FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Jul 2000 to 9 Jul 2000 - Special issue (#2000-201)
Sun, 9 Jul 2000
There are 17 messages totalling 1195 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. Knight School - Ep.101 - Dark Knight Pt. 1
2. Seeking the lost... (5)
3. Flaming the Caddy? (was Knight School - Ep.000 - Nick Knight)
4. Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned (5)
5. [[FORKNI-L] Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned]
6. Where did LaCroix go?
7. Knight School 101 - The Forever Vet's Take
8. Knight School 102 -- the Forever Vet's Take
9. Knight School 103 -- the Forever Vet's take
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 14:07:33 -0700
From: Mysterie <Mysterie@b.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.101 - Dark Knight Pt. 1
> Chinese is definitely tonal and sing-song, though you wouldn't know it from
> means "hello, how are you?" in Mandarin (Nih how mah), but said it with
> absolutely no inflection whatsoever. Took me the longest time to figure out
Yep Chinese is very tonal, hence the five or so different tones any one
word can have (for example mother, mama is two words and tone wise ma has no
special tone but the second ma has a dot representing a deeper tone). That
why it make one of the harder languages to learn. Heck I speak it (I'm a
proud ABC) and I still don't get it right. Therefore, most westerners can't
speak it right because the tones play havoc with the tongue. I tried
learning French once and that definitely threw me for a loop (made me unable
to say some words like mirror, even now six years later I can't say the word
withdrawal), the tongue thing again.
Now the interesting thing is if Nick learned his Chinese words off someone
who spoke Cantonese. They have a whole different tone to things, in fact
less inflection or sing-songness.
Sorry for the lesson, was a little eager to add my two cents...
-What do you get with white hair and a bottle of purple dye? .... a VERY
angry 2000 year old vampire.
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 15:30:12 -0700
From: KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: Seeking the lost...
Does anybody know if Mel and Lady LaCroix are okay?
There FK story archives have not been updated since early April, nor have I
seen any posts from them lately.
: (=
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 17:39:45 -0500
From: treeleaf@i.......
Subject: Re: Flaming the Caddy? (was Knight School - Ep.000 - Nick Knight)
At 09:06 AM 7/7/00 -0400, Libratsie@a....... wrote:
>I think we should REALLY flame the Caddy. I think the addition of purple
>flames applied to the hood and sides would look kewl, to say the least!
Purple and teal green? Ewww!
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK site --
Kickstart the Knight!:
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 18:46:24 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
I mega-ditto Kyer's inquiry (Hi, Kyer!). I have tried to send stories and
e's to Lady LaCroix and keep getting my msgs returned! :0(
At 03:30 PM 7/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anybody know if Mel and Lady LaCroix are okay?
>There FK story archives have not been updated since early April, nor have I
>seen any posts from them lately.
>: (=
>Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 18:46:43 -0400
From: Lois Dodson <ldodson@b.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned
These are some toughies, but I'll give it a try.
> 1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What would be a good
> name for him?
> 2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
IMO, most zealots think that they are "chosen" by some higher power which
gives them permission to kill and makes them immune to the laws of ordinary
> 3. If Nick hadn't have corrected Schanke, how long do you think it would
> have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
Probably still wouldn't know.
> 4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
> 5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
> being hypnotized, that is)
I think Schanke is basically a faithful puppy dog kind of guy. But that
doesn't mean he doesn't think about other women...and if someone threw
herself at him...well, men aren't always ruled by their big head.
> 6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or just taken him out
> of the picture?
I think Alma was just looking for dinner, not a long term relationship
Lois Dodson<ldodson@b.......>
Visit my GWD Obsession page at
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 16:17:46 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned
> 1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What would be a good
> name for him?
R.I.P. (and not necessarily literally...)
> 2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
Even less brain cells than my cache of one.
> 3. If Nick hadn't have corrected Schanke, how long do you think it would
> have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
To this day (nobody but the sum-bag villians ever die!) Schanke would still
believe he had confessed to an Irish-brogued priest.
> 4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
Alma has a 'thing' for anyone with warm hemoglobin.
> 5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
> being hypnotized, that is)
Not as long as Myra keeps wearing those hipwaders.
> 6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or just taken him out
> of the picture?
Brought him over where? To meet grandma? ...oh. Nah! :)=
Kyer, kyer@p.......
"Excuse me miss, do you carry black satin sheets in x-long twin?
How about nighties with 'Nick' written all over them?
A dragon and gargoyle mantelpiece?
How about sword pins?
But I thought McFrugals had 'everything'!
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 19:54:05 -0400
From: mclisa@m.......
