There are 21 messages totalling 630 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. trivia question (3) 2. These Our Revels 3. FK Season 3 Bible (5) 4. The Weird Knights faction 5. OT Ack!!!!! 6. whew! 7. Amanda Cohen 8. *Special "Last Act" Cut-out Seen Only in Candian Version* 9. Questions about Tran 10. Similarities to FK 11. Interesting Conversations (2) 12. 3rd season Bible Tracey (2) 13. GWD music CD information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 14:05:05 -0800 From: Susan Clark <sclark@b.......> Subject: trivia question Trivia (for me) and FK Alum report. I saw "Titus" the other day, and one of the folks in it is Colm Feore. The imdb says he was "Walken" in the FK ep "Blood Money". What episode/role is that? And, for those interested, Feore plays Marcus Andronicus, tribune and brother to Anthony Hopkins' Titus. --Sue ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 17:28:50 EST From: Lori Dehn <valideh1@h.......> Subject: These Our Revels Hey everybody...if you can afford to buy a second, third, thirtieth copy of These Our Revels, go to and support our cause right now! It's listed as a quick pick on the homepage. I was so excited, I almost fell over. Lori Dehn Nick & Nat Packer with definite Ravenette and Vaquera tendencies, and just a smackerel of Cousin for Flavor ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 17:55:40 -0600 From: CLone Star Software <cstar@a.......> Subject: Re: trivia question That's the ep where Nick's financial advisor gets blown to smithereens and the advisors' son is the prime suspect. Also the ep where we get a hint of Nick's wealth via the papers for the DeBrabant foundation accounts. At 02:05 PM 2/21/2000 -0800, you wrote: >Trivia (for me) and FK Alum report. > >I saw "Titus" the other day, and one of the folks in it is Colm Feore. The >imdb says he was "Walken" in the FK ep "Blood Money". > >What episode/role is that? > >And, for those interested, Feore plays Marcus Andronicus, tribune and >brother to Anthony Hopkins' Titus. > >--Sue > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:35:20 -0500 From: Tracysue <tracysue@i.......> Subject: Re: FK Season 3 Bible "Susan M. Garrett" wrote: > I have, quite by accident, come across a copy of part of the Forever Knight > Season 3 Bible. This is the document we were told didn't exist when the > books were being written. How on earth did this document fall into your hot little hands? It's an interesting read, as much for what it doesn't say as what it says. It pretty much confirms all that we thought that USA wanted out of FK: Sexier, darker, more lurid. No mention of Nat. (other than a possible episode in which she takes a vacation to search for a cure. I don't remember seeing any third season ep like that. Any guess as to what it evolved into?) However, that small blurb on the ep. kinda' dispels the rumor that they were going to write her out in favor of Tracy Vetter. Considering the lack of character direction, it's a small wonder that they wrote her so negatively that season. Lots of emphasis on Tracy, Vachon et. al. Another small wonder that they seemed to be shoved down our throats in the first part of season. The character description of Tracy could be summed up in one word. Perky. It was interesting to see all the planning That went into Vachon's Crew. A few of those Vampires didn't make the cut. (no mention of the Inca. ) It might have been nice to see the other members of the Lost Boys make an appearance. -- Tracy Sue Vaquera "I keep expecting TS to jump up and shout, 'Hello, my name is Tracy Sue Morris. You insulted my Spaniard! Prepare to die!'"-KC Susan ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:34:38 EST From: Yosh1228@a....... Subject: Re: The Weird Knights faction Sign me up Kyer! Danii, Female of many factions. Paranoid Knight-ie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:55:48 -0500 From: br1035@i....... Subject: Re: FK Season 3 Bible Susan Garrett wrote: <snip> I have, quite by accident, come across a copy of part of the Forever Knight >> Season 3 Bible. This is the document we were told didn't exist when the >> books were being written.<snip> Thank you so much for sharing this with us! It was thought-provoking, and I had a hoot over some of the descriptions. Tracy Sue wrote: <snip>The character description of Tracy could be summed up in one word. Perky.<snip> Yeah, but what about that 'repressed sexuality' bit? I'm pondering that nugget still. What's that I hear? The horrified gasps of the DP Mafia, shouting 'Foregeddaboudit!'? On the other hand, considering my own Vaquera-ish tendencies, this goes a long way toward explaining Tracy's restraint during the 'Black Buddha' shower scene. <snip>It was interesting to see all the planning That went into Vachon's Crew. A >few of those Vampires didn't make the cut. (no mention of the Inca. ) It >might have been nice to see the other members of the Lost Boys make an >appearance.<snip> Honestly, I would have loved to have seen the two Crew members that never made it to the screen, moreso than Urs and Bourbon. I loved the description they give for B, though, and he was definitely a good balance for Screed. And as I'm sure Libby is ready to point out, Screed was obviously the ultimate manifestation of this sexier, SEXIER season! <G> <waves> ************************************************************************** Bonnie Rutledge.....<br1035@i.......>.....Evil - The Puppy Says So! Nunkies Anonymous Homepage: Spare Bambi! LaCroix for President - 2000! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 20:17:32 EST From: Libratsie@a....... Subject: Re: FK Season 3 Bible In a message dated 2/21/00 6:56:12 PM Central Standard Time, br1035@i....... writes: > And as I'm sure > Libby is ready to point out, Screed was obviously the ultimate manifestation > of this sexier, SEXIER season! <G> hehehehehehe! I do have to laugh at USA wanting more Sex and then the member of the Crew that does make it to the show could probably be described as more "anti sexy" than sexy! Greg Kramer did tell me that Screed was originally suppose to be a sort of messenger type but he didn't know where that idea had come from or "where it went." For those of you who might wonder, show bibles are often vague. I once was hired to write one (though I got ripped off big time by not being paid - that's another story). As much as I wanted to flesh out the characters, I was reminded that some of the development would have to come in the actual writing of the scripts as we could really see how the characters mingled. The episode ideas listed where probably JUST that - episode ideas to use or not use as they saw what developed. For the bible I wrote, I think I listed something like 20 or so ideas in much the same format seen here. ALthough there's some of the things from the 3rd season bible that didn't make it I would have LOVED to have seen, there some things I'm sure glad didn't make it. Like the rest of the Crew. ALthough the characters were very, VERY interesting and I'd have liked to have seen them, I think it would have distracted from the already existing and more major characters even more. Did that make sense? If so, it is the first time today I've made sense! --Libs ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:42:25 -0600 From: Drew Nix <snix@a.......> Subject: Re: OT Ack!!!!! <KC throws rose petals and holy oil at the altar of the Computer God Packard to wish Laurie a speedy cyber recovery> KC snix@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 20:52:49 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: whew! I'm up and running again. My computer, although giving *me* dire doomsday messages, booted up just fine for the nice men at the computer store. It did have bad sectors on the hard drive, which the nice men kindly fixed for me. Crisis averted, kingdom saved, populace rejoicing. <g> All this has served to show me, yes, I *am* addicted to my email. <g> Dodging the bullet, Laurie of the Isles "A male gynocolgist is kind of like a mechanic who has never owned a car." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 21:16:13 -0600 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: Amanda Cohen From about the "marry a millionaire" show on Fox last week. We've discovered where Capt. Cohen *really* went! But almost immediately after the show aired February 15, news reports questioned whether Rockwell, a comedian/motivational speaker/real estate developer, was really wealthy--or just a publicity hound. Click here for an old Rockwell promotional headshot or click here for his performance bio (both courtesy of the resourceful Amanda Cohen). -Carla ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 00:45:47 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: Re: trivia question In a message dated 02/21/2000 4:03:04 PM US Mountain Standard Time, sclark@b....... writes: << And, for those interested, Feore plays Marcus Andronicus, tribune and brother to Anthony Hopkins' Titus. >> Oh *wow*. Nice work if you can get it. That's some company he's keeping. Laurie of the Isles "A male gynocolgist is kind of like a mechanic who has never owned a car." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 01:05:40 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <sandragray@r.......> Subject: Re: *Special "Last Act" Cut-out Seen Only in Candian Version* Kristin wrote: >If any of you know what's >in Canada and not shown in the U.S. please tell me. I'd be eternally >grateful! That depends on what U.S. version you're talking about. When Sci Fi Channel was showing FK, they did their own "creative" cutting of the Canadian version of the show, which made the SFC version different from what aired originally in the US on CBS in first season. As far as I know, it's only the first season of the show that has separate versions. I've heard tell (but never seen) that the European version of first season has some nude female scenes. I've heard that the FK actors objected and that they stopped filming the nude scenes after the first few eps. Hmmm...I haven't compared the USA/syndicated version of second and third seasons to the SFC airings to know whether SFC cut anything out of them too. Anyone know? But afaik, second and third seasons in their *original* showings in both the US and Canada were the same. >Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the clip! While I haven't viewed this clip, I would like to say that I really enjoy your site. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --sandragray@r....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 23:28:49 -0800 From: Cousin Mary <anteros@j.......> Subject: Re: FK Season 3 Bible On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 19:55:48 -0500 br1035@i....... writes: >Tracy Sue wrote: ><snip>The character description of Tracy could be summed up in one >word. Perky.<snip> Hmm, actually I don't know about that. All that stuff about the 'hurt at an early age' and 'competent to a fault ' don't really jazz with the later 'almost naïve optimism' schtick. Think it works better as an act she projects to the world rather than her true nature. The thing about her resenting Nick though... I like it :) Oh, but what about the Vachon description? Vachon a bookish coffee house guy with a goatee? *mary pauses to listen to the hairband fans scream* Yep kiddies, Yuppie Vachon to the rescue! Heheh. I'm sorry but I'm not entirely sure Vachon was even literate... wait, he -did- sign his name in Blackwing... hmm, warrants more thought. (hey, 'Warrant' that was a hairband wasn't it? <eg>) BTW- Chong would have rocked. 'Nough said :) hugs! Cousin Mary anteros@j....... I'm a DP Thug, ask me how! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 06:36:34 -0400 From: "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......> Subject: Re: FK Season 3 Bible ----- Original Message ----- From: "Cousin Mary" <anteros@j.......> : Oh, but what about the Vachon description? Vachon a bookish coffee house : guy with a goatee? *mary pauses to listen to the hairband fans scream* Fans of bands to keep hair off the face? Naw, I don't think so. : Yep kiddies, Yuppie Vachon to the rescue! Heheh. I'm sorry but I'm not : entirely sure Vachon was even literate... wait, he -did- sign his name in : Blackwing... hmm, warrants more thought. (hey, 'Warrant' that was a : hairband wasn't it? <eg>) I don't know about the coffee house thing, but I can sure picture him least Metal Edge when it was good, but I can also stretch it to see him reading 'De la Terre à la Lune' or other Science Fiction classics. Somehow, I'm certain he's read Heinlein, if not Verne. (Btw, Ben Bass fits the coffee house description, and he would look right in a goatee.) : BTW- Chong would have rocked. 'Nough said :) I just saw Joan Jett a couple of weeks ago opening for Def Leppard, and, well, she isn't Asian but otherwise the description fit to a 'T' including the shaved head. Now wouldn't she have been a neat addition to the show? LapLor -- jflyer@b....... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 07:30:55 -0500 From: "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......> Subject: Re: Questions about Tran At 09:17 AM 2/21/00 -0500, McLisa wrote: >Tran is a common surname in Vietnam. The most common is Nguyen. Other >Vietnamese surnames which come to mind are Hoang, Ho and Ngo. >Many women have the element thi (not capitalized) as part of the >name... It comes right after the family name and before the given name. There were a few Vietnamese students at my dorm in college. Two of them were a brother (Nguyen-Phuong Hong) and his sister (Nguyen-thi-Phuong Lien). (Note that properly the family name precedes the given name.) There was another student, Tran Thuan, and a fourth whose given name was Dung (Southern pronunciation) or Zhung (Northern pronunciation) -- I don't remember his family name offhand, though I think it was Nguyen. The Southern pronunciation of Hong's name is "Hung"; I don't recall offhand if I've ever heard the Southern pronunciation of "Lien". Hong and Lien were originally from North Vietnam, Dung from South Vietnam. Hong and Lien's brothers occasionally visited them, but I don't recall their given names offhand. Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer... UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project Gerthering 3 Photos: Visit the Fiendish Glow at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 08:35:03 -0500 From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......> Subject: Re: Similarities to FK Speaking of similarities to FK, this week's episode of the "X Files" looks an awful lot like "Games Vampires Play". ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 09:17:54 -0500 From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......> Subject: Interesting Conversations I recently read a story off Mel's page called "The Vampire of Babylon 5", which is a B5/FK x-over. The thought came to mind that perhaps an interesting conversation could be had at the Zocolo between LaCroix and Bester perhaps concerning wayward children? Also, courtesy of a couple other x-overs I've been reading. How about a conversation between Natalie and Scully slightly tipsy at the Raven. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 11:26:17 -0500 From: mclisa@m....... Subject: 3rd season Bible Tracey I see they did spell it with the e originally. All I can say is that if they'd really written her with that annoying sense of humor ("Nick Tracey" is funny because they're detective partners and does he get it?), I'd have devoted a lot of fanfic to getting her fatally shot. Or maybe giving her depressants. :) Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." mclisa@m....... Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:25:09 -0500 From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......> Subject: Re: Interesting Conversations > Also, courtesy of a couple other x-overs I've been reading. How about a > conversation between Natalie and Scully slightly tipsy at the Raven. StormieNight has a perfectly delightful story about Natalie, Grace, Scully and the lady attorney from Walker Texas Ranger 4 sheets to the wind and out of control at a stripclub in Toronoto go to and look for GIRLS NIGHT OUT Lots of fun. Tim Tim Phillips timp@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 09:31:55 +1300 From: Knightraven <knightraven@c.......> Subject: Re: 3rd season Bible Tracey Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." All I can say is that if they'd really written her with that annoying sense of humor ("Nick Tracey" is funny because they're detective partners and does he get it?), I'd have devoted a lot of fanfic to getting her fatally shot. Or maybe giving her depressants. :) Nat would have walked in with a manevolent smile(having listened to Nick complain about his perky partner all night) and asked them, "Have you had a Vetter Knight?" Hahahaha! I kill me...okay going now...;) Kylie. knightraven@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:35:14 -0500 From: Quinn <quinn@g.......> Subject: GWD music CD information Announcing: BAR TALK music written, arranged and performed by Geraint Wyn Davies available only through the G.W.D.F.C. All profits from the CD benefit Childrens Hospital Foundation. Go to or for more information. -- Quinn GWDFC officer quinn@g....... ocaoin@e....... GWD Fan Club page--> , ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 21 Feb 2000 to 22 Feb 2000 (#2000-53) **************************************************************
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