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Logfile LOG9605 Part 18

May 12, 1996

File: "FKSPOILR LOG9605" Part 18

	Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes  (4)
	Spoiler: Ashes to Ashes -- Nick and Nat
	SPOILER: Ashes to Ashes
	Francesca -- details details  (3)
	Quick Question - AtA spoiler  (2)
	Spoiler: Ashes to Ashes
	Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes - shallow
	Ashes to Ashes... <shudder>
	spoilers: Ashes to Ashes
	Spoiler: Ashes To Ashes

Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:15:32 -0500
From:         Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......>
Subject:      Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes

First of all....  Wow.  If the show must be cancelled, what a last hurrah
we're having.

To begin with Nigel, what a stellar job he did.  So many emotions we've
never seen in LaCroix before: unease, despair, vulnerability, pain,
sorrow, shame, regret.  And yet he made them all seem entirely in
character.  Absolutely gorgeous job of acting.  After watching this
episode, anyone's got to admit to Cousinly tendencies.  And what great
lines he had.  The "sobering effect on the disenfranchised" was classic.
"You're still listening to the show.  I'm flattered."  Round of applause
for Nigel Bennett, ladies and gentlemen.  Fantastic job.  Perhaps even
Sandra will have warmer feelings toward LaCroix in this one.  ;)

And a regretful send-off for Ben Bass.  Vaquera I'm not, but he had a lot
of potential that the show never used, as amply illustrated by Apache's
wonderful fanfic.  What a pity that the "official" writers never saw in
him what she has.  (I do hope that her fiction will continue unabated and
unabashed by the canon Vachon's untimely end.)  I did love that scene
with Tracy and Vachon in the parking lot.  His <whoosh> disappearance and
then popping up in the car window.  That pregnant pause when he was
pondering the implications of his answer to Tracy's question about
LaCroix' statut de mort.  And then her (entirely uncalled-for, imo) line
about how evil is a part of him and that's why they'd never work.  His
"What?" I saw as a reaction not to her statement on morality, which he
let pass, but to her reference to their relative standing to each other.
Reminded me of the blinking in MBIAV when she was going on about
commitment -- sort of a "We have a relationship?" reaction.

Flashback is twenty years after Vesuvius, so that's AD 90's, right?  I
wonder when exactly Divia took care of her master.  Didn't seem like
she'd have time before Vesuvius, but if she did it afterwards, how would
LaCroix not know?  I got the impression that they'd been together pretty
much all of the time since he was brought across.  If her master was
doing all of this trying to control her after LaCroix' conversion, how
would he not know about him?  So I guess we have to assume that Divia's
illness and "cure" took place at least a few months before the General
returned.  And that vampires *can* fly long distances pretty darn quickly
if she was spending time in Egypt killing her master without her mother
noticing her absence.  Not to mention the way that she brought the
graverobber's body from Egypt to Canada in a day's time.  I can't
quite see her flying Delta with a really large carry-on bag.

[Sidenote: I love the way JP is finally giving us answers to a lot of the
questions we've had about the nature of FK vampirism here at the end.
We've spent all this time speculating, and now he's going to explain it
all in the last few episodes.]

I guess we know now why JP insisted on the memories-carried-in-the-blood
thing in Francesca.  It's sort of a major plotpoint here, what with
Vachon having all those Divia flashbacks.  It's convenient for these last
few stories, but I still think it causes more problems than it solves
reading it back into the previous eps.  Interesting how Vachon lasted
longer than Urs.  Seems survival is based, not on "resurgent goodness,"
but on mental strength combined with the power of age.  Urs obviously had
no mental strenth at all.  I'm sorry, but I didn't mind at all seeing her
die.  I never could stand her.

Another point with the blood-knowledge concept: I was wondering how
Divia, after being shut in a tomb for nearly 2000 years, got so caught up
on modern language and technology in just a day (speaking English, using
the phone, etc.).  Then I realized that the Francesca revelation took
care of that as well: if she drank the blood of mortals who knew all that
stuff, then she'd know as well.  Quite convenenient, that.