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned
-----Original Message-----
>1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What would be a good
>name for him?
Comstock? That was the name of an early 20th c. New York offcial who was so
prudish about things in books, the arts and the theater that for a while
"comstockery" was another word for "prudish."
>2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
Probably for the same reason that they are always so sure they're the only
ones who are right about whatever it is. If they were capable of seeing
other points of view, they would not be zealots. Strong supporters of
whatever it is, sure, but not zealots/fanatics.
>3. If Nick hadn't have corrected Schanke, how long do you think it would
>have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
I don't think he would have.
>4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
Nope. I think she was just playing with her food.
>5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
>being hypnotized, that is)
No, even with hypnosis. One of the things I admire most about JK's
portrayal of Schanke is the way he made him a fundamentally nice man who
thought he had to act like a jerk in order to be accepted as one of the
boys. I loved the way he had Schanke, directly after going on about what a
womanizer he supposedly was to Nick, Schanke admitted almost shamed-faced to
the priest that he'd never once strayed.
>6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or just taken him out
>of the picture?
The latter. If anybody'd brought him over, for any reason, it would IMHO
have been Janette after catching Alma draining him once it was too late to
get him to an emergency room for transfusion. I think Janette would have
assumed, wrongly, that Nick would prefer this to having Schanke dead.
Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 20:52:23 EDT
From: KaAG@a.......
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned
<< 1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What would be a
good name for him?
2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
To quote the Blues Brothers ' they are on a mission from God'... and if they
are right (and you are wrong...) and if you don't agree with them, you don't
deserve to live... and if they die, they will go to be with their God because
to fulfill their mission is not a sin, whatever it takes
3. If Nick hadn't have corrected Schanke, how long do you think it would
have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
I don't think he would have. That accent was so totally 'un-Nick'
4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
naaahhh... she was playing with him.
5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
being hypnotized, that is)
No... I think he's one of those guys who says things like that to 'fit in'
with co-workers or an image that he's trying to concoct because he thinks
that his 'nice guy' image won't get him far among other cops... in other
words, he'd talk the talk, but would not actually do the deed.
6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or just taken him out
of the picture?
nope... if he was lucky, she'd just sip a little. We didn't really see much
of her, but what I did see of her, I think she likes her hemoglobin warm and
unbottled and is not the mothery kind....
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 20:50:26 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned]
> 5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
> being hypnotized, that is)
I think the Schanke of pre-1st season *would* - and possibly did - cheat on
Myra. I think his run-in with Alma (and the fact that she almost killed
him) made him rethink his infidelity, which is why he went in to confess.
He was actually serious about changing his behavior and wanted absolution.
I also think the "Nick Knight" Schanke was even more likely to cheat on his
wife than the "DK" Schanke was.
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 21:46:28 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
Kyer wrote:
> >Does anybody know if Mel and Lady LaCroix are okay?
I too, am worried about Mel, but I can reassure you that Dianne Bugg
(Lady LaCroix) was okay as of June 19, when she sent a message to the
NNPCon list.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 20:49:02 -0500
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep.103 - For I Have Sinned
> 1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What
> would be a good name for him?
Jerry Falwell.
> 2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
It's a tough job being the Hammer of God, but someone's gotta do it!
> 3. If Nick hadn't have corrected Schanke, how long do you
> think it would have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
Probably never, but if Nick had told him that for his penance he would have
to wash a large classic automobile every Saturday for a month, he might have
figured it out.
> 4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
She was a great admirer of his red blood cells. Schanke was a convenient
container for her preferred beverage.
> 5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on
> Myra? (Without being hypnotized, that is)
Nope. He's a classic "all show and no go" kinda guy.
> 6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or
> just taken him out of the picture?
I don't think Alma would have wanted a polka-loving, sideburned guy as her
eternal child -- just not enough in common!
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 18:56:13 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
: )
Well, that's half a worry gone! Thanks!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
> Kyer wrote:
> > >Does anybody know if Mel and Lady LaCroix are okay?
> I too, am worried about Mel, but I can reassure you that Dianne Bugg
> (Lady LaCroix) was okay as of June 19, when she sent a message to the
> NNPCon list.
> -----
> Mary
> mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 21:09:53 -0500
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Where did LaCroix go?
> Cindy L. Clark
> On a humorous note for this topic, I really enjoyed Nancy
> Kaminski's story from the charity 'zine "A Taste of Forever" called "Paper
> Chase". What a truly modern way to *haunt* someone.
Thanks for the mention, Cindy. Just in case people don't know, you can still
order a copy of Taste of Forever. Visit my website at and click on "Fanzines."
