There are 16 messages totalling 436 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Announcing another KtK auction 2. KtK addy 3. Sunday KtK auction update 4. Hemolyze (2) 5. <No subject given> 6. Robocop poster 7. fridge etc. (2) 8. NB, bleached,with Raybans --was Robocop poster (4) 9. Forkni-l rules 10. FK UK---Was: NB, bleached,with Raybans 11. FK Allumni! NZers! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 20:25:26 EST From: BJDFKFan@a....... Subject: Re: Announcing another KtK auction Sue Paine said: <<<<< I cannot make head or tail of the address of the site. Please remember...always put up a full address. >>>>> On behalf of KtK, sorry 'bout that! The complete addy for the latest KtK auction is: Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD, We're cut adrift, but still floating. I'm only hanging on to watch you go love. (Bono, U2) The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on. (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 20:39:52 EST From: Alifoxx@a....... Subject: KtK addy Go here for the Kickstart the Knight Auction!<A HREF="">KtK Auction1/2000</A> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:38:54 EST From: Knightwave@a....... Subject: Sunday KtK auction update Here's the first update for the KtK auction. Thanks everyone for a great start. The web site is located at for those who want a detailed list of the items available. Go have a look and see if we have anything of interest for you. <g> Note: after receiving infomation concerning possible problems, we are forced to pull item #8, the dailies, from this auction. As an apology for this inconvenious, we are offering two new items to bid on. #8 will now represent a FK prop featured in the FK episode "The Fix", the bowling photo Schanke was holding in the episode. This photo is one of four 5/7 black and white photos featuring Don Schanke (John Kapelos) and Detective Bryan Sikes (Paul Sandards). This item was donoted by Susan Garrett. The new item, #15, is one of three newspapers printed for the use in the episode "Trophy Girl". "Metropolitan Examiner" was donated by Susan Garrett. Once again, we apologize for this occurrance and hope these two items will meet with your approval. Sunday, January 30, 2000 11:00pm 1) no bid FK sign -- autographed by Nigel Bennett 2) no bid Imported signed bottle of Chateau LaCroix 3) $10.00 Emily Ashes to Ashes script 4) $15.00 Mary FK prop- Nightcrawler photo 5) $25.00 Barbara FK prop- raven glass 6) no bid FK prop-- evidence tag 7) $10.00 Emily Love You To Death script 8) no longer available Dailies 9) no bid FK tote bag 10) $10.00 Judy Father Figure script 10) $10.00 Emily " " " 11) $100.00 Gale FK prop-matchbook 12) $10.00 Judy Dying For Fame script 13) no bid FK stickers 14) $50.00 anonymous Calendar Thank you everyone for your interest. <g> Enjoy, April knightwave@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 23:32:03 EST From: teri delong <darius4evr@h.......> Subject: Re: Hemolyze It's been written: >we don't >have any evidence I can remember that FK vampires can eat> anything solid, >so I doubt it about frozen blood. I don't want to get too depressing or morbid, but I recently lost a family member to stomach cancer, and in the final stages when she was completely incabable of ingesting anything remotely resembling solid food, they still could give her popsickles. And while we're getting technical, :-) different foods take different enzymes to digest, and their metabolism is no longer set up to digest food, but if frozen blood is still blood, shouldn't it still be just as ingestible once it thaws......oh.....but if they have no body temperature, how would it ever thaw....? Ah legalities and technicalities! teri darius4evr@h....... >>I can never remember if I'm the good twin or the evil twin....<< :o) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 16:48:55 -0600 From: cmk <cmglover@e.......> Subject: Re: Hemolyze mclisa@m....... writes: > Hemolyze means the red cells break up. Whether this would effect the ability > of the vampire's system to ingest and use them is something I can't say. > However, we don't have any evidence I can remember that FK vampires can eat > anything solid, so I doubt it about frozen blood. In a first season episode #118 "Feeding the Beast" doesn't Nick eat a plate of fries "with lots of catsup" and brag about this to Nat? Seems our FK vamps CAN and DO eat solid food. It simply isn't the nurtrient vector of choice. Peace, Carrie, Knightie (the old fashioned variety) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 01:28:05 -0500 From: Dianne Bugg <LadyLC@i.......> Subject: <No subject given> To all those who have expressed their best wishes on my surgery, thank you very much. I really appreciate your kind thoughts and best wishes. I have now had the first of the surgeries and the results so far have far exceeded my hopes. I'm eagerly looking forward to the second now. It will be in about 4 to 6 weeks. Ladylc ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:09:42 -0000 From: Tracy Gooding <Tracy.Gooding@n.......> Subject: Re: Robocop poster On 29 January 2000 07:08, KnightWitch wrote: <<He's supposed to be playing the doctor/tech on Robocop... Or so I heard. And aren't most tv techs a little off on the crazy side.?>> Whereas the RL ones are all *perfectly* normal. Speaking as a bleached physicist I can assure you that this is the case. <g> On a slightly different note, how many of the UK contingent saw the trailer for the new series of Lexx on SciFi last night? NB, bleached, with Raybans. Gosh. Tracy Tracy.Gooding@n....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:50:02 +0000 From: STEPHANIE HEIDBREDER <s.heidbreder@l.......> Subject: Re: fridge etc. Just delurking for a second.... I looked yesterday through a catalogue and I found the perfect bin that would go very well with that cow fridge....a faux cowskin bin! I really had to laugh and it made me think...what other cow-like things could be added in Nick's make him feel more home (evg). Back into the shadows... steph ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:34:17 -0500 From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......> Subject: Re: fridge etc. What an interesting idea. The Gateway computer catalog has a variety of cow-print items for home decor. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:54:56 EST From: Cantillion99@a....... Subject: Re: NB, bleached,with Raybans --was Robocop poster In a message dated 31/01/00 12:21:38 GMT Standard Time, Tracy.Gooding@n....... writes: > Whereas the RL ones are all *perfectly* normal. Speaking as a bleached > physicist I can assure you that this is the case. <g> On a slightly different > note, how many of the UK contingent saw the trailer for the new series of > Lexx on SciFi last night? NB, bleached, with Raybans. Gosh. Gosh indeedy!! I, for one, missed it, but I'm sure I'm not alone in being grateful for the image you have conjured for us <g>.It should sustain me until Lexx starts--this Sunday?? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:27:29 -0000 From: Tracy Gooding <Tracy.Gooding@n.......> Subject: Re: NB, bleached,with Raybans --was Robocop poster On 31 January 2000 14:55, Cantillion99@a....... wrote: <<Gosh indeedy!! I, for one, missed it, but I'm sure I'm not alone in being grateful for the image you have conjured for us <g>.It should sustain me until Lexx starts--this Sunday??>> Yup, Sunday nights. Almost in the same time slot that Sky 1 used to show FK. Is this a cue for the FK-deprived UK listmembers to drop a line to British Sky Broadcasting? Tracy Tracy.Gooding@n....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 11:25:38 EST From: Natalia DiWillow <SoulOfAHuntress@a.......> Subject: Re: NB, bleached,with Raybans --was Robocop poster In a message dated 31/01/00 15:40:54 GMT Standard Time, Tracy.Gooding@n....... writes: > Yup, Sunday nights. Almost in the same time slot that Sky 1 used to show FK. > Is this a cue for the FK-deprived UK listmembers to drop a line to British > Sky Broadcasting? Being a FK-deprived UK listmember who's lost half her episodes on tape *sobs* should I be writing to someone? And whats showing again? I've been not paying the most attention ::winces:: Love Eternal, - <A HREF="mailto:SoulOfAHuntress@a.......">Kiana</A> /aka\ <A HREF="mailto:SoulOfAHuntress@a.......">Huntress</A> - Forever Knight Fanatic ;) <A HREF="">Ravenette</A>, <A HREF="">Nanette</A>, Dark Nattie, Unholy Alliance & <A HREF="">NatPacker</A>. [With <A HREF="">Vaquera</A>, Seducers & Mikies tendencies ;)] || Keeper of the Silver Forever Nat Poking Stick!! || "It's so pretty in Denial Land at this time of year..." || ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:11:25 EST From: Cantillion99@a....... Subject: Re: NB, bleached,with Raybans --was Robocop poster In a message dated 31/01/00 15:40:54 GMT Standard Time, Tracy.Gooding@n....... writes: >.>It should sustain me until Lexx starts--this Sunday??>> > Yup, Sunday nights. Almost in the same time slot that Sky 1 used to show FK. > Is this a cue for the FK-deprived UK listmembers to drop a line to British > Sky Broadcasting? I think it's a good idea, but how about also nagging Ch 5 to show FK, since a lot of current Sky 1 imports end up there? (I'd prefer it to find a home on any of the other terrestrial channels but it probably stands a better chance on 5). At least being shown there would also give it a higher profile than being aired on satellite. Anyone have any better ideas? Any UKers up for a bit of a campaign? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:34:04 -0500 From: mclisa@m....... Subject: Forkni-l rules Herewith the rules and the hope that we all have power and are able to read them. For information on managing your subscription and on listserv commands, please see Don Fasig's page 1. No flames on list. FLAMERS MAY BE SET NOPOST. THE NOPOST MAY BE PERMANENT. 2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying. If you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the relevant four lines for that point also. 3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. This includes all information, decoration quotations and blank lines. Your name and address count as part of the six. If you sign your name on a separate line above the body of text, your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of the six line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on putting an advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. I realize you can't control that and it doesn't count as part of your sig. 4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the person who wrote the post you are answering. 5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the listowners, Lisa McDavid, mclisa@m....... or Don Fasig, phase3@g....... for permission. 6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew, staff and producers in connection with what they're doing now or have done in the past are ok. Vampires in general are _NOT_ ok except in relation to Forever Knight. 7. Off-topic posts are not allowed, no matter what they are about or how urgent the warning may appear. If you have an off-topic post which you think should appear on the list, ask one of the owners for permission. 8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic. Occasionally one of the fan club presidents will make an announcement, but other than that, we leave the cast their privacy. 9. Con announcements must come from con officials or a designated liaison and must be kept brief. Cons are only announced on list if there is a connection to FK. 10. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may make announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff, before said projects have been released or written about in the media. 11. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as pseudonyms or posing as a character. 12. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l. I'll be happy to explain the reason for any of the above if asked. Thanks! Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." mclisa@m....... Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 19:05:13 -0000 From: Tracy Gooding <Tracy.Gooding@n.......> Subject: FK UK---Was: NB, bleached,with Raybans On: 31 January 2000 18:11 Cantillion@a....... wrote: <<I think it's a good idea, but how about also nagging Ch 5 to show FK, since a lot of current Sky 1 imports end up there? (I'd prefer it to find a home on any of the other terrestrial channels but it probably stands a better chance on 5).>> <snip> Last time I heard, Sky 1 were hanging on to the transmission rights, despite enquiries from 5) and SciFi. But I, for one, am up for a campaign. UKers need their FK too. Tracy Tracy.Gooding@n....... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 09:09:07 +1300 From: Kylie Coleman-Tucker <knightraven@c.......> Subject: FK Allumni! NZers! To all our New Zealand listees! Nigel and a new series of Psi-Factor is starting tonight(Tuesday). TV4, 9:30pm. knightraven@c....... "What a wonderful thing humanity is...Passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, full of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all...delicious!" ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Jan 2000 to 31 Jan 2000 (#2000-31) **************************************************************
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