File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 9 TOPICS: Rules & Bunnies Lacroix and Love Scenes (5) FK Viewers Poll (revised) FK Merch Survey (resent) Nick&Nat Packers reference aol chats?? Minor Affiliation Symbols A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?) FORKNI-L Digest - 24 May 1996 LK Party Quote List (minor spoilers) Unnamed Faction YKYBWTMFKW.... (4) Forever Knight Who? Light Cousins symbol Blooper Script Charities Unnamed, and Other, Factions (2) A Rejected Top Ten yk(someone's)bwtmfk Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:02:35 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Rules & Bunnies Yikes, the Phoenix felt obliged to speak on-list! Everyone had better study those List Rules again. Quote no more than 4 lines at a time, keep your signature short, and avoid "me-too" posts. And *please*, double-check your headers before mailing; spoilers on FORKNI-L have become an epidemic that won't be tolerated any longer. And don't forget: BE NICE. Be thoughtful of the feelings of others. Now is the time to pull together, not fall apart. Put aside any crankiness before logging on. How did Jamie put it? Be Excellent To Each Other. :^) {{{{{Warm Fuzzies}}}}} Get the colorful version of the fuzzies at: {{{{{Warm Bunnies}}}}} Cheer up by seeing Nigel Bennett's lighter side at the McGregor Page: BTW, we now have six declared Bunnies. Join now! All you have to do is put the affiliation name in your signature and buy a copy of "Peter Rabbit" (so you can quote it at will, when the need arises). "Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries." Mmmm... blackberries... -- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) -- -- List Babysitter, Perky Knightie, and Chief Bunny of the McGregors --- - *Free* copy of list rules! -- -------------------------- Rule #1: BE NICE! -------------------------- -- Babysitter's Addendum: Read the Rules and Think Before You Post! --- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:04:20 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject:Lacroix and Love Scenes This was meant for the list, not just the individual. From: BODYBLDR--RALVM29 Date and time 05/24/96 15:01:21 To: SMTP2 --IINUS1 But what accounts for the scenes when Nick isn't around--ie Lacroix in the Raven in AtA? Objective viewer? Granted, we see Lacroix emotionally through Nick's eyes, but we do see Lacroix when Nick is out of sight. The reason I mention this is that we never see Lacroix in the act of killing or mating. Consequently, I feel it innocuates Lacroix--yes, we hear his chilling monologues and wonderful literary speech--but where is the harm? Where is the evil besides in his sadistic pleasure at Nicholas' expense? I would like to see Lacroix "vamp out" beyond flashback scenes. The only time we see him kill recently is in Fever, and even then they cut the actual murder. It just seems such a waste to work so hard to create a character who is beautiful, charming, intelligent, intellectual, classy, eloquentAND evil and then not divulge his moments of wickedness. Tanya ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:16:19 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: FK Viewers Poll (revised) Since I've gotten so many requests (from our newest list folks!) to resend this survey, here it is. I've removed 4th season references to avoid confusion (4th season not likely). We're more likely to get a TV movie (w/your help), so please send in your survey! FOREVER KNIGHT VIEWERS/VIEWING POLL 5/24/96 =================================== ======= Please take a moment to answer these questions. The more responses, the more compelling our case becomes! LURKERS, I'm counting on you to participate, too! International responses GREATLY welcomed! Anyone willing/able to translate this survey into German & send to German viewers, please do so & let me know! In consideration of high list traffic & striking while the iron is hot, please a) send your response to me privately (lplummer@i.......) b) send your response NOW (no jury duty after all!) ABOUT THE STATIONS WHICH BROADCAST FOREVER KNIGHT IN YOUR AREA: --------------------------------------------------------------- 1) On what (non-SciFi) TV station(s)/channels do you/did you view Forever Knight? Please include: --station name & channel/frequency --city/state/country from which station originates --owner, company name, contact --station address & telephone number (if you can look it up) --what type of station (independent, network (which?), cable, etc.) 2) On what day/time do/did you watch FK on these stations? 3) Have you ever contacted your station about FK? Any other show? 4) Do you know if the stations will continue to run FK? How long? 5) Do you know if the stations have email or a website? If so, what are they? 6) Is Cable TV service provided in your area? Pls provide company name/address info, as above. 7) Does your area Cable TV company provide SciFi Channel? When will it? 8) Do you have cable service? 9) Do you pick up FK via satellite? Please provide info. ABOUT YOU & YOUR AREA: ---------------------- 10) In what city/state/country do you live & how far is it to the station/provider on which you view FK? 11) How long have you been viewing Forever Knight (what season)? 