There are 19 messages totalling 589 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. My Sister's NEW FK Page 2. Alumni Alert - Catherine Disher movie on NOW! 3. prolific authors 4. New list for LCA at Onelist 5. Your Weekly Vote & FK's Position 6. My site on Global 100 (to any interested :)) 7. Easter Blitz Cout Down! *8* 8. Discouraged (7) 9. RoboCop: The Miniseries (2) 10. Fanfic article 11. A Forever Knight Moment 12. Chalk it up to PMS :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:16:22 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: My Sister's NEW FK Page Hi everyone!! My sister Lauren just made a FK site recently and would love you to check it out! To see it go to the address below: Be sure to tell her what you think! Kristin ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 18:08:44 EDT From: DeanieBTVS@a....... Subject: Alumni Alert - Catherine Disher movie on NOW! For those of you who are interested, the movie "Woman on the Run: the Lawrencia Bembenek Story" is being shown on Lifetime now (6pm eastern) and is scheduled to run until 10pm. Deanie Official Doctor-to-be of the Dark Nat Pack NNP/Dark Perk/ForeverNat/DarkNN/Knightie/Vaq/Ravenette/Fanatics Archivist ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 19:18:55 EDT From: Iamatchr2@a....... Subject: Re: prolific authors Hi, I apologize in advance for sending a blanket thank you to many of the most recent published authors of FK fanfic. I have gotten a bit bogged down in work and downloaded my mail and saved much to read later. Now, that vacation time is near, I have been able to read and catch up on some of those great pieces. Thank you to all of you and do please keep it up! Below thus far I have read and wish to thank: Stormynite Make A Wish Nightlady From The Depths of Despair KC Smith Surprises Karen Gunther Destiny or Choice Debi McK Get Better Soon Emily Hanson Schanke Nitemar Secret Desires and Amy Rainbow Time Out For The Living These are the authors whose work I recently enjoyed! Still have to catch up with the rest. Again, sorry to do it this way. I usually try to get to each author individually, but time at present does not permit. Respectfully and Appreciatively, Rosemary ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:36:24 EDT From: Javiette@a....... Subject: New list for LCA at Onelist I did this last year and everyone seemed to appreciate it and use it so I thought I would do it again this year. I've created a new list at "egroups", formerly known as "onelist", for all the FKer's who will be attending LCA Take 3. This is a discussion list and anything having to do with the auction can be talked about. Feel free to use the list to make roommate arrangements or to discuss auction items when they are listed or FK Toronto tours or whatever. To subscribe to the list please send an e-mail to: FKLCA3-subscribe@e....... And thank you for your support!! Rae Javiette@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:51:34 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Your Weekly Vote & FK's Position Hi! This is a reminder for you to vote at the Global 100 on HIGH LEVEL (this is very important and determines the weight of your votes, which then determines FK's Position). If you're already on a HIGH level then just go here to add your weekly vote: If not simply go to your "personal card" and answer the questions about your birthday, age, and gender. Once you do they will send you a "key" via e-mail which you then can paste on your personal card. Aftrewards you will be on HIGH level. (if you have any questions about this, feel free to e-mail me). FK's currently #9 unofficially, but they are doing some tests with the point system, so this way not be accurate, but still it can't hurt to come vote. Officially it is #4. Thanks for voting! Kristin ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:56:07 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: My site on Global 100 (to any interested :)) Hi! I have added my site to the requests archive on Global 100 under Hompages. If you would like to vote for me go here: To those who vote for me... Thank you so much!!! :) :) :) Kristin ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 10:51:36 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Easter Blitz Cout Down! *8* Only *8* more days till the BIG Easter Blitz: April 23rd!! ALL Forever Knight Fans!!! The time is drawing near for everyone to come together online as a united force and show our loyalty and devotion for our favorite program "Forever Knight". As we count down to that very special time, lets all keep in mind that we have the power to bring it back to the Sci-fi schedule!! Many other fandoms have done this and have had thier shows returned... we can do the same!! wouldn't it be fantastic to have it back? to have Marathons again? If you love FK, if you want it back, if you dont want the Powers that be think they have won, and can take our show away without a fight, than prepare to show you are out there!!! Besides the Easter basket that will be packed with e-mails from you the fansitting on Bonnie Hammers desk, at approx the same time, lets make sure they have more e-mails than they can read!!! Please take today to make yourself heard by tbtp! E-mail Sci-fi now: feedback@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 08:43:32 -0700 From: "Nancy A. Taylor" <nat1228@h.......