File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 7 TOPICS: good morning everybody Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) New Game: If FK was written by other authors... BB question for you all :) if someone else wrote FK (3_ If someone else wrote FK... If somebody else wrote Forever Knight lets sue them (3) LK Party-Providence If someone else wrote FK . . . (4) Not ME!!!! Perspective Blood & Donuts/many replies Syndi Con East NB Pix Address Book If FK was written by... List Depression, and various cures This list is going down (was: If someone annoys you) Chocolate Pizza If someone else wrote the FK Script A quick note.. If other authors wrote FK ykyb... to clarify Enforcers and IRC ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 08:37:20 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......> Subject: good morning everybody Hi its good morning from Australia i just want to say that i think everyone has forgotten the first two rules put out by listmommy 1 NO FLAMES 2 BE NICE i got burned to a cinder yesterday and i am still recovering any way on to a topic Todays topic is Schankes sideburns!!! if you want to comment please do in the first series they kept disappearing and the next topic is anything to do with Deb Duchene especially what she is like off camera. What does she sound like and look like. Does she have a good sense of Humour from Janettes Fangs ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 14:48:01 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: Syndicon East Detailed report (long post, no spoilers) Thank you for that report. A question: you mentioned a "great scene" that had to been cut--is a description of the scene possible? Come on, we want to know. Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 18:00:15 -0500 From: April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......> Subject: Re: New Game: If FK was written by other authors... OK, here's my contribution to this game: If Forever Knight was written by Terry Prachett, Nick would run around followed by a homicidal trunk on lots of little pink legs, Nat would be a barbarian swordswoman, LaCroix would go around in a black cowl and sythe (sp) looking for a good curry, Vachon would keep saying 'Cut me own throat' and try to sell useless things like leechs for weight loss... If Forever Knight was written by Christopher Stasheff, Nick would protect the land from LaCroix and all the other evil vampires with the help of his mortal wife Nat... -- Cousin April -- The Ninja Babe with an attitude - aruskin@e....... SKLer*CSS*Cousin Mommy to the Cousin Kids*Follower of the X Guardian of the Temple of the Sacred Thong Join the IRC channel #foreverknight! e-mail me privately for details. "Cow's blood tastes like manure in a bottle!" - Cousin Kid Blake ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 13:24:22 -1000 From: Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......> Subject: Re: BB question for you all :) >Actually, I was expecting him to say "Why ask why?" which is also a very >LaCroixian thing to say... :) The man is a *total* fatalist sometimes.... or do >I mean Stoic? ;> > No fatalist fits. Though he would call it being a realist. "Remember, You're the Brain, I'm the Brawn" :Detective Bobbie Mann "Technically, I'm the Brain and the Brawn" :And Eve Edison "So what does that make me?" :MANN & MACHINE "The one that can be killed." : Kevinm@p....... A Nick&NatPacker with Cousinly tendencies :=) ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 09:32:27 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......> Subject: if someone else wrote FK if an Australian wrote FK it would go something like this "Hey Nick were's ya stubbies full of that old cow ya killed last week on the Southeast Freeway to Brisbane" Nat said "Well i dropped it into the river and i cant find it" "Y a stoopid thing now you will never be mortal that wasnt really cow blood it was Kerry Packers blood and anyone who drinks his blood is sure to be made mortal or thay would be brought to there knees any way" "Oh Nat what am i going to do"wined Nick "Well let me ring "Burkes Back Yard and Healthy Wealthy and Wise for ya so thay can send us a fact sheet" "Oh thank you Nat that is so nice, but shouldnt we see if Agros Cartoon Connection has any ideas" "What! a stuffed furry coconut with a tomato as a nose and ping pong balls as eyes would know how to make you mortal i dont think so" there thats my contribution to this very interesting conversation!! From Janettes Fangs ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:37:45 -0500 From: williams <williams@m.