Interesting in the borrowed AMPH flashback, the use of the head broken
off the bust.  Ties in with Divia's supposed fate as well as that of the
gravedigger and Urs' dream.  (What was with that, btw: do you suppose
Divia could really take off her head just to fool with Urs' mind?)  Think
they actually planned that far ahead when they were shooting AMPH, or it
was just a happy coincidence?

Loved when LaCroix was telling Nick about Divia.  You could almost see it
dawning on Nick that LaCroix wasn't the world's worst parent after all.
Absolutely adored the interaction between father and son in this
episode.  When LaCroix told Nick that Divia was killing everyone close to
him and then Nick chose to reach out to LaCroix anyway.  When Divia told
LaCroix that Nick was dead -- what a look on his face!  When Nick saved
LaCroix' life.  And then at the end when they clasped hands.  What a
gorgeous reconciliation, especially in comparison with the state of
affairs first season.  I guess I'm just a sucker (no pun intended) for a
warm family moment.  Divia's line: "He was your favorite, wasn't he?"
What an insight on the whole 800-year-long LC/Nick relationship.  I guess
this is our closure for them -- can't wait to see what they do with Nick
and Natalie next week.

What a classic case of transference: Divia kills her master, LaCroix
tries to kill Divia, and then Nick tries to kill LaCroix.  Passing down
dysfunctional family relationships.  Then, everyone Nick's brought across
he's either killed (Elizabeth, Richard) or they've tried to kill him
(Alexandra) or relations are extremely strained (Serena, Janette).

Kathryn Long is just wonderful.  Fantastic acting job, and she's gorgeous
as well.  They could not have chosen better for that role.  Too bad she
wasn't a regular.  Although the constant presence of Divia might have
made things a bit too chaotic.  She'd make great flashbacks for a first
season of Forever LaCroix, though.  Anyone know what other projects she's
involved in?

The last scene between Tracy and Vachon.  I was a bit disappointed.
Yeah, fine, he's dying, but you couldn't even say anything meaningful
about the two of you?  No last kiss or anything?  I mean, maybe he's
sick, but it's not like Tracy would catch it from a kiss, right?  Have we
actually seen them kiss on camera?  I seem to have images of such
floating around in my head, but when I think about it, they're all from
Apache's fanfic.  I did like his last words: "Wish me luck."  Where *do*
vampires go when they die?

Enjoyed Reese's reference to the lack of communication between the
"partners."  TPTB did give us a lot more continuity this season than
we've ever seen before, and that's part of it.  Thank you, PTB.  Always
nice to know someone's paying attention.

Loved the scene where Divia leaves Nick for dead and his head lies in the
middle of that huge sun on the floor.  (Have we seen that huge sun on his
floor before?  I didn't recall it.)  Very symbolic.  Who directed this
one, btw?  I always forget to check the opening credits for things like
that.  I thought it was very well done, although that shot of LaCroix
apparently floating about the Raven still bothers me.

Divia torturing LaCroix, demanding, "Tell me that you love me!"  *So*
reminescent of first season's Father Figure.

Very interesting, Nick's line to LaCroix at the end about resisters:
"I've seen you work around that."  Seems that TPTB are coming down on the
side that Nat really was hypnotized in BMV.  Unless, of course, Nick was
suggesting that LaCroix ask Tracy out to dinner and put drugs in her
champagne.  (Continuity.  In FK.  I love it.)  I think it seems
reasonable that LaCroix should be able to do things that Nick and Vachon
can't.  In this episode particularly, we see that there are varying
levels of strength and ability among vampires.