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 19:03:56 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
Dang! And I was sooo careful with the previous send outs too!
<groan> <bangs head on keyboard thus spelling out: Somebody jest stake me
----- Original Message -----
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
> : )
> Well, that's half a worry gone! Thanks!!
> Kyer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
> To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
> Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 6:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Seeking the lost...
> > Kyer wrote:
> > > >Does anybody know if Mel and Lady LaCroix are okay?
> >
> > I too, am worried about Mel, but I can reassure you that Dianne Bugg
> > (Lady LaCroix) was okay as of June 19, when she sent a message to the
> > NNPCon list.
> >
> > -----
> > Mary
> > mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 23:48:50 -0500
From: "Janet Dornhoff, DVM" <dornhoff@p.......>
Subject: Knight School 101 - The Forever Vet's Take
(Raven Breena <raven@n.......> wrote everything with a >)
Ah, Dark Knight, the flip side of the original pilot. A very weird feeling
for me, even now, to watch this one. I had practically memorized "Nick
Knight" (don't ask, it involved a sadistic PE coach and jogging endlessly
with only a walkman to take my mind off the pain) and sometimes catch myself
comparing the two versions reflexively.
I've already commented on how it felt like some of the better bits
in NK were lost in DK, although a few other things were improved
(and the cast was vastly improved! ;-). I'll try to stick to the
episode as presented this time.
> They approach LaCroix, splendid in some kind of black cape
> with a neck frill (okay, so it's actually kind of silly looking), and they
> walk off.
> End Flashback
(French speakers, forgive my spelling here...or correct it...)
One of my favorite lines...due to some linguistic quirk, LaCroix's
telling Nick, "Il faut tuer," just seems *perfect* for him. It's
not that *Nick* has to kill, or that there's any question about
why or how...even the translation onscreen, to "It's time to kill,"
doesn't quite convey the same meaning. It's not any particular time,
it simply *is*. Killing just has to happen. End of story. And
that sort of sums up LaCroix and his lesson to Nick. Very nice.
> Flying over Toronto, someone ends up at the museum, watching a guard,
> following him through the various exhibits. The guard is carrying a radio
> which he places over a case with the jade goblet within (convenient, huh?);
By your phrasing you can tell you've just watched was a "goblet"
in NK and a "cup" in DK. ;-)
> A few minutes later, Nick is given
> pause by a crucifix on a suit of armour but shrugs it off.
And then makes his comment about Schanke's cologne. When I
finally watched with a good tape and the volume up, I realized that
Nick was hearing Schanke's voice from up the stairs, and the cologne
was just a joke. Before that, I thought he was serious! Somehow,
super-hearing is easier to buy for this scene.
> The curator, the
> dark-haired Alyce,
Okay, one more NK/DK come Alyce got demoted? She's
the *assistant* curator in this one. I suppose it suits the recasting
and editing out of her best lines. *sigh* At least this version got
much better props...the stella actually has Mayan numbers on it!
> On his way home, Nick brings Jeannie, Topper, and Dr. Dave (young homeless
> persons) hamburgers, which they appreciate, but they refuse Nick's offer of
> shelter in his garage.
This was a nice touch. I liked Stonetree's complaint, about how a
"skinny guy eats like a pig," giving an example of how Nick fools
his co-workers into accepting him as human. It's the little things
that count! Plus good old Nick is doing a good deed... Aaaww!
> Nick gets up and checks his answering machine and a wonderful ad starts
> proclaiming how Nicholas Knight has just been selected to spend a
> "sun-filled week in Hawaii", which Nick hits the [ffwd] button on.
So *that's* why Nick has a listed number -- to give us great little
gags like that! <g>
> Stonetree and Schanke are baffled as to how the guy got pulled out the
> window, but they brush it off.
This was a favorite scene for me during the hiatus, before "Close Call"
came along, because my interpretation was that Schanke *had* figured
out what Nick was, but took Stonetree's comments as a suggestion/order
to ignore it. Schanke knew all season, he was just hoping Nick would
come clean on his own and was playing along until then! (I figured the
Captain knew, too, but Nick was a good detective and that was all that
Stonetree cared about.)
> Nat finds out that Nick's nowhere to be found so she drives his caddy up to
> the loft to find him severly angsting on the couch.
Watching cheesy old Bela Lugosi movies...Rick had more taste! At least
a live video feed isn't committing the very "living in the past" Nick
was accusing Alyce of! (Oops, a comparison! Sorry!)
> She berates him for
> drinking his vital sustenence,
Do I sense a wee little bit of reviewer bias here? <g>
> to stop Nick from retrieving the goblet that they both
There you go again! ;-)
> They discovered that the blood
> mobile had been there today, and the pieces start to fall together.
