FORKNI-L Digest - 2 Aug 2000 (#2000-234)
Wed, 2 Aug 2000
There are 14 messages totalling 471 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Green Eggs and Ham
2. Old Listee's home and dinos
3. I'm embarrassed to be a FK fan
4. Correction
5. Archives!--at last
6. Ben Bass Appearance
7. Admin: It only looks like a fire
8. fanfic flames
9. Fire Sale: On Holy Ground (2)
10. I'm embarrassed...
11. ENDLESS apologies, and fanfic questions. (2)
12. Old Listees
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 07:30:58 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Green Eggs and Ham
Has anyone converted the "Green Eggs and Ham" over to video, or at least audio,
for the web?
I've never seen or heard it... and I'm dying to!
If it's already up on the web somewhere, please let me know. If anyone is
willing to convert it, I have room on my site to host it if you don't have a
of your own.
IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 07:32:17 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Old Listee's home and dinos
> * The first time Nigel posted to the list and scared the pookies out of us
Hey.... I wonder if we can find any of Nigel's posts in the archives. Anyone
game to try? A lot of the newbies might be interested in seeing what he said.
IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 08:58:43 -0500
From: Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Re: I'm embarrassed to be a FK fan
I just got back from the UV bboard, and I've got to say, while I'm not
embarrassed to be an FK fan, if I ever had reason to tell a UV fan that,
I'd feel the need to add a disclaimer. While there has been some
apologizing, I don't think there's been nearly enough.
What I find really depressing is the amount of bashing that took place by
the FK contingent before UV even aired on Scifi.
I did find the comment that the vampires didn't even look like vampires,
rather amusing though. While I apperciate the general take on vamps, most
of the ones from folklore are reanimated corpes, not sex symbols. :) (I
thought they looked like normal people, I'm not sure what the person who
said that was expecting, evening wear perhaps?)
While we're on the subject of flaming, I'd like to make a request to all of
you out there who send comments to writers or web page owners: While most
of us welcome constructive criticism (I'd love to get more), please don't
try to tell us that we should be focusing on YOUR favorite
characters/couples, especially if your email says that you're never coming
back to our site because it was boring and not updated enough. (I scrapped
plans for a Nick/Janette story because of a couple of rude emails I got
from an IB.(Nothing personal against the IBs.)) If you don't feel they're
getting enough attention, no one's stoping you from writing/creating your
own stuff. In fact, the more the merrier. (Especially on the fic list, the
traffic there seems to have dwindled alarmingly since I joined in late '97.)
BTW, I love UV. It's not FK. It's not taking the same approach to vamps as
FK. But I love variety, and think it works wonderfully.
Emma (elighton@b.......)
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker
Survivor of Wars 9 and 10
"Pulvis et umbra sumus." -Horace
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:08:17 -0400
From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject: Correction
I subbed the first week of September in 1993.
Thanks, Jaye! I remember it's the second week of December, but now knowing
the 9th will allow me to put it on my calendar. Hurrah!
Also, I agree with the posts ASKING for criticism. ANYtime you put
something out where the public can see it, you invite criticism (which in a
writing cintest my mean comments both pro and con). A writer gets better
by writing. You look at comments, you apply them to your work, you
determine whether or not they're worthwhile, and you move on from
there. Even flames should be looked at - whatever you did, you moved
somebody enough to get flamed, and since one of the reasons you write is to
elicit a reaction from the reader . . . it's good to know what you did that
engendered that reaction.
Then you MOVE ON.
If the only response you want to your writing is praise and fluffy bunnies,
that's fine. It's perfectly valid. I prefer to have people tell me what I
did wrong, as well as what I did right, because it helps me figure out just
what the heck I'm doing.
It's sad to think we're in a position of having to ASK for critical
response, but I guess that's the case now. State your preferences.
susanmgarrett@e....... --
Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to.
