FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Jul 2000 to 18 Jul 2000 - Special issue (#2000-213)
Tue, 18 Jul 2000
There are 33 messages totalling 1000 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. [[FORKNI-L] Found What I was Looking for (BTVS) Many thank YOUS!]
2. [[FORKNI-L] Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon]
3. Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light... and Janette's orientation
4. Bixexuality of Janette (3)
5. Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon (6)
6. Looking for fonts and/or desktop (3)
7. alum on real world?
8. Aristotle Faction (2)
10. Bisexuality of Janette
11. Trying to help someone find a story......... (2)
12. [[FORKNI-L] Found What I was Looking for (BTVS) & YKYHB
13. YKYBWTMFK... (2)
14. Nightie (3)
15. YKYBW...
16. 3rd season woman bi vampire?
17. [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........]
18. Chat with FK guest star
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:56:13 CDT
From: "Emily M.Hanson" <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] Found What I was Looking for (BTVS) Many thank YOUS!]
Hey I'm dying to see just about any posts. Our servers have been up and down
at work more times than the stock market the past couple of days (due to major
upgrade), so about the only thing I have to do when the network server is down
is go on the internet (yep there are separate servers.)
Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......> wrote:
I will answer them later......(like y'all are just dyin' to see my
posts <gggg>)
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 17:15:21 CDT
From: "Emily M.Hanson" <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the
3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
Oh, I think he definately regrets what he is, especially given his background.
I have to agree with McLisa here.
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:41:06 +0900
From: Raven Breena <raven@n.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light... and Janette's
Just a note or two.
This was the first time I watched this ep, actually I watched it once, then
played it again to write the summary so I wouldn't miss anything
(hopefully). I keyed in on the white nightie because at one time (before BL
was so generous *waves*) I only had one ep on tape, The Fix, and so I
remembered the nightie very keenly.
>3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
Sometimes I do think that Nick wallows too much in his guilt and regret. I
suppose that 800 years is a long time to regret, but still. I guess I'm too
much of a cousin, patiently waiting for LaCroix to show up and *fix* Nick
>6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
>proximity to Anne?
This is the item that most convinced me that Nick was just "playing along",
btw. If she had really been affecting him, I would expect at least a small
flash of yellow eyes, but that never happens.
As for Janette being bi, perhaps I've read too much Anne Rice but it seems
to me that the conversion to vampire would blur or even negate the need for
gender roles. Of course, it all depends whose fan fiction you read =). I'm
sure the really good ones have *very distinct* gender roles <eg>.
Cousin Raven Breena
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and
astonish the rest." - Mark Twain
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 20:00:15 -0400
From: Luc <lacroix@e.......>
Subject: Re: Bixexuality of Janette
I haven't seen much of Janette to tell, but considering the time period she
came from, where women were pretty much secluded, even if they were
prostitutes, it would be of no wonder that maybe...just maybe she could be
bisexual, or have bisexual tendecies. Besides this, she is a vampire, and I
guess the basic instinct of a vampire doesn't really have a total
heterosexual "act" in it if you know what I mean, in another words, the
typical vampire wouldn't care. But this is my opinion.
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:01:10 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Bixexuality of Janette
Mclisa wrote:
> My guess would be that the episode might be A Fate Worse Than Death. I have
> always thought I saw more than just empathy in Janette's attitude toward the
> present-day prostitute whom she was going to bring across (I can't recall
> the character's name).
I think it's more likely to be "If Looks Could Kill". It would explain why
Janette decided to bring her across and there seems to be more than "mother
love" in her interaction with her after her conversion.
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:08:19 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
> 1. Do you think Anne was actually hypnotizing her male victims to do the
> things she had them do?
I think she was controlling them with her promises of sexual favors and her
fulfilling of her promises (what a stereotypic viewpoint <G>)
> 2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
> way he thought he should to get the perp?
I've always thoguht that Anne was affecting him very heavily. The only
reason he didn't finally take her was 800 years of self control. I base
this mostly on the difference between Nick's "hoovering" of Nat in BMV when
he's trying to convince LC that he's going to bring her across and his very
intense focus when he's with Anne.
> 5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was just
> bumping along with Nick?
