File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605A" Part 6 TOPICS: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers (5) The outtakes again Syndicon East Tape Tree/I'm back missing fic (3) Optional Sony URL You call *that* a screen saver? Ha! Nigel in Darkman III on HBO Sony .mov files YKYB... JK in "The Craft" Fan Fiction WWW page spoilers for "Francesca" [sp?] TV Guide Ashes to Ashes (not a spoiler) missing fic SORRY! Francesca--HELP! Leslie's YKYB... NATPE costs Need fanfic story... YKYBWTMFKW... OKAY, I'M MIFFED!! Monday Reminders - Long Post ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 14:46:08 -0700 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers At 05:21 PM 5/5/96 -0400, you wrote: >Diane Kennedy wrote: >>Was the Francesca Episode only a problem from WKBW, the Buffalo station, >>or was it the way the tape was distributed from Paragon(?) or whoever? KCBS in Los Angeles ran the episode fine also. Lasher ===================== @-->-'- --<-'-@ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 17:46:43 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: The outtakes again Some people are probably sick of hearing about the outtake clips by now, but there are still some questions lurking out there. A few quick answer: Where are they? This will take you to an index of all the files in Sony's main FK directory. Note: if you are looking at the video files in the "assets" subdirectory, *you're in the wrong place* and will get some promo videos rather than the outtakes. The file names are: 1. forever.avi - or - Summary: Nigel (as Lacroix) snacks on a guy and then for some reason everyone breaks up laughing and Nigel hugs the guy. You get to hear what Nigel's growling sounds like *before* they add the sound effects. 2. forever2.avi - or - Summary: GWD screws up a line despite several attempts to get it right. 3. forever3.avi - or - Summary: Lisa Ryder utterly fails to keep a straight face as Blu Mankuma delivers a line. Includes giggling and prancing. Priceless! Yes, they take a long time to download. Yes, they take up a lot of space on your hard drive. But this may be as close as we will ever get to seeing a 3rd season blooper reel. So enjoy! * Allison Percy, Petruchian (new affiliation!) percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * "Why, there's a wench! Come on, and kiss me, Kate." Petruchio * ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:41:33 -0400 From: Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......> Subject: Syndicon East Anyone going to Syndicon that does not yet have a room, I have 2 more spots open in mine. E-mail me privately if you're interested. Cousin Michelle~CSS~Truly Depraved~Thong Snapper~Seducer~ SKL: "Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!" ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:49:29 -0400 From: Samantha Smiley <MaraJade00@a.......> Subject: Tape Tree/I'm back Tape Tree- How could I get a hold of the first season episode Last Act? I accidently taped over it. I'm back everyone. You probably didn't know I was gone. Oh well. But I still missed the lost a lot. I saw Jane Doe and Francesca. Wow! I didn't know how much I had missed new epsiodes until now. I'm still looking for some kind person who I could get the second season of FK from. I haven't seen it yet and I also wanted to show the episodes to my children(people I brought across). Bye! Oh NO!! Am I starting to sound like a Perculator?! Quick someone get me the second season fast before I die my hair blonde! Jade Mercenary recruit/Cousin "Does anybody else think that Wheat Thins are addictive?"-ME ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:50:16 -0400 From: Jane Credland <janes@i.......> Subject: Re: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers At 04:54 PM 5/5/96 -0400, Diane Kennedy wrote: > >Was the Francesca Episode only a problem from WKBW, the Buffalo station, >or was it the way the tape was distributed from Paragon(?) or whoever? From what I've seen on the lists, I have a feeling that it was just WKBW. The tech last night must have mixed up the reels (or whatever it is they use in TV stations these days), and then fallen asleep at the switch without noticing that he/she messed up. I'm hoping for a nice apology from the program director, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Jane (janes@i.......) Raven ** Immortal Beloved ** M.B.D.T.K Tread softly because you tread on my dreams [W.B. Yeats} ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 20:01:31 EDT From: MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......