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK... If William W. Johnstone wrote FK: Nick- would still be a cop, but he would now be pitted against the Devil's undead. His kindness, and quest for atonemnet will have him siding with God's destroy the evil. His loft would become a heavily protected base camp, from which they plan their attacks/counter attacks. Natalie- would turn in her scalpel for a : AK 47, Uzi, Tech 9, Mack 10, Sawed-off Shotgun, and a 357 Magnum....just incase she didn't have enough fire power. She would stand faithfully by Nick's side, kicking some SERIOUS butt! In the name of the lord of course! ; ) Lacroix- Would still prefer to remain indifferent, and try not to interfere. However he becomes enraged to find the beasts from hell are killing vampires, as well as humans. He would then find himself joining forces with Nick, and his motley crew to fight the good fight.( of course he wouldn't see it that way! ) Vachon- would find himself searching for Tracy, who went to be with "daddy" the moment all hell broke loose. Tracy- would be wondering what happend to "daddy", and why his eyes has a strange look to them. After she realizes that he's drooling yellow slime, and smells bad..... Vachon bursts through the window! He then takes her back to the loft, where LaCroix is begining to piss everyone off.....but that's another story! ; ) -- Michelle, The Consummate Cousin williams@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 09:40:00 PDT From: Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......> Subject: If somebody else wrote Forever Knight A few couple more for you: If Charles Dickens wrote Forever Knight, Natalie would be pure, childlike and short. Nick would be 'manly' and 'earnest'. The series would end with Nick marrying Natalie and having ten children. LaCroix would come to a bad end - *probably* by falling under an oncoming train. Janette would be 'haughty' and 'brilliant' but be concealing a guilty secret. Tracy would have a long drawn out death scene, with all the other characters weeping by her beside. Schanke would still be Schanke, but with a cockney accent! Screed on the other hand, wouldn't change at all. If Henry James wrote Forever Knight, there wouldn't be much action or dialogue, but lots of significant looks and gestures, and sentences which trail off meaningfully... Christine Hawkins. c.hawkins@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 09:17:03 +1000 From: MARY YOUNG <md.young@s.......> Subject: lets sue them hi i have a great idea on how we could get *them* to make another million series we could sue them for emmotional strain and psychological distress good idea well do it cos i'm in Australia and i think i'm too far away to be able to do it but i'll try then we can have as much FK as we like!!!!! from Janettes Fangs Ravenette forever Deb Duchene Rulz and anyone who wants to argue can email me off list for a nice clean fight ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:17:38 -0000 From: "anamchar@s......." <anamchar@s.......> Subject: LK Party-Providence An LK party will be held in Providence Saturday night from 8:00 pm-? The episode shows at 1:35 a.m. If you would like to attend or have questions, please e-mail me off list. Lisa-Marie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:21:19 -0500 From: elizabeth r gardner <egardner@f.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK . . . If James Joyce wrote FK, the show would be called *A Portrait of the Vampire as an Eternally Young Man*. The narration over the opening credits would read as follows: "I was brought across in 1228. I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race." Nick would be filled with anguished Catholic guilt; in lieu of flashbacks, he would launch into frequent stream-of-consciousness interior monologues filled with literary allusions (and puns in several languages). The cure for his "condition" would indeed turn out to be metaphysical; Nick would be transformed as he slept, and we would hear the following voiceover: "Towards dawn he awoke. O what sweet music! . . . Over his limbs in sleep pale cool waves of light had passed. He lay still, as if his soul lay amid cool waters, conscious of faint sweet music <cue "Queen of Hearts" theme here>. A spirit filled him, pure as the purest water, sweet as dew, moving as music. . . . His soul was waking slowly, fearing to awake wholly." He would then rush to Nat's apartment, where yet more narration would give us the details of their subsequent romantic encounter from her point of view: ". . .and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes." **** My heartiest apologies to my fellow listmembers and to Mr. Joyce. I can only plead that I am a first-time poster and currently under the influence of decongestant. Beth Gardner egardner@f....