There are 12 messages totalling 416 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. MEP 2000 Quote List 2. Saturday KtK auction update 3. Looking for pics 4. Been a while 5. Notations of action (WAS: Re: MEP 2000 Quote List) (3) 6. YKYBWTMFK.... 7. Ger5 Video. 8. Sunday KtK auction update 9. Admin: Forkni-l rules 10. Natsuko's Play ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:44:33 -0600 From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......> Subject: Re: MEP 2000 Quote List Laurie wrote: > <<MEP 2000 Quote List>> > :: snorting with laughter while wiping tears out of my eyes :: > Oh *Thank you* Bons, for posting this. And thanks to Bons for going through the MEP Weekend clutching her little notebook and pen! > << "And that's when I made a conscious decision to be as annoying and > obnoxious as possible..." -Nancy >> > :: Helpless with laughter :: That's right, embrace your inner curmudgeon! >> I hasten to add here that I'm normally quite amiable, but the situation to which this quote applies was a special case. <g> On a completely different note, could someone explain the notations (:::, ^^^ and so on) that has begun to appear in the various lists? I'm assuming this comes out of IRC chats, or something similar. I understand the usual notations, such as <g> etc., but since I don't chat online I'm unfamiliar with this new stuff. Thanks, Nancy K Curmudgeon on Demand ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 21:52:21 EST From: Knightwave@a....... Subject: Saturday KtK auction update Here's the auction update for the KtK auction. The web site is located at for anyone who wishes a more detailed description of the items. Becky has placed the latest posted bids on the web site. The auction is scheduled to end at 11:59 pm on Sunday. Make sure any bids you want to get in are sent out soon enough to make the deadline. We can't be responsible for any late, misdirected, or lost posts. Hope everyone gets the item they're after. <g> Saturday, February 5, 2000 9:30pm 1) $40.00 Tracy FK sign--autographed by Nigel Bennett 2) $100.00 [Name removed by request] Imported signed bottle of Chateau LaCroix tie 3) $25.00 Diana Ashes to Ashes script tie 3) $25.00 Ken " " " " new 4) $150.00 Stirling FK prop -- Nightcrawler photo new 5) $175.00 Barb FK prop-- Raven glass 6) $45.00 Deanie FK prop-- evidence tag 7) $30.00 Karen Love You To Death script 8) $50.00 Knight Ranger FK prop- bowling pic 9) $40.00 Diana FK tote bag 10) $30.00 Claudine Father Figure script 11) $200.00 anonymous FK prop--matchbook 12) $25.00 Judy Dying For Fame script 13) $20.00 Paula FK stickers 14) $100.00 Kalira Nick Calendar new 15) $125.00 unknown FK Prop-- Trophy Girl newspaper Thank you everyone for bidding. Enjoy, April knightwave@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 18:56:27 -0800 From: tigrlady2u@j....... Subject: Re: Looking for pics Thanks so much, everyone!! My friend is really enjoying looking through these! (So am I!!) I appreciate everyone's help! KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. Light Cousin/Unholy Trinity. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 15:04:15 -0800 From: Samantha Smiley <marajade01@e.......> Subject: Been a while Hi, I'm Samantha Smiley and I haven't been on FORKNI in a *long* time, about 2 years. Anyone wanna fill me in? <g> Just kidding. Any old timers from SKL that have lurked lately? Do you remember me? I don't recall some of the names, but then it *has* been a long time. Just popping in to say hello. [@~:|>] Samantha Smiley - marajade01@e......., ssmiley@u....... * CelandineSam * Cousin * Valentine * Lexxian * Droolsister * "Testosterone is a great equalizer, it turns all men into morons." Rupert Giles, ASH, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "Either we are alone in the universe or we are not - both ideas are overwhelming." - Anonymous. "Sometimes the only sense you can make out of life is a sense of humor." - Anonymous. "Hello gorgeous, going my way?" ::thud:: - Kai, Michael McManus, Lexx. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:51:22 -0500 From: "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......> Subject: Notations of action (WAS: Re: MEP 2000 Quote List) At 05:44 PM 2/5/00 -0600, Nancy Kaminski asked: >On a completely different note, could someone explain the notations (:::, >^^^ and so on) that has begun to appear in the various lists? I'm assuming >this comes out of IRC chats, or something similar. In the case quoted, :: action :: denotes an action; therefore: >Laurie wrote: >> <<MEP 2000 Quote List>> >> :: snorting with laughter while wiping tears out of my eyes :: >> Oh *Thank you* Bons, for posting this. Laurie is thanking Bons *while* she is snorting with laughter and wiping tears out of her eyes. Other ways of denoting this are <snorting with laughter, etc.> <*snorting with laughter, etc.*> IIRC, all three of these have origins in online role-playing games. In IRC chat, the chatter performing the action -- let's say it's Laurie, and that she chats onlne with the nickname ("nick") of "LLaudOTI" -- would type in /me snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes The chat software will print to everyone else's screens LLaudOTI snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes Usually when I see ^^^^^^^ on a line, it means that the writer is trying to emphasize part of the previous line. It doesn't always work -- changes in linewrap and display typeface may misalign the carets from the intended characters. Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer... UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project Gerthering 3 Photos: Visit the Fiendish Glow at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:22:04 -0600 From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......> Subject: Re: Notations of action (WAS: Re: MEP 2000 Quote List) Brenda wrote: > In the case quoted, > :: action :: Thanks for the explanation. > /me snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes > The chat software will print to everyone else's screens > LLaudOTI snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes Oh, that explains the odd use of grammar that occasionally shows up here. Nancy K ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 01:00:24 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: YKYBWTMFK.... When you take it as a good omen that the address of the local IRS office is 1228. Things did turn out well, too. Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 01:04:38 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: Re: Notations of action (WAS: Re: MEP 2000 Quote List) In a message dated 02/05/2000 10:26:55 PM US Mountain Standard Time, nancykam@m....... writes: << > /me snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes > The chat software will print to everyone else's screens > LLaudOTI snorts with laughter while wiping tears out of her eyes Oh, that explains the odd use of grammar that occasionally shows up here. >> LOL Thank you for giving us the benifit of the doubt Nancy. <g> Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 16:48:32 +0000 From: SafetySu <nick1@w.......> Subject: Ger5 Video. My friend received her copy last week and brought it round for me to see yesterday. Its brilliant and brought back loads of happy memories for use both. Thanks to everyone involved in producing the tape for all your hard work. Susan. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 12:24:58 EST From: Knightwave@a....... Subject: Sunday KtK auction update ere's the auction update for the KtK auction. The web site is located at for anyone who wishes a more detailed description of the items. Becky has placed the latest posted bids on the web site. The auction is scheduled to end at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on Sunday. Make sure any bids you want to get in are sent out soon enough to make the deadline. We can't be responsible for any late misdirected or lost posts. Hope everyone gets the item they're after. <g> Sunday, February 6, 2000 12:00pm 1) $40.00 Tracy FK sign--autographed by Nigel Bennett 2) $100.00 [Name removed by request] Imported signed bottle of Chateau LaCroix tie 3) $25.00 Diana Ashes to Ashes script tie 3) $25.00 Ken " " " " 4) $150.00 Stirling FK prop -- Nightcrawler photo 5) $175.00 Barb FK prop-- Raven glass 6) $45.00 Deanie FK prop-- evidence tag 7) $30.00 Karen Love You To Death script new 8) $160.00 Sara FK prop- bowling pic 9) $40.00 Diana FK tote bag 10) $30.00 Claudine Father Figure script 11) $200.00 anonymous FK prop--matchbook 12) $25.00 Judy Dying For Fame script 13) $20.00 Paula FK stickers 14) $100.00 Kalira Nick Calendar 15) $125.00 unknown FK Prop-- Trophy Girl newspaper Thank you everyone for bidding. Enjoy, April knightwave@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 13:05:55 -0500 From: mclisa@m....... Subject: Admin: Forkni-l rules The rules are going out early this week because I need to keep my phone line open on Monday. McL For information on managing your subscription and on listserv commands, please see Don Fasig's page 1. No flames on list. FLAMERS MAY BE SET NOPOST. THE NOPOST MAY BE PERMANENT. 2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying. If you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the relevant four lines for that point also. 3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. This includes all information, decoration quotations and blank lines. Your name and address count as part of the six. If you sign your name on a separate line above the body of text, your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of the six line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on putting an advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. I realize you can't control that and it doesn't count as part of your sig. 4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the person who wrote the post you are answering. 5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the listowners, Lisa McDavid, mclisa@m....... or Don Fasig, phase3@g....... for permission. 6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew, staff and producers in connection with what they're doing now or have done in the past are ok. Vampires in general are _NOT_ ok except in relation to Forever Knight. 7. Off-topic posts are not allowed, no matter what they are about or how urgent the warning may appear. If you have an off-topic post which you think should appear on the list, ask one of the owners for permission. 8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic. Occasionally one of the fan club presidents will make an announcement, but other than that, we leave the cast their privacy. 9. Con announcements must come from con officials or a designated liaison and must be kept brief. Cons are only announced on list if there is a connection to FK. 10. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may make announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff, before said projects have been released or written about in the media. 11. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as pseudonyms or posing as a character. 12. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l. I'll be happy to explain the reason for any of the above if asked. Thanks! Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." mclisa@m....... Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 14:13:23 EST From: JKFCprez@a....... Subject: Natsuko's Play Forgive me if this has already been posted (my system has been eating emails recently) -- but just in case ... thought I'd pass this on for all those that might be interested in attending: Natsuko Ohama will be starring with James Sie in "Straight As A Line" at the Actors' Gang from February 3 - 20, 2000, Thursday through Sundays at 8:00 PM. The play, written by Luis Alfaro and directed by Jon Lawrence Rivera makes its west coast premiere. 'Straight As A Line" was voted "Top Ten of '99 Critics Choice Bets Best" by the Los Angeles Times. The Actors' Gang is located at 6201 Santa Monica Boulevard (between Vine and Gower at El Centro) in Hollywood. For ticket information, call 323-960-7756. -- Cal JKFCprez@a....... ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Feb 2000 to 6 Feb 2000 (#2000-37) ************************************************************
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