For Schanke, anyway...Nick totally ignores their fall, since he's already
decided LaCroix is behind the killings. He's too close to this one, can't
see the clues until he calms down and steps back, and sees that maybe LC
isn't the one after all.
Oh, and re blood drives in CR was, that during a shortage,
some enterprising blood bank decided to add cheeseburgers, fried chicken,
and other *real* food to the usual little cookies, so as to draw in
people who might not otherwise donate. Not *exactly* paying for the
blood, but close enough!
> concentrates on finding out where
> LaCroix is. She gives him a piece of paper and tells him to be careful.
And that LC hasn't been making those kills, something he just isn't
ready to hear yet. But it'll percolate, and he'll realize it later.
How many viewers picked up on this and believed LaCroix innocent even
before their confrontation?
> Nick zones out and remembers his first kill again, a flashback that is
> thankfully interruped by a near head on collision with another vehicle.
The first of many. <weg>
> 1. Which caddy *really* has more trunk space?
The black one looks bigger. Plus, they could have been telling the
truth each time, with "the last thirty years" this time not covering
the earlier caddy, which was now 33 years ago. ;-)
> 2. Doesn't Nick portray the 'scruffy look' elegantly?
Beautifully phrased!
> 3. Shouldn't Nick have 'refueled' before going looking for LaCroix? I
> mean, he knew he's been trying to talk LC into giving him his freedom for
> how many centuries and that a little force would be necessary, it seems only
> prudent that he'd have taken precautions.
Nick's trying to kick a habit. If he gives up every time the going
gets a little rough, he's not going to really break it, now, is he?
> 4. Which jade cup do you like better? I favor the one in "Nick Knight"
> personally.
Well, um, *blush* considering that I took a pottery class in '90, and
happened to copy a certain design off of the screen, wearing a hole in
my tape getting a good look at the darn thing, and I still have that
piece, just waiting for that perfect shade of jade green glaze to come
along....I'd have to say the NK version. Besides, wouldn't you rather
have a goblet than a cup? ::ducks::
> 5. Why did they replace the first old guard that died with another old
> guard? It's pretty evident the first one didn't work out.
The first one didn't exactly die of old age....besides, their opponent
was even older!
> 6. Where did they get the idea for that frilly cape that LaCroix was
> wearing and did the one who suggested it get slapped?
Nope, lived on to dress Nick for his wedding. Hopefully, he was
caught after that before he could dress any other innocent victims....
And my own thoughts...
* Nick is already demonstrating his preference for standing just behind
a woman and to the side a little, giving perfect access to her neck
without her seeing it coming. First Alyce, then Natalie in the loft.
* Nat is amazing, braving the lion in his den, and Cath shows very
subtle signs of the fear Nat is feeling while the surface is taken
up with her determined strength in keeping Nick away from the bottle.
Acting on multiple levels is great. (I've just been watching a tape
of "The Sandbaggers," so I'm tuned in to skillful subtleties of
expression and body language just now.)
* Does Nick get more scruffy and less elegant when he broods, or is
it just me?
* Were viewers actually supposed to be thinking *Nick* might be the
killer during this ep? There are some indications we are, but I never
saw it, not even in the pilot. And yet the voiceover to part 2 seems
to imply that's supposed to be a possibility. Anyone watch DK first
who wants to comment?
:: Looks at book, looks at screen, tries to decide whether to read
and reply to the next review now, or wait 734 pages to do it. ::
-Janet <dornhoff@p.......>
The Forever Vet: NatPack, despite the name!
"J'ai soit."
"Oui, je sais. C'est bien simple. Il faut tuer."
(If you correct me, you *have* to translate "We have
an endless parade of nights before us" for me, too! ;-)
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 00:06:48 -0500
From: "Janet Dornhoff, DVM" <dornhoff@p.......>
Subject: Knight School 102 -- the Forever Vet's Take
(Raven Breena <raven@n.......> wrote the stuff with a >)
> During the following monologue, flashes of the first part of this episode
> flow through the sounds...since we just had the last part, I'll just
> reiterate the monologue.
Those of you who didn't see the CBS version...when they first aired it,
they'd cut seven minutes out of each 47 minute episode. This had the
amusing effect of there being scenes during that recap that *hadn't*
*appeared* in the first episode itself! The line about LaCroix calling
Nick out, with Nick perched behind Nat in his favorite biting position
and whispering in her ear, caused quite a hum. ;-)
> | Underground Radio |
> | 490 On Your Dial |
When I lived in Erie, I could pick up Canadian TV stations...but I couldn't
get anything at 490AM. :P
> They end up in a green-lit kosher slaughterhouse where LaCroix helps himself
> to some cow blood <ew>.
