Plan Generator is that one's evil plan never gets generated.  But
the choices are SOOO kewl. <G>



Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 06:53:19 -0700
From:    "Jan J." <jonesjan@g.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

Well after going through the bother of filling out
the bloody thing this is the answer I got.............

It looks like there was an error:
The script you called does not exist.

> https://members.tripod.com/~mrpuzuzu/plan.html



Date:    Mon, 27 Aug 1956 22:12:40 -0400
From:    Valerie Kessler <valerie@w.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and crosses

Lorelei wrote:

> I can't imagine Nick would have gone to the church without feeding heavily
> first.

*raises eyebrows*  I have no trouble whatsoever imagining this.  We're
talking about *Nick* here.  Actually a very bright guy, don't get me
wrong, but sometimes a wee bit slow on the uptake in the
cause-and-effect department (among other things [brick] *mischievous g*).

This was only the second episode (third if you count DK as two), and I
was already under the impression that he was flirting with the edge of
starvation more or less full-time.  In retrospect, it was probably
because he was so obviously running on fumes through most of DK.  And
even though Nat's semi-wisecrack about starving to death in the DK tag
was an acknowledgment that it wasn't as simple as she had thought (with
an implied "Dammit, you might have mentioned that 'This is hard'
translated to 'Whoa, I'm seeing three of everything'!"), and amounted to
tacit permission to be a little smarter about it...well, let's face it,
I wouldn't want to judge a stubbornness competition between those two,
and I *know* Nick automatically takes the gold in the creature-of-habit event.

I also think I was subconsciously estimating his nutritional status at
any given point in the series by his reaction to the victim's blood at a
crime scene, which in FIHS was still strong enough to warrant raised
eyebrows from colleagues and comment from Schanke.  Whatever the reason,
I didn't lose the impression that he was functioning on absolutely as
little as he *possibly* could (with notable exceptions that had plot
consequences, e.g. FtB) until well into second season.

Whether he felt it would be helpful to prep for going into the church by
fueling up, and then whether he actually did so...I don't know.  I kinda
suspect he'd be more inclined to think fasting was appropriate.

*thinks a second*  Huh.  Y'know, it's never occurred to me to think of
that day as a knight's vigil before, but that's essentially what it was.
 Give that boy his spurs!  ;-)
Valerie Meachum Kessler
valerie@w....... ~ www.wiliqueen.com
"It's not nice to taunt Chaos when she's missing
Buffy! You never know what kind of cause-and-effect
storm you might end up with on your doorstep!" -- Chaos


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:24:09 -0500
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

> Jan J.

> Well after going through the bother of filling out
> the bloody thing this is the answer I got.............

As the person who told you all about this link, I apologize. It's not my site,
but I'm sorry it's not working for you. I myself got it to work finally, after
a day or so of non-response. I don't know if that's because I hit it at a slow
time, or because I was accessing the page with my cable modem and could handle
a lot of bandwidth at one time. I suspect it's a server problem combined with
inefficient code.

The rest of the site is pretty funny, though -- check out the descriptions of
various Evil People, what the well-dressed Evil Genius might wear, the selection
of henchmen, etc.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:19:52 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] A New Convenience]

Mine worked.

Hmm, revealing army of powerful supernatural creatures from base of medieval
castle ... LC would be the general, of course.


"Christella M. Stillman" <cstillma@u.......> wrote:
Alas, I, too, am having problems being evil.  I think the true evil behind
the Evil Plan Generator is that one's evil plan never gets generated.  But
the choices are SOOO kewl. <G>

Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com
ICQ#: 73113057
FK Affiliation: Undecided.


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:43:42 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] A New Convenience]

Sounds to me like the programmer did not plan for all possibilities.
After all, certain evil plans are more devious than others.  I suppose a truly
evil plan that would be worthy of Divia (or LC) wouldn't work.  Looks like
they'll have to find a new source for evil plan material.


"Jan J." <jonesjan@g.......> wrote:
Well after going through the bother of filling out
the bloody thing this is the answer I got.............
It looks like there was an error:
The script you called does not exist.


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:58:19 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

Someone (sorry, can't remember who) said to take the final / off the end of the
addy.  I did and it worked.  So give it another try!


Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......> wrote:
> Well after going through the bother of filling out
the bloody thing this is the answer I got.............

It looks like there was an error:
The script you called does not exist.

> https://members.tripod.com/~mrpuzuzu/plan.html



Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:51:02 -0400
From:    Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

> sorry it's not working for you. I myself got it to work finally, after a
> day or so of non-response. I don't know if that's because I hit it at a slow
> time, or because I was accessing the page with my cable modem and could handle
> a lot of bandwidth at one time. I suspect it's a server problem combined with
> inefficient code.

It's working now.  If the little tripod advertisement thing is up above the
heading: Evil Plan Generator, then the script will work.  If there's a
borken-link to the picture, then don't bother cuz the whole site it down,
not just the generator.

Stage Two:
Next, you will Contaminate/poison the Pyramids of Giza. This will cause
countless hordes of Mean English Teachers to flock to you, begging to do
your every bidding. Your name will become synonymous with Fuzzy bunnies, as
lesser men whisper your name in terror.

<snickers>  Fuzzy bunnies, eh?

Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs,  CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:49:00 -0400
From:    sherryh@i.......
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses

> Jeannie wrote:
> < snip > Isn't there a place in an episode where Nick quotes
> the Bible and he says something about knowing what the opposition is
> doing.  If he can read the Bible (we know he can't touch it without
> pain), then songs shouldn't bother him.

That was in Sons of Belial.  He quotes a Bible passage to the brother of the
possessed lady whose death he and Tracy were investigating (the guy who was handing
out flyers on the street).  Something from Isaiah, I think (don't remember the
chapter and verse, nor the quote for that matter).  As for Nick reading the Bible,
perhaps he didn't.  It could be that the passages that he knows are verses that
he's simply picked up by rote over the centuries.

:) Boomer


Date:    Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:55:30 -0500
From:    "Christella M. Stillman" <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] A New Convenience]

At 10:43 AM 9/28/2000 CDT, Emily wrote:
>Sounds to me like the programmer did not plan for all possibilities.
>After all, certain evil plans are more devious than others.  I suppose a truly
>evil plan that would be worthy of Divia (or LC) wouldn't work.  Looks like
>they'll have to find a new source for evil plan material.

You have a point there.  *sigh*  I still would have liked to have seen how
my army of mean English teachers would have done, though.  I don't think
Divia herself could come up with anything so insidious.  <G>



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Sep 2000 to 28 Sep 2000 - Special issue (#2000-301)

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