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:27:13 -0400 From: A McLaughlin <Iremi@a.......> Subject: Not ME!!!! Ok everyone, I have to clear something up cause people are sending me mail on this: I did not orginally suggest a Virtual Season of FK- I believe it was Vanguard who did and I would never take on the job of producing such a venture ( then I would get flamed). I was merely asking if anyone was still interested in the idea and they do it. Goodness I've had my fill of dealing with producers I wouldn't want to be one, but I might be persuaded to write fanfic again if such an idea took hold. now back to our regularly scheduled whining that they killed out favorite show, the scums. A Mc ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:55:33 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Perspective Get out your flametorches, because I'm surely breaking a rule by posting this. However, I feel that some perspec- tive is needed here. I'm a newbie...sometimes I print, most of the time I don't. I find the interlist squabbling to be unnecessary at often- times cruel, and am thankful to have remained unsinged. I have two separate incidents to relate from the REAL WORLD, simply because I think some of us need to rem- ember that there are worse things in life than a spoiler or, dare I say it, the cancelling of this wonderful show. The first incident happened Saturday. My Grandmother was involved in a hit and run. She's basically okay, the car's totalled, and they haven't caught the other person. The real story is how this elderly white woman in what is considered to be a very bad black/hispanic neighbor- hood was helped. Literally everybody in the vicinity, from children on bikes to motorists passing by went into action-- keeping her calm, calling the police, calling our family, giving statements. It was truly a boost in favor of human kindness. The second incident happened fifteen minutes ago, about 2 miles from the accident site. My mother and I were driving down a semi-busy street and saw a toddler running down the middle of it, cars swerving around it, and everybody doing their best to ignore it. By the time we had parked and I had sprinted after and caught him, he was about 100yrd from a busy street/freeway onramp. He was sick, he was filthy, he was crying. I walked through the neighborhood trying to locate his family and nobody showing any concern about the situation. Finally a woman said he was her friend's child, that the police had been called in before for similar circum- stances, etc.. About this time the mother stuck her head out of the apartment complex, saw the kid, and went back in. Her friend said it was my problem, but she finally agreed to keep an eye on the baby. I'm now waiting for the police at my place. Sorry to go on about such non-FK stuff, but one reason why I think the show is so excellent is that it covers all of the human condition, good and bad. But I also think that there's danger in getting so wrapped up in any show that you lose your perspective. We're all a little upset about the end here...tempers are flaring and flaming is rampant. So I humbly ask that, next time something annoys any of you on this list, think of these separate events and take the better example of human spirit. Thank you, Tigon Diana Hooker Bouncing Tigger and Lone Woof at Large Woofpack w/ Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL tendencies TeigrLlew@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:55:33 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Blood & Donuts/many replies >re: undernet servers - "Joplin"??? As in Janis Joplin or just >happenstance? I don't know of a town/city called Joplin, which makes >me curious... >Tammy The Mad Fax Spammer Tammy I believe it may originate in Joplin Missouri. Lasher ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:24:47 -0700 From: Max ERnst <pearl@g.......> Subject: Syndi Con East NB Pix I am ASKING anybody who took good pictures of Nigel Bennett at Syndi Con if you could e-mail me off the list because I would LOVE some NB pictures!!!! C'mon Cousins I'm especially referring to you:) Of course, if you're not a Cousin, that's ok too. I WANT UNCLE PICTURES!!! Max -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Max ERnst pearl@g....... ...if you dare... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:42:05 -0500 From: elizabeth r gardner <egardner@f.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK . . . If everyone's favorite literary beagle, Snoopy, wrote FK: It was a dark and stormy night in Toronto. Suddenly, a shot rang out. . . . Meanwhile, across town, the coroner had a worried look on her pretty face as she pulled a sheet over the body on her examining table. "I don't like the look of this," she said to the handsome detective. "I can't put my finger on it, but something is wrong. . . ." In the alley behind the Coroner's Building, the vampire dog paced and growled. Yes, Perry was back, and he was ready to exact his revenge on the Stupid Cat Next Door. . . . Beth Gardner egardner@f....