I've always struggled with this. I think Schanke had to be in on the last
scenario, but he really seems surprised by Anne's use of the garrote. So I
think He and Nick had put together a scenario and it got changed at the last
minute by Anne's behavior so that Nick had to let her try to strangle
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:57:29 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Bixexuality of Janette
Barbara Vainio wrote:
> I think it's more likely to be "If Looks Could Kill". It would explain why
> Janette decided to bring [the Countess] across and there seems to be more
> than "mother love" in her interaction with her after her conversion.
It would also add an edge to Janette's line "sometimes it takes a woman
to do a man's job."
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 21:03:39 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
> 2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
> way he thought he should to get the perp?
Nick's eyes never change, his fangs never pop and we don't hear the
seductive ka-thump, ka-thump that would indicate that her blood is
calling to him. I think he's in control, just as he was at the
Luminology cult, but doing very well playing the part. <gr>
> 5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was just
> bumping along with Nick?
I think Schank was in on it (although *we* were kept from knowing he was
in on it), right down to "wearing a turtleneck, with one exception. I
think the knee socks and plaid skirt *were* a surprise.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 18:03:58 -0700
From: tigrlady2u@j.......
Subject: Looking for fonts and/or desktop
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could obtain the FK font and/or a
FK desktop theme? We got a new hardrive and I lost the link to the font.
I don't know if a desktop theme even exists, but I'd like it, if it
KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 21:27:23 EDT
From: TRAPPERG2@a.......
Subject: Re: Looking for fonts and/or desktop
In a message dated 07/17/2000 6:08:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
tigrlady2u@j....... writes:
<< I don't know if a desktop theme even exists, but I'd like it, if it does.
Thanks! >>
<A HREF="">Cousin Raven's Hideout</A> or,
if the link doesn't work:
The site has lots of downloads, including cursors, screensavers and themes.
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 21:28:56 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Looking for fonts and/or desktop
tigrlady2u@j....... wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone knew where I could obtain the FK font and/or a
> FK desktop theme?
You can get Jamie Melody Randall's Forever Knight True Type Font on
Click on the Kewl stuff link.
or go directly to:
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 21:53:51 -0400
From: Marti Ehlert <molly3jane@j.......>
Subject: alum on real world?
Did anybody see The Real World tonight> I could have sworn I saw Ger!
The evil e-mail part. Was I the only one? So sorry about the OT-ness,
but I have to see if I'm nuts.
Sulking back into lurkdom
"I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to"
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 00:42:38 CDT
From: Jen Harding <jensharding@h.......>
Subject: Aristotle Faction
is there already an aristotle faction? a few friends of mine are scheming
to start one and i don't want them embarrassing themselves... *i* want to be
the one to embarrass them! ;)
Jen Harding, jensharding@h.......
CotK, KoC, Faithful, Val, CP, LC, RoGe, Urchin
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 01:06:33 CDT
From: Jen Harding <jensharding@h.......>
Subject: YKYAFKFW...
you know you're an f.k. fanatic when....
you have 79 messages and pause from your laughter to reflect on what your
addict friends would say about that...
the guy in the checkout line ahead of you gets 12.28 in change and you
you make choking noises whenever someone says 'in general' or 'general
principles'... then you wonder what kind of principles they are....
<sigh> jen, jen, jen.
Jen Harding, jensharding@h.......
CotK, KoC, Faithful, Val, CP, LC, RoGe, Urchin
"I love you all. And I want all of you ... to love me" -- the Nightcrawler
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 23:48:28 -0700
From: Greer <wyldechilde_2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Bisexuality of Janette
Before I actually say anything of import (snort. Yeah
like I'm gonna?) I want to admit that I am terrible
with names and the only two I've ever been been able
to remember were Dark Knight, Black Buddha (in which I
thought Natalie should have won Sceptic of the Year
for expressing her disbelief in curses whilst sitting
next to a bloodsucking, undead walking corpse.) and
Last Knight.
My kinda overlong point is I won't remember the name
of the episode I'm talking about so sorry.
In the flashback where we saw La Croix bring Janette
over didn't she seem extremely attached to the ailing,
older prostitute that she lived with? Her concern
over her illness, her bitterness towards her family
for turning her out (which I think also had much to do
with her loyalty towards her vampiric family.