Oh, come on. Even the best can't live off of steak and lobster
*every* meal. LaCroix has to go for non-human occasionally.
> and LaCroix decides to give Nicholas his mortality by killing
> him and attacks him with a big cleaver.
I don't think he meant it for a minute. He said himself, "What's
it gonna take to get a rise out of you?" He wanted to get Nick
to react, not kill him! The cleaver would've clanked against the
cement floor if Nick hadn't moved.
> LaCroix talks about Nero and Rome, Genghis Khan and war, trying to talk Nick
> into appreciating his gift.
A wonderful speech (which CBS cut out completely). "Man *is* a
predator, Nicholas." Although I think that the line that looked
like it got to Nick the most was the one about the Crusades fading
into but a heartbeat.
> Back in the present, Nick is feeling guilty *again* for destroying LaCroix
> and runs out to his caddy's trunk to avoid the burning rays of the sun.
I didn't get that impression at all.
Nick looked at the spikes, even felt one of them. He knew they were
steel, that LaCroix wasn't gone. Then he looked up at the window, and
saw that sunlight was coming through it now, would soon be slanting
towards the spot LaCroix now hangs in. And he made a deliberate
choice to leave LaCroix there, in immortal peril from the sunlight.
My guess is that he was leaving it up to fate. Maybe LaCroix would
die and maybe not, and if he left before it happened then it wouldn't
entirely be his fault. Not consciously, of course, but that guilt
thing can be tricky.
> Meanwhile LaCroix is done playing dead
I don't think he was shamming when Nick was still there. Not sure
if he woke up 'cos he was healing, or because the sunlight was
starting to get too close for comfort, but he did wake up in the
nick of time, before he got fried.
> and although we don't see it, he
> obviously gets himself down from the steel spikes. (That must have taken
> some acrobatics...)
Or *flying* straight forward off of them. <g>
> Schanke is not getting much help from the nurse,
And being a real boob about it too. It's not *her* fault she doesn't
have the authority to release that information. He didn't have to
call her names afterwards! Schanke is not at his best in this ep.
Between this and whining in part one about his wife nagging him to
quit smoking...
> Nick gets his info and heads back down to the parking lot and into the
> trunk, just in time to hear Fenner jingling his keys and cutting the break
> line.
Was it just my tape, or did they leave off the jangling keys on the
audio? It was quite noticable in NK, but absent here.
> how often would you call a guy back who you suspected was a blood-sucking
> creature of the night? NAers, don't answer that :-))
Depends. Is he a *good* blood-sucking creature of the night, or a
*bad* blood-sucking creature of the night?
> (Again, *I* would have an unlisted number.)
I'll date myself by saying that this whole bit reminds me of little
Charlie Brewster and his new next-door neighbor. <g>
> Schanke discovers the repairs are *humongous*
Love that line about "worse still, he's gonna make me pay for it."
> Getting out the trunk, Nick
> confronts Schanke who cowers
Another point in favor of my theory that Schanke had figured out what
Nick was, and wasn't quite certain he wasn't dead meat. ;-)
> (did you ever notice people do that all the
> time around Nick? Stonetree did it when he gave Nick his new partner.)
Stonetree, cowering? Placating, perhaps, defensive about making such
an apparent mismatch, but cowering? I didn't think so!
> Nick starts to really get sick (stomach pains?) because he's so hungry and
> hasn't fed in awhile. (Again, would it have been that hard to make a
> 2-minute pit stop at the Raven?)
How would he explain that to Schanke? "Excuse me, gotta stop in at
this bar for a few minutes even though we're on duty..."
> creature of the night to call in and tell them how he is, they're worried
> about him. This makes Nick feel pretty good, thinking maybe he got him for
> good (ha!).
I can't tell whether he thinks LaCroix got toasted or got away. Probably
got toasted, judging by his expression.
> They find out Fenner's had problems, his mother died from TB
> contracted from hepatitis-infected blood after a car accident.
TB? Tuberculosis never got into the picture. Don't blame you for
getting confused, though; that explanation wasn't nearly as well-done
as the one in NK.
> he doesn't want the street people
> to be able to donate 'ever again', so he kills them, taking their blood and
> probably pretending it was donated blood.
Probably flushing it down the drain; donated blood might "slip through"
again and hurt someone else.
> Nick crashes into the loft, fangs bared, eyes blazing and throws Fenner
> (when he could have taken him out). He gets Jeannie to leave for her own
> safety then jumps the flames to get to Alyce.