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:55:47 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK . . . At 08:42 PM 5/15/96 -0500, you wrote: >If everyone's favorite literary beagle, Snoopy, wrote FK: Of all of them, this has got to be my favorite so far! Way to go! Lasher ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:13:26 -0400 From: Sharon Bhandari <sbhanda@e.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK If Edmund Spencer (The Farie Queen) wrote FK: Nicholas would really be a knight on a soul-seeking journey to redeem himself and regain his humanity. His lady, Natalie, would actually be named Utoria or Una, and she would be a metaphor for hope or truth. She is either abducted or he leaves her behind because he doesn't understand how important she is to his search. Part of his task is to reclaim her. Along the way, he would stumble across obstacles that would keep him from reaching the light of salvation. These obstacles would manifest themselves in the form of LaCroix. Although his name appears to be holy, (the cross) it is not, and Knight Nicholas must discern his true nature in order to triumph. It John Webster (The Duchess of Malfi, The White Devil) wrote FK: This would be a tragedy set somewhere in Italy. Nick and Natalie would declare their love for eachother but try to hide it from everyone else. Tracy would actually be LaCroix's human lackey sent to spy on his wayward son. We find that it was actually LaCroix who had Schanke murdered in order to set Tracy in such an advantageous position. Both Nich and Nat would be destroyed in the end as they would be portrayed as the natural fools of fortune. After realizing that he has destroyed his son, LaCroix goes mad and thinks that he is a wolf. IN the end, Tracy has a long, depressing speech while she is killing herself. Sharon Bhandari Natpacker and Valentine sbhanda@e....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:28:51 -0400 From: Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......> Subject: Address Book Hi all! (Yes, it's me again! :) I just realized that I forgot something important for my Address Book: *birthdays*! That could be very interesting to know. Imagine receiving dozens of "Happy Birthday" e-mails for your birthday! :) So, for those of you who plan to enter the Address Book, would you please include that information as well? And if you've already sent me your entry, just send me your birthday date and I'll add that information to whatever you've already sent. If you want more information about this, just ask me privately... Thanks! _________________________________________________________________________ Frederic Ferland | mrhappy@m....... | Always remember you're unique, | just like everyone else... NatPacker & Perkulator (!) | ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:35:43 -0700 From: Bonnela <callalily@l.......> Subject: Re: If FK was written by... If FK was written by: Anne Perry -- Nick would be a detective in Victorian England and Janette would be his wife who would infiltrate high society to discover that the murderer of The Earl of LaCroix is his young, dashing nephew Vachon. Arthur Conan Doyal -- Nick would be an infinately cleaver detective and Tracy would be his not-too-quick assistant (who is very good at paperwork). And he would get to say, "Elementary, my dear Vetter" instead of just rolling his eyes at her like he does now. P.G. Wodehouse -- LaCroix would be Nick's rich uncle with a huge country estate. Nick and all his friends would go for a vist. While there, Vachon would enlist Nick's help in winning Tracy for his bride, but Tracy would mistakenly think that Nick was in love with her. Nat would see Nick with Tracy would get jealous and would make a pass at Vachon. Janette would then show up just to complicate matters. And why you can't possibly think things could ever get anymore snarled up, they do, but then LaCroix steps in, solves everything with a baffo monologue and everyone will live happily ever after... until the next episode, which will involve a prize winning cow named the Duchess which Screed tries to steal.... Dr. Suess -- The Nat in the Hat (remember season one ?) would suddenly appear to cheer up the angsty Nick and Tracy. But Thing 1 (Vachon) and Thing 2 (Screed) show up and reek havoc at the station all in the name of fun. The goldfish (LaCroix) tries to get then to behave but to no avail. Just as Reece