FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Aug 2000 to 23 Aug 2000 (#2000-264)
Wed, 23 Aug 2000
There are 22 messages totalling 634 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Old Listees
2. Old timers
3. Fiction feedback
4. Writing (2)
5. Penning down fans
6. I wonder...
7. Who is the senior partner? (4)
9. Grace (2)
10. New Email Loop for FK fans near San Francisco
11. (Fwd) Re: While we're penning down fans...
12. Info. for story??
13. Vampire Healing
14. [I wonder...]
15. [Info. for story??]
16. [Vampire Healing]
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 01:06:33 EDT
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Re: Old Listees
In a message dated 8/1/00 5:01:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< McLisa, who was in the very first war and remembers the origin of the list
factions. Anyone else remember Betsy Vera's wonderful wartime creation of
LC's goldfish, Spike?
This was the last list I joined. I had heard of the very heavy volume and as
someone rather new to online stuff (and paying by the hour) I was a bit
scared. I joined the fiction list first, right in the middle of war 4. Even
jumped in at the end. I remember when the main factions were - Natpack,
Raven/ette, FoD, Knightie, Cousins, along with the Stontreeites, the FoSsiLs,
the Graces, and the Undecideds who either wouldn't or couldnt' choose. I do
remember Spike. I do remember LC running down a hotel hallway with lobsters
on his ears, and he was drenched in melted butter. I rememeber Cousin Cherie
glued into a cow suit (for the first time).
I had started with the message boards, then the monthly chat (when I
remembered to attend) and then got onto the lists. I was a member of the
NNPack back when it first started as a loop.
I remember watching Nick Knight, and then finding the series on Crime Time
after Prime Time and getting hooked!
I remember when Nigel was a list member, and my surprise the first time I saw
a post from him.
who can't even remember how long she's been a member.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 01:12:15 EDT
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Old timers
In a message dated 8/1/00 5:01:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< StephiLyn
"Mom" of AOL's DFKS
4 year member of GWDFC (time sure flies when you're having fun! <g>) New webpage coming soon....
I believe I'm going on my 6th year come September. My membership number is
below 40.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 01:24:06 EDT
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Fiction feedback
In a message dated 8/2/00 7:32:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< Kathy wrote:
>please do not presume to speak for me or any other writer on this list.
>I like to know if a storyline is a hit or a miss, or if I'm wandering
>too far off on a characterization. If I hear from too many folks, it
>may make me re-examine what I'm doing...or maybe not. <G>
I like to know what people liked and didn't like about my story, as long as
it's not just "it sucks". I like to know if it touches you or makes you cry.
If you have a favorite scene. I do try to keep my characters as close to
canon as I can. I sometimes try rather radical stories because they force me
to try new things, things I might not've tried otherwise. I've been known to
leave a cliffhanger to see if people are actually reading (especially when
feedback is almost non-existent). I learned that trick from a friend ::waves
to Chris Hunt::
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 01:29:45 EDT
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Writing
In a message dated 8/2/00 7:32:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< I honestly think if you're serious about improving your writing, whatever kind
it is, you have to listen to people who offer constructive criticism. I welcome
it myself. I write FK fanfic for fun, but I also do it to sharpen my writing
skills, and it's great to know what doesn't ring true to my audience. >>
I totally agree! I ask my beta's to be tough. I want to improve with each
story. If you looked at my very first story "Blind Man's Bluff" which wasn't
beta read because I didn't know about them then, and then looked at some of
my later works like Nightmare, Devastation or Challenges, you'll hopefully
see the difference constructive criticism can make.
I'm not afraid to try something different just for the experience and the
fact that it helps me grow as an author.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 02:06:16 EDT
From: DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Re: Penning down fans
In a message dated 8/22/00 5:31:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:
<< On 15 Aug 00, Libratsie@a....... wrote:
> Keeping this on FK fan topic, where is everyone located? This list
> shouldn't be posted elsewhere without the person's direct permission ;-D
[xxxxxxxxxx], Florida
Don Fasig ---,-<@
I see someone else who's keeping an eye on Hurricane Debbi. I'm in
[xxxxxxxxxx], FL.
who's glad she doesn't live any further south in FL than she does!
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:44:43 CEST
From: Simone Nicole Dornecker <moonwing@h.......>
Subject: I wonder...
I wonder why do many fiction writer assume that Nick is bad at paperwork. I
seem not able to recall an ep. where this is stated.
Schanky, yes that was quite obvious in "Bad Blood".... but Nick???
Anybody help me out, please ??
zuccini hating Hamburg Girl (yes it is that time of the year again)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 12:08:35 GMT
From: Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Who is the senior partner?
