There are 24 messages totalling 741 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. LC"S Love for Fleur (long) (2) 2. Best FK-related Songs 3. Quick Vachon question... 4. African Descent 5. Various Topics 6. Niqpickers (2) 7. Proof in FK 8. Why french fries and not tea 9. call me partially culturally ignorant... >;) (3) 10. Fries, tea, and equal opportunity 11. LaCroix: Threat or Menace? 12. Looking for Info -Reply 13. IRC Channel 14. Lard 15. YKYBWTMFKW 16. IRC Channel /opps! 17. Synopsis of next 3 episodes(no spoilers) 18. A trivia question... (2) 19. New Eps? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 22:44:26 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: LC"S Love for Fleur (long) I'm still nomail on this list but Amy forwarded me a copy of this post and I wanted to respond to it. First, I'm going to start by saying that I didn't buy the romance between LC and Fleur in BMV. >"We will be together for all precious flower." But yet in Partners of the Month when Janette leaves Nick, LC views that as something that normally happens in vampire relationships. That after a time, vampires in relationships tire of each other. I can't see how LC would believe the above quote. >"How do you think this makes *me* feel? I can't control it. I >can't accept it. And yet *it is*." The second and third sentences in that quote are telling to me. If LC had indeed brought Fleur over, I think he would soon have come to dislike the hold she would have over him (if he truly loved her, that is). LC always likes to be in control of his existence (and usually those of his family as well). >Fleur's attraction to LC seems obvious, I've mentioned this idea before in reference to women that have been interested in Nick. It's not canon, but I've often wondered if vampires have a certain innate "charm" that attracts people. It may not be a conscious thing on the vampire's part, but the effect might act to "draw" a person to the vampire. If LC was "taken" with Fleur, perhaps that would have strengthened his "charm" for her and drew her more to him. >And she demonstrated an intellectual curiosity...which we have been >forced to contrive for Nick What about Queen of Harps? Nick questions his lord about whether their actions are appropriate. He's also fairly accepting of the Druids. These aren't the actions of someone with just fighting training and a minimum of education (to my mind, anyway). >That said, let me cross genres for a second and borrow the EQ concept >of Recognition (thanks, Sandra) Boy, look where an innocent question leads to! We were discussing ElfQuest and I just said something on the order of, Do you think FK vamps experience Recognition? :) Oh well, you're welcome, Amy, although I think you're stretching a bit to apply it to LC and Fleur. While we've seen evidence of telepathy between vampires, I don't recall any instances of telepathic connections between vampires and mortals on the show (but hey, I could be wrong! :) ). Thanks for mentioning my other theory about LC trying to recreate his mortal life. Anyway, I see LC and Fleur like Nick and Emily Weiss in Stranger Than Fiction. Nick and Emily came together because they each needed something from the other: Emily needed someone she could open up to and Nick needed someone who could understand *all* of him (the vampire as well as the man). Both were lonely. Nick, however, realized that what they had wasn't enough, that at least some of it was no more than romantic fantasy. Perhaps LC realized the same thing about Fleur--that it was on some level a romantic fantasy that would shatter if he brought her across. But I also think that part of what attracted LC to Fleur was that she was a female version of Nick--just as bold, curious, not afraid to express herself emotionally--but without some of the bitterness and world weariness that Nick had to have had from the crusading life he'd led. In other words, she was a clean slate that LC could have molded. Maybe when it came down to it, LC felt that he would only come to treat her as another "possession". For some reason, I'm also thinking about Spock in Amok Time: "You may find that *having* is not so pleasant a thing, after all, as *wanting*." Because LC did not *have* Fleur, his *wanting* of her has lingered over the centuries. He has been able to build her memory up in his mind because he did not have the opportunity to find out what would have happened had he brought her over, he did not have to see her leave him eventually as Janette left Nick. The master did not feel the urge to control; he did not risk finding out one day that he no longer desired her. The fantasy became *all*. My view of LC is that he chooses not to allow anyone to get close to him. To open oneself is to give avenues to be hurt. He's certainly show how expert he can be at hurting Nick. He doesn't want anyone to be able to do the same to him *deliberately* (he may be hurt by Nick at times, but I don't know if Nick realizes he's hurting him). Much easier to mourn a "lost love". --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 01:26:19 -0230 From: Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......