Especially Nicholas during his 'difficult' years) and
with the subject under discussion you could see the
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 07:41:32 -0500
From: Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
>1. Do you think Anne was actually hypnotizing her male victims to do the
>things she had them do?
I don't think it would work very well. Post hypnotic sugestion doesn't
really last long.
>2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
>way he thought he should to get the perp?
Both. I think he was actually attracted to her when her first saw her at
the club, but was able to put it behind him when she went from being a
stripper, to being prime suspect.
>3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
While I believe Nick enjoys guilt, I also think he does have a lot of
genuine regrets over what he is.
>4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
Ya know, I don't think that Nick would have bothered to go change into a
nightie before being seduced.
>5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was just
>bumping along with Nick?
At what point? He definatly seemed in on it for the strangling, but I think
Nick filled him in on the rest on the ride over.
>6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
>proximity to Anne?
Because he'd already catogerized her as possible killer by the time he got
close to her. Apparently he didn't find that much of a turn on.
Emma (elighton@b.......)
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker
Survivor of Wars 9 and 10
"Pulvis et umbra sumus." -Horace
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:08:45 -0400
From: "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
At 07:41 AM 7/18/00 -0500, Raven Breena (double quote) and Emma Lighton
(single quote) wrote:
>>2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
>>way he thought he should to get the perp?
Until the very end, I thought he'd fallen for her fang, cork, and bottle.
>>4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
>Ya know, I don't think that Nick would have bothered to go change into a
>nightie before being seduced.
He didn't. That was his underwear. And IIRC, Janette's filmy white thing
was *her* underwear.
>>6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
>>proximity to Anne?
Continuity sprites didn't unionize until second season, and under the terms
of their contract, refused to do any back research <eg>. Oh, and under the
work-sharing provisions demanded by management, there was a different team
of continuity sprites for each episode <weg>.
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 05:14:27 -0700
From: fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Aristotle Faction
<<Jen Harding wrote:is there already an aristotle faction?>>
Checkout this website:
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:03:16 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Trying to help someone find a story.........
Morning Gang....
I got the following privately, apparently Melisssa's mail is getting bounced
from the list and she is looking for a story. I only get VS4 fiction mail
(as if there were any <g> I know, I know, be paitent) so I can't answer her
question......anyhow here is what she is looking for <waving at Melissa {g}>:
<<Help. . .
I'm looking for a story but unfortunately I can't remember the name of it or
the author(ess). (and I've tried posting this plea to FORKNI-L several times
but it keeps getting rejected.)
The only specific thing about it that I remember, is that there is a
flashback in it of Vachon and Urs (cir 1930-40's). They in a barn that a
group of villagers/farmers are about to set fire to when they are rescued by
a female werewolf. Flash forward some 50 years later and that same werewolf
seeks out Vachon and requests his help in locating her missing grandson.
Do you have any inkling of the title or author? Melissa>> <Meliss9000@a.......>
Hope someone know more than I do! Thanks.
Forever Yours, Billie-lee
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:37:30 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Trying to help someone find a story.........
Sorry Billie Lee, I don't have your answer, but a request of my own! BL's
friend provided this description of the story:
The only specific thing about it that I remember, is that there is a
flashback in it of Vachon and Urs (cir 1930-40's). They in a barn that a group
of villagers/farmers are about to set fire to when they are rescued by a female
werewolf. Flash forward some 50 years later and that same werewolf seeks out
Vachon and requests his help in locating her missing grandson.
I've never read this story, and I've read (or attempted to read) just about
everything out there -- so I would like to also be provided with the author's
name, story title, etc. if anyone has the info.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:44:29 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
Hello again all, I am a bit late for class here <g>
1. Do you think Anne was actually hypnotizing her male victims to do the
things she had them do?
In a sense, maybe yes? Looked like *seductive* hypnotism after a fashion.
But then I's have to take a little exception to that. While Anne was indeed
beautiful, I'm not so sure she was "all that" <G>, i.e.: not so beautiful *no
one* could resist her charms. So I'll go out on a limb and say maybe she had
a little psychic power she was using as her own sort of "whammy" to get
others to do her bidding, which, in turn, (obviously) added to _her_
pleasure. Whatever floats your boat, Anne <lol>!
2. Do you think she (Anne) was really affecting him, or did he just act the
way he thought he should to get the perp?
