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Digest - 7 Jan 2000 to 8 Jan 2000 (#2000-8)

Sat, 8 Jan 2000

There are 12 messages totalling 338 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. "Come to me..."
  2. Forever Knight Photos
  3. Evil Twinkies (2)
  4. Responses from SciFi Channel (2)
  5. Crazy Crossovers (3)
  6. Natalie's past (2)
  7. Fanfic questions


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 17:14:16 -0600
From:    Kristin Harris <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: "Come to me..."

Hi everyone!!

For those of you who LOVE "Hunted" I just added it to my picture archives,
along with "Hunters", and a new movie clip too.

And those of you who love that one scene... "Come to me..", I made LOTS of
pics from it!! I think you'll enjoy them. ;) They're big and as high of
quality as I can get!

Good Knight!

P.S. Comments are welcome, please tell me what you think! :)


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 18:46:01 -0600
From:    Kristin Harris <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Forever Knight Photos

I was hoping someone here could tell me where I could find FK photos,
besides the ones at awit.com(or parkermovies) to buy? I saw several recent
ones on e-bay that I like but I'm too young to bid and I'd rather find a
better safer way to get them. I'd like some of the more rare ones like shots
from episodes.

They're like these on this site:

Anyone who knows where I could get some, I would be eternaly grateful. :)



Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 16:39:18 -0800
From:    trespasser@w.......
Subject: Re: Evil Twinkies

Kyer wrote:
> Messy.  Very messy. <g>  What will your Lawn Insurance Co. say?

Lawn Isurance? Is there such a thing? Well, Mr. Insurence-Agent, heh, I don't
know if you'll believe this but, ah, well, have you ever seen an Evil Twinkie?

><Dark Squirette, determined to pay back the stink bomb attacks with something
more---shall we say---audible, directs Spike the Vampire Cactus to plant
electronicly talking Bubba <tm> toys at her house.>

Anything you plant at my house will be dead within a week. I do not have a
"green thumb." If I say how many cacti I've killed it'll send Spike into shock.

'Sides, if I remember correctly, Bubba dolls talk when you squeeze them. Why
would I...

<muffled electronic voice coming from the living room>

"What the..." <Aron climbs out of computer couch to see what's going on.>
"Sunny! You bad, bad dog. Give me that! And that one! Let go!"

Roommate as she activates one:"Are these yours Aron? They're SOOOO cute!" (I
swear she's possessed by Tracy <g>)

"Aahhhh!" <Aron grabs Bubbas and tosses them one by one onto her lawn, ...
covered in Evil Twinkie goo.> "Well, I'm glad that's over. But didn't there used
to be more?"

<Kyer runs out to buy more filters for her Darth Vader gas mask and discovers an
army of gooey Bubba Dolls painting a sixties mural on the side of her house.>



That night... Aron was almost asleep tucked in her bed,
          visions of chocolate bars danced in her head.
          Wondering if perhaps she should call a truce,
          with Kyer. (before something awful happens to you <g>)

          Then from across the hall there arose a noise


          Like her roommate had stolen one of her toys!

Truce? HA! <Aron climbs out of bed and begins to write a letter>

Dear Santa,
I realize it's kinda early but my name is Kyer and I am writting this year for
ALL the personalities. Dark Squirette is really hoping for a years subscription
to "Precious Moments for Little Angels," and White Sqirette wants to join the
"Leather-Whip-of-the-Month Club." For myself, well, you know all the Pokemon
toys you made that didn't end up being asked for....

Aron <trespasser@w.......>
Natpacker to the core, First casualty of War10
There is a thin line between genius and insanity,
and I am balanced precariously on it.
Donate your fic to she that needs it.


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 20:31:13 EST
From:    Erika1228@a.......
Subject: Responses from SciFi Channel

Hi. Coming out of lurkdom and hoping that my question isn't redundant, since
I must admit not having time to read all the digests thoroughly...
I sent email to scifi network, and did not put Forever Knight in the subject
so that they would not just discard it as fannish without reading it. But I
immediately got an automated response from them. So I'm wondering...
Is it better to have Forever Knight or Bring back Forever Knight in the
subject in case no one actually opens them up and reads them?

Best wishes for a Happy New Year,
Christine Hunt


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 17:35:33 -0800
From:    mpv <nnpacker@y.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Crossovers

I think there's also an FK/ANimaniacs crossover (available in Mel's
site but i can't remember who the writer is right now ) with Nick as
a giant chicken. It's  one of  the funniest fics i've ever come
across and i hope that there'd be more of it...<g>

pt Light Coz/Urchin


Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 2005 18:52:37 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Evil Twinkies

Aron Wrote: <Kyer runs out to buy more filters for her Darth Vader gas mask
and discovers an army of gooey Bubba Dolls painting a sixties mural on the
side of her house.>