> Subject: missing fic Would some kind soul please send me the following two pieces? (Just the parts mentioned, please.) Kevin Matsumoto's x-over "Companionship" Part 4 Jean Kennedy's "A Friend in the Nightcrawler: Relativity" Part 1 Thanks in advance! :) Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies **"Be a Light Cousin! You get to admire Uncle AND condemn him!" --Amy, inventor of the Light Cousins** ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 17:47:00 -0700 From: Ida K Egenberger <egenberi@w.......> Subject: Optional Sony URL Okay, I was being careless and accidently deleted the optional URL for the Sony web page- the one for the video clips that aren't properly linked. Could some kind soul please send it to me privately? I would be forever greatful. Ida Egenberger egenberi@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 21:19:28 -0400 From: Monique de Solis <CMSolis@a.......> Subject: You call *that* a screen saver? Ha! Oh, I'm sorry. I guess Sony thought that they were really doing us a favor. What a joke! For those of you who have not downloaded it, don't waste your time or money to do so. Between all of us on the list we should be able to come up with a better screen saver. Maybe the logo with <insert your favorite character here> morphing into their vamp modes? Poor Sony, I guess they really thought it was something. Okay enough ranting..... C. Monique Solis Forever Knightie! ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 21:52:47 -0400 From: Ken Hart <Ken888888@a.......> Subject: Nigel in Darkman III on HBO Nigel Bennett plays the number 1 henchman for Jeff Fahey's bad guy in "Darkman III: Die Darkman Die." Nigel doesn't have a lot of dialogue, unfortunately. He mostly gets to stand at Fahey's side and look evil, which he does quite well, of course. <G> Anyhow, if you want to check it out, HBO is showing it again Friday night at midnight. Ken Hart, Raven / Ken888888@a....... / LaCroix: "'A father provides love, discipline, guidance, protection, and support' -- That's not bad." Nick: "He left out freedom." LaCroix: "So would I." ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 22:13:35 -0400 From: Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......> Subject: Sony .mov files I get this message from Netscape: Unable to launch external viewer. Error code = 16 Anyone know what it means or how to work around it? Thank you. Linda Simon NatPacker and chocolatiere "I know you're just a figment of my imagination, but stop sneaking up on me." Nat, DoN ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 22:27:00 -0400 From: Loose Cannon <LoosCanN@a.......> Subject: YKYB... YKYBWTMFK and reading too much fanfic and then babbling on about it to your poor suffering family when... Your husband, who does *not* watch FK and does *not* read the fanfic has a dream, not about FK, but Tippi's story "Eternal Champion", And when you hear your four year old, who tends to sing quietly to herself while playing, singing Garth Brook's "Achy, Breaky Heart" and wonder, "How the heck does she know that song? We don't listen to country", then on listening carefully you realize she's singing, "Oh, don't stake my heart, my achy, breaky heart". We need to set up a support group for our families. Leslie (LoosCanN@a.......) "You're too weird, Mom." --my 7 year old daughter. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:02:17 -0400 From: Vampire Junction <vampires@a.......> Subject: JK in "The Craft" JK plays a really nasty character in the new movie "The Craft". He has uh, changed quite a bit since FK days. --Candy "The walls of my castle are cracked, the shadows many. But come in. Feel yourself at home. ---Carlos Villarias: Spanish version of DRACULA ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:22:26 -0400 From: Melanie Moser <moser@c.......> Subject: Fan Fiction WWW page FK Fan Fiction fans: I did this sort of on a whim. I had alot of the recent fan fictions already in my mail folders, so I decided to start throwing up some WWW pages to help me view them easier. Since I've seen a number of laments about DarkAngel's fan fiction archives on the Web shutting down and with the ftp site undergoing repairs, you are more than welcome to check out what I've got started and let me know what you think. The URL is: Disclaimers: I only have some stories starting about mid-April. Please read my notes on the pages. I am missing some of the longer stories (missing chapters), so please let me know what I'm missing, what you'd like to see, suggestions, corrections, etc. Check out the Hot off the List link, the Author List won't work, as it relies on the ftp site. The Fan Fiction was one of the major factors drawing me to FK & the FK lists, perhaps we can attract a few more if we get the Web pages back. Don't know if it'll be me maintaining it (not enough disk space), but I'll be willing to keep this up as best as I can, at least with recent stories. Comments requested!!! Thanks! Mel Moser N&NPacker moser@c....