You mean Nick? I think he was just acting that way--he has been around to
long and resisted far to much to let a mere Mortal <g> (shades of Uncle?)
seduce him into walking on the wrong side of the tracks for real.
3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
Neither. I think it is a magnification of the fight between good and evil
that exists within us all, which is, of course, IMHO only, but how I see
things. For instance The War in Heaven (battle of the Archangels), or the
Spiritual Battle that covets our Souls. We may not even be aware of the
battle at times, but it wages on. I often find myself at odds *with* myself
and I am theoretically "good." Did that make any sense __at all__? <g>
Sorry, no preaching intended, honest!
4. How about that white nightie in the flashbacks? Yummy.
Whoaaaaaa, yeah, I have always loved that. And as I have said before, the
flashbacks are indeed often my favorite part of the episode!!
5. Do you think Schanke was in on the whole 'sting' on Anne, or he was just
bumping along with Nick?
Looked to me like he had to be in on it, no one (i.e. : Nick, Schanke arrives
just in time) is *that* lucky, not even on TV. Well, now, wait a minute. I
guess they are, happens all the time. Oh well, I love it anyhow. Still
think Schanke was in the know, though, worked out too well to have been
6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
proximity to Anne?
Someone said this already I know, but **many years of practice?** I didn't
see or hear anything that indicated Nick was in the least swayed man-wise or
vampire-wise, he put on a really good act.
Thanks for the **wonderful** synopsis, CRB, I can see the characters and
recall things really well when I read what you write, __well done!!__
Forever Yours,
"Lord, make me a channel of Your Peace" (Saint Francis)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:47:27 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light of the Moon
In a message dated 7/17/00 10:07:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:
<< About time he got called on that. :) I'm told there's an outtake somewhere
in which Nick goes into the glazed expression and CD says, "off in a
flashback again! Rude, rude, rude!" I wish they'd left that in.>>
Really!?!?!?!? Now that would indeed be fun to see, McL. Anybody ever seen
it, I know it's not in any of the stuff I have :>D
Forever Yours,
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 09:55:24 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.105 - Dance By the Light... and Janette's
In a message dated 7/17/00 4:42:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
raven@n....... writes:
<< This was the first time I watched this ep, actually I watched it once,
then played it again to write the summary so I wouldn't miss anything
Don't think you missed a thing there CRB!!
<waves back and grins> The white nightie stood out for me even *after* I had
all the eps and had watched them all over and over ::::::::::drool::::::::::
<<3. Do you honestly think Nick regrets what he is or just likes his guilt?
Sometimes I do think that Nick wallows too much in his guilt and regret. I
suppose that 800 years is a long time to regret, but still. I guess I'm too
much of a cousin, patiently waiting for LaCroix to show up and *fix* Nick
LOL, Nick shall never be "fixed" BWAHAHAHAHAH ::::::::ducks and runs for
cover grinning madly:::::::::::::::
<<6. How do you think Nick was able to control himself while in such close
proximity to Anne? This is the item that most convinced me that Nick was
just "playing along", btw. If she had really been affecting him, I would
expect at least a small flash of yellow eyes, but that never happens.>>
WOW, really good point, I missed that entirely....makes even more sense to me
now than when I was so ineptly trying to explain it in my answer!!
<<As for Janette being bi, perhaps I've read too much Anne Rice but it seems
to me that the conversion to vampire would blur or even negate the need for
gender roles. Of course, it all depends whose fan fiction you read =). I'm
sure the really good ones have *very distinct* gender roles <eg>.>>
And in FK canon, though not as much as other canon, the act of taking a human
is supposed to have serious sexual undertones, is it not? Sure seems like
it, the sound of the pounding heart, the music, the **tension,** the, oh,
excuse me, I got lost there for a minute <VWEG>. It is present even more so
in Anne Rice, yes!!
Have a great day all!
Forever Yours,
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:01:57 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] Found What I was Looking for (BTVS) & YKYHB
In a message dated 7/17/00 2:56:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
emily.m.hanson@u....... writes:
<< Hey I'm dying to see just about any posts. Our servers have been up and
down at work more times than the stock market the past couple of days (due to
major upgrade), so about the only thing I have to do when the network server
is down is go on the internet (yep there are separate servers.)>>
Well, now y'all <waves at Emily> have likely seen me post more in one day
than you'd ever care to, LOL. Ah, the joys of waking up early but having
fallen asleep eqaully early <g> tends to make one more prolific.