is returning to the station, the Nat in the Hat packs up Thing 1 and Thing 2 and puts everything back in place just in time. Nick and Tracy are left feeling quite perky. Anthony Burgess -- Nick would revel in torturing, raping, and killing, until Nat treats him with aversion therapy, then he becomes the angsty Nick, unable to kill even when it is for a just cause. Everyone gets to talk like Screed through the whole story! Katherine Neville -- There are flashback and present day scenes, all somehow relating to a mystery of the ages. The lives of the people in the flashback would be intricately involved in the lives of the present day people. Nat, the heroine, and her companion Tracy would travel the world to solve the mystery, not knowing who they can trust -- is Nick the good guy? Is LaCroix? It will all be revealed in the end. Fred Mollin -- The music would be so intense and mesmirizing that we would completely forget that there was dialogue. Anybody want to try their hand at summing up versions from our very own FK-star authors -- maybe someone who heard Nigel read from his up coming novel or someone who has finished reading Greg Kramer's mystery? Bonnie <callalily@l.......> "What?" Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:47:58 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK If Gene Roddenbery (sp) Had written F.K.... Nick would be a notorious womanizer who spoke all his sentences in haltingly annoying sentences... Nat would be a cranky old doctor from Tennessee who would walk around saying : "I'm a doctor Nick, not a mythologist!"... Urs would have been "Ensign Expendable"... Janette would have been Nick's lost love of youth, who bore him a child out of wedlock (Vachon) before having been brought over... Vachon would have been a little imp who "broke all the rules like my father", and in a touching scene, would approach Nick in his loft, and tell him how really proud he was of him... Reese would be an irish classmate, who insisted on calling Nick "Nicky" and would show up on a planet and chase him around challanging Nick to stake fights... Lacroix would be the head of the Klingon Empire, forever taunting Nick, having declared there would be no peace "Mark these words well! There will be no peace while Knight Lives!"... Tracy would be the voice of a disembodied computer that keeps calling Nick "dear"... Schenke would be the scottish engineer who whas always "giving it all that I got"... Sorry I couldn't think of a really good one for LC... ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:53:21 -0500 From: "Maria G. Corral" <mcorral@l.......> Subject: Re: lets sue them On Thu, 16 May 1996, MARY YOUNG wrote: > hi > i have a great idea on how we could get *them* to make another million series > we could sue them for emmotional strain and psychological distress > good idea well do it cos i'm in Australia and i think i'm too far away to > be able to do it but i'll try > then we can have as much FK as we like!!!!! > from > Janettes Fangs > Ravenette forever > Deb Duchene Rulz and anyone who wants to argue can email me off list for > a nice clean fight > Momentarily delurking. I totally agree, I am feeling lost just because I know the last show will air this weekend. It feels like I am losing a good friend or a family member. Maria - Dark Knightie with Cousin tendencies. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:54:52 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote FK . . . Okay, one more attempt from me... If Maurice Zendak wrote FK, Nick would return to his room to find that all his vampire pals had vanished, his dinner was waiting for him and the girl who he had gotten in trouble over him thought he was silly... Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:55:45 -0500 From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: List Depression, and various cures "FOREVER KNIGHT is just a TV show." aaahhhh! Treason! Blasphemy! Shoot them, shoot them!!! :) Okay, everyone. We know it's just a TV show. We have lives of our own. Jobs. Families. Friends we've actually *met* (and yeah, Jackie, I'd give a lot to meet _you_, too) in the flesh. Hobbies that don't involve computers. Nonetheless. That said. It hurts to say good-bye to something you love. Especially if it's given you a lot---new friends, new stories, new ideas, new jokes, new perspective... so no more of that "it's just..." attitude. This is an ending. Depression is normal. Letting depression ride *you* instead of you riding it is not a good idea, though. At the risk of being accused of being a Perkulator Pollyanna, I have the following suggestions. * Top Ten List to Cure Forever Knight Withdrawal* 10. Watch the worst ep of FK. That's right, the worst, the one you've only seen once. Notice every good thing about it, every thing you forgot. 