Interestingly enough, I don't think Jeannie saw him vamped out in this
version, although Alyce was watching him when they cut to her.
> Alyce offers herself to him to help him (and make her immortal,
> although with his track record, I wouldn't.)
He doesn't have a track record yet, this is the pilot. ;-)
I love the way Alyce is clearly making her own decision here, gives her
reasons why and sounds perfectly lucid about it. She doesn't realize
that for Nick, if he defeated LaCroix but had to kill her to do it,
it would really be LaCroix winning. She sees it as a win for both of
> He whispers things to her and then sinks his fangs.
"Soit tranquille," was what I heard. And he goes at it from behind,
just like that's where he gets it from!
> lower than the heart (no, really, I mean it) and we hear a soft "whoosh"
> when Nick isn't looking. (I swear, I heard a whoosh.)
I heard it too, and it's only his burning cloak that falls to the
ground. But they made it clear later that vampires' bodies disappear
when they die, so I guess that he still thought LC was toast.
> (I find this really amusing, but highly unlikely since he
> gave blood with Fenner not too long ago.)
The one pint at a time was extablished based on a body weight of,
if I recall correctly, 110 pounds. I suspect that Schanke can, um,
spare twice that amount, maybe more, without harm.
> 1. Why did they decide to make Schanke even more annoying by changing "Papa
> mow mow" to polka music? (Although, polka music does suit Schanke more...)
Real world? Probably cheaper to get the rights. But yes, if it's going
to be a running gag, now's a perfect time to establish it.
> 2. How *did* LaCroix get out of this one?
*That* has been the subject of almost a decade's worth of fanfic...*over* a
decade if you count the sporadic NK fanfic! I'm not gonna try to come up
with something original yet plausible on this short notice! <g>
> 3. Why is it that Nat didn't get Alyce's body on her table, or at least
> wonder where the body went?
Maybe she came in on someone else's shift, or Nat was too busy giving Nick
a transfusion. By the time Nat's next shift came, Alyce had already
hypnotised the coronor she *did* get into writing up the report and saying
the body had been picked up for cremation.
> 5. And did LC have to *tease* us by licking his fingers? (Wait, you can
> refuse not to answer that one, I know some of you are more interested in
> Nick and his scruffy look <g> *And* that some of you were entranced by
> Schanke's <um> Polka <?> look.)
Same reason I lick my fingers when I get chocolate on them. It's something
yummy that will smear and make a mess if it isn't cleaned up quickly.
Plus it is, indeed, wonderfully sexy. And I'm only fond of scruffy
when it's *elegant* scruffy, as you so succinctly put it. I'd rather
have clean-shaven and boyish grin. ::drool::
> 6. And where did Alyce go, anyway? I mean, it would have been great had
> she shown up in Killer Instinct, you know, with LC, it would have made the
> whole thing a little more believable IMHO.
Careful, or TPTB will decide to use it as the basis for a spin-off.
"They want the series back, let's see who isn't dead yet...."
-Janet <dornhoff@p.......>
The Forever Vet: NatPack, despite the name!
I worked late on my birthday, and no one brought *me* a cute vampire!
"How long is the longest friendship?" -LaCroix
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 02:06:49 -0500
From: "Janet Dornhoff, DVM" <dornhoff@p.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School 103 -- the Forever Vet's take
Raven Breena <raven@n.......> wrote the stuff with a >:
> Knight School
> Episode: 103 For I Have Sinned
This was the first FK episode I ever saw. Having shown my sister the
tape of NK (and then made her a copy), when she started going to
school in Minnesota, she called one week to say, hey, I think I'm
picking up a Canadian station and guess what, they're doing a remake
of that movie! Well, the next week I'd figured out that CBS was
carrying it, but also that our local affiliate wasn't. It wasn't
til the third ep that I discovered they were piping in a different
affiliate, from Indiana, onto their "network preemptions" channel
on cable. (This was before they would have had to pay for it.)
At about 1 am. Nice. And the switching at that hour was on
automatic, and it was actually more like 1:05, so they cut off the
last five minutes of *every* episode -- for months!
Not only that, but they were picking it up by antenna and then
putting that signal on cable, so the reception was atrocious.
Some eps were more snow than picture later on in the season. But
this ep and the next, at least, were pretty good quality.
> We open in a hotel room with a woman who obviously has just finished
> spending some *serious* time with the guard of a furniture store, *in* the
> furniture store.
Somehow I can't imagine that kid thinking to make the bed up again
afterwards. Or at least getting it as straight as it was beforehand.