Which brings me to my main point.  Which is that TPTB are making it
almost impossible not to hold to a primarily supernatural basis for
vampirism.  (Sorry, Sandra!  ;)  Divia was killed by one of those methods
that is supposed to be absolutely fatal to vampires: decapitation.  Yet
2000 years of unexpressed hatred and yearning for vengeance regenerated
her and kept her alive without sustenance all that time. (A new twist on
the discussion of how LaCroix came back after being staked and burned in
DK.)  She certainly seemed to have "magic" properties that "normal"
vampires don't.  That bright glow when she broke out of the tomb.  The
unknown element that killed Urs and Vachon and put Nick down for the
count.  Her immense strength even against LaCroix who is certainly no
more than a year younger that her at the most.  The fact that she made
him feel pain when we've seen Nick get shot and both vampires get tossed
around and bounce right back afterwards.  The dialogue that comes down
decidedly on the point that there is "evil" in vampires (cf. Nick and
Nat's conversation in Francesca) and that it was this unparalleled "evil"
that made Divia so strong.

Then, there's the "religious" element.  Divia's certainty that killing
LaCroix will lead to everlasting "damnation," and this from someone who
is certainly not influenced by Christianity.  Vachon's "wish me luck."
LaCroix' prayer.  The *very* telling statement by LaCroix that the sun
symbol on the sarcophagus acted on Divia "the way the cross acts on us"
-- clearly including not only Nicholas but himself among those who are
repelled by the cross.  Theologically, I have no idea why the sun symbol
would repel Divia and not LaCroix while Nick has the things all over his
loft, but we do now have a canon statement that LaCroix is affected by
the symbol of the cross.  Despite all of our individual differing beliefs
(which we will, I'm sure, continue to hold to despite canon), TPTB are
making a definite statement that "good" and "evil" and the supernatural
are a very large part of FK vampirism.

Overall, a wonderful episode.  Perhaps my favorite of the season.  Right
up there with Fever and Night in Question, anyway.  How frustrating that
it's ending just when it's so *good*!

Looking forward to "Last Knight" with a mixture of fear and anticipation....

Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:20:22 -0500
From:         Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......>
Subject:      Spoiler: Ashes to Ashes -- Nick and Nat

There's always at least one point I forget to make in my main spoiler
post, and I remember it just after I've hit the send button....  :P

There was very little Nick and Nat here, but what there was was lovely.
Nat's statement that she was afraid she'd end up in the same place as
Tracy, and then the way Nick touched her face....  Sweet and tender
moment.  Although why Nat would let him go off alone when someone is
trying to kill him, I don't know.  Granted, there wouldn't have been much
she could do besides get in the way and probably get herself killed,
too.  But, just reacting on emotion, I would think she'd be worried
enough about him not to let him go off alone.  Then again, I assume Nick
told her that Vachon called Tracy and she went to him.  Perhaps she
assumed that Nick would be able to call her if he needed her.  I'm sure
she had her little black bag with its vampire first-aid kit at the

Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:33:08 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: SPOILER: Ashes to Ashes

Margie wrote:

>An Unnamed Faction episode!  I absolutely loved it!

Oh my yes!  I bet Nick's feeling pretty low about trying to kill Papa in DK
now!  I thought there were some reeeeally nice UF moments, too.

>There's evil -- and then there's evil!

And now everyone who's always saying *LaCroix* is evil is probably thinking
he's practically the Pope!  Man that girl wasn't just evil, she was THE
evil.  The source of all evil.  The evil to end all evils.  She makes her Pa
look like a Boy Scout!  No, wait -- a Girl Scout!  Man!  Whew!  Not since
the invention of cheesecake has the world seen such evil!

I hope someone puts wavs from that show somewhere!