> Subject: Discouraged Hello friends.... I'm feeling a bit discouraged right now. I have recently received a couple of flames over my website, particularly my new vidcap archives. While I've corresponded with these people, and both have since apologized, I got to thinking ... am I wasting bandwidth here? The complaints from both parties were that the pictures were too small, dark and blurry, and that the pages loaded too slowly. If two people feel that way, there are probably more who just aren't saying so. Kristin Harris is working hard to build up her site with a similar archive, and people seem to like her pictures much better than mine. I'm wondering if I should just pull all my picture archives. They've taken so many hours to do and over 120MB of bandwidth, and I'm not done. I'd rather not waste my time if the product is going to be inferior. I'd leave up my main page with its links to merchandise and help, my links page with everyone else's wonderful pages, and my fanfic page. I'd very much like some input on the subject--off-list or in my guestbook would probably be preferable to clogging the list with replies. If you have suggestions for the pages (constructive ones), I'd love to hear them. Thanks for listening. Nancy Taylor nat1228@h....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 11:49:12 EDT From: MrsMech@a....... Subject: RoboCop: The Miniseries I was at Blockbuster the other day getting my daughter some Pokemon stickers and I saw a Cinescape magazine on the racks. Since it had the enormously hunky Harrison Ford on the cover, well... I just had to buy it! As I was reading the articles within, I came across one on the new RoboCop miniseries. Theres a picture of Ger sitting behind the wheel of what I'm guessing is a truck, and he looks seriously ticked off. He's got a spiffy crew-cut kind of hairdo and he looks nicely tanned. Oh, sorry, I got distracted. I will continue with the article. <G> There are only two little blurbs about Ger, but it was nice to see he was mentioned. Here's the first bit: 'The closest the project comes to a "name" actor is Geraint Wyn Davies, star of the cult-favourite vampire-cop series Forever Knight, who appears as one of the villians.' The second bit is: 'In the third and fourth segments, Resurrection and Crash & Burn, Murphy and Cable join forces to stop a crazed scientist (Davies) from unleashing a deadly computer virus.' At least we know which parts to tape on SP when it comes to television! <G> The article also talks about the 'close-knit' movie-making community in Toronto, and that the miniseries is being made with an all-Canadian cast and crew. I giggled to myself when I recognized three of the FK alumni listed to be in this movie. Ger (Nick Knight, of course!), Maurice Dean Wint (Francesca), and Page Fletcher (the ex-con guy who was killed by Serena when she tried to get pregnant, can't remember the characters name though). I half expected Nigel to be in it as Ger's mad scientist side-kick! <BG> I apologize if this has already been posted before to the list, but I haven't been able to read much of my mail lately. Oh, and btw, the article says that the new 8 hour miniseries will be much darker than the movies. Me thinks that poor Ger might have a very bad death if they kill his character. Monique (Who had to pull out her RoboCop movie and watch it after reading the article. Next, Ger and Nigel's eps from the series!) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 11:19:25 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Re: Discouraged Nancy, don't let those people discourage you. You're site and archives are fabulous!! I KNOW people LOVE them!! Together you and I can cover what everyone wants picture-wize. We make a great team. Don't let opinions get to you! Don't you dare take them down! You'll upset many! Instead keep up the excellent work you've done! :) Kristin -----Original Message----- From: Forever Knight TV show [mailto:FORKNI-L@l.......]On Behalf Of Nancy A. Taylor Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 3:44 PM To: FORKNI-L@l....... Subject: Discouraged Hello friends.... I'm feeling a bit discouraged right now. I have recently received a couple of flames over my website, particularly my new vidcap archives. While I've corresponded with these people, and both