> Subject: Best FK-related Songs Well, no offense to Fred, as we all know how great his music is, I thought I would add some of my favorite songs for FK characters, to the growing list, so here goes: Place In This World - Michael W. Smith(Nick) It Matters To Me - Faith Hill(Natalie) Two Steps Behind - Def Leppard(LaCroix) Queen Of The Night - Whitney Houston(Janette) Goodbye My Friend - Linda Ronstadt(Schanke) Forever Young - Rod Stewart(Vachon) What You Don't Know - Jack Wagner(Tracey) Now for the couples: Love Bites - Def Leppard(Nick & Nat) OR Against All Odds - Phil Collins(Nick & Nat) Friends & Lovers - Carl Anderson & Gloria Loring(Nick & Janette) OR Eternal Flame - The Bangles(Nick & Janette) Along Comes A Woman - Chicago(Nat & LaCroix) OR The Healing Power Of Love - Dan Hill(Nat & LaCroix) Opposites Attract - Paula Abdul(Tracey & Vachon) You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi(Nick & LaCroix) OR When Love & Hate Collide - Def Leppard(Nick & LaCroix) There I think that covers everybody, if I missed any just let me know. Paula phurley@b....... Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker * "It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(CRCH) "Legends don't give zip codes!" - LaCroix(Baby, Baby) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 00:10:08 -0500 From: williams <williams@m.......> Subject: Re: Quick Vachon question... D Echelbarger wrote: > > It's for fanfic. <g> > > His eyes are *brown*, right? > > Diane E They look brown to me! : ) -- Michelle, The Consummate Cousin williams@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 22:08:26 -0700 From: Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: African Descent >2) Have we ever seen any Black vampires? If not, is there any known >reason why not? I know we've seen at least one Asian vampire, and two >Native American (South American) vampires: is that the full tally? Amy, The only black vampires I have ever seen (other than Black-u-la) was Eddie Murphy in "Vampire in Brooklyn" and The cop vampire in "Kindred : The Embraced". I have seen all the FK episodes so far, and if there ever was a black vampire on the show, I have forgotten. Lasher ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 02:14:25 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: Various Topics You asked: > if JP promised...what's the deal with Janette in 'Human Factor?' Don't forget, in that episode, Janette was "cured" of her vampirism. So the vampire/ human sex rule didn't apply. And also: >Not to mention that in 'Dark Knight,' before she brought in LaCroix, she and Nick sure gave the impression at least a few bases (aw, heck, looked like a homer to me). So does JP's rule only apply to male vamps, or what? That was (if it happened) vampire/vampire sex. They were both already in the club, so no initiation was needed. Hope I got it all straight. NAT!!! (Just a Guy Ravenette with a Few Answers) NatRobin@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 02:14:47 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: Niqpickers Wow!!! Another writer!!! About those "lapses" -- I know what you mean: one of the most difficult things about writing vampire fiction is having to make your characters wait for sundown time and time again. You must either A) Describe what they were doing during the daylight hours, or B) Use one of those lame-o " . . . and the day passed into night, and <fill in character name here> awoke, the hunger for the sweet burn of human blood on <his/her> lips" passages. As far as KINDRED goes, they've apparently decided to play fast and loose with the "rules" of vampirism. As one character on the show told it, they can go out in the sun after they've fed. Also, did you notice on that show that vampires have reflections in mirrors? Q: Does anyone have any views on what exactly Nick and others are doing when they fly across the city? I mean, are they flying in human form? Or are they supposed to be bats? Anyone know? Devouring minds want to know . . . NAT!!! (Raven Survivor) NatRobin@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 02:17:48 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: Proof in FK In a message dated 96-04-26 22:26:31 EDT, you write: >Okay; I admit I haven't seen Unreality TV. But what exactly is the physical >trigger