As I re-watched "Father Figure" yesterday, I heard Schanke make a remark
that made him sound as if he were the senior partner between himself and
Nick. While Schanke was talking to Lisa's Father, he reassured him that
Nick, who was watching her, was one of his best men. Which sounded as if
Nick worked under him. I always got the impression that Schanke responded
to Nick. Nick always seemed to be the one who walked into a room first or
gave commands to Schanke like you stay here and I'll go around back. I have
always been certain that Nick was the senior partner when it came to himself
and Tracy, but was he with Schanke too? From what I gathered about the
show, Schanke should have been the senior partner because he was much more
experienced. So what is the consensus? Which one was the senior partner?
Gwenn Musicante
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:20:48 EDT
From: Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: Who is the senior partner?
In a message dated 8/23/00 7:09:36 AM Central Daylight Time,
gwennm@h....... writes:
<< From what I gathered about the
show, Schanke should have been the senior partner because he was much more
experienced. So what is the consensus? Which one was the senior partner? >>
I've always thought that Schanke was the senior partner, Nick just had a
tendency to usurp the role.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:46:12 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
You know you've been reading too much FK fanfic when you're looking at a "new"
used car and you just have to look inside the trunk to see how much space
there is, and then you think no way would Nick fit in there <g>
E-mail and MSN Messenger: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at
ICQ#: 73113057
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:06:07 -0500
From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Who is the senior partner?
> So what is the consensus? Which one was the senior partner?
I always saw Nick and Schanke as equals.
Two very experienced homicide officers who were really
I think Nick "took charge" at times because he was the "night
time" officer of the partnership (also, Nick was the lead character.
He was theoretically why people were watching the show. He
would get more of the lines and the heroic rescues just because he
held the heroic position in the show).
Schanke made statements like "he is my best man" to
members of the public who - I think - needed reassurances at the
time that things were going to be OK. Identifying Nick as one of
the best is comforting.
I think Schanke listened to Nick because he thought Nick's
directions made sense.
If Schanke already thinks they need to go into a building to
deal with a criminal and thinks that they should cover the front and
back, what is the big deal if he covers the back or the front? If Nick
articulates what Schanke is thinking already, he is just going to
say "yep. Go ahead" and move to hold up his end of that plan.
Tim Phillips
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 07:36:12 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Writing
DanaKnight@a....... (Judy) wrote:
> I totally agree! I ask my beta's to be tough.
No matter how many times you proof your own document, rewrite it, run
spell-checkers and grammar checkers on it, 99% of the time you will miss
As a technical writer by profession, I learned pretty quick that a writer has to
develop somewhat of a thick skin, and be able to distance themself from their
work a little bit. We sweat and agonize over our writings, and then to take the
monumental step of handing them over to someone else asking, "Tell me what I did
wrong..." is pretty darn difficult the first few times.
Now, after years and years (no wisecracks about age here), I hand something over
and say, "Can you take a look at this?" If and when it comes back "bleeding," as
I call it, (referring to the red-pen traditionally used in editing) I'm usually
grateful for the assistance. And, I try to make sure I *learn* from whatever
comments and corrections are written on it, be it fiction or non-fiction.
I've had the honor of beta'ing some of Judy's work, and she knows that I can
"virtually bleed" all over a document. :-) (The "protect document for
editing" option in many software packages is great for putting comments and
corrections in.)
That said - remember that you don't have to take everything your beta(s) says as
law. (Even if we think you should.. ) I may write a suggestion for altering
something like dialog that I feel may work better, but in the end, I'm not the
author, and the final decision always belongs to the writer. (Unless, of course,
you're writing for a Professional Publisher... but that's another topic.)
Things like grammar and typos, though -- those are almost always hard and fast.
(Unless, for a particular reason, such as Screed-talk, you use aberrant grammar
and spellings.)
Oh, and I suggest that more than one beta, especially for longer stories, is
highly recommended. I'm strong at the technical aspects of writing (grammar,
etc.) but I know I'm not the best at catching things relating to canon,
characterizations, etc., although I do my best. Other betas might catch
canonical errors, but completely overlook that misplaced modifier. :-)
OK, that's my .02 for 7:30 in the morning!
IM me @ copper6500 (AOL and Yahoo!)
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 13:08:21 +0000
From: Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW
You know you've been watching/or reading to much FK when you are driving
down LA freeways and a black Limo goes by with black windows and you
wonder where LaCroix is going in the daytime.
GWDFC member
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:20:44 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Who is the senior partner?