12) Do you currently swap tapes w/other viewers (indicates desire to see other seasons, etc.)? 13) How old are you? What gender? What occupation (generally)? NEW SHOW (i.e. movie, etc.) QUERIES: ------------------------------------ 14) Would you be satisfied for a new FK show/movie to have the same characters, but different actors portraying them? 15) If not, which first 5+ actors would you ABSOLUTELY have to have back for you to view/support the new season? (pls list in order, 1=most 5=least) 16) Would you view/support a new FK (movie, etc) if same characters were set in another city? THANKS! Please send this to me ASAP, either by email: Subject= FK TV Survey or snail mail: FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER: 11980-J Little Patuxent Pkwy, Columbia, MD 21044. Please gather your station's info from the phone book, etc. if you can. This will greatly aid the compilation of data. I plan to have this data compiled for inclusion on the FK homepage (web god/des(ses) permitting) by July 1. Please copy this survey & hand it out to your FK friends/newbies for them to reply, too. I will keep adding new survey inputs to the stats for all to see. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THIS DIFFERENCE! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:25:13 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: FK Merch Survey (resent) Resending/revising this survey too, due to volume of requests...Leslie Forever Knight is VASTLY under promoted & not merchandise-"exploited" in any means. PTW (powers that were) didn't see this one, & it is our RIGHT, RESPONSIBILIY, and OPPORTUNITY to indicate what we want in the way of Forever Knight merchandise (for the 1st three seasons & any FK shows/movies which come along). FOREVER KNIGHT MERCHANDISE SURVEY 5/19/96 ================================= ======= Please take a moment to answer these questions. WHEN FK reincarnates into another movie, etc., the backer(s) will want to know there are accompanying income resources (i.e. merchandising). This is your chance to indicate what you want & don't want! LURKERS, pls come out for this survey, too. Please copy this survey & hand out to non-Internet FK friends & to newbies! As always, the more responses, the more compelling an arguement to get what we want! WHAT SHOULD BE MARKETED FOR FK? ------------------------------- 1) Would you purchase the following? How much would you pay (US$)? -- coffee mug? (black w/FK logo? another design? another color?) -- comic books? (would they have to be in the FK "universe"?) -- novels? (would they have to be in the FK "universe"?) -- fanzines? -- filkbooks? -- original music books/sheets? -- The Raven/club stuff? (what?) -- more music by Fred? (FK only? other Fred stuff?) -- trading cards w/characters photos & info -- technical books from the sets? scripts? -- FK fantasy art? (what media?) (mail order?) -- FK t-shirts (what on it? what colors?) -- FK halloween costuming? masks? (what? who?) -- posters? (what shots? what groupings?) -- Ribena? -- FK vamp stuff? (what?) 2) Would you want to see "action figures" or is that too juvenile? Is this too adult a market? If you like the idea, pls specify what "attributes" you'd like your favorite to have (i.e. costume, color, hair(!!!), carrying what, etc.)? 3) Do you know where you can get Ribena locally? Pls indicate where & if you'd like to get it (retail or mail order). 4) How about FK chocolate? -- what shape? -- what type of choclate? (milk, dark, semi, Belgian, etc.) -- would you pay extra for it to be a good quality chocolate? -- how much/pound would you pay (in US$) 5) Would you buy different factions' FK chocolate? If so, please indicate what flavor or filling would be most appropriate for each group (i.e. what filling for cousins, perkolators, etc.) 6) Have you found Fred's CD in local music stores? Have you asked for it by name? What stores/what cities? Will they get it for you? 7) What else can we market? ABOUT YOU & YOUR AREA: ---------------------- 8) How old are you? What gender? What profession (general)? 9) In what city/state/country do you live? 10) Do you belive in purchasing by way of credit cards? 11) Do you order items through the mail? Internet? 12) Pls indicate name/alias/email preference for tabulation only. Pls send responses to me off-list (in consideration of list traffic levels) by either email: lplummer@i....... (subject: FK Merch Survey) or snailmail: FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER! 11980-J Little Patuxent Pkwy, Columbia, MD 21044 USA I will compile all responses & see if website can/wants to post analysis. Hope to have compilations by July 1; then will add new submissions to survey again, later. Please contact me off-list if you have any questions about this survey. I am happy to answer. Please RSVO soonest. Thanks for your interest in Forever Knight! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:29:51 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Re: Nick&Nat Packers queenbts@n....... (Melanie B.) wrote: >I also no longer have access to any reruns locally, (AZ TCI doesn't >carry SciFi, yet Houston's apparently does), and need to figure out >what I'm gonna do now. Can you respond with some guidance? I already responded about writing letters & ways to get names/addresses for those letters. Any other suggestions? Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS...FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker/Knightie... Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimistic An FK Movie(s) sort of gal ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:56:33 +0000 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: reference On 24 May 96 at 12:54, Mad Hatter wrote: > whatsa "lurker"? On mailing lists and newsgroups, a lurker is someone who reads but does not participate in discussion. On most mailing lists, the vast majority of subscribers lurk. Katja Katja Stokley cstokley@c....... It is a good day to put slinkies on escalators ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 13:53:55 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: aol chats?? Hi all, Will any of the cast or crew be doing any more aol chats? Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... NatVampCamp/FoSiL ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 13:49:46 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: Minor Affiliation Symbols (Someday I will get a working filter system and get off digest...) After paging through reams of commentary on the Unnamed faction, I thought I'd ruminate on possible symbols for my own sub-affiliations (no pins necessary -- you can start breathing again, Susan <g>). As the only Fleur-Booster (loyalist of Nick's sister Fleur, LC's true love) I suppose I may unilaterally declare the symbol to be a white rose -- LC would certainly concur. And if we ever need a couples faction for LC and Fleur, I think the symbol should be a rose entwined around a sword. As the founder of the Light Cousins (those who wish LC to embrace his human side and move toward redemption) I hesitantly suggest that the inverted b/w cross that is the symbol of the Cousins could be un-inverted as a symbol for the Light Cousins. That, however, is treading on dangerous ground. Any suggestions? ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) ******* Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved, Pax FK ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:34:10 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?) At 07:16 AM 5/24/96 -0700, you wrote: >On Fri, 24 May 1996, TippiNB wrote: > >> The Immortal Beloveds are *not* about Nick and Janette having sex. Then Cynthia wrote: >Speak for yourself. As far as these Immortal Beloveds are concerned, that >faction is *all* about Nick and Janette having sex. We're not talking >about two humans falling madly and romantically in love. We're talking >about two vampires who ooze sex whenever they're together ... talking Well that just proves my point entirely! No couples faction is just about one thing and one thing only. You just said it yourself: they "ooze sex whenever they're together". That's not the same thing as having sex is it? I mean, there are plenty of people out there in the world just having sex. But with N and J the chemical attraction they feel for one other infuses every aspect of their interaction. Their attraction is shown not just in ONE way, but in many, even while, as you mentioned, "talking". See? We're not on opposite sides here! :) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:52:27 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes >I'm curious. Have we ever seen LaCroix kill an innocent female? In >Trophy Girl, he is preparing Giselle, but it is Nick that eventually >kills her. Well... If we take Nick's POV as canon, then LC killed an innocent woman in Cherry Blossoms -- the accupunturist. >see him do it. I think that for most people, if we saw him do it, it would >be very hard to like LaCroix. Nah, there's really not much of anything LC could do that would make me not like him. ;) >It's one thing to see Nick kill, when we >know how guilty he is about it now; it would be something different entirely >to see LaCroix do it, knowing that he feels that it's perfectly fine to >do it. Actually, when Nick kills, it makes me like him less. Because I *know* it's gonna make him even more guilt-ridden! >In other words, not showing LaCroix killing innocent humans is an artistic >device that helps make for an interesting, thought-provoking show. Well I think it's also interesting because LC-as-seen-thru-Nick's POV is not necessarily the *real* LC. Our memories are subject to our feelings at the time. When we see LC through Janette's POV (AFWTD), he's a savior. In Nick's POV (especially in the first season), LC is pure evil. In LC's own POV, he's not exactly a nice guy, either -- in AMPH, he remembers that he was a ruthless general who ordered his soldiers to rape women. The real LC is probably a mix of all three, and then some. Recipe for LaCroix: Take one Nick Knight's POV Stir with Janette's POV Add a dash of LC's POV Simmer to a boil And add curry powder to taste. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead." "I'm not in denial. I'm in a state of creative readjustment!" ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:10:55 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes At 12:57 PM 5/24/96 -0500, Mad Hatter wrote: >i always thought LC was just stoic; not necessarily *evil* per se, Whatever. It doesn't matter what you call it, my point is still the same. Because we never see LaCroix kill innocent people for pleasure, we're able to like LaCroix even if we believe he does kill for pleasure. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:46:12 -0600 From: Sara Jubelirer <efery@i.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 24 May 1996 Hi! I'm not one to lurk for very long, so I figured I'd just jump right in. My name is Sara, but I go by Efery. :) I started watching FK about 3 months ago, when my friend Rachel forced me to watch Sons of Belial, and I immediately became addicted. She also showed me this list, and I've been on for about a week and a half. My favorite character is LaCroix (I want to be a cousin ;). I love the show and I want it to survive! If there is anything I can do, SOS-FK, more surveys (I already filled out the first one Leslie posted and sent it to her), etc., etc. mail me *right away*!!!! <g> I don't know how often I'll post in the future because reading all the digests takes a while. Once again, being on this list is great... LONG LIVE THE KNIGHT!!! -- Efery, Cousin in Training efery@i....... "It's not that I'm afraid to die... I just don't want to be there when it happens." --Woody Allen ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:51:11 -0400 From: Pat Witham <catspaw@m.......> Subject: LK Party Quote List (minor spoilers) >This is a *late* quote list from Pat's LK party last Saturday. In >attendance were Pat, Denise, Arion, Kira and Alora. We watched C&C, AMPH, >BMV, DbtLotM, FtB and AtA before LK; and afterwards we watched Dracula. >Some minor AtA and LK spoilers... > > >***************************************************************** > >Yet another psycho female; just add her to the list. > >Write that down on the quote list--we have to have something. > >That's more about Schanke than I *ever* wanted to know. > >My grandma had a car like that. > >Good thing Nick's a good vampire; otherwise she'd be snack food. >--She should be anyway. > >That's like breaking into Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory to steal a >chocolate chip. > >They don't get anymore klewless than that boy. > >My evil twin. >--You have a twin? > >She has angst. > ><Pointing at cows on TV> Oh look! Nick food! > >You, and as they say, whose army? > >I think I'll take the non-fatal. > >Continuity error! >--Oh, now there's a big surprise! > >What's with the "Temple of Doom"? >--It's the Arc of the Covenat!--oops, wrong movie. > >The ultimate closure: Let Reese get some water out of the cooler. > >Why'd he check the beer fridge? >--Maybe he wanted one. > >Now *we're* having flashbacks. > >Somebody's been shopping at Immortal Clothiers. > >I wonder if they have blood-flavoured General Foods International Coffees. > >Her impending corporial disem-- something or other. > >What are we going to watch? >--"Feeding the Best" >--"Feeding the Best"? >--Oh, I'm getting stupid again. > >Woah! The out of control vampire cam! > >You can take the boy out of the 13th Century, but you can't take the 13th >Century out of the boy. > >Peter Pan of the Vampire World. >--Does that make Nat Tinkerbell? >--Will she survive if we clap real hard? >--"We Believe! We believe!" > >Nat and Janette can start a support group: Female vampires who are pissed >at Nick. > >A vampire from Sprockets. > >A karate chopping vampire. > > > >Alora...she of bad e-mail karma <alora@a.......> >SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat (go on, ask!) >Natpacker * Founding Memeber: CSS * Original Saturday Knight Offender > > >.- > > Knightie, CSS and D.O.B. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:58:18 EDT From: Michael J Park <73773.3032@c.......> Subject: Unnamed Faction I personally like LaCroix Knights or Cousins of the Knight. I think they both are pretty good. Debbie Park Unnamed / Dark Knightie / Cousin ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:41:33 -0700 From: Bonnie F Rutledge <br1035@i.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW.... You wrote: > >Now I know, I have officially lost it. I dreamed about LaCroix last night. >Oh, sure, as a Knightie the was obligatory Nick, but it was LaCroix that made >the dream interesting. The best way to describe it is Conan the Barbarian >meets FK. Imagine Uncle, in the Conan-type armor on horseback. One >word---scary. Brrrrr. Sorry cousins. :) > >I've got to stop eating calzone before I go to bed... > > >Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel >CKrumtum@g....... >It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. >--Mother Teresa > Oh my god! Would you believe I've had that dream too? (Of course I'm not a Knightie so it was fine with me). There was some kind of Anglo-Saxon war thing going on...So what's the best/wierdest dream with FK people in it that you folks out there have had? My wierdest was one where GWD was selling me new carpet <g>... P.S. Make that non-Adult dream , even though those are the best<g> ************************************************************************ Bon Rutledge