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Warmer of the Holy Vampire Love Oil and the LaCroix of the list.
"God I hope I remember when to NOT use this sig." -- WCT
Date:         Sat, 11 May 1996 22:29:42 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      Re: Francesca -- details details

>From:         Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......>
>>Vachon is a different case.
>    One other difference.  Nearly everyone thinks of Nick as "Nick" or
>"Nicholas".  Vachon is one of the few who calls him "Knight".
It is indeed odd that Vachon made the connection "immediately" upon hearing
the name.  No thought, no hesitation, no blinking, just instant recognition.
Granted he knows that vampires use psudonyms, but his old name was 'Valdez'
-- completely unrelated to 'Vachon' (except for beginning with the same
letter) and Janette has used unconnected last names.  Unless old Nicky-poo
and Bunny-butt have been hanging out lately swapping old vampire stories
(oh, you think she tasted good?  Let me tell you about the one I had when I

I think Tracy had it spot on -- no matter what his old name had been, there
should have been no one except Nick and LC who would make the connection --
unless of course he had used Knight and then it should have given *everyone*
a bit of a pause at the funny coincidence.

Although why
>someone who thinks in Spanish would translate something from French to
>English eludes me.

He spoke French in the first Hearts of Darkness flashback -- they guy must
just have an ear for the romance languages. <g>

>And Marf inserts:

>What SHOULD he call Nick, "Caballero"?  They aren't buddies, they aren't

I think Ray meant (correct me if I am wrong) that he should call him 'Nick'
like everyone else does.  And because he doesn't, because he calls him
'Knight' that he would be the most likely person to make the connection
between the names.  It makes sense to me, though that he would call Nick
'Knight' -- kinda a guy thing.  But what struck me as odd is that Tracy
calls Vachon 'Vachon' and not 'Javier.'

Bonnie, the once and future ardent Vaquera
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:50:28 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Francesca -- details details

Bonnela wrote:

>  It makes sense to me, though that he would call Nick
>'Knight' -- kinda a guy thing.  But what struck me as odd is that Tracy
>calls Vachon 'Vachon' and not 'Javier.'

Well it makes sense to me -- she can't pronounce Javier!  She pronounces it
about 3 different ways in Trophy Girl.  I think she must've decided, like
me, that Vachon just rolls off the tongue! :)

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
Charter Member of the Unnamed Faction.  Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix.
Warmer of the Holy Vampire Love Oil and the LaCroix of the list.
"God I hope I remember when to NOT use this sig." -- WCT
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:28:10 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Quick Question - AtA spoiler

At 12:00 AM 5/12/96 -0500, TippiNB wrote:

>The question: how the heck did Divia get the cameo back?  Didn't LC have it
>at the end of AMPH?

>The real question: Should I really care how she got it?  Hell, maybe it's a
>copy.  Maybe she bought it from the Home Shopping Club.

You just answered your own question.
"Does it really matter?"
              - Lucien LaCroix
"Continuity? We don't need no stinkin' continuity!"
              - Wicked Cousin Tippi (I think.)

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction
Date:         Sat, 11 May 1996 22:54:04 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      Re: Francesca -- details details

>Bonnela wrote:
>>Tracy calls Vachon 'Vachon' and not 'Javier.'
>Well it makes sense to me -- she can't pronounce Javier!  She pronounces it
>about 3 different ways in Trophy Girl.  I think she must've decided, like
>me, that Vachon just rolls off the tongue! :)

Yeah, but she decide the instant after he introduced himself in BB -- didn't
even attempt the Javier part.

OBspoiler:  Why would LC have chosen Chevalier for Nick's pseudonym anyway?
Has someone been reading your EC stories? --  it reminded me much more of
'Duvalier' than of 'Knight.'

Had Nick actually been using 'Knight' way back when?  I believe that this is
the first of his pseudonyms to have a connection to another.  Can someone
discount this?

Bonnie, the once and future ardent Vaquera
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:43:28 -0400
From:         Lillian Feden <feden@m.......>
Subject:      Spoiler: Ashes to Ashes

Well, just a comment since I just watched it and am still amazed.


feden@m.......                      http://www.mcs.com/~feden
Pragmatic Knightie; IB; MBDtK; PGEB (hormones took over)
One of many "L's"...glad to be among the rest of the alphabet
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 01:04:27 -0600
From:         Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject:      Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes

My listfaith has been restored.  Sorry if my queries bothered anyone.  It
was such a shock to log on after AtA and find no AtA spoiler comments.
Well, now things are dropping (thanks, Sarah, Tippi, Marge).