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" <Kyer skinnies up nearest telephone pole--- not an easy thing
while wearing a D.V. deluxe mask--- and stops the menacing Bubbas<tm> with
the ol' Small Soldiers trick.  "Heh, heh!"  <Unfortunately, this also cuts
out the power for an entire city block around.  "Oops."
  Later, Dark Squirette and Kyer pore over the fake 'Kyer' e-mail post to
Santa that D.S. hacked from the jolly old elf's computer mail box.
(Crimeny! the old geezer still uses Cobol!)  "What does she mean by "all the
Pokemon toys that didn't end up being asked for"?  *Was* there such a
thing?" Kyer mused.  "So... she means to sabo-tugee my Christmas 2000 wish
list, does she?" Dark growled.  "We'll jest see about this!  Light, contact
the Snixco Elves Catalog!  We are going to do our part in keeping them
solvent.  Heh heh...   <pause>  And see if Nick is done repainting the side
of the house.  I can't stand that mural anymore.  Too garish"  Light
frowned.  "But he did finish.  Last night."  "<Urk!>  I wish he'd switch to
pre-Modern art styles! ....And *please* don't use that particular phrase."
Kyer looked thoughtfully at the pilfered e-mail.  "Ya know.... I really
wouldn't mind the Precious Moments collection.."

<24 Hours Later>

A mysterious package arrives on the doormat of Aron's abode.  It
spontaneously bursts apart and rebuilds itself ala some Transformer toy, and
starts playing all the NightCrawler monologues on continuous loop.  At
maximum volume.  At hyper-Chipmunk speed.

Grinned,  :)=
(Aron, are you subscribed to the fic list?  If we continue to fight
boredom/procrastinate this way, we may have to relocate there.)


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 22:14:22 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Crazy Crossovers

In a message dated 01/07/2000 6:36:16 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
nnpacker@y....... writes:

<< I think there's also an FK/ANimaniacs crossover (available in Mel's
 site but i can't remember who the writer is right now ) with Nick as
 a giant chicken. It's  one of  the funniest fics i've ever come
 across and i hope that there'd be more of it...<g>   >>

Nick as Boo?  I love it.  It's actually rather deep when you think about it.
Boo is always trying to appear to be something he's not, trying to masquerade
as human.  Although the blinking is more Vachon than Nick. <g>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:11:47 -0500
From:    Anna Wooten <awooten@e.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Crossovers

<delurking for a moment

Anyone thought about FK/My Favorite Martian ?   LOLOLOLOL


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:58:01 EST
From:    DeanieBTVS@a.......
Subject: Natalie's past

Hi all!

I know there's been a lot of discussion about Natalie's past (her parents and
grandmother is mostly what I remember)... but for a fanfic story I'm writing
I need to know more about her past, specifically...

(1) Do we know where is she from?  Is she from Toronto or somewhere else?
(2) Do we know where she went to school?  Med school, in particular... or
which grades she skipped.  She had to have skipped something to be a ME at 28!

I don't remember any of these things being mentioned in FK episodes, but
before I create a fictional past for Nat, I want to make sure it doesn't
conflict with the real thing!


*** Nick and Nat Packer *** Dark Perk *** KoC *** Dark NN *** Knightie ***
                     *** Official Doctor to be of the Dark Nat Pack ***


Date:    Sat, 8 Jan 2000 01:58:43 EST
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: Re: Responses from SciFi Channel

Jus to let everyone know that I have been told by someone from the Sentinel
group   that the Sci-Fi channel is More than aware of our protests about the
show being removed from the schedule!! (this was from a phone conversation
they had with the  network!)
We ARE being heard!!! :0

keep up the good work guys!!

all the best, susan ellen field
Kickstart the Knight


Date:    Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:19:38 PST
From:    Lisa Harvey <lmharvey@h.......>
Subject: Re: Fanfic questions

Diane Harris wrote:

>I went back through Black Buddha to find the song and it sounded very
>familiar to me too but I can't quite place it.  It doesn't sound classical
>to me, more romantic or twentieth century, but I could be wrong.

I've had a few people tell me that it sounds familiar, but none of them knew
the title either.  In my frustration, I made two wav files and put them up
on a webpage for people to listen to.  They're not quick to load, so be
forewarned if you're going to try to listen to them.  In case anyone is
interested in helping me out, the url is:


I'd really appreciate it!

Lisa -- lmharvey@h.......
My homepage -- http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/darkknight/79


Date:    Sat, 8 Jan 2000 02:57:53 EST
From:    Jlkerr1228@a.......
Subject: Re: Natalie's past

In a message dated 01/07/00 8:59:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
DeanieBTVS@a....... writes:

> (2) Do we know where she went to school?  Med school, in particular... or
>  which grades she skipped.  She had to have skipped something to be a ME at
> 28!

     I remember in 'Father's Day' that she told someone that Captain Cohen
had been trying to get Don Constantine since she [Natalie] had been an
intern. To me, that implies that she probably went to med school in Toronto.

J L Kerr


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 7 Jan 2000 to 8 Jan 2000 (#2000-8)

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