> Nick arrives at the Raven, getting growled at by some guy with punk hair,
> giving the famous line, "Word to the wise, immortality's no excuse not to
> floss."
I always thought that line was kind of cheesy and dumb, but through
repetition and pleasant associations here, it's grown on me.
> He finds Janette and dances with her, trying to find out if she has any
> information on recent kills in the city, women, one decapitated and one
> disemboweled.
"And so you came to me." Love that reaction. Along with the
one about people change... "Ah, but you're not people."
> He gives her a
> playful love bite on the hand as Schanke scopes out Alma.
I love that bite a lot more than Janette's "*look*." <eg>
> The woman is crucified on the
> pavement of the parking lot, causing Nick to get all flustered.
Man, I love that reaction. Crosses *really* bother him, and this
scene brings that home right off the bat. He can't get close to
the body, and he can't even stand to be near it, orders them to
get her out of there asap. He's emotionally *and* physically
freaked out.
> The priest tries to talk him out of it and the bad guy runs.
Very effective to cast so young an actor in that role. He seems so
lost, so desperate to do and say the right thing, to find some way to
fix things without breaking the rules. Must be a priest's worst
> He'd followed Joan of Arc on her journeys and talks with her. She is
> utterly without fear, and he tries to make her his dinner. She expresses
> her faith in her God and feelings of shame for Nicholas.
Nick must have made Daddy proud for quite a while, if there were
tales of Nicholas de Brabant in Joan's grandmother's time. I rather
like the nickname, "The Man of the Night." What's a good French
translation for that? "L'homme de la Nuit?" Interesting that she
knew him specifically by name...if LaCroix and Janette and he were
a terrible trio, how would she know which guy this was? It sounds
like *Nick* was the most well-known villain of the three! Like I
said, he must have made Daddy proud. <weg>
> The priest who heard the bad guy's confession goes to another older priest
> to find out if he should tell the police, and is told that the sanctity of
> the confessional is sacred; regardless of the results on the priest's
> conscience.
This scene was wonderful. The priest knows the answer he's going to
get. And I think the older priest understand full well that this is
not a "hypothetical" situation. That's why he gives in, at the end,
and gives the young priest a hint of a way out.
I'm not Catholic, but this ep did a good job of conveying just how
important the seal of the Confessional is, and perhaps even *why*.
I have a great respect for deeply held beliefs, and sympathy for
when two equally vital values come into conflict. Poor guy!
> Nick goes to the church and sees the priest.
To, but not in, which was a nice touch. Sets things up for later,
leaves us expecting trouble when he finally has to go in.
> Schanke has this look that he obviously does not believe what is
> happening. Alma attacks his neck but is stopped by Janette's loud yell.
> Schanke's spell is broken and he freaks out.
He was already hyperventillating! Hilarious! The big macho stud,
which is *exactly* the image he had of himself, and he can't even
get *close* to cheating on Myra without almost passing out. If
Alma was trying to weed out the macho-stud jerks, she should have
thrown this fish back into the pond!
> Janette tells him to stay away
> from Alma or else he might become a 'permanent member of the night shift'
With hints about AIDS, and Alma looked annoyed at that implication.
Schanke's mind does tend to grasp at rationalizations when it finds
itself waking up from hypnosis...
> and to 'never ever come back to this club, Mr. Schanke...'.
I would have liked to see this come back in a later episode. Maybe the
one where Schanke had to hide out at the Raven. I can just see Nick
having to bring Janette out to the caddy to undo her command before
they could get Schanke inside.
> Her boss lets her go so she can get herself together.
The boss was a very realistic character. Details like her sitter
calling help bring home the message that Magda is just a woman,
doing a job to make a living, that that's all any of them were.
Not too smart, though...she's in a place with lots of other people,
and plenty of phones to call for help, and what does she do? Leaves
that relatively safe place to go down empty hallways, stairwells and
alleys, all alone, to go home, also probably alone. Should have
stuck around, working or not, and waited until some coworkers were
also heading for their cars.
> He pulls his gun and the bad guy releases Magda, then he shoots Nick.
Anyone else notice that Nick was a little too casual about having
a girl thrown at his gun arm? He didn't try to duck or run, just
kind of stood there presenting a nice big target. No wonder Nat
teased him about ducking in Father Figure. I am surprised he didn't
try to protect Magda more, though...
> In the questioning room, Nick and Stonetree are grilling the priest. He
> refuses to give in, citing his faith.
My respect for Stonetree went way up in this scene. He calls Nick
off of his tirade and calmly asks the priest whether there are any
circumstances under which he can speak. Nick, on the other hand,
acts like a jerk. They're inadvertantly doing good cop/bad cop here.