Wow, what an episode.  Thanks to all.

Sarah says:
>Loved the scene where Divia leaves Nick for dead and his head lies in the
>middle of that huge sun on the floor.  (Have we seen that huge sun on his
>floor before?  I didn't recall it.)  Very symbolic.  Who directed this
>one, btw?

Jon Cassar, of Curiouser and Curiouser directoral fame.  The fuzzy reds,
the little touches, the frame compositions, thanks Jon.

It was great to see a LC episode - and the tenderness shown between Nick &
LC.  I loved the "on air" scene when Divia makes her entrance.  Wonderful
technique. And what an actress.  Perfect for the part.  I think Divia is
definitely onw of the all time best characters on the show ('Cepting, N, N,
LC, DS and J, of course)  (and the vampire gardener) (and, I even liked

The character of Divia shows how even evil is relative. (no pun intended?)
--And all this time we thought it was LC.  Ah, this show with its complex
characters.  Only one more episode?  Say it isn't so, someone.

>lines he had.  The "sobering effect on the disenfranchised" was classic.
>"You're still listening to the show.  I'm flattered."  Round of applause
>for Nigel Bennett, ladies and gentlemen.

Gotta say me too on this.

I only wish that we had been able to see more of Vachon's madness.  The
glimpses were too few and too short for me to really feel what he was going
through enough to *want* Tracy to kill him.  And I, too, didn't quite
understand why Tracy made the comment about how evil is a part of him and
that's why they'd never work.  I guess I feel that their relationship
should've gone somewhere.  Vachon was underused.  But when he was in there,
people complained.  Ah,well. I'm sorry that her's gone.  But if he's
buried, well vampires *do* come back..... (I guess we'll have a field day
with that concept next week at this time....)

Language:  Now *that* was very neat in the beginning.  I happened to be
viewing this with a first-timer friend and I was able to state, proudly,
"Ah yes, in FK, when they're supposed to be speaking other languages, they
*speak* other languages and have subtitles.  Now that's a classy show."  Of
course, that was not completely carried through, but the beginning was
great, language-wise.

So poignant in the end, when the daughter (mother) calls out to the father
(son) for help and Nick (son) holds Lacroix back.

Well, I've gotta gotto sleep now.

More tomorrow, I'm sure.

Just needed to *be* with y'all after that.

---Sharon J

--------Sharon Joy -  A Forever Knightie -  SJoy@u.......
          There's a past and-----there's a past...
Go here:  http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 01:06:43 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes

At 12:15 AM 5/12/96 -0500, Sarah Welsh wrote:

>I guess we know now why JP insisted on the memories-carried-in-the-blood
>thing in Francesca.  It's sort of a major plotpoint here, what with
>Vachon having all those Divia flashbacks.

Except that I got the feeling that Vachon's flashbacks lasted a lot more
than two hours.  But then again, Divia is a *very* powerful vampire.

>Interesting how Vachon lasted longer than Urs.  Seems survival is based,
>not on "resurgent goodness," ....

I loved the scene at the end when LaCroix suggested that there might be
something useful about Nick's "resurgent goodness" after all, that perhaps
Nick survived because his good triumphed over evil. Nick could have taken
advantage of that, to try to press his philosopy on LaCroix, but he didn't;
he just said that since he was older that Vachon and Urs, he knew how to
handle it better.  At some other time, Nick might want to discuss his
philosophy and try to press LaCroix on it, but not when LaCroix is in pain
and not by using something so painful to do it.  It's another way of
showing us how much Nick does care about LaCroix.

>I was wondering how Divia, after being shut in a tomb for nearly 2000 years,
>got so caught up on modern language and technology in just a day.  Then I
>realized that the Francesca revelation took care of that as well: if she
>drank the blood of mortals who knew all that stuff, then she'd know as well.