have since apologized, I got to thinking ... am I wasting bandwidth here? The complaints from both parties were that the pictures were too small, dark and blurry, and that the pages loaded too slowly. If two people feel that way, there are probably more who just aren't saying so. Kristin Harris is working hard to build up her site with a similar archive, and people seem to like her pictures much better than mine. I'm wondering if I should just pull all my picture archives. They've taken so many hours to do and over 120MB of bandwidth, and I'm not done. I'd rather not waste my time if the product is going to be inferior. I'd leave up my main page with its links to merchandise and help, my links page with everyone else's wonderful pages, and my fanfic page. I'd very much like some input on the subject--off-list or in my guestbook would probably be preferable to clogging the list with replies. If you have suggestions for the pages (constructive ones), I'd love to hear them. Thanks for listening. Nancy Taylor nat1228@h....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:26:20 -0400 From: mclisa@m....... Subject: Re: Discouraged -----Original Message----- From: Nancy A. Taylor <nat1228@h.......> >Subject: Discouraged >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm answering onlist because I can't help but feel that Nancy deserves a public commendation for all the long, hard work it takes to make and keep up her site. Nancy, please don't take it down. It's a great site and a wonderful resource. Of course I don't know who the flamers were, and I'm glad to hear that they apologized. I think this might be a nice time to remember that all the lists and all the sites I'm aware of are volunteer-run by fans for fans. In some cases this involves paying for the site. I know sometimes newcomers to the net don't understand that listowners and site maintainers aren't salaried employees of the various ISPs, so instead of feedback, complaints get issued. Other times people don't realize how strong they're coming on (yes, that _is_ me, McLisa, making the breastbeating gesture and saying, "mea culpa. <rueful smile>) But let's also remember that a lot of people, again including me, don't always says thanks, even though that's what we're thinking. Nancy, please hang on! We need you and your site and we're a grateful community. Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." mclisa@m....... Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:42:33 -0400 From: Quinn <quinn@g.......> Subject: Re: RoboCop: The Miniseries At 11:49 AM -0400 4/16/00, MrsMech@a....... wrote: >I was at Blockbuster the other day getting my daughter some Pokemon stickers >and I saw a Cinescape magazine on the racks. This is the latest Cinescape Sequel magazine - a special issue. It is available from their website at the following URL. Please note: The URL is very long --paste the following 2 lines together - "displayitem" should be butted together. playitem.phtml?U+scstore+rkhd7567+PAGE_SKU=CINM12000030 >I giggled to myself when I recognized three of the FK alumni listed to >be in this movie. Ger (Nick Knight, of course!), Maurice Dean Wint >(Francesca), and Page Fletcher (the ex-con guy who was killed by Serena... And Leslie Hope was in Conspiracy of Fear with Ger. More information and pictures can be found on the ROBOCOP Prime Directives website. The site is located at: There is a "bio" of Kaydick (Ger's character) at: And for a real treat, check out the full screen picture of Kaydick at: Quinn GWDFC officer quinn@g....... GWD Fan Club page--> , Want updates on GWD? e-mail GWDupdates-subscribe@o....... Like Robson Green? e-mail RobsonGreenFans-subscribe@o....... "When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong." - B. Hoff, the TAO of POOH ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:53:08 EDT From: SField8067@a....... Subject: Re: Discouraged Nancy your site has been and always will be one of the best!! please dont take it down!! HUGS! susan ellen field SField8067@a....... KtK ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:55:12 -0400 From: Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......