br1035@i....... " Microbiologists make better streakers" ************************************************************************ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:44:12 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix and Love Scenes I suppose you can chalk it up to pure Fleur-Boosterism if you like, but, frankly, I have always maintained that LC has been pretty-much faithful to the memory of Fleur, lo these eight centuries. He's the one with the meaningful email alias, after all (TG); the dead rose he held at Nick's wedding certainly struck me as symbolic on many levels (DoN). And... oh, wait: that's still spoiler protected, isn't it? Darn. :) The point is, the man's still carrying a torch. But as I make a huge distinction between the love he had for Fleur and the basic neck-of-the-week feeding (Lisette, in TG), I also concur with the idea that leaving the specifics of LC's evil largely up to our imaginations is a wise artistic decision. Of course, it's ended up leaving us with multiple, irreconcilable interpretations of LC, but the show is the richer for it. I'm still on digest, but I have had it pointed out to me in private email that many people have no idea who Fleur is. If there is a need, I can make up a Fleur FAQ, and transcribe the good bits of BMV. Contact me privately if you're interested. **** Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) **** Knightie, Light Cousin, Fleur-Booster, (Im)Mortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:41:08 -0600 From: Raven <ab950@s.......> Subject: Re: Forever Knight Who? It's a classic case of bad promotion. And I don't think I'm the only one who feels as if TPTB purposely underpromoted the show so that it would fail and they wouldn't have to go through the hasslle of cancelling a popular show... However.. My local station, CFQC TV, has done a wonderful job of it. It's on 9:00 PM, Mondays. A lot better time slot than 11:30 PM Saturdays. =) And they've acctually done a fair bit of promoting... Which is why I see quite a few people in my area who watch it... When I mention that this was the last season, they are usually like "What? How could they cancel it, it's a wonderful show!!!"... Then again, we might NEVER get Last Knight, seeing as they've just been repeating the first half of the 3rd season over and over and over. =) But just think, if we could have harnessed all the energy of all those fans who never knew there were other Forever Knight fans, all those fans who could have fought for Forever Knight, if they'd just known it was going to be gone... --Remembering fondly back to the days when he first saw the commericals for the upcomming Forever Knight... With just a black screen with white letters on, and 'coming on blah blah', he thought it was a corney time-travelling show... But He was pleasantly suprised... Then, when Star Trek: TNG got cancelled and Babylon 5 came on, it was Television heavan for a little while...Friday nights, first B5, then Forever Knight, the only two shows worth watching... =) ___________________ ____________ \_ _ \_ _ \_ | \_ ____/::::::. Raven -- Wade Lahoda | | | | | | | __/:::: ::::: MageCraft BBS (306) 955-4548 | | | | | | | | |:: ::::: ab950@s....... |___| |___|___|\_____/|_______|:: :::::hP! ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 19:10:24 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Light Cousins symbol Ahm, I suppose this is presumptious from an ordinary cousin, but may I suggest a literally light cross, white on a dark background, rather than a reversed cross? Unfortunately, reversed crosses tend to be associated with tabloid occult and phony Satanism scares. May I also add that I'm well aware of the difference between tabloid alleged-Satanism and the real kind? But the kind of mundane who might freak at the sight of a reversed cross won't be. Another possibility might be what a herald would call a cross in the sun, the present symbol, but with rays behind it. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:33:43 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW.... > Anglo-Saxon war thing going on...So what's the best/wierdest dream with > FK people in it that you folks out there have had? *SNIP* > P.S. Make that non-Adult dream , even though those are the best<g> NonAdult dream about FK....who would ever have those? not *me* *BIG GRIN* Not that there are any number of people to have dreams about...but oh ya my best dream... or the one I thaught was the funniest. Reese came over and told me he had a new and improved water cooler to replace mine. So I let him take mine away and put in the "new & improved" one but when ever I went to use the new one it wouldn't work. :) Gosh I wonder why... Love, \|/ Wendy Marie |o o| -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:35:55 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW.... >Oh my god! Would you believe I've had that dream too? (Of course I'm >not a Knightie so it was fine with me). There was some kind of >Anglo-Saxon war thing going on... That is just way to darn wierd! I have had that dream also!!! I was lying on the ground, and he kept looking at me, all I could think was *Oh oh, I'm toast now!