FORKNI-L Digest - 18 Jul 2000 to 19 Jul 2000 (#2000-215)
Wed, 19 Jul 2000
There are 25 messages totalling 736 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Moments in History (2)
2. Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon (4)
3. (FWD) zines
5. A Home For Sidney (5)
6. Nightie (2)
7. 3rd season woman bi vampire?
8. popcorn (2)
9. [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........] (2)
10. Trying to help someone find a story......... (3)
11. [Moments in History]
12. "Last Act" blood carries memories
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:08:32 EDT
From: Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: Moments in History
In a message dated 7/17/00 1:43:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
Laudon1965@a....... writes:
<< I was thinking about which great (and little) moments in history our vamps
have witnessed, and I decided it was actually the little events I'd loved to
have seen them react to. >>
I've always wanted to see Lacroix's reaction to television. :-)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:29:03 EDT
From: Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
In a message dated 7/17/00 9:04:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
raven@n....... writes:
4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
I've always thought it was interesting the way Nick pulls Janette's filmy
thing back up on her shoulder after the deed is done (we assume). With his
*teeth*. Such consideration from a Crusader. <g>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:43:46 EDT
From: Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: (FWD) zines
It *is* my fault. <guilt, guilt> I apologize. I thought I was forwarding just
the bit about the zines. <sigh>
But while I'm here groveling, may I ask a question? I remember seeing a
message on the list once upon a time explaining how to set your pc so that
when you send fic to fkfic-l, all those annoying little equal signs don't
show up. Having just moved from a tiny mac to a bigger pc, not knowing much
about pcs, and having a story ready to post, I'd hate to annoy anyone more
than I already have.
ObFK .... ummmm ... What do you think happened to Sidney after Last Knight?
Did Lacroix take him in out of the kindness of his heart? <choke>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:54:02 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Moments in History
At 05:08 PM 7/18/00 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 7/17/00 1:43:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>Laudon1965@a....... writes:
><< I was thinking about which great (and little) moments in history our vamps
> have witnessed, and I decided it was actually the little events I'd loved to
> have seen them react to. >>
How about the first time any of the trio shared airspace with an airplane?
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 19:21:05 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFK...
...when you're reading an e-mail invitation for a function work and decide
to accept when you notice that one of the other invitee's addresses is (no
joking) natalie.lambert@...
I was on the phone with another FK fan & when I told her the name she said
"Good. I've wanted to know what happened to everyone. You can ask her at
the meeting."
We both just broke up - which was good because I really needed a laugh
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 16:33:47 -0700
From: Greer <wyldechilde_2000@y.......>
Subject: A Home For Sidney
... What do you think happened to Sidney after Last Knight?
Did Lacroix take him in out of the kindness of his heart? <choke>
I don't see why not (grins) he'd probably think the
poor feline had had a lucky escape from Natalie (Le
Croix's assumed view not mine).
Anyhow I think La Croix would be a cat person. We
know he's not a dog person after that incident with
Nick's dog that time but I think there is a lot about
cats he'd admire. They're clean, fastidious, a touch
megalomanical and bring their prey home to show to
Daddy. Rather like Divia really but without the
unfortunate tendency to try and kill you because you
locked them in a box for years and years. OK they
will claw you a little when you TRY and put them IN
the box to take them to the vets but a little vampire
hypnosis could solve that problem. you think Natalie had Sidney on one of those
vegetarian cat foods? Was she weaning him off eating
raw meat and did she tell him off everytime he came
home with mouse on his breath?
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 18:51:51 -0500
From: Kalira Isbell <KaliraRael@w.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
Excuse me while I pick a nit,
IIRC, when Nick and Schanke went to talk to Anne they went to the
warehouse where Crawford and Burkhart were killed, not to her apartment.
on to the questions:
1. Do you think Anne was actually hypnotizing her male victims to do the
things she had them do?
No, I think she was just tempting them with sexual promises she never
intended to keep.