> Subject: Re: Discouraged Nancy, I don't post much, but I had to say something here. DON'T get discouraged. Your site is great. Some people. especially those who don't have web sites, just don't realized what is involved with archiving a show especially ones with screen captures and movies. They also don't realize that the better the quality the pic, the more space it takes up. I am doing screen captures and Real Audio and Real Video files of another show and it is amazing how much time and space it takes, especially if you want good quality pics. The Real Video pics take up anywhere from 13 meg for very low quality to close to 100 megs for almost TV quality for an hour long show. Who has that much space to play with? If I do what I want to do with my sites they will end up being over 2 gigs. ( NOT including the Forever Knight Fiction on the FTP site) And I pay for those sites. I have had people ask me about the quality of the files and have to explain to them about how quality and size of the pics come into play where quality is concerned. Do you want a larger better resolution pic? Well it's going to take up more space. Do I want to make them bigger, or do I want to conserve the space to be able to do more pics. I have had to explain this to several people. But they eventually learn and understand. So don't worry about it. You are doing a great job. -- Steph stephke@i....... "The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as Ishmael "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." Katherine Hepburn ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 17:54:51 PDT From: Eric McCann <egmccann@h.......> Subject: Fanfic article Just wondering if anyone else saw this - there are some good links, including a fanfic site list (with several FK fic sites) and another link to an article on fanfic and copyright law. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 11:24:44 -0700 From: "Jan J." <jonesjan@g.......> Subject: Re: Discouraged -----Original Message----- From: Nancy A. Taylor <nat1228@h.......> The complaints from both parties were that the pictures were too small, dark and blurry, and that the pages loaded too slowly. Nancy - Don't go trimming your site down. Keep the vid caps. If It wasn't for sites like yours where would we (those of us who don't have capture cards) go to find the pics we needed. And as far as the above complaints. I find that a warning page leading into the picture area saying that this section is "intensely graphics oriented, and you will need a modem of xx.x kbps or greater" will do the trick. And if they continue to complain, ask them if they took the time to read the warning page. Keep up the good work ! Jan WebMistress of The Dark Knight Lair & Official FK Pagans Page. DK with occasional Cousinly tendencies*FKXS*FKPagan*NKH ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 11:44:44 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Re: Discouraged While I've corresponded with these people, and both have since > apologized, I got to thinking ... am I wasting bandwidth here? Absolutely not! Waddya thinkin', woman? ; ) Yours was one of the first picture archives I ran across---by gum!---we need *more* not less! Shoot...I'm hoping someday we have so many pictures a person can download and reconstruct a photo flip book of entire episodes. <eg> Please keep up the site, Nancy. Who knows? Somebody may run into it accidentally like and discover the artistry that is FK! Kyer kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:14:52 -0700 From: KYER <KYER@p.......> Subject: A Forever Knight Moment Mom decided to experiment with combining with a pudding recipe today by combining applesauce, tofu, stevia, and lemon juice. The family liked it. Except me, who thought it tasted (and smelled) like a dairy barn floor left untended too long. My expression, I think, was akin to Janette's when she tasted Nick's cow blood. I wanted to quote her as well, but could not remember the exact words. Anybody remember? Still trying to get that...distinctive...flavor out of her mouth, Kyer kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 13:16:00 -0700 From: "Nancy A. Taylor" <nat1228@h.......> Subject: Chalk it up to PMS :) I have heard from so many people since my "discouraged" posting this morning, that I hope everyone will forgive my mass "thank you" note. All your suggestions and support have been taken to heart. :) I have evidence that the two people who complained may well just be one, anyway. It all just got me thinking that if two people felt that way, maybe more did also. Don't worry, the sites will stay up, and if you all think it's worth the trouble, I will continue to upgrade and expand the site -- slowly.... Question, though.... Are 20 pictures on a page too few? Too many? Would making the thumbnails smaller make the pages a little faster to load? If I could address some of these complaints, I could probably improve the site -- again, slowly.... <g> Despite the volume of pages I have up on the web, I'm still an HTML novice. (Again, off-list would probably be best.) Thanks again for all the support. It helps. Really it does. I'm glad to know I have so many friends. Long live Forever Knight! Nancy Taylor -- nat1228@h....... Knightie/N&NPack/UF/GWDFC "The first hundred years are the hardest." --Wilson Mizner ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Apr 2000 to 16 Apr 2000 (#2000-112) ***************************************************************
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