OK, YNYHB.........when the power goes off while you are sleeping and when you
wake up **28 minutes later** all things (VCR's, clocks, the __microwave__)
are flashing 12:28 because they reset themselves to 12:00 am when the power
goes out (except your newest VCR <g> with a built in back up). OK, so that's
lame, but it has honestly happened **more than once** <g>. We have such
wonderful wiring in our house :>D
Forever Yours (and for the last time today if I am not mistaken in my # of
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:51:09 -0400
From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@e.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFK...
You're driving after dark down by Peason Airport in Toronto and you can't
keep from flashing back to the first part of BB1.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:32:46 -0400
From: mclisa@m.......
Subject: Nightie
Ahm, actually, that's not a nightie. It's a medieval shirt. Yes, they were
that long, since they had to cover territory now usually found under
Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:55:35 -0700
From: tigrlady2u@j.......
Subject: YKYBW...
You Know You've Been Watching Too Much FK When... You're watching the
movie 'Bicentennial Man' (which, btw, was awesome!) and you keep thinking
how Nick and Natalie would react to the movie. I pictured Natalie crying
her eyes out through the last quarter of the movie (I did!) and Nick
being disturbed and possibly even crying himself, because it so closely
resembles his own feelings and desires.
KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:49:37 -0500
From: treeleaf@i.......
Subject: Re: 3rd season woman bi vampire?
At 03:51 PM 7/17/00 -0400, Brenda F. Bell wrote:
>He'd said that originally Deb was told that Janette was straight and then
>later on was told to play her as bi.
Is it possible she was told to play a scene *as if* she were bi, as a bit
of direction to help her play a particular scene? I'm thinking of the
flashback scene in False Witness, when she's killed the woman musician.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK site --
Kickstart the Knight!:
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:36:00 CDT
From: "Emily M.Hanson" <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Trying to help someone find a story.........]
I haven't read it either, but now I'm curious. I don't think I've
ever read any FK fanfic with werewolves (besides the stuff I"m currently
Portia 1 <portia1@m.......> wrote:
I've never read this story, and I've read (or attempted to read) just about
everything out there -- so I would like to also be provided with the author's
name, story title, etc. if anyone has the info.
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:45:05 EDT
From: teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFK...
>From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@e.......>
>You're driving after dark down by Peason Airport in Toronto and you can't
>keep from flashing back to the first part of BB1.
Heck, I can never hear about a plane crash on the news without wondering if
any vampires survived!
Check him out!...
Proud Vaquera/Vachon's vassal/Defender of Brown-eyed Vamps
ForeverNat/FoRP/Crew/GKfc/GWDfc/NB and LaCroixsForum lurker
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:24:53 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nightie
mclisa@m....... wrote:
> Ahm, actually, that's not a nightie. It's a medieval shirt. Yes, they were
> that long, since they had to cover territory now usually found under
> trousers.
for some medieval clothing terminology.
doesn't have everything, but it's a nice primer.
IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:38:25 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nightie
couldn't resist a few adding this one....
Very nice link for people writing any historical fanfic.... lots of good,
general info -- clothing, instruments, tapestries, armor...
from this site...
MYTH: People smelled bad/People never washed their clothes
While it is true that medieval people rarely washed their outer garments, their
inner garments were washed quite frequently. In the days before dry cleaning,
the brocade and gold embroidered outer garments of the nobility could not be
laundered without being severely damaged. However, peasants and nobles alike
wore linen undershirts under all their clothing. These shirts had long sleeves
and extended to mid-calf protecting the outer garments from sweat and oil. These
shirts were usually white and washed often.
Sounds just like Nickie's nightie to me! <g>
IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 20:33:26 +0100
From: Anja <Narcus@w.......>
Subject: Chat with FK guest star
Hi !
Posted with Lisa´s permission:
I received this from a friend.
(Michael McManus was the priest in "For I have Sinned" in
first season FK)
Tuesday, July 18, at 9PM ET
(6PM PT/2AM UK time)
Sorry for being so late but I had a small email problem.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Jul 2000 to 18 Jul 2000 - Special issue (#2000-213)
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