mechanism which would suddenly make a person "un-hypnotizable"? >Hell, there are a lot of people who believe in vampires without ever having >*seen* one -- and I include every last one of you, so *no* giggling <G> -- >so why does "empiric proof" suddenly flip a switch? The way I remember them doing it was that Nick would whammy them, it would start to take, but then the 'whammee' would wrest their eyes over to their picture proof. I guess it could be like with 'normal' hypnotism, where the hypnotist has a focus (watch, light, etc.), and if the person being hypno- tized focuses on something ain't happening. >In this day and age, as well as perhaps being more vulnerable to being >caught, vampires are also much more easily FAKED. With just myself and a >few friends, I can rig a haunted house that will have you believing you saw >a person eviscerated before your very eyes. I can cut their throats, tear >off their arms, or even convince you that they have extra limbs, eyes, etc. >It's not that difficult today, if you know the techniques. What was big and >impressive in the movies ten years ago is being done at science fiction cons >today by people on shoestring budgets. Yes, but like anything, if it's touted enough people start paying more attention to it, start trying to prove or disprove it...think of the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot, for example. But Nessie and Bigfoot are in a confined space...vamps are everywhere. All the vamp community needs is a little paranoia to make life difficult. I've noticed that vampires don't seem to react well to difficulty. Plus, think of the food supply problem...Bigfoot and Nessie aren't known for living on human blood. We think of them as nifty possibilities, not a threat to life. >Basically, "empirical evidence" doesn't mean beans. Conversely, does this >mean there were no Enforcers before there were the means to reliably secure >"empirical evidence"? I think the enforcers also make sure that vamps don't get to comfy with mortals, telling their vampiric secrets and whatnot...generally keeping 'vampires' myths rather than genuine threats. >I think in the case of the Enforcers, we *really* have to look to fanfic for >parameters. FK itself hasn't really given us anything to work with. > >Hence, have fun! Heh...working on something right now. Tigon the Bouncing Tigger Knightie, N&N, FoSiL "People are going crazy over this vampire thing." (Stonetree, 'Dark Knight') ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 02:17:51 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: Why french fries and not tea In a message dated 96-04-26 22:32:20 EDT, you write: >Perhaps it is not that the french fries are a solid food, but that >the tea contains caffeine. Could that also be the reason behind vampires >not being able to drink coffee? I'm pretty sure that was an herbal tea she gave him. I think Nick was being meladramatic, as Nat pointed out. Perhaps since Nick was in mind over matter mode with the french fries, it didn't bother him so much. Or perhaps it really was the 'lotsa ketchup,' not just for the bloody look, but because of the high sodium content. There's also the possibility that the fries were cooked in lard...and we know how Nick *loves* cow products. :-) >Vampires are long lived creatures with SLOW metabolisms. Caffeine >is a stimulant to the system. Maybe it causes a painful reaction. >On the subject of stimulants, nicotine is one as well. Have we ever >seen an FK vampire smoking? Right now that detail eludes my memory... > It's funny, I've never thought of vampires as having slow metabolisms. Think of all the flying (think hummingbird), superfast speed, and superfast healing Nick does in an average ep. As to smoking, Janette was often seen doing so, though she commented, "Filthy habit, mmm? least I know it can't kill me." Tigon the Bouncing Tigger Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 02:17:55 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: LC"S Love for Fleur (long) In a message dated 96-04-26 23:46:25 EDT, you write: >But yet in Partners of the Month when Janette leaves Nick, LC views >that as something that normally happens in vampire relationships. >That after a time, vampires in relationships tire of each other. >I can't see how LC would believe the above quote. Well, that was different. *Other* vampires can leave each other...nobody can leave LaCroix. It also could be that LaCroix was refering to random vampire relationships as opposed to the Master vampires relationship to his 'children.' I'm sure we have more that enough proof that even when Nick and Janette want to move on, they end up hanging out with LaCroix. Fleur would have been one of LaCroix's children, too. >I've