File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 6 TOPICS: Gerthering in CA; FK in Philly Yahoo Review (3) The Gerthering I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! (2) Pat Elrod LaCroix's Awesome Power YKYB...farouche, and hand FK Continuity, etc. watching other vampires Guys on the List (2) apologies to everyone Who am I? HAND- It's a conspiracy! (2) Hand online! Truly Frightening Prospect Truly Frightening Proposal Has this happened to anyone else? (3) Ratpack faction info <g> (2) Attn: LYNNE ACKERMAN A Frightening Prospect Nick's Quest greetings, questions, pleas, & YKB.. System Crash We carry the torch, of sorts Missing part Help NoVA and Questions Liking vampires (was:Re: That Other Show...) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 06:47:21 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Gerthering in CA; FK in Philly At 03:42 AM 4/2/96 -0500, you wrote: >What Dotti says here is only partly true. Yes, the Weekend with Ger (also >known as the Gerthering) is a GWD fan club meeting and thus is limited to >members. However, those who went last year were simply given lower >priority; they aren't excluded. IMO, every member who really wants to go >should send in an application. There may very well be places left! > Sorry Allison--my goof. However, do you really think there are less than 100 GWD fans who didn't get a chance to go last year and won't go this year? (giggle!!) Although it is quite a trek for those of us who don't live in sunny CA, if I wan't heading for Canada in a few weeks I would have flown to get that application in there by the 15th. Ah well, there's always next time. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 05:57:04 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Yahoo Review LG Soward wrote (quoting a reviewer): FO>series of the season and Fox's latest foray into the fantasy genre. The FO>series resembles a cross between the oldie soap ``Dark Shadows'' and the FO>syndicated show ``Nick Knight'' in its balance of action and romance. Wha...? There's a syndicated show on TV called NICK KNIGHT? Gee, I bet Jim Parriott must be fuming mad that someone made a TV show out of HIS character... Oh, wait. Do you suppose this writer just didn't do their research? Do you suppose we should write and let them know? In our own gentle and sweet way, of course. Janette might taste like wine... Nat might taste like popcorn... Tracy might taste like apricots... I am afraid that I, however, taste like SARCASM and FRUSTRATION! Does someone have the address to this reviewer's column? I promise not to do anything rash... Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) Join the Thong Throng! It's cheap, it's easy, and it tastes like grapes! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 06:58:32 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: The Gerthering By the by, I just wanted those working on the Gerthering to know I didn't mean my error as a slam to you (only those who didn't go last time could go this time) I thought that was a perfectly fair idea either way, and limiting it to 100 is a real good idea too. I can remember working on those very first ST conventions back in the 70's when only a few people were expected and suddenly thousands came crashing thru those doors....not a pretty sight!! Also, I think the price for this is really, really inexpensive. The only thing that'll cost is getting there. Have you seen how expensive conventions are these days?? And to think it's all going to a good cause..... Now, I don't wanna think about it anymore coz can't go and I don't look good with my thumb in my mouth.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:27:31 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: Yahoo Review Tippi said ... >Oh, wait. Do you suppose this writer just didn't do their research? Do >you suppose we should write and let them know? In our own gentle and >sweet way, of course. Most definitely. Remeber all, be polite. Hey, when "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" was out and a reviewer praised it's "originality" I got a letter published pointing out that everything they were praising was originated in Robin of Sherwood. ("They don't call it 'Prince of Theives' for nothing.") I recommend keeping track of the reviews and feature stories and using them as an excuse to write to media outlets about FK ... ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 06:19:14 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! Raissa wrote: FO>Candice, FO>I hate to burst your bubble, but their not showing new eps. Their simply FO>showing the eps that usa hasn't aired. The ones after fever. I believe this was Candice's idea of an April Fools joke. Which I didn't find funny. And I'm the kind of person who laughs when people fall down. Wicked Cousin Tippi, whose sense of humor went to Toronto without her. (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:10:56 EST From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Pat Elrod Pat was a panellist and auctioneer at DOW2, but she's also a fan of the show. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:21:33 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Awesome Power > <snip> a flashback when Nick was in Germany and LC showed up after Nick > killed a soldier and he went after the woman, who he thought had betrayed > them. > Great, now its gonna bug me until I find out the name of the ep. Anyone? That would be "Outside the Lines", I believe. -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:22:41 -0500 From: Lynn Messing <messing@a.......> Subject: YKYB...farouche, and hand YKYBWTMFK when you think that the "a word a day" mailing has as today's word "carouche," you do a double-take, and then you realize what it actually says. For your enjoyment: fa.rouche \f*-'ru:sh\ aj [F, wild, shy, fr. LL forasticus belonging outside, fr. L foras out]doors; akin to L fores door - more at DOOR : marked by shyness and lack of polish; also : WILD 1880 OUIDA, Moths I. 298 "She is a little farouche." BTW all you Shrewtherers...I work with hand! You'll see a picture or two at the Shrewthering... :) cheers, Lynn messing@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:36:58 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: > Screed's not lacking in sentience! He's not a raving beast! Mea culpa. I'm afraid that I wasn't able to decipher that Screed was a carouche when I saw "Blind Faith". It seems that I will have to get a new working theory. (For what it's worth, I like Screed too.) But if Screed *is* a carouche, why did they bother shrouding the carouche that brought Perry across in all this mystery? Are there levels of carouche, depending on the animal on which one chooses to feed? -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:41:19 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: watching other vampires Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: > I say watch it once or twice -- <snip> -- so that we can tell Mr. Spelling, > in an informed and intelligent way, that he can put his vampires where THE > SUN DON'T SHINE! :) Or, as I'm certain you thought of, to put them where the sun shines nice and bright... -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:43:05 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: Guys on the List Dotti R wrote: > Ofcourse, you're free to drool and pant on your own as well.... Yeah, but if I drool and pant *too* much, my monitor fogs up and my keyboard shorts out... -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:47:18 -0500 From: MSS <MSS@m.......> Subject: Re: apologies to everyone Dear Diane, no apologies needed, but as a Cherokee, I thought I'd set the record straight on Indian giving. Native Americans are proud to be Indian Givers and only whites place a nasty connotation on the term. If a Native American (I ain't from India or the West Indies) had 2 knives and someone needed one, it was his to use until the first person needed the other knife back. He would then get his knife back. Whites who saw this behavior thought it was rude to take back something that was given to them in the first place, and not attempting to understand the Native American culture, coined the phrase "Indian giver" . Likewise, if a Native American saw that someone had 2 or more of something that they didn't need, they might just take the excess one, which whites viewed as stealing, although the NA would have given it back if he'd only been asked. This is my history lesson for the day. It is an obligation on my part to set the record straight when I can especially as my Cherokee name means beautiful teacher and I am in fact a teacher. Back to lurking Cherokee MSS@m....... May there never be only one...Cherokee (that is) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:49:15 EST From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@V\v.......> Subject: Who am I? I usually don't do intros on lists I subscribe to, at least when I have a good working knowledge of the subject. However, being a --yuck--"newbie" to the Forever Knight show (I stumbled upon it one night when I had insomnia: then it didn't come on the next Knight (ha-ha) so I assumed it was a fluke until I discovered its regularly scheduled time) I figured I'd introduce myself. I did some research on the web and found out that there are the "Knighties" and the "Cousins" on this list. I don't know what to say. I think Lacroix is by far the coolest character on the show, with his dark cynicisms and deep witicisms he appeals to the nihilistic philosopher in me. Yet I identify with Nicholas' angst--his struggle between good and evil and his attempt to save his soul from eternal damnation. (I find it interesting that Nicholas believes works rather than faith will be his salvation).In any case, Nicholas is cute; Lecroix is sexy. To compare the two seems a diservice to both. So at this point, I cannot call myself by either name; perhaps cousin-in-law or a friend of the Knight. Is there even a group for me? Perhaps a knightly cousin. In any case, here I am. Tanya Smith ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 09:29:22 