"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 06:42:47 -0700
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Archives!--at last
<<"Nancy Braman" <knightwind68@h.......>
The Forkni-L Archives are now up and running (at least they were when I
tested things a few minutes ago!). The URL is:>>
The Archive looks great... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:45:20 -0400
From: jmtof@j.......
Subject: Ben Bass Appearance
Ben will be on the SciFi show "First Wave" this Sunday at 7PM EST in an
episode entitled "The Harvest."
And yes, this is the purported "loin cloth" episode<bfg>
Pres, BBFC
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:56:16 -0400
From: mclisa@m.......
Subject: Admin: It only looks like a fire
in the direction of South Carolina. It's really me blushing!
Thank you very much, Jaye and Libs!!
McLisa, properly caffeinated for once
Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 10:15:33 -0400
From: Emily Hanson <hansone@t.......>
Subject: Re: fanfic flames
I have to agree, that threats are one thing and constructive criticism is
something else entirely. People have been successfully prosecuted for
making threats over the Internet.
Threatening someone is a crime, but criticism never is.
I do not mind criticism as long as it is meant to critique one's story and
help the writer. I've been lucky to get mostly positive feedback but I know
I could certainly improve. So please, criticize all you want as long as
it's constructive. <g>
------Original Message------
From: Libratsie@a.......
To: FORKNI-L@l.......
Sent: August 2, 2000 11:30:49 AM GMT
Subject: [FORKNI-L] fanfic flames (was I'm embarrassed...)
I also agree with this, but one of the few flames I've received about my
fiction was (and this is paraphrased but VERY close), "Your characterization
was so bad you should be ashamed of yourself and someone should thrash you
very soundly. How could you dare post something so terrible to the list?
Every N&Ner will FLOOD your e-mail box to the point that it is full...."
Anyway, the above is NOT constructive criticism and, in fact, was a threat.
I *always* love constructive criticism, whether I believe what the person
said or not.
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 13:18:35 EDT
From: JeanG477@a.......
Subject: Fire Sale: On Holy Ground
(Posted with Lisa's kind permission)
OK, so there wasn't *really* a fire. More like a postal "service"
(cough cough) that dropped a 10-ton weight on a box full of copies
of my FK novel, ON HOLY GROUND. (Wahhh!)
Having "ironed out" what we can salvage of the shipment, we're
selling the damaged goods for $3.50 ea. That's mostly packing
and postage, with a small amount still going to the designated
charities. So, anyone who might have found the $8 + $2 s&h
price prohibitive, but would still like a reading copy of the book,
please let me know.
Or just send your $3.50 in US funds to: Jean Graham, PO Box
23383, San Diego CA 92193-3383.
Please note that these _are_ *damaged reading copies* with quite
a few wrinkles and bends in them. Not pretty. But still readable. :-)
For more info. on the novel, see
--Jean Graham
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 15:48:50 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: I'm embarrassed...
In a message dated 08/01/2000 8:53:40 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
looscann@s....... writes:
<< Yup, I'm with Kathy. I know comments finding fault with one's fiction can
be quite painful (see, I gotta scar here and here and here... <g>), but
constructive criticism is imperative to honing one's skills as a writer. >>
Being one of Lorelei's beta readers, I can tell you she takes constructive
criticism very well. If an email that contains criticism of her work is
well-intentioned, and respectfuly worded, I can vouch for Lorelei's ability
to accept it and learn from it. The emails she's referring to are
mean-sprited and visciously worded. I agree with her that these types of
emails are the lowest form of cowardice, in that the writer hides behind the
privacy rule of list netiquette.
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:03:32 -0400
From: Amand-r <deparsons@e.......>
Subject: Re: Fire Sale: On Holy Ground
I want one. MAIL ON ITS WAY. Save one of those bad boys for me. $3.50,
right? I am SO there.