mentioned this idea before in reference to women that have been >interested in Nick. It's not canon, but I've often wondered if >vampires have a certain innate "charm" that attracts people. It >may not be a conscious thing on the vampire's part, but the effect >might act to "draw" a person to the vampire. If LC was "taken" >with Fleur, perhaps that would have strengthened his "charm" for her >and drew her more to him. Could it be that LaCroix was the first person to treat her as a woman as opposed to a girl? Most of Nick's conversations with Fleur were along the lines of 'look how much you've grown!' LaCroix talked to her about what interested her, showed interest in her mind, and *definitely* did not baby her. >>And she demonstrated an intellectual curiosity...which we have been >>forced to contrive for Nick > >What about Queen of Harps? Nick questions his lord about whether >their actions are appropriate. He's also fairly accepting of the >Druids. These aren't the actions of someone with just fighting >training and a minimum of education (to my mind, anyway). I've always thought that being framed for murders and sent of to funfun time in the crusades probably stifled Nick a whole heck of a lot...look what questioning things got him. Probably also really screwed with his faith and left the perfect opening for LaCroix and Janette's seduction. Tigon the Bouncing Tigger Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies "What time is it? What day is it? What century is it?" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:39:02 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: Re: Niqpickers On Sat, 27 Apr 1996, Nathanial Cook wrote: > Q: Does anyone have any views on what exactly Nick and others are doing when > they fly across the city? I mean, are they flying in human form? Or are > they supposed to be bats? Anyone know? They fly fly in human form. We actually see Nick flying in the first season. And he certainly looks humanoid. Although Ger said in an interview that he thought he looked like a gupy. :) Heather penni@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 07:47:17 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: call me partially culturally ignorant... >;) i visited and i don't know what a "caddie" is. what are "caddies"? anyone? :x - o - ~mad hatter <cli7@s.......> * * * We dance around in a ring & suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle & knows. --robert frost * * * ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 09:54:39 -0500 From: "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Fries, tea, and equal opportunity Okay, okay. Another two zuzim worth, bartender! Caffeine: vampires in FK seem to ingest other drugs without any problems. They apparently have quite a fondness for alcohol. Janette and others have smoked without ill effects. And it appears to be canon that drugs already in the bloodstream do not affect them should they ingest *that*. There seems to be no more worries about feeding on drunks or junkies than about feeding on those with disease -- it may or may not taste good, but it won't hurt you. Personally, I'm not crazy about that idea. I'd rather they couldn't keep anything solid down and had to watch who they attacked, but I'll have to keep that in my own universe; TPTB have declared otherwise. I don't think we can really talk about the vampiric "metabolism" in human terms. It is in some ways a *much* more efficient engine than our own. Vampires have an amazing energy output for what they ingest -- one of the things that has bothered me is the fact that Nick's powers are not visibly reduced (very often) by his "perverted" diet. He flies, moves, and hypnotizes as well as any of them, and it doesn't seem to leave him more drained than say, LC would be. Ah, consistancy... My own opinion on tea is that Nick should be able to drink it more easily than he eats a fry. It's a clear liquid, for heaven's sake -- nothing to bollux up his system except the caffeine, and I really can't see caffeine being a problem when cigarettes and alcohol (and other drugs) aren't. Ketchup and sodium content? Don't know, but fries have a goodly portion of sodium all by themselves. As for the lard, uh, I'm afraid that's pigs, not cows. Sorry. Of course, we *have* intimated that pig tastes *better* than cow (they are *much* closer to human, you know), so.... nah, still don't buy it. On the topic of Equal Opportunity Vampirism: we have seen Black (the female cop), Asian (the Vietnamese), Hispanic (Vachon), Native American (the Inca) in FK that I can recall. Okay, maybe Vachon will resent Hispanic -- he is, after all, pure Spanish, not some New World mongrel <EG> -- but the rest are documented. Anyway, that's it for now. The bartender says I've *had* my two zuzim worth... Storm wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT Let 'em know we're watching! If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 08:29:05 -0700 From: Russell Kurtz <russtms@e.......