* Lasher ~~Unnamed Faction * Unknown Faction~~ ~~~~~~~Under a lot of stress~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 19:53:32 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes >Yes, he did fall in love with Fleur. But that's it. How many >women has Nick had? The scene that leaps to mind is from Trophy Girl. LaCroix is ripening a nice young thing for the taking and expounding upon the advantages of doing so to Nick. This suggests to me that he had been in the practice of 'getting some' regularly and liked the ritual of preparation as much as the 'deed'. Of course, it just wouldn't be our Nick if he didn't try to 'save' the girl and end up taking her himself. Yes, I'm a Knightie, but I never said he was perfect. I kind of like him with all his flaws. <g> Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:06:53 -0400 From: Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Blooper Script Charities Hey, Hey All :) I just got final confirmation on the charities for the FORKNI-L Charity Drive/Blooper Script thingie. Again, the three charities that can be donated to are: 1) Pediatric AIDS Foundation; 2) Casey House; or 3) Children's Hospital Foundation Remember, a check for $5.00 to any one of these three charities gets you a copy of the blooper script for Last Knight. Scripts will be ready to mail in about a week and a half. Send your check made out to the charity of your choice along with either 5 U.S. stamps or a check for $1.50 made out to Lisa Prince to: Lisa Prince 000 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000. ObFK: Concerning the conversation about LaCroix -- Personally, since we have not been shown him feeding for pleasure in the present, I don't really think he does. In truth, he has always struck me as one of those "all talk and no action" types. While he might talk a good game where mortals are concerned, I believe that he holds them in much higher regard then he would ever actually admit. :) Rip away ;) Lisa Mercenary**Cousin**Valentine**Vachon-ogler**QoE**MBDtK The Forgotten L -- Third over to the right -- Deserter of the Ls ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:16:58 -0400 From: "Julie A. Stafford" <KnightGal@a.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW.... Would you believe I had a dream where LaCroix was participating in a Bible study???? I'm not kidding!!!! Julie Cousin till the end...(and beyond?), N&NPacker (with occasional ventures into Valentine-ism), Vaquera, Toreador and Methos admirer ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 21:02:52 -0400 From: Becky Thomson <b.thomson5@g.......> Subject: Unnamed, and Other, Factions I just subscribed to this list a few days ago, so this is the first mail I've sent to the list. This is also the first such list I've ever been a member of, although I have been on a couple much smaller e-mail loops. And I've been watching Forever Knight ever since the first season was first being aired on CBS Crime-Time-After-Prime-Time. From what little I've seen, it's already obvious to me that I belong in the UF <bg>. I there a way I can get an invitation to join Tippi's mini-list? Also, is there a separate gathering place/faction/list/whatever for fans of my other two favorite FK characters, Janette and Vachon? (Not together, independently. Wellll, together wouldn't be so bad, either, but that's not what I originally had in mind!) Becky ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:31:44 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: A Rejected Top Ten Only if I can play twister with Nick. Blushing at the thought, Barb ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 18:47:05 -0700 From: Abby <albrecht@s.......> Subject: yk(someone's)bwtmfk when the box your mom's new alarm clock came in makes you giggle for hours. The picture of the gizmo had the clock set to 12:28. :) Oh, it was made by Magnavox... abby -- Mercenary of the Knight albrecht@c....... Down the hall lThe first Merc Knightie eponymous2@a....... Turn right! lDDEB3, Duchovniks, NLEB, and more ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 18:54:16 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Unnamed, and Other, Factions >>From what little I've seen, it's already obvious to me that I belong in the >UF <bg>. I there a way I can get an invitation to join Tippi's mini-list? Just email Tippi and she'll put you on the overall list and send out a notice to everyone in the loop that you have joined! Welcome to the loop! >Also, is there a separate gathering place/faction/list/whatever for fans of >my other two favorite FK characters, Janette and Vachon? (Not together, >independently. There are the Ravenettes for Janette, and the Vaquero's for Javiar, people will see you want in and sent you information I am sure! Welcome to the list! Lasher ~~Unnamed Faction * Unknown Faction~~ ~~~~~~~Under a lot of stress~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:55:24 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock The later Hickcok Presents were done in the '80s--CD could have been in her 20s. did you see this on the Scifi Channel? Barbara =========================================================================
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