Except that she knew it all for a lot more than two hours.  But, like I
said before, Divia is a *very* powerful (and also very special) vampire.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction
Date:         Sat, 11 May 1996 23:38:44 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes - shallow

Ooh, let's talk about Urs!

Great hair!  Great cape!  Great scene at the Reaven with JDV and LC!  Great
cat fight scene in Nick's elevator!  If you gotta go, go out in style!

On to Nat -- this woman looks terrific!  Not many scenes in the last two
eps, but she has been captivating in all of them.  Who does her hair?  I
don't think it has looked better all season.  It finally looks like she got
a good night's sleep, too!

LaCroix -- what great eyebrows ('mood-brows' as WCT called them)!  And does
that man ever have a bad hair day?

Nick, Vachon, Divia -- they could all use a bit of extra conditioner!  Oh,
and those bangs on Vachon are absolutely painful to look at (and I *know*

One serious question:

What is the time frame of this ep?  Only one night, beginning just past dusk
at the Raven, and ending not much before dawn at the wreaking yard?

Bonnie  (callalily@l.......)

The Vaqueros have a New, Ultra Cool, Not-To-Be-Missed Web Page!!!  Prepare
yourself to be blown away!  Lot's of drop dead pictures! <g>

Check it out at  http://users.lanminds.com/~callalily/
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 00:39:02 -0600
From:         Raven <ab950@s.......>
Subject:      Ashes to Ashes... <shudder>

Whoah... I can barely type, still shaking from the emotional rush I got
from watching AtA 10 minutes ago...  I'm sure it's being discussed in
full by now, but I just have to type something or else I'm going to go
insane. =)  Having never caught any of the other episodes with bits of
Lacroix's past in it, this one way awesome.  And whoever wrote it sure
was pulling my strings expertly...  Half way through I way worriedly
wondering if they decided to make a last minute change to the name of the
last episode...

By far, this is one of the most *intense* Forever Knight episodes I've
ever seen...  If it weren't for me dumbly repeating over and over again
'The name of the last episode is 'Last Knight' and the protaganist never
dies(permenently) except(sometimes) in the last episode', I would of
sworn Nick was dead...  I may, may not, miss Vachon, but I think this
episodes' emotional impact paid for the cost in characters. =)  Only
thing is I would have liked to let Tracy know about Nick since she's lost
Vachon...  Think, now she won't have anyone to go to with all these
hunches that it's a vampire. ;)

Despite the fact it nearly gave me a lethal dose of adreneline, this
episode rocked, IMHO.  Just had to say it SOMEWHERE, get it out of my
head, can't do to have feelings like this locked up inside of you. =)
Boy though, as I reached the end of the episode I started getting that
heart-broken sad type feeling, cause I know how close we are to...the end.

___________________ ____________
\_   _  \_ _  \_   |  \_   ____/::::::.     Raven --  Wade Lahoda
 |   |___| _   |   |   |   |   |:: :::::
 |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |:: :::::    ab950@s.......
 |___| |___|___|\_____/|_______|:: :::::hP!
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 03:50:48 -0300
From:         "l.d. steele" <aa300@f.......>
Subject:      spoilers: Ashes to Ashes

I stayed up late to watch it.


(why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?)

Sigh. That's out now.

 The second last episode.
 I watched every single minute, and every time I looked at the clock on
the vcr I was surprised at how much time had passed. :(

 I'm still not a cousin, but my respect for NB has grown. Great episode
for all - except the ones who died of course. :(

1) URS: I wonder how Natalie "Took care of Urs body"? ?? Meaning she set it
out in the sun?

1a) Fanfic thought - Divia's soul takes over Urs' body (re: Francesca).
I'd write it but I'm frantically trying to finish another fanfic before
"Last Knight" airs.

1b) Ok. I liked her. No, she wasn't in Janette's class, and yes - they
shoved her down our throats at the beginning of the season, but they
<could> have developed an interesting character.