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: HAND- It's a conspiracy! In a message dated 96-04-02 01:18:42 EST, you write: > Hand, actually an acronym, stands for "Have A Nice Day!" > > You've all fallen under the HAND influence! Resistance is futile. Like it >or not, prepare to be cheerful! > > Man oh man oh man oh man. What a way to go. Carrie, Proud Knightie, angsting all the way ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:32:40 -0600 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: HAND- It's a conspiracy! > Hand, actually an acronym, stands for "Have A Nice Day!" > You've all fallen under the HAND influence! Resistance is futile. Like it >or not, prepare to be cheerful! Not necessarily. It can be rather pleasant to tell someone to HAND while at the same time wishing they'd never been born. The Cousinly way to HAND... Is it just me, or have all my repeated words today lined up in one place or another? HAND up there, for example... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix, Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng A Real Maan. phoenix@i....... *I'd be nothing if not cold.* ~~~Nigel I wanted a steak, not a STAKE. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 09:43:48 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Guys on the List In a message dated 96-04-02 08:56:47 EST, Dr. Funke writes: > Yeah, but if I drool and pant *too* much, my monitor fogs up and my >keyboard shorts out... Ya, well that's what they make paper towels and those plastic keyboard covers for... <<running to get more supplies of same>> Carrie, Proud Knightie :)= ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 09:54:59 -0500 From: Lynn Messing <messing@a.......> Subject: Hand online! For the non-Shrewtherers (or the Shrewtherers who want a sneak preview), to see Hand On-Line (tm), go to a web page of one of my colleagues: cheers, Lynn messing@a....... p.s., ObFK: I finally saw some first-season eps (Thanks, Allison!!!). Wow! I'd like to add to the "Ger's phenomenal vocal talent" thread by suggesting that everyone who can go (re-)watch the Schanke-confessional scene in For I Have Sinned. I can't recall the last time I laughed as hard while watching a TV show by myself. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:26:40 -0400 From: Stapleton <d7ux@u.......> Subject: Truly Frightening Prospect I was thinking something awefully twisted last night when I got home from class. I was thinking with all the crossovers being done, has anyone thought to do a FOREVER KNIGHT - WAR OF THE WORLDS crossover story. I had this image last night of Natalie facing Mana. Truly frightening. However, as finals are lurking around the corner (and the fact that I have yet to see the second season of WoTW [first season is currently running on the Canadian SHOWCASE channel], I don't really have the time to write it now. I was wondering if anyone would like to take up the idea for a FKFIC story. Lynn Stapleton NatPacker d7ux@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:30:34 -0400 From: Stapleton <d7ux@u.......> Subject: Re: Truly Frightening Proposal No sooner than I had posted that Idea of mine that I saw the post by Dalton Spence regarding a challenge for a FK/WoTW stories. I suppose it could be a case of great minds thinking alike, or just another strange coincidence. Lynn Stapleton NatPacker d7ux@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 10:32:44 -0500 From: Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......> Subject: Has this happened to anyone else? FK and these lists are taking over my life. Work is piled up, I am running out of excuses, I could lose my job. My friends are becoming annoyed that I turn every conversation to FK. The characters are popping up in my dreams. Uh-oh. Does this get better? Help. Linda Simon [the cutest little tyke I know calls me Lindaaaah!] ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 10:38:48 -0500 From: John Ewan <jwe@m.......> Subject: Ratpack faction info <g> At 22:16 4/1/96 -0500, colin paddock wrote: > First of all, who is the leader of the Ratpack?? I want to join it. I'll post here, since it may be of interest to others. There is no *official* leader of the Ratpack; there aren't many of us and we tend to be less organized than other factions. So, consider yerself joined and a right malinky droog! I've taken that to be a basicly friendly appellation to bestow upon others; still haven't gotten around to finding a copy of "Clockwork Orange" to be certain!<g> <there's a glossary in the back of the book.> In the War fictions, the only thing Ratpackers seemed to excell at was getting into the worst predicaments and come out smelling like a sewer. Keep this in mind when the next one starts up. <g> Also, if you see one Rat, there are likely a few more hidden in the wall. <g> It is amazing how fast a pack can gather in a time of trouble! John Ewan, jwe@m.......; The Ratpack Merc, <Screed, we hardly knew ye!> "When ya got a job so dirty only a Cousin coulda thunk it up... I'm the rat to see it gets done!" Payment in Hershey's chocolate, or mini-brew beer; I may be scum, but, I've got *good* taste! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 17:44:55 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@f.......> Subject: Attn: LYNNE ACKERMAN I have to apologise twice, firstly for sending this to the list, and secondly for the fact that my sig file is too long. This mailer attaches it automatically - but I never use this one, so I didn't make a short sig file. Lynne - every time I try to send email to you, it bounces. Do you have another email address I can try? BTW - I know the pronunciation poll is over, but I always think of the list name as fork-nigh-ell. :) - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - LaCroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina Bailey=====tmar@f.......===== || \\ \\=====Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie=====Knightie=====// ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:00:27 EST From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@V\v.......> Subject: A Frightening Prospect How about Nicholas and Lecroix meet Louis and Lestat from Interview with the Vampire (if you haven't read the book by Anne Rice, the parallels are uncanny, minus the homoeroticism in Interview). Lestat and Lecroix become the "friendliness of enemies" while battling occasionally the narcisstic Armand. Louis and Nicholas become friends, the whole time Nicholas never realizing that Louis has more than just friendship feelings for him. The reader discovers that the vampires from the theater were never really killed, and in fact, have united with those from The Raven and are seeking to destroy Lestat and Louis for their treachery (they use Nicholas as bait but he is rescued by non other than Lecroix, who seems to get Nicholas out of some pretty tight situations). ETC...ETC...ETC... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:05:56 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Has this happened to anyone else? Linda wrote: > > >FK and these lists are taking over my life. Work is piled up, I am running >out of excuses, I could lose my job. My friends are becoming annoyed that I >turn every conversation to FK.>The characters are popping up in my dreams. >Uh-oh. Does this get better? Nah, it can only get worse. I broke down and cried when Compuserve screwed me out of two days of the lists. I've come to think of all these people as friends, friends who understand the really nutty side of me. The side that doesn't have to put on a pretense as the mature mom at PTA meetings, at jobs, etc. As close as my hubby and I are - there still are crazies you can't sit and talk with your hubby about. So, two days without these people made me nuts. I was (and still am) like this about Blake's 7 but the support system for that one died a nasty death and the only thing I really got out of that one is an on-going relationship with one of the cast members (mind out of the gutters gang, we're friends only) which I definitely cherish but I have a bad taste in my mouth re fandom because of that. This is the first and only time since then that I have become SO involved with people again regarding any kind of fandom and it is really refreshing. Gosh, I love you guys..... Okay, enough gushing. Next time you're in an elevator, push all the floor buttons and make loud exploding sounds each time you press the buttons. Dotti R Knightie-4Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:17:06 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Nick's Quest On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Eileen Salmas wrote: > >He killed the guy who kidnapped his own wife and daughter. > What wife and daughter? Someone please enlighten (no pun) me. I forget the episode name, but it was the one with the psychic who was helping the police. A man who was the pillar of the community had his own wife and daughter kidnapped, and the wife killed. Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:40:13 -0500 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: Has this happened to anyone else? On Apr 02, 1996 10:32:44, 'Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......>' wrote: >FK and these lists are taking over my life. Work is piled up, I am running >out of excuses, I could lose my job. My friends are becoming annoyed that I >turn every conversation to FK. The characters are popping up in my dreams. >Uh-oh. Does this get better? Help. Welcome to the FORKNI list, Linda. :-) It should be noted upon joining these lists that any "real life" you might retain outside said lists is purely coincidental. Don't lose your job; it might impede your access to e-mail. There are lots of convincing strategies you can use to convince people that you are in fact working. The Windows computing environment is particularly useful for this; if you are quick enough, you can hide your e-mail window behind a "legitimate" application. Alternately, if you save your e-mail to floppy disk in ASCII text format (the .txt extension) you can probably read it at home using a cheap ($200-300) word processor. (This all presumes, of course, that your computer access is solely at work.) The only thing to do about your friends is... convert them. Then they will no longer be annoyed. If showing them videotapes doesn't do it, simply pour Ribena down their throats until the pure massive power of the sugar rush takes over their brains. Dreams with FK characters in them can become interesting fiction, if edited properly. In conclusion: If by "getting better", you mean, does it go away... no, it doesn't. Just relax and enjoy the ride. -- Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc. Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies "I may do what I have done. I may smash the hollow rock without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside all over a midnight street." -- L.F. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:57:07 EST From: Margie Gillis <MGILLIS@c.......> Subject: greetings, questions, pleas, & YKB.. Hello all, I've been lurking around for a couple of weeks and thought it was time to make my presence known (or at least to ask some questions). First two questions are about GWD. I've seen him in all sorts of things, but have never once heard his name said aloud. How is it pronounced? Also, does anyone know of any store chains that carry Hauntings or Forebodings? I'd love to get a copy (oh, that voice...). On to the pleas: I have the second and third seasons taped, but am missing the first season eps. If anyone would be willing to get me copies of them (please, please, please) I would be ever so grateful! Last but not least, YKYBWTMFK when you're driving down the highway and hear a song called "I Wanna Come Over" and your first reaction is amazement that someone actually wrote a song about wanting to be brought across. It gets better--I didn't catch all the lyrics, but some of the lines include: "Not worried (thinking?) about the consequence, I wanna come over, It's a need I can't explain I wanna come over" <VBG> Margie mgillis@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:57:23 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: System Crash I had a system crash between this morning. It's all right, no fiction was lost, but I had a bunch of incoming mail that got mushed and swallowed by the aether. If you sent me any messages between 10:00 AM this morning and noon, please resend. Or simply assume that if you don't get a reply to something sent to me from last evening through this morning that I'm not ignoring you. I repeat--no fiction was lost. The situation is not critical. Although I have been scared spitless into backing up NOW. OBFK--I loved "Temper, Temper." I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me, it was better than Cats. How many hockey related stories have we had now? Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Discover the power of Forever Knight at ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 12:19:44 -0500 From: Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......> Subject: We carry the torch, of sorts What fascinates me is that we, the fans, with our analyses, extrapolations, and fanfic, are adding depth and details to the vampire legends much the way storytellers have always explained and embellished. We have taken up and we further the legend, even if we regard it all as fiction. Vampire films, books, comic books, and tv scripts, as well as our discussions of mirror reflections, blood types, and cures, incorporate modern technology and concerns into the legends, further rationalizing and controlling the story and the fears it evokes. The fact that we are having fun with it does not diminish our contribution to the body of tradition. IMHO Linda Simon [the cutest little tyke I know calls me Lindaaaah!] ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 13:37:49 -0500 From: Chaya Baila Adler <cbailaa@t.......> Subject: Re: Missing part Hi all! At 11:19 PM 4/1/96 -0500, Pat wrote: >I have to join the club of people who are missing story >parts. I need Part 3b (posted to the adult list) of The >Serpent's Kiss by Marg Baskin. Can anyone help? I sent it. chaya-baila <cbailaa@t.......> proud FFFROGgie and keeper ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 12:12:17 -0800 From: April Ruskin <aruskin@e.......> Subject: Help If I offend anyone by taking up space with this, I humbly apologize, but I have to do it, the voices, They're making me! I'm going insane not being able to watch FK, so would any kind soul out there be willing to make a copy of any episodes? I'll take any you guys got, and I'll pay for the tapes, shipping & handling, etc. Please help me. <Big Bambi eyes look> If I offend anyone by taking up space with this, I humbly apologize, but I have to do it, the voices, They're making me! (Just kidding :) -- Cousin April -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude Born to make normal people's lives a living hell. aruskin@e....... "Geesh, you guys are worse than the kids I work with." Me, from "The Ninja Babe vs. Uncle" ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 12:22:11 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Yahoo