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:44:41 -0800 From: Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......> Subject: Re: spoilers for "Francesca" [sp?] Please respect the spoiler rule--some of us have yet to see "Francesca". Thank you, Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 22:43:17 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers Angie wrote: > > At 05:21 PM 5/5/96 -0400, you wrote: > >Diane Kennedy wrote: > >>Was the Francesca Episode only a problem from WKBW, the Buffalo station, > >>or was it the way the tape was distributed from Paragon(?) or whoever? It was fine here in Denver. It was a really good ep! Like WOW!! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 02:10:14 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers >Diane Kennedy wrote: >>Was the Francesca Episode only a problem from WKBW, the Buffalo station, >>or was it the way the tape was distributed from Paragon(?) or whoever? >KCBS in Los Angeles ran the episode fine also. And the FOX station in Atlanta ran it fine as well. Nat. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 02:42:17 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: TV Guide In the TV Guide for the week of May 4, they have a tear out survey. In one of the questions they ask: "Which otherwordly life-form do you find most entertaining?" "Vampires (Kindred: The Embraced" "Angels (Touched by an Angel)" "Aliens (3rd Rock from the Sun) I checked off the Vampire selection, but I crossed out Kindred and wrote in Forever Knight. If you can get a copy, I urge you to do the same. Also, and I do not mean this as a flame of Kindred, it just happens that this does relate. In the Couch Critic section, Jeff Jarvis pans Kindred, but it is the questions that he raises and remarks that he made that warrant replies. Admittedly, he says that he "never grasped the entertainment value of vampires." He goes on to say, "But, I could be wrong,for there's certainly no shortage of retellings of the vampire myth" Maybe we could change his mind? Later in the article he says that there are "three reasons to make a vampire show: It can be funny..(snip) It can be sexy..(snip) Or it can have something to say..(snip) FK did/does all of those things! Possibly we can help Mr Jarvis to see the light, or shall I say the dark in this case. The more attention that is brought to the airring of FK on the SFC, the better off we are. Annmarie ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 04:05:21 EDT From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: Ashes to Ashes (not a spoiler) Okay guys I just saw Ashes to Ashes. WOW!! I was ....well... I now need to talk to someone. A support group would be helpfull. If anyone has seen it and need support to do e-mail me (off list) and if some knid sole could tell me how to get on the spoiler list I would really be ever so thankfull. ------------- Brandy 102226,1213@c....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:29:30 -1000 From: Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......> Subject: Re: missing fic >Would some kind soul please send me the following two pieces? >(Just the parts mentioned, please.) > >Kevin Matsumoto's x-over "Companionship" Part 4 > well Here's part 4. I don't have the other one. Author's notes: Ok well, the inspiration for this story (or the blame for giving me the idea :>) can go to Perri Smith for her excellent (IMHO) stories "What's Past is Prologue and House of the Rising Sun" which go me thinking _Why_ would a Vampire and an Immortal stay together? Especially when each tends to drift apart from their own kind easily enough. Also to the writers of the Niamh series, The Forever Not story Revelations (The original inspiration for part of this story.). Disclaimer: Nicholas Knight, Natalie Lambert and Company belong James Parriot and I guess now The SciFi Channel. Highlander and everything that goes with it belong to Rysher and USA Network. Felcia Maddox, Spiderman belong to Marvel (No they are not really in the story but you'll see ) Aaron Grey and Theresa Ryan and this story are mine. No copyright infringement intended. Companionship by Kevin Matsumoto kevinm@p....... A Highlander/Forever Knight Crossover story Chapter 4 Metro Station Later that evening Nick had just gotten back from the local college. The professor of history there had been only slightly less