2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act
the way he thought he should to get the perp?
I think it was a case of both.....she was getting to him, but he was
more interested in getting the perp than in a "cheap thrill". He has,
after all, seen 800 years worth of her type.
3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his
I think he truly regrets his status.......... until he needs his powers
to catch a perp, then the end justifies the means.
4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
I liked it better in Near Death with the light shining through it
<drool, drool>
5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was
just bumping along with Nick?
I don't believe Schanke was in on it.
6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
proximity to Anne?
Been there, done that, and he knew she had a nasty habit of killing the
guys she could manipulate that way. Knives may not kill a vamp when
shoved into the ribs, but they sure can hurt Nick a lot (according to
Father Figure). I would certainly find that knowledge a "turn-off".
Dark Knightie, Caddywhack, Nick's Harem, FK Pagan, GWDFC, DMZ, KiD
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good
with ketchup!
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 16:22:17 -0800
From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject: Re: A Home For Sidney
Just after LK there was a wonderful short story written explaining what
happened to Sidney--I choose to believe this narrative line. I can not
remember the name of the story, but it was told from Sidney's pov. It was
a gentle thoughtful piece that moved me to tears. Now, that is saying
something about a story, since I cry about as often as LC.
Does anyone remember this story?
I can't stand this indecision married with a lack of vision.
Tears for Fears
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1980 15:49:11 -0600
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
Thanks again, Cousin Raven, for all your hard work!
>1. Do you think Anne was actually hypnotizing her male victims to do the
things she had them do?
Nope, the only manipulation she did was purely psychosexual (is that a
>2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
way he thought he should to get the perp?
You can't con a con-- Nick saw through her from the very beginning, and
*he* was manipulating *her* to get the evidence he needed. He might have
done a little off-screen whammying though, just to convince her that they'd
been more intimate, gone further than he was actually willing to go, since
I recall him spending the night at her place.
3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was just
bumping along with Nick?
I think Schanke & Stonetree were informed on a "need-to-know" basis, i.e.,
just in time.
Your humble & obedient servant,
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 20:41:51 EDT
From: PF820@a.......
Subject: Re: A Home For Sidney
Regarding a home for Sidney, I refuse to believe that something didn't
happen to revive Nat either as a mortal or a vampire and I know there is no
way LaCroix would have staked Nick. That way I don't have to worry about
poor Sid starving to death in Nat's absence.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 21:48:46 -0400
From: Katherine Robert <alicenw@e.......>
Subject: Re: A Home For Sidney
At 04:22 PM 7/18/00 -0800, Barbara wrote:
>Just after LK there was a wonderful short story written explaining what
>happened to Sidney--I choose to believe this narrative line. I can't
>remember the name of the story, but it was told from Sidney's pov.
The Title is Sidney Lambert's Final Lament by Pam Swann. It can be found
It was
>a gentle thoughtful piece that moved me to tears. Now, that is saying
>something about a story, since I cry about as often as LC.
I had the same reaction, it's a beautiful story and remains one of my
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:29:48 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nightie
mclisa@m....... wrote:
> Ahm, actually, that's not a nightie. It's a medieval shirt. Yes, they were
> that long, since they had to cover territory now usually found under
> trousers.
And in fact, if Nick and Janette had actually gone to bed to sleep
together for the night, they would have disrobed completely. It was the
custom to sleep without any clothes on at all. Nightshirts and
nightgowns came much, much later.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:35:32 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nightie
Carla Martinek wrote:
> for some medieval clothing terminology.
> doesn't have everything, but it's a nice primer.
Watch out for a lot of typos and misspellings on this page. It's from a
site for an Arthurian society, not an organization bent on authentic
re-creations. They recommend using Pre-Raphaelite (19th-century) artwork
as source material. Lots of fun, but not necessarily authentic.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 16:08:10 -0700
From: "Jan J." <jonesjan@g.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
-----Original Message-----
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
Whoaaaaaa, yeah, I have always loved that. And as I have said before, the
flashbacks are indeed often my favorite part of the episode!!