Methosian Quote of the week:
"And all these simple things are simply too
complicated for my life." (No Doubt, 'A Simple Thing')
----- Original Message -----
From: <JeanG477@a.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 1:18 PM
Subject: Fire Sale: On Holy Ground
> (Posted with Lisa's kind permission)
> OK, so there wasn't *really* a fire. More like a postal "service"
> (cough cough) that dropped a 10-ton weight on a box full of copies
> of my FK novel, ON HOLY GROUND. (Wahhh!)
> Having "ironed out" what we can salvage of the shipment, we're
> selling the damaged goods for $3.50 ea. That's mostly packing
> and postage, with a small amount still going to the designated
> charities. So, anyone who might have found the $8 + $2 s&h
> price prohibitive, but would still like a reading copy of the book,
> please let me know.
> Or just send your $3.50 in US funds to: Jean Graham, PO Box
> 23383, San Diego CA 92193-3383.
> Please note that these _are_ *damaged reading copies* with quite
> a few wrinkles and bends in them. Not pretty. But still readable. :-)
> For more info. on the novel, see
> --Jean Graham
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:17:05 -0400
From: Amand-r <deparsons@e.......>
Subject: ENDLESS apologies, and fanfic questions.
First, I wholeheartedly apologize and fall on the floor for the stupid
"reply button". Of course, I did that right after I said "self, don't be
sening that to the whole list." Dork= me.
ALSO, because I hate sendinfg useless posts, I have a few questions:
1) Is there any way to get episodes you don't have from anyone on these
lists? I know in HL we have tape tress and stuff like that. Does anyone
dub eps here?
2) I have to admit, all this talk of flaming is scaring me. I have NEVER
received a negative feedback that was so vehement like this: "I hate you, I
hate the work, I hate Kansis, took the dog, rot in h***.". I mean, I've
gotten praise, and I have gotten criticism (though, honest, it's so very
RARE to get constructive criticism; I think I've gotten maybe three out of
three hundred feedbacks), so why is the number so high in FK dom? I have
never heard of anyone getting hate mail in my other fandoms, not in the way
you all (the posts I have read yesterday and today, at least) talk about it.
Is it perhaps because the factions are so divided? (I know people are
multiple factioned, but I hear that peope can be hard on you if you do
something that disagrees with their faction-character-image.) If you read
this and roll your eyes, remember from above: I am a dork.
Sum up: Forgive me, can I have some tapes? and Not in the face! Not in the
Factionless wonder who has secret suspicions that she is not so factionless.
Argh! Switzerland! Switzerland!
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 13:33:21 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Old Listees
I emailed Jasmine, asking her if she remembered when she originally subbed to
Thought I'd share this exchange:
<Jas> *Somewhere* I have all the old archives on CD-ROM.
<me > If you find the CD, it would be interesting to take a look. Right
<me > now the list is doing a "Old Listee's home and dinos" subject...
<me > "You're old if you remember when...." and someone posted this one:
<me >
<me > >> * The first time Nigel posted to the list and scared the pookies out of
<Jas> oh my goodness I remember that. Was that the time he was trying to
<Jas> help settle the debate on the commentary about the "Vi Diablo" or
<Jas> some such nonsense? I think so. I'll dig for the CD.
So, I will let you all know if we ever find the Nigel posts. :-) And, maybe we
can make those old archives available if I can get her to copy the CD.
IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:35:26 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: ENDLESS apologies, and fanfic questions.
In a message dated 08/02/2000 1:16:04 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
deparsons@e....... writes:
<< I have
never heard of anyone getting hate mail in my other fandoms, not in the way
you all (the posts I have read yesterday and today, at least) talk about it.
The most viscious email I ever got was in another fandom. I promptly left
all lists in that fandom, gave thanks for the FK online community, and threw
myself into it even harder. We may have our moments, but I've never seen
anything as bad as what happened in that other fandom. And nope, I'm not
telling which one.
Laurie of the Isles
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 2 Aug 2000 (#2000-234)
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