1c) Best fight scene of the show - the elevator one! Great visual
imagery. I wasn't overdone, and both vamps looked in fangs! <eg>
2) VACHON: Is there going to be any decision as to whether Vachon will be
"revived"? His body was still there, and it wasn't burned by the sun.
Apache's theory could still work and he could just be in a healing state.

2a) We need to figure this out before the next war - I know everyone will
just do their own thing in fanfic.

2b) Snif! Snif! - Those scenes make me seriously think about being a
Vaquera. Vachon isn't the only one who likes fighting for the underdog.
3) DIVIA: The actress who played Divia was FANTASTIC!!! I can't pick out a
scene. Wow! She's going to pack a mean punch when she gets older!

3a) The whole father-daughter/son-mother concept was delightfully
twisted, and I love the fact that they dealt with it before the end of
the show. I've been waiting for this since AMPH.
4) LACROIX: Talk about extending a character! Nick and LaCroix have
certainly come a long way from the "stake-n-bake" scene in Dark Knight!
Will their relationship ever be the same? Unless LC rebounds by doing
something <very> nasty to Nick -- I don't think so.

4a) Random silly thought for the day! What does NB do for excercise? I'm
just wondering because his Trapezius muscles to either side of his neck
are very prominent (AMPH scenes). -- Mine are prominent because I have neck
problems, what does he do? <g>
5) NICK: The loving son returnith? Loved the sun symbolism that his head
rested on after Divia attacked him. I believe that was a painting that
was knocked on the floor during the fight.

5a) His inherent goodness, experience with evil or age? Which or all were
the factors which let him shrug Divia's attack off?

5b) "He was your favourite." - Divia. Sigh, out of the mouths of babes. :)

That's it. I know there's more I wanted to say, but it's almost 4am, and
I have to get to bed. I'm sure others will say it for me. :)

h36a@u....... or aa300@f.......
ps. I'm <still> considering which faction to join during the next war -
give me time to decide. <g>
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 01:52:33 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes

At 12:15 AM 5/12/96 -0500, Sarah Welsh wrote:

>The last scene between Tracy and Vachon.
> I did like his last words: "Wish me luck."  Where *do*
>vampires go when they die?

I forgot something too.
I really liked that "Wish me luck."  It was *so* Vachon.  It reminded me
of the way he was in Fever, reacting with kind of smiling acceptance.
As for where Vachon will go when he dies, he was afraid he was going to
become an out of control killer.  He sacrificed himself to keep that from
happening.  I am not religious, but if I were, I would say that Vachon
is going to have good luck after he dies, because of that.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 03:27:16 +0500
From:         John Folden <jtfolden@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Quick Question - AtA spoiler

> The question: how the heck did Divia get the cameo back?  Didn't LC have it
> at the end of AMPH?
> The real question: Should I really care how she got it?  Hell, maybe it's a
> copy.  Maybe she bought it from the Home Shopping Club.

This question came to my mind, as well when I first saw it. I decided to
it by thinking that perhaps the cameo just happened to be hanging in the Raven
somewhere and Divia thought it would be a "nice" touch to add it to the

> Aside from killing off two characters I like, I can't complain about this
> episode at all.  It was one of the most emotionally-charged eps I have ever
> seen.  I laughed, I cried, I gasped in horror.  Several times.  But I really

I was quite pleased with it as well. As with Francesca, they seemed to fill
this episode to the rim with great moments. I never especially cared for Vachon
(though now that he's gone, I've kinda changed my mind..hehe) but I liked
Urs from the moment I saw her, and unfortunately we saw way too little of her
this season.

BTW, I believe someone mentioned in an earlier message (or maybe it was in the
newsgroup) that the bodies of FK vampires burn up or "vanish" once they die.
Is there any support to this theory? Judging by AtA, I'd say this isn't true
but I seem to remember this same question popped up when "Fever" first aired
(and they were wondering what was left of Screed).

> dug Divia's shoes.  Sure, she's evil but she's got cool shoes.