Gotta second you on that one BL! I only wish I had a
copy of the german version so I could see a lot more
of that lovely white undergrament. < m e e o o w >
aka Dark Knightie Jan & Jan1228
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 23:00:26 EDT
From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......>
Subject: Re: 3rd season woman bi vampire?
I'm on digest here, so my apologies if someone has already mentioned this
7/17/00 -0400, Brenda F. Bell wrote:
>He'd said that originally Deb was told that Janette was straight and then
>later on was told to play her as bi.
Is it possible that the '3rd season woman bi vampire' was really a reference
to what the FK PTB had thought about that we were able to read in the "FK
Season 3 Bible" that maybe during the winter was posted to this list-- or
the addy for where to read it was posted here-- and there were a number of
characters that were mentioned but had not 'materialized' -- there was a
female Asian vampire mentioned and she was either to be bi or a lesbian-- I
don't recall which-- she MAY have been intended to be part of Vachon's Crew,
along with a male black vampire-- don't know his country of origin so can't
say if he was an African, or African American-- these vampires were
mentioned along with Vachon, Urs, Screed, and Bourbon.
Then again, maybe this was some kind of reference to the season 3 ep
"Francesca" with a female vampire [Francesca] 'coming back' as/or her soul
or spirit {as LaCroix suggests to Nick} "possessing" the mortal man Frank.
Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> <donaangel@y.......>
Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq
Check out BBFC Web site:
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 13:46:00 +0000
From: Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: popcorn
I'm pretty new to this list, watched the popcorn scene between Nick
and Nat last night for the first time on a tape. It's wonderful, but
why do you think he would do that to her?
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 01:01:02 EDT
From: Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: A Home For Sidney
In a message dated 7/18/00 5:20:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
wyldechilde_2000@y....... writes:
<< you think Natalie had Sidney on one of those
vegetarian cat foods? Was she weaning him off eating
raw meat and did she tell him off everytime he came
home with mouse on his breath?
Naw--she ate meat, so I don't think she'd care if Sidney (or is it Sydney?
anybody?) ate meat. It's just Nick she yells at about his diet.
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 02:18:13 EDT
From: Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........]
In a message dated 7/18/00 2:14:46 PM Central Daylight Time,
looscann@s....... writes:
<< >Actually, I remember reading a wonderful story, I think it was entitled
>"Don't Tease the Animals" (?) that had Nick stalking a suspect that turned
>into a werewolf. He starts teasing it and gets trounced -- very funny and
>well-done. Wish I could remember the author!
That's Fenris's story and it can be found at:
Les >>
Thanks, unfortunately not not the one that I was remembering although it was
cute and I was glad to discover a site that I didn't know existed.
I'm trying to remember more details in the story I was searching for. The
grandson had been kidnapped by an evil werewolf and was being tortured at
their headquarters (which was at some corporation). A woman who worked that
the corporation inadvertantly stumbled across him and set him free. She
killed one of the bad guys and a chase thru a subway tunnel insued with one
of the pursuers falling in front of a train and partially transforming before
he died.. . made for an intersting autopsy. It turned out that Vachon knew
the kidnapped werewolf but he didn't know that it was the missing grandson.
Gosh its so confusing when you can't remember character names <g>
I do remember that there was a line in it that went something like
<paraphrased> "the best way to get a vampire's attention is to whisper their
name. It intrigues them, of course intrigiuing a vampire is dangerous game
but it is far preferable to angering one"
Thanks for any help
Melissa (who is off to continue her search at Mel's site)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 05:38:58 -0500
From: deb <totoq@r.......>
Subject: Re: Trying to help someone find a story.........
Not sure if this is the right one, but I did a search using Netscape and
the words - Vachon Urs Werewolf and it came up with this story ... I
think it might be the right one ...
by Ruth Dempsey(Anglofans@a.......)