9. Re-read your favorite bit of fanfic. If you've never read fanfic before (saying "how good can it be?") go read it now. (Recommended: Susan Garrett's stuff, Apache's stuff, Jill Kirby's stuff, Dianne's stuff...) 8. Listen to the Forever Knight CD until you can write the score from memory. Figure out the lyrics. Ask Crescendo for a Third Season CD. :) 7. Send check or money order to Lisa Prince (moonlight@g.......) for the Pediatric AIDS Fund, or to Laurie Fenster for the NATPE Bag Money Fund. {Ask the list for their addresses, I don't have them} Remember that the people on this list raised almost $10,000 for a very good cause, and gave the TV industry something to talk about. 6. Rewrite all of the episodes where you didn't like the ending. Planes blowing up? People coming back from the dead? Ignore it. Figure out what else could have happened. If Bobby Ewing can step out of that shower, you can come up with a better ending to your least favorite episode. 5. Have an FK party, especially if you've never been to one. Watch tapes, drink Ribena, throw socks at the TV, quote dialogue, mock the guest actors, and stuff your face in the company of people who understand you. 4. Write out your own timeline of the FK universe, starting from 79 A.D. Obsess about historical inaccuracies and costume problems. Enlist your friends to help you figure out where the characters were in the flashback to "Hunters". 3. Order the Sci-Fi Channel. If you can't get the Sci-Fi channel, call up TCI or your own cable service and make their lives hell by threatening to get a satellite dish if they don't start carrying it. 2. Beg, borrow, trade and whiiiiinnnneeee for tapes of the actors in other series, movies, and brief commercial ads. Console yourself with the thought of future projects from wonderfully creative people, whether or not they're related to Forever Knight. 1. Bring someone else across. Shared misery is halved. Shared joy is squared, and sometimes cubed. (Spider Robinson again) Christina vqrw76a@p....... Merc FoFoD Night Manager, CERK-TO ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:13:21 -0700 From: "N. Engle" <nengle@c.......> Subject: Re: This list is going down (was: If someone annoys you) I was on your web page today and was so happy to find the chat with Geraint Wyn Davies there I was planning to write and thank you. Just read this note and wanted to say don't five up. This is my first post - Ive been lurking for about six months and am broken hearted that Forever Knight is being cancelled. I'm really going to miss Nick and Nat. Naomi ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:05:27 -0700 From: Bonnela <callalily@l.......> Subject: Re: Chocolate Pizza > Someone mentioned last week that there were substitues for the cheese >called for in the recipe. Use Soft cream cheese (not the "brick" -- yup that is my obFK mention -- kind but the pre-softened stuff in the little ready to spread tubs). Bonnie <callalily@l.......> "What?" Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:24:05 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: lets sue them At 09:17 AM 5/16/96 +1000, MARY YOUNG wrote: >i have a great idea on how we could get *them* to make another million series >we could sue them for emmotional strain and psychological distress *They* are certainly causing me emotional strain, but I really don't think we could get a judge and a jury to see it that way. Besides, "they" also gave me a great deal of joy by putting the series on in the first place. So that would probably have to be balanced out. Margie ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:21:09 -0700 From: Bonnela <callalily@l.......> Subject: Re: If someone else wrote the FK Script At 09:00 AM 5/15/96 EDT, Tanya Smith wrote: >Here's a new twist to an old idea: >IF Nick wrote FK <snip> >Do we have any volunteers to elucidate upon Vachon <snip> If Vachon wrote FK... Nick would tell Tracy that he was a vampire and Nick would do the all the paperwork so that Vachon could hang out more with Tracy. Nat and LaCroix would both get lives and stop living vicariously through Nick. Screed would still be alive and running the Raven (except he would have changed the name to the Rodent). And Urs and Nick would live happily ever after! If Screed wrote FK... well, we wouldn't be able to understand a single bloody word, despite watching it with the Closed Caption turned on. If Bourbon wrote FK... it would all take place in flash back (cause he hasn't been in a single present day scene) and it would mainly focus on him and the boys having a whooping good time in the hey with some fetching wenches week after week after week. If Urs wrote FK... Vachon would look at her the way he looks at Tracy and so would Nick and so would LaCroix and so would.... And she would get to sing all of Lori Yates' songs from the soundtrack at the Raven. Bonnie <callalily@l.......