Truly wicked shoes!

John, a demented victorian
Date:         Sun, 12 May 1996 05:16:58 -0300
From:         Paula Hurley <dkknight@a.......>
Subject:      Spoiler: Ashes To Ashes

Okay first impressions, considering it's 5:30 am, and I only finished
watching it an hour and a half ago....WOW!!!

When I first read small synopsis' of the remaining 4 eps. this was the one I
wanted to see the most, and I was not disappointed.

Nigel was terrific in this episode, we got so much insight into LC's
character, that even if you aren't/ weren't a cousin, you definitely feel
something for LC afterwards.

Being the Light Cousin, that I am, this was a high point for me, as I love
it when we get more emotion out of LC.

Onto the show itself...well the Vachon/ Tracy stuff, I didn't really pay
attention to(sorry Vaqueras), but I just wasn't interested..but even if I
had been, their scenes seemed really.....artificial, the chemistry just
wasn't there.

Divia, was great. Kathryn Long is a terrific actress, and shes got a great
career ahead of her. She played Divia for all she was worth, showing us her
emotions, her motivations, and her "hopes".

Nick, although Ger still did not get a hair cut, was great. I think this was
my fav. Nick ep. since Fever. And like everyone else I loved the fight scene
between Divia and him, and him lying on the sun afterwards. The Nick & LC
scenes were great, some of the best ever, lots of emotion. I agree with the
people who said their relationship can not go back to the way it was, they
appear to have made too many advances toward reconciliation to ever
backslide that far again.

LC...ummm..what can I say, I am speechless. Nigel did a terrific job, the
display of emotions(which we have rarely seen before this) on his face, in
his body language, in his voice...it all conveyed so much, and contributed
so much to the story.

Onto specific areas in the ep....

1) The jail scene was hilarious, I nearly died laughing, you have all these
"big, bad criminals" cowering in the corner away from LC, who is simply
standing on the far side of the cell, indulging the cops, and acting all
innocent like!! It was priceless.

2) The fight scene between Urs & Divia. Great, well portrayed and filmed. It
didn't appear to contrived. That's what you call a real cat fight,
considering the claws Divia had on her!!

3) All scenes between Nick & LC, too great to point out specifics. All
around terrific in the insight we get into their relationship, and their
feelings towards one another.

4) The death of Divia at the end was great. The stake through the
heart..very real...the restraining of LC by Nick...heart-wrenching....Divia
calling out to her father to save her...those heart strings they are a

5) The fight scene between LC & Divia....there are no words!!! Although
there was a nice shot of LC sliding off the bar, but I won't delve into

6) The cremation scene in the tag...I had to put my heart strings in for
repairs, they had been plucked to death....'nough said.

7) One more last scene to comment on, when Divia "tells" LC she has killed
Nick, wow the emotions the played over his face.....NOBODY touches Nick and
gets away with it...truly amazing.....this episode made me an official
member of the Unnamed Faction, although it didn't take much to get me there.

Onto the techinical stuff, Jon Cassar deserves a Gemini for this..talk about
terrific direction. All the stunts were performed with the utmost
reality...the lighting provided the right atmosphere...and last, but
certainly not least...I bow down to the music god, FM himself!! The music
was crucial in the ep. for creating the moodiness, and it was done
perfectly!! Bravo Fred!!

To conclude, I would have to say this episode was an emotional purging for
everybody(me especially), and we were put on an emotional rollercoaster from
start to finish. I can not give enough standing ovations to all involved in
this episode, as it would do them no justice!! I give this one an A+, 10
stars all the way!!

Now I get to wear out this spot on my much used tape, as I wait with
anticipation and dread for the final episode, I just wish there was someone
here with whom I could cry because this terrific show is ending...it just
doesn't seem fair. To quote Natalie "Life's a b*tch!"

Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker * The Unnamed
Faction *
"It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(Can't Run, Can't Hide)
"If this is the cure, give me the disease!" - LaCroix(The Fix)

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