(PG-13 to R)
I just scanned it and it seems like it might be the right one ..
deb in KS
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 07:43:11 EDT
From: Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: Trying to help someone find a story.........
In a message dated 7/19/00 5:47:37 AM Central Daylight Time,
totoq@r....... writes:
<< Not sure if this is the right one, but I did a search using Netscape and
the words - Vachon Urs Werewolf and it came up with this story ... I
think it might be the right one ...>>
Cool. I didn't know that you could do a search like. Learn something new
by Ruth Dempsey(Anglofans@a.......)
(PG-13 to R) >>
This is it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It was driving me batty trying
to find it.
Melissa (whose off to print it out in triplicate)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 06:54:33 CDT
From: "Emily M.Hanson" <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Moments in History]
Things I would have loved to see:
1. Nick's reaction to the first refridgerator.
No more having to kill cows to get that fresh blood! <g>
2. LC's reaction to the atomic bomb would have been interesting.
3. Nick's reaction to using a computer and going onto the Internet for the
first time (a modern-day computer, not those old things where you had to use a
punch card in, reminiscent of Batman.)
In a message dated 7/17/00 1:43:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
Laudon1965@a....... writes:
<< I was thinking about which great (and little) moments in history our vamps
have witnessed, and I decided it was actually the little events I'd loved to
have seen them react to. >>
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 07:59:36 -0500
From: deb <totoq@r.......>
Subject: Re: Trying to help someone find a story.........
Well, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Just read the story and it
is great ... there was another that came up in the same search that is a great
alternative to Last Night
Dark Knightie, Vaquera, Ratpacker, Incarnate,
Denial Faction
enjoy both of these - especially if you deny Last Night and enjoy Were's
deb in KS
Meliss9900@a....... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/19/00 5:47:37 AM Central Daylight Time,
> totoq@r....... writes:
> << Not sure if this is the right one, but I did a search using Netscape and
> the words - Vachon Urs Werewolf and it came up with this story ... I
> think it might be the right one ...>>
> Cool. I didn't know that you could do a search like. Learn something new
> everyday
> by Ruth Dempsey(Anglofans@a.......)
> (PG-13 to R)
> >>
> This is it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It was driving me batty trying
> to find it.
> Melissa (whose off to print it out in triplicate)
> Melissa
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:18:37 -0300
From: "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........]
I found a werewolf story too:
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 20:19:28 -0700
From: Shirley Davis <pitbull@d.......>
Never Cry Wolf
----- Original Message -----
From: <Meliss9900@a.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........]
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 12:07:07 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: popcorn
Jeannie Ecklund wrote:
> I'm pretty new to this list, watched the popcorn scene between Nick
> and Nat last night for the first time on a tape. It's wonderful, but
> why do you think he would do that to her?
Actually, Ger did it to CD, and it worked so well they kept the take!
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:39:04 -0500
From: Barbara Aszman Stone <StoneB@g.......>
Subject: "Last Act" blood carries memories
Here is my transcript of the scene from the Canadian version
of "Last Act" between Nick and Erika in which we learn for the
first time that FK vampires share memories along with their
(Insert after scene at Nat's office/lab when Nat tells Nick
that suicide is a "personal thing".)
E: Your blood courses through me. So strong. So many
N: What do you see?
E: A fight in the blazing sun...A castle...Moorish, I think.
N: The crusades.
E: You were wounded. Nearly killed.
N: Yes.
E: I hate the thought of dying.
N: Then why do you think of dying yourself?
(or ...why are you thinking of dying yourself--not
sure which he says)
E: My blood told that to you? Have I infected you with that
N: No, it's just that I don't understand, that's all.
Not from you.
E: Life is so precious and we are so blessed with our endless
years, etc. (This last line is in the Sci-Fi version.)
B. Stone
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 18 Jul 2000 to 19 Jul 2000 (#2000-215)
Parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at