> Nick flashes back to Joan of Arc again, sometime later than the last time.
And she remembered him, knew his name right off the bat, called him
by his first name...was that familiar back then? Could they have
met and talked at other times between the two we saw?
> Nat can't believe the cross was Joan's
Nick does get to be a bit of a name-dropper sometimes. <eg> But Nat
took him at his word so easily! He hadn't even said he got it
directly from her yet, and Nat is educated enough to know how many
fake artefacts of saints were floating around in past centuries.
But not even one protest or question.
> At the church, the sun is about to rise.
It's so light it looks like day...he obviously left it to the very
last minute, not wanting to leave himself any way to back out.
> Schanke calls his wife (from guilt) and she gets mad (it's 6am).
If I was a cop's wife and he was on duty and called me at the crack
of dawn to say he loves me, I wouldn't be mad. I'd be worried sick!
What exactly is he about to go do, that he now thinks he needs to
say "I love you" one last time before he does it because he's not
sure he'll get a chance later?
> Later, a Spanish(?) woman enters the confession and starts to confess.
> Nick pretends to be asleep and she decides to say twenty Hail Mary's and
> let him nap.
Now *that* was a nice save. A very easy way to get out of the situation,
and if it didn't work, there was always the Irish accent...
> Later, the priest catches Nick coming out of the confessional, and gets
> really upset.
Don't blame him. He doesn't know that all Nick did was play a joke
on his partner and give one lady a little giggle. He doesn't know that
Nick went in there for refuge, he thinks it was subterfuge.
> The guy puts Magda up on a cross and lights a torch to burn her.
> Nick flashes back to Joan burning, Joan's words of faith, and he jumps the
> flames, rescuing Magda. (He put his coat over her eyes so she wouldn't see
> him fly. <clever>)
She was tied to a *cross*. In the flashback, Nick's hand burst into
flames when it got too close to the much smaller cross. Nick was
facing not only the physical flames, but the risk that he'd burst
into flames on his own just from getting that close to Magda and the
cross she was tied to. No wonder he hesitated!
> 1. I didn't notice that this bad guy even had a name. What would be a good
> name for him?
> 2. Why do zealots always think it's okay for *them* to kill?
'Cos bad guys never see themselves as the bad guy. *Their* killing
is justified. Reminds me of a scene in a TV show where the mom was
trying to explain some moral questions to her young son, saying you
should try to work out differences without violence. The kid then
asks about World War II -- should we have talked to Hitler instead
of fighting with him? Same way we convince ourselves that it was
okay to kill people to stop that greater evil, zealots see their
killing as necessary to stop something they see as greater evil.
Or did you want a joke answer? ;-) Um, 'cos they're zealots, silly!
> 3. If Nick hadn't corrected Schanke, how long do you think it would
> have taken him to realize it was Nick behind the screen?
I think Nick did that deliberately, that he wouldn't have *let* the joke
go on any longer. If Schanke had missed that one, he'd have done something
else to give himself away (but Schanke *is* a detective, so he knew he'd
pick up on it!).
> 4. Do you think Alma still has a 'thing' for Schanke?
Never did. Nope. She thought he was a macho creep suitable only
for supplemental nourishment. She's trying to cull the herd.
> 5. Do you think Schanke "really has it in him" to cheat on Myra? (Without
> being hypnotized, that is)
> 6. Do you think Alma would have brought Schanke over, or just taken him out
> of the picture?
Munched him. Why would she bring across some jerk she just met (didn't
even really met, just him coming on to her)? Janette believes in the
Eternal Bond between the maker and convert. Her young charges doubtless
have learned the same beliefs from her.
* Dancing doctor? Why do I have an image of her convincing a med school
admissions board that she has a allergy to sunlight and they really should
make ADA arrangements to accomodate her?
* And what other religious structures would Nick have trouble with?
A synagogue? A sweat lodge? A forest glen that pagans use? What
about that corner preacher spouting fire and brimstone? Would he
or his soapbox affect a vampire?
* Nothing has been said, you'll notice, about whether *Myra* would
ever cheat on *Schanke* <evil grin>
* I remember reading in a biography once that, in her home town,
Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans, was known as Jeanette...
((Checks more of these waiting, are there? No?
Okay, back to Malfoy the Bouncing Ferret.... see you in
about five hundred pages..... ))
-Janet <dornhoff@p.......>
The Forever Vet -- NatPacker despite the name!
"Courage....what is your other name?"
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Jul 2000 to 9 Jul 2000 - Special issue (#2000-201)
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