> "What?" Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page --> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:43:11 -0500 From: williams <williams@m.......> Subject: A quick note.. Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that, I really enjoyed reading all of those " If someone else wrote FK " stories! I'm getting ready to go no mail, so I don't kill my server while I'm on vacation. BTW, I brought my brother across....he's a knightie. I wanted to bean him ( almost did ), when he called LaCroix..Lacross. Needles to say, I straightend him out REAL quick! Las I come! Everyone take care! -- Michelle, The Consummate Cousin williams@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:49:23 -0400 From: Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......> Subject: If other authors wrote FK How about... If Jack London wrote FK; The setting would be even farther north than Toronto. The whole show would be devoted to Perry and Raleigh. We would watch as they are torn between following the Love of Man, or the Call of their Wild vampire natures. LaCroix would be a cruel dog thief going by the name of Spiky Doe, and would force Perry and Raleigh to fight one another in a pit, while explaining how it is more noble than dying in a harness. Nick would be stranded out in the Klondike, destined to freeze solid because of his aversion to fire. After 20 pages of him thinking about just how cold he was becoming, rendered in excruciating detail, he would finally die, and everyone would breath a sigh of relief. On a completely unrelated note; I think my American Heritage Dictionary is haunted by some perverse ghost. Every time I go to use it it gives me a word of the day, and after a few weeks I've noticed that these words would form a very erotic list if I were to keep track of them. Hmmm, maybe it's trying to inspire me to post to JADFE. Or MAYBE it's trying to write a story on it's own! Oooh, now that is scary. --Cousin Diane Eternal Seducer ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:54:50 -0500 From: Lori <lori19@h.......> Subject: ykyb... I went on a harmless mall trip and as I'm walking through Lechter's (a kitchen accessories store) I see a ceramic garlic keeper before me. First thought, "Well that would not be a good gift for Nick, Lacroix, or Vachon, now would it?" By the way, I love the other author's thread! You all are good :) Take care, Lori Danger: Vampire in Trunk Save Forever Knight St. Louis Ambush and Kansas City Wiz fanatic Go Red Wings Lori19@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:10:02 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: to clarify Just a quick note to clarify: The person who wrote the comment about maybe having to kill me and Dotti perchance they ever met us was NOT -- I repeat NOT -- Michael Wayne Jackson. Michael was just quoting someone else. He was the messenger. He's a friend of mine. Some people who have been sending me letters of support have gottem him mixed up with the perpetrator. Just wanted to absolve him. Toodles! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction. Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix. Visit my World Wide Wickedness FK site! Top Tens and other Wickedness! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 00:05:09 -0400 From: Chana Rossman <bonney@i.......> Subject: Enforcers and IRC Hi all! I have some questions for all you long-term FK fans (and those who have managed to get video tapes of the first and second seasons...) I know what "enforcers" are in general but in what episodes were they mentioned or did they appear? What were their characters like? I am desperately curious to know. Any info would be most appreciated. (Send it to bonney@i.......) On another note, with regard to the IRC chat channel, Annmarie wrote: >We had a great time last night! At least I thought so! <G> The response in >the channel seemed positive too! I hope that more of you will join us! I was there too and I definately agree. It was great fun. Thanks again AnnMarie for setting it up! >I hope that someone will have a get-together there this weekend for those >that aren't able to attend a "Last Knight" party... As there are no "real-time" Last Knight parties anywhere in my vicinity, the idea of a "cyberspace" one sounds great. I'll be there! Chana bonney@i....... * I have been one acquainted with the [K]night * =========================================================================
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