> Gwenn Musicante wrote:
> As I re-watched "Father Figure" yesterday, I heard Schanke make a remark
> that made him sound as if he were the senior partner between himself and
> Nick. While Schanke was talking to Lisa's Father, he reassured him that
> Nick, who was watching her, was one of his best men. Which sounded as if
I always thought that was a little Schanke-ism -- he was actiing like he was a
captain, not a detective, just to impress the dad.
> show, Schanke should have been the senior partner because he was much more
> experienced. So what is the consensus? Which one was the senior partner?
In terms of length of service, Schanke was senior, but I believe that teamed
detectives are equal in status in the eyes of the department, unless one is a
trainee -- which Nick certainly was not. Schanke had no authority over Nick,
and vice versa. Nick is more of a leader naturally, and takes charge.
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 13:14:10 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Grace
who played Grace again?
I keep getting her mixed up with Yvette Freeman, who was one of the nurses on
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:35:59 -0700
From: Cheryle Joy Corpus <cjcorpus@s.......>
Subject: New Email Loop for FK fans near San Francisco
Hi all,
I'm coming out of lurking to announce (with McLisa's permission) the
creation of an email list for those FK fans in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please visit to join. Thanks for
tuning in!
-Cj <--who's a [xxxxxxxxxx] native (1 hour south of SF)
Email: cjcorpus@s.......
or CjSachiko@e.......
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:02:20 +0600
From: Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: (Fwd) Re: While we're penning down fans...
Forwarded on behalf of "Brenda" <bcammarata@h.......>
Don Fasig, FK List Gardener
Argent@e....... ---,-<@ - FK Page - Subscription Help
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 22:47:44 -0500
[xxxxxxxxxx], Manitoba, Canada
Carpe Noctem,
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 10:36:08 EDT
From: Marel Darby <Frostsaint1@a.......>
Subject: Info. for story??
Nick and LaCroix have been shown at least once playing chess. I know one
can buy three-way chess boards in Krakow, so I presume such a game is
possible, unless it's the Polish sense of humour. <g> Is a four-way chess
game at all viable?
Also, the emperor Vespasian, who ruled for the last ten years of Lucius' mortal
life, died in the year of his conversion. Does anyone know if it was before or
Thank you.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:51:12 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Vampire Healing
Here's something I've been wondering about regarding vampire healing. When
Vachon loses his hand in the plane explosion, he makes a point of retrieving and
re-attaching it. What would have happened if he had been unable to find the
hand, or if it had been destroyed? Would he have eventually regenerated a new
hand? How long would that take? Would he just be left with a stump? Why
hadn't the wound closed in the time it took for him to recover the hand? If the
hand were lost irretrievably, what would happen to it -- would it turn to ash?
What if a vampire lost an eye?
Any thoughts?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:38:09 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [I wonder...]
I don't think it's that he's bad at it, just that he hates it (probably as
much as I do, and I do paperwork for a living. At least, at the moment.
Hopefully that will change soon.)
Actually I think that Nick would be good at it, he could use his super vamp
spped to fill it out faster if it wouldn't raise eyebrows.
Simone Nicole Dornecker <moonwing@h.......> wrote:
I wonder why do many fiction writer assume that Nick is bad at paperwork.
E-mail and MSN Messenger: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at
ICQ#: 73113057
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:43:29 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Info. for story??]
I have a Star Trek chess board which has three "dimensions", supposedly the
third dimension is time (but all true sci-fi fans know that time is
the fourth dimension!)
Wonder if Nick and LaCroix would have fun playing that?
Might be a bit more challenging to them.
I can dig it out of my closet if you want the rules.
Just respond off-list.
Marel Darby <Frostsaint1@a.......> wrote:
Nick and LaCroix have been shown at least once playing chess. I know one
can buy three-way chess boards in Krakow, so I presume such a game is
possible, unless it's the Polish sense of humour. <g> Is a four-way chess
game at all viable?
E-mail and MSN Messenger: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at
ICQ#: 73113057
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:45:41 CDT
From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Vampire Healing]
I can see it now -- Vachon the Jedi Knight
Imagine LC saying "Vachon I am your father."
Portia 1 <portia1@m.......> wrote:
What would have happened if he had been unable to find the hand, or if it had
been destroyed? Would he have eventually regenerated a new hand? How long
would that take? Would he just be left with a stump?
E-mail and MSN Messenger: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at
ICQ#: 73113057
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:45:09 -0400
From: Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Grace
Carla Martinek wrote:
> who played Grace again?
Sandi Ross who, along with several other black women recently formed
her own theatre company in Toronto, but I'm blanking on the name of
it at the moment.
Marg, in Toronto, the City of the Knight <mytoronto@h.......>
Please visit the Upper Canada Connection -
A Canadian Tribute to Geraint Wyn Davies:
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Aug 2000 to 23 Aug 2000 (#2000-264)
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