Review >Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine wrote: >Tippi said ... >>Do you suppose we should write and let them know? [That the name of the show >>is "Forever Knight"; the character is Nick Knight] In our own gentle and >>sweet way, of course. >Most definitely. Remeber all, be polite. I second the motion! (Sorry guys, I spent Saturday doing politics.) Anyway, as a fan of both Forever Knight and Dark Shadows, that bit about the new show (which shall be nameless) being a cross between the other two struck me as so close to meaningless that I tend to think that the reviewer was just picking names he knew, and names he thought other people would recognize. And that is good! It means we're getting somewhere! Don't give up now! (Just a figure of speech; I know no one's planning on giving up.) Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 13:39:27 -0500 From: "Scott, Victoria D." <vscott@s.......> Subject: NoVA and Questions Are there any 'Fork Nigh Ell' people in Northern Virginia who are interested in getting together for "Last Knight"??? I know FK has been changed to Friday early am but, I am sure they will change the time again. I missed the last VA party (and am very sorry about that). I would also like to receive the information on how to change the Windows Startup Logo to FK. Okay, here is my question. Does Nick really want to become human or does he no longer want to be a vampire? I think Nick enjoys all the 'perks' of being a vamp. He and Nat talk about giving up blood but, they do not talk about giving up flying or hypnotizing. It sounds like he wants all the good stuff about being a vamp without the (gotta use it) angst. He wants the powers without having to take lives or run from the sun. Does he want to become human and have to re-learn how to live as one or does he just want to alleviate his guilt? personal note: Jess, are you out there??? I miss my FK buddy! Victoria vscott@s....... A little brunette goes a long way. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 13:50:45 -0500 From: Matthew F Funke <mff@h.......> Subject: Re: Ratpack faction info <g> > There is no *official* leader of the Ratpack; <snip> So, consider yerself > joined and a right malinky droog! I've taken that to be a basicly > friendly appellation to bestow upon others; still haven't gotten around to > finding a copy of "Clockwork Orange" to be certain!<g> Right you are! "Malinky droog" comes from the Russian for "little friend." If you want the actual Cyrillic spelling instead of the transliteration for English speakers, e-mail me and I'll try my best at using characters drawn with ASCII symbols. (Another word I've heard Screed use is "gulova," accent on the third syllable, which means "head." I don't know if it's useful or not, but there it is.) -- Lost in the Shadows, Dr Funke (mff@h.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 13:57:02 -0500 From: Cousin Candice <winter@j.......> Subject: Re: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Lisa Clevenger wrote: > That was a cruel April fools. Uncle is coming for you Candiace. Yes, yes I've gotten pages full of how bad I am. Infact, I'm terrible, but I needed a good cackle -it's been an awful week. As for Uncle "coming for me", well -let him come! Bring it on, I think I could take it. > You can run, but you can't hide! Cousins don't run, they saunter. > Well I guess this means that I don't *have* to finish that book if we get > more seasons. Sigh. Don't bet on it -get to work! *cracks the whip* Yours, Candice -obsessed by memory, befriended by desire, Cousin by choice Toreador by default winter@j....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 14:09:45 -0500 From: Pam Maine <mstangel@u.......> Subject: Liking vampires (was:Re: That Other Show...) Dotti R wrote: >>We obviously got into FK because we have a love for vampires<snip> I don't mean to nit-pick, but I did NOT get into the show because I liked vampires; actually, I got into it despite NOT liking vampires. I watched it off and on 1st ssn ('cause I refused to watch the talk shows after Dennis Miller was cancelled), but I _refused_ to get into it precisely because it _was_ about vampires. I started watching again about midway through 2nd ssn (around "The Fix") after reading a DOW quote list on the DS list, and got hooked on the concept of a vampire searching for redemption/mortality; since then, I've come to feel a vampire isn't inherently evil but can choose good or evil just like a mortal human can. The point I'm trying to make is: don't assume only people who "love" vampires will like FK!! ***Angel 0:)***mstangel@a.......***Pam in the "real world"*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halt the spread of hatred and vote NO to Email <music-vote@s.......> with only "I vote NO on" in the body of your message. Vote *once*, but spread the word. ========================================================================== =========================================================================
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