helpful than Takata. He confirmed that the blade was most probably made in the late 10th or early 11th century A.D. and was made in singularly unique manner. But had been unable to tell where it was made. After leaving the blade in the evidence room. Nick returned to his desk where a excited Tracy Vetter had just gotten off the phone. "C'mon, Nick, we have to get moving. There's been another body found." Nodding, Nick simply turned around and followed Tracy to his car. "Where were you anyway?" Tracy asked curiously "Trying to track down where this sword may have come from." "Any luck?" "Aside from the probable date that the sword was made and a general height profile of the original owner, not much." Tracy heard Nick's discouraged tone and said "That's more than we had before." Nick managed a short laughing remark "That's what I told my friend." Abandoned Factory. Nick and Tracy entered the dark factory. They headed towards the body on the walkway. One of the uniformed officers saw them and waved them over. "We found her purse on the floor near the stairs. Her ID says that she is a French National by the name of Felecia Maddox" "Felicia Maddox?" Nick puzzled, "Why does that name sound familiar?" Tracy snickered "Ever read the comic, Spiderman...Nick?" "Maybe, why?" "Because Felicia Maddox is the name of a recurring character in the comic. She also goes by the Alias the _Black Cat_" "Great" the sarcasm in Nick's voice was nearly visible "Now we have a dead _superhero_ to contend with." Tracy smiled "Five'll get you Ten it's a alias" "No bets..." The officer who had been standing by throughout the conversation said. "We also found a sword on the ground below the catwalk." "Maybe this one is the murder weapon." Tracy muttered. Nick walked over to the sword "Not likely Trace" "Oh..." Tracy followed him over "Why no...." Her voice trailed off as she saw the hand still clutching the bloody blade. Then she startled Nick by smiling. "What??" Nick asked. "We might have more to go on than a general physical description now." Nick could hear her voice fill with triumph. He followed her eyes and saw what she had seen. The hilt of the blade was clear of blood, indicating that the severed wrist had not poured blood down the blade. But the blade itself was streaked with blood. Enough to indicate that whoever had been cut was hurt badly. Nick turned to one of the uniformed officers. "I want every hospital in town to notify us if someone comes in with any suspicious lacerations." The officer nodded and went to call it in on his car radio. "You do realize, Nick? That the killer might not go to a hospital." "I know Trace, but this streak is long and covers the whole blade. If he doesn't get to a hospital, chances are he isn't going to make it." Tracy nodded, together the two of them began the long process gathering and recording what evidence they had. Coroner's Office Natalie Lambert finished her preliminary autopsy and turned to a waiting Nick. "Well?" Nick asked impatiently. Natalie shrugged "Death was due to decapitation, probably by the same weapon used in the previous murder, or something very similar anyway." Nick rolled his eyes upwards. "I _already_ knew that..." "Ok, Ok" Natalie said with a smile "Just teasing a little" "The sword you brought in, of course, wasn't the murder weapon. The victim had type A blood and the blood on the weapon was O-" "So the blood belongs to the killer." Natalie shrugged "It's a possibility, I'm going to have a sample of the blood run thru a DNA test for more information. With any luck we might get a break." Nick began to walk out. Just before he left the room, he turned around. "Thanks Nat." Natalie sighed "You really want to thank me. Do me one favor" "Sure, whatever you ask." "Find this guy before he does this again." Nick nodded and continued out the door. Nick's desk. Metro station. Nick could hear Capt. Reese bellowing thru the glass walls of the Captain's office. With the volume that Reese was using he certainly didn't need his vampire senses to know the Captain was mad at something. <I just hope it isn't me.