> Subject: Re: call me partially culturally ignorant... >;) Mad Hatter wrote: > > i visited > and i don't know what a "caddie" is. what are "caddies"? > anyone? > Well, not seeing it in context, I offer the following definitions: 1. Caddie (n), golf-related: underpaid person who carries clubs and determines proper usage of same for rich golfer. Caddie is usually the person genuinely responsible for golfer's success. 2. Caddie (n), diminutive: person who does not live up to his/her moral obligations (diminutive of "cad"). 3. Caddie (n), Forever Knight: a type of car (diminutive of "Caddilac"). The 1963 Caddie is known for two famous quotes (paraphrased): "The fins are great. Makes the car more...predatory." (Vachon) and "The 1963 Cadillac has more trunk space than any other car before or since." (Knight) Those are the only definitions I can think of... RUss ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 11:40:48 -0400 From: Lisa Payne <LMPayne@a.......> Subject: LaCroix: Threat or Menace? Okay, okay. That's a totally gratuitous SpiderMan reference..... I, too, started watching during the first season. I was idly flipping channels in the middle of the night, when I suddenly saw Nick fully-vamped-out in one of the flashback/hallucinations from "Dying For Fame." "Whoa!" I thought, "I didn't know there was a vampire movie on tonight." I had no idea "Forever Knight" had anything to do with vampires, never having seen any ads for anything but "Silk Stalkings" of CBS's Crimetime After Primetime lineup. I've been watching ever since. I don't recall who said it, but I definitely agree that LaCroix is one mean SOB. The Fleur flashbacks made me a little more sympathetic to him, but the present-day BMV storyline just took that right back again. IMO, Nick was not wrong to try to persuade LaCroix not to bring Fleur over. (Enough negatives in that sentence? Good.) LaCroix may or may not have been wrong to allow himself to be persuaded. (Quick -- everybody go read "Persuasion" by Jane Austen. Or see the movie.) I tend to think that LaCroix would have been an abusive pseudo-husband. And the whole "More Permanent Hell" flashback (not just the terrorist tactics against the civilian population, but also the blinding of the sculptor and the way Seline looks at him) goes to show that being a vampire for 2000 years has probably just mellowed him. Think about it -- is anybody ever actually glad to see LaCroix? Not even Janette. Nick goes to him when he needs help or when he feels it's his duty to go see him. Vampires come to the Raven because they can get blood there and because they got into the habit of hanging around there back when Janette was in charge. Nobody ever used to spend their time at CERK back in the second season when the Nightcrawler did his show from a different location. (And to those who say people don't just hang out at a radio station -- you've never participated in "A Month of Sundays" at KUCI.) So I also agree with whoever it was who said LaCroix is very very lonely, and is so heavy-handed in his dominion over Nick because he is so afraid of losing him. I wonder how many of his first millenium's fledglings walked out into the sun. Janette was such a survivor in "Fate Worse Than Death" -- did he pick her because he'd been following her for a while and seen that she never despaired or considered suicide no matter how awful her life became? And if Nick had survived imprisonment and torture during the Crusades (which somebody once said J. Parriott had hinted at) and then gone back for more, wouldn't that imply to LaCroix that here was another who was a good prospect for being a "flameproof" fledgling? Call me paranoid, but the kinder, gentler "LaCroix Lite" that everybody was complaining about this season struck me all the time as being the opening stages of some fiendish LaCroixian plot. Maybe we'll see in the last four episodes. On another note: I think Nick just got LaCroix in the left lung (pocketapocketapocketa) at the end of Dark Knight. I believe we've seen him miss the heart in other episodes. LMPayne@a....... Last of the Scorpions ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 09:50:38 -0600 From: Terry Madden <TMADDEN@b.......> Subject: Re: Looking for Info -Reply >>> J.S. Levin/Stormsinger <wabbit@e.......> 04/26/96 05:58pm >>> I have no trouble finding it at India-Indian, Middle Eastern, or Oriental groceries -- especially the first two. Even in Idaho, somebody's gotta be cooking curry or shish-ka-bab, huh? ***** Not necessarily. Idaho is over 90% white. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 12:37:33 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: call me partially culturally ignorant... >;) >i visited >and i don't know what a "caddie" is. what are "caddies"? >anyone? It's short for Cadillac, the make of Nick's car. ---- TJ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:08:40 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: IRC Channel Hi, I am in the process of registering a Forever Knight channel on the IRC. I need a list of 10 supporters. If you are interested in being part of a registered channel, that will always be accessible to us, then please, send me an E-mail with your full name and E-mail address. Thanks! Annmarie FOREVER KNIGHT: Now showing on the SciFi Channel Mondays, 8pm, 12am EST FOREVER KNIGHT SOS/FK: *Cousin* *Vachon Ogler* *MPPB* *DMC member!* *PWFC* *MFW Cavalry* ***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!*** ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:39:03 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Lard Okay okay, it was late and I was tired and I wanted to make a funny about Nick's propensity for cows. Lard isn't a cow product. I'm sorry. Forgive my ignorance. I don't eat the stuff, or anything like it, so I'm not up on what various an- imal fats are called. Mea culpa. No more flames, private or public, please. Tigon the repentent Tigger Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies "Somebody shoot me...please." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 19:54:26 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW ...when you name your new dog "Fleur" (Fleur de Brabant Bailey, actually), and then get angry when people (typical South Africans) can't pronounce it properly, or make jokes. - Marina. (tmar@f.......; Dark Knightie) \\ Advice to Nick: "She hates the shirt, get rid of // // the shirt, burn the bloody shirt!" - Lenny Henry.\\ ... Never install carpeting; it holds blood stains ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:32:18 -0500 From: Lisa Clevenger <lcl366@a.......> Subject: Re: IRC Channel /opps! Sorry I just go a new system and well I got a llittle excited wit hte reply button. SORRY! Raelly! Please don't hurt me! I do a punishment! Cousine/Valentine Suk ------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 16:24:27 -0230 From: Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......> Subject: Synopsis of next 3 episodes(no spoilers) In case anybody would like a short synopsis of the next three episodes, those being Jane Doe, Francesca, & Ashes to Ashes, Sony has finally updated there page, and you can find the descriptions there. The url is, for those who don't already have it memorized: Paula phurley@b....... Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker * "It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(CRCH) "Legends don't give zip codes!" - LaCroix(Baby, Baby) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 12:59:05 -0700 From: Kathy L <kathryn@u.......> Subject: A trivia question... Hi All Just saw 'Close Call' at our wonderful AZ FK gathering last night in Tucson (great party, guys!) and had a question... Does anyone know what was written on the autographed photos of the Nightcrawler that both Janette and Nick had in their posession? We couldn't quite make it out. Kathy kathryn@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:04:28 -0700 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: A trivia question... On Sat, 27 Apr 1996, Kathy L wrote: > Does anyone know what was written on the autographed photos of the > Nightcrawler that both Janette and Nick had in their posession? We > couldn't quite make it out. Well, Nick's was definitely "Always Regretting" and his signature (now I can't remember if he signed it Lucien Lacroix or the Nightcrawler, I think it was the latter). And there was some heavy debate over exactly what it was on Janette's, I think it came down to some people who had freeze frame and quick fingers (and good eyesight). But I don't remember if the controversy ever got resolved. Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 15:50:26 -0500 From: We Two <gebbie@e.......> Subject: New Eps? Is this the week that the new eps start airing? As per usual, I've lost the information I had on them, such as air dates, titles, etc. <sigh> Maybe one day my computer will cease being an information black hole. Thanks! -Deb Martin gebbie@e....... Under construction: The George Sand web page!! ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Apr 1996 to 27 Apr 1996 ***************************************************
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