> "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THE SWORD!!!!!" Reese's bellow hit a new high. At those words Nick almost flew, literally, into the Captain's office. He got there just in time to hear the Captain chewing out the person on the other end. "I don't care what your people say, A three foot long razor sharp piece of steel doesn't just vanish into thin air... your people had better find it or heads will roll." Nick watched Captain Reese wince when he realized what he had said. "Night, you're not going to believe this." "Lemme guess, somehow the longsword I put into the evidence room has turned up missing." "You heard that huh?" Reese looked a little chagrined. "Captain, I think the people in Calgary heard that part." Reese again began to build up steam. "The _Only_ material piece of evidence we have in this case and of course it just has to vanish." He put his head into his hands. "Actually, Captain..." Nick handed over the final paperwork on the latest killing "Not the only evidence" The Captain went over the report and smiled "That makes me feel a little better. "Then he got the point where Nick had put down his theory on why the murders had been commited. "A _swordfight_? Nick, I refuse to believe that two grown people fought to the death using swords. This is Toronto, Not Camelot." "It fits the facts, Captain. In each case the victim was found decapitated. Found next to them was a sword, forensics confirms that the sword's were not the murder weapons. In one case the victim's hand was still around the sword. From the damage to the walkway around the victim, we determined that at least one person up there was swinging a sword and missed. What else can we think?" Reese almost growled "I don't know may this is one really wacko serial killer and I want him off our streets. Do you think you can manage that!?" Nick nodded "We're a lot closer than we were 3 night's ago. I just wish someone hadn't needed to die to furnish us with this evidence." Reese sighed "I know, It still bothers me, the kind of things some people can do to another." Nick nodded again and left the office. A roomy home somewhere in Toronto. Early morning Aaron woke up after an exhausted sleep. Then turned to make sure the drapes were still closed tight and then rolled out of bed. As he stretched, he looked around the room. Theresa was not in bed. The last thing he remembered was Terry actually tucking him into bed. Just before he dropped of to sleep he vaguely recalled that she had said she was going out for a while. Quickly he went out into the den. He knew that she was probably just working on her latest book. But he couldn't help worrying about her. <She's a big girl, Aaron, She can take care of herself.> The logical part of his mind told him. <But what if she was hurt and couldn't make it back.> The slightly frightened emotional side replied. The breath he had been holding came out in a rush of relief as he saw her sitting in the darkened den, typing away at the computer she used to finalize her novels. Then he noticed the sword sitting in the corner, _his_ sword. "How did you... Never mind I don't want to know." He smiled, walked over and put his arms around her. Gently kissing the base of her neck, he murmured in his best suggestive voice "Do you really have to work on that book right now? Or do you have time for something slightly less important but just as satisfying." He could feel her smile as he continued to nuzzle her neck. "You mean, definitely more important, _way_ more satisfying don't you." She purred. "Either way." he said as he picked her out of the chair and carried her back to the bedroom. 15 minutes later the power saver on the computer shut the monitor off. End of chapter 4 If anyone want's a more explicit scene... Make your own, you have my permission. I am one of those who believes that the imagination is the most power sex toy mankind has ever developed. :) You know what? This story is a lot longer than I first envisioned. I figured 5 chapters tops but it looks like I might be going into overtime... Oh well, I hope you're still reading at the end. I've got my fireproof suit ready for flames that will probably follow that ;> Any like I said in the beginning Comments can be made to kevinm@p......., All comments welcome, constructive criticisms will be accepted with gratitude, Complements with stunned silence and Flames Grudgingly ignored.:> >Jean Kennedy's "A Friend in the Nightcrawler: Relativity" Part 1 > >Thanks in advance! :) > >Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> >digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies > >**"Be a Light Cousin! You get to admire Uncle AND >condemn him!" --Amy, inventor of the Light Cousins** > > ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:30:42 -1000 From: Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......> Subject: missing fic >Would some kind soul please send me the following two pieces? >(Just the parts mentioned, please.) > >Kevin Matsumoto's x-over "Companionship" Part 4 I sent her this one > >Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> >digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies > >**"Be a Light Cousin! You get to admire Uncle AND >condemn him!" --Amy, inventor of the Light Cousins** > Kevin Matsumoto ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:43:36 -1000 From: Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......> Subject: Re: missing fic SORRY! >>Would some kind soul please send me the following two pieces? >>(Just the parts mentioned, please.) >> >>Kevin Matsumoto's x-over "Companionship" Part 4 > >I sent her this one >> >>Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> >>digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies >> >>**"Be a Light Cousin! You get to admire Uncle AND >>condemn him!" --Amy, inventor of the Light Cousins** >> >Kevin Matsumoto > Sorry people I wasn't paying attention and sent to Forkni instead of her address. I gotta get some sleep:) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 07:35:00 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Subject: Francesca--HELP! Due to what I call "mechanical ineptness" I ended up taping an hour of the weather channel during the showing of the latest FK episode. Can anyone give me a detailed account of what happened? I don't mind being spoiled since I probably won't be seeing it due to cancellation. Thanks Tanya ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 07:04:50 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Leslie's YKYB... Leslie wrote: >Your husband, who does *not* watch FK and does *not* read the fanfic has a >dream, not about FK, but Tippi's story "Eternal Champion", Yes, but was it a *good* dream? ;) >We need to set up a support group for our families. Nah. It's *fun* to be whacko! :) Wicked Cousin Tippi (Tippinb@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 08:37:54 -0400 From: Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......> Subject: Re: WKBW and Francesca -- no spoilers On Mon, 6 May 1996, Nathanial Cook wrote: > >Diane Kennedy wrote: > >>Was the Francesca Episode only a problem from WKBW, the Buffalo station, > >>or was it the way the tape was distributed from Paragon(?) or whoever? > > >KCBS in Los Angeles ran the episode fine also. > > And the FOX station in Atlanta ran it fine as well. > > Nat. WJBK-TV2 in Detroit ran it just fine. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 10:30:11 -0400 From: cyndi knecht <cknecht@s.......> Subject: NATPE costs Hi - just balanced my checkbook and saw that the two checks I sent to help defray NATPE bags, etc. were never cashed. Were they ever received? Sorry to send this to the list at large, but my office looks like a giant wind fan sprayed papers all over the place and I can't find anything... Thanks! I'll be sending the TV guide survey in - and making copies for my friends who watch FK to do the same. If each one of us on the list can do this with all their FK fan friends, that will make many THOUSANDS of responses that TV Guide would receive. Cyndi <cknecht@s.......> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 09:07:54 -0600 From: "Tiger Tiger burning bright....." <tango@u.......> Subject: Need fanfic story... Could someone send me the HL/FK crossover story "Companionship"? I accidentally deleted the entire thing! :(= Thanx for your help! ******************************************* Erika. * Knightie,NatPacker * "You know, Nicholas, Nick&NatPacker * sometimes you really extrodinare! * are one umbrella short * of a cocktail." tango@u....... * Natalie, Curiouser & Curiouser ****************************************** SW Fan, HL Fan, X-Phile & LGW #24 'The Few, the Proud, the Paranoid.' Proud member of X-treme Possibilities! Cmdr. Bronwyn Siobhan Battai--USS Defender Dr. (Lt.Cmdr.) Natalya de Brabant--Melcoas Nicholas de Brabant, Intel--Melcoas ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 08:28:33 -0700 From: Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW... you're walking on campus and see a bald man who looks a lot like Screed, and your first reaction is to think of offering him your homocidal-psycho-jungle-hamster (who has violent tendencies) if he will introduce you to Vachon. Yes, I do believe the stress of impending finals and term projects is pushing me towards the edge. ;) -Jerimi--->paul@u....... Reluctant Vaquero Giving my new roommate vampire nightmares (waves to Kenna) My life DOES have a purpose! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 10:47:16 +0600 From: Chuck Renaud <cjrenaud@s.......> Subject: Re: OKAY, I'M MIFFED!! > From: "Julene McDonald ( but i preffer Blondie )" <blondie@g.......> > i just downloaded the F.K. movie and it keeps jumping scenes and > skipping on the audio! i went through all that and all i'm getting > from this thing is a bunch of grief!!! BLAST YOU SONY!!!!! the > screensaver is not quite what i expected but it's from Sony so i'm > not surprised. consider me disgruntled. I haven't had any problems with the Sony files. Usually scene-skipping and audio dropouts mean that: 1. You have a slow computer, 2. You have a slow hard drive, 3. You don't have much memory, 4. Some combination of the three. I've been running them on a Pentium 75 w/16MB RAM and they're pretty clean. However, they do skip on my 486-33. --Chuck Renaud <cjrenaud@s.......> ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 13:05:38 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Monday Reminders - Long Post 1) Have you thanked your local affiliate lately for showing FK? No? Why not drop them a letter or postcard. This people will only take us seriously now and in future if we prove to them we're not a flash in the pan. And although our future seems firmly linked with SciFi, one never knows when having friends in places will work out to one's benefit (trust me on this!). Also, writing letters and getting friends to write letters will enter you in AnneMarie's contest. Contact her for details. And write to SciFi. If we ever want a movie it will be a USA/SciFi backed collaboration (unless the sun starts turning in the other direction and Sony gets a clew . . . which could happen). 2) Affiliation pins are always available from me for free (well, actually, you have to send me a small, padded, postage paid--two stamps--envelope). Check out the pin page (it's off my home page, URL in the sig) for what pins you need. And if you want a full set, please send a donation to Pediatric Aids or your favorite charity on behalf of FK. Let's do good with this and show the world that we're not mindless, psychotic couch potatoes. Okay . . . so we're not <mindless> couch potatoes. 3) I've had to postpone work on the FK War web page due to heavy real-life interference, but will work on it this summer. Okay? Promise. 4) I am going to be at Syndicon. I won't be staying at the hotel but will be running in and out. I will NOT have a dealer's table (not only are they sold out, but it's a Highlander con and who's gonna want my piddy FK stuff, right?). Toronto was zine weirdness. So if you want me to bring zines (and yes we've reprinted the larger ones), let me know in advance what you want and I'll put them in a baggie with your name on them so other people don't con me into selling them to them (and y'all know who you are *grin*). I will try to bring affiliation pins to Syndicon but don't know if I'll be able to buy and cut the foam core board by then. The glue exploded on my way OUT of Toronto this past trip. In my suitcase. Thankfully, it was in a plastic bag, but my vachons got squished. Which is another story entirely. 5) I want to thank DarkAngel for having the guts to have kept the fiction web page going as long as it did. I'm sorry to see it go. There's at leat one group of FK potential-purchasers who did some serious downloading and reading from that page to determine whether what they wanted from FK was what the audience wanted and how it would affect the package they put together. However, the FTP site (and its care and maintenance by our resident fiction goddesses) has been long overlooked. Thank you for providing a place for the fic all this time and for keeping it up and running. I'm anxious to see what the new site will look like. 6) Our web-goddess and Nat-Packer, Jamie, has been nominated for a Fan Q for a Ghostbusters story. And fellow Nat-Packer Mary GT (the mad Aussie) Webber has been nominated for a Kung Fu novella. Anyone else out there make the ballot? Which, by the way, MediaWest has announced will be corrected and sent out in the second con progress report--right now the ballots must be received by May 22nd--I'll notify you of any changes. Contact me if you'd like me to send you a ballot and rules for voting. You CAN vote even if you're not a member of the convention. ObFK--what do you think has been the best of each character's outfits for the 3 seasons of current or flashbacks? My vote--Nick's black doublet in "Partners of the Month," LaCroix's tux in "Love You To Death," Janette's dress in the flashback of "The Fix" and Nat . . . there was a first season suit that I liked a lot. Notice how this year everyone seems to be wearing K-Mart specials? Is that something else we lost in 3rd season--style and fashion sense? But, of course, Janette's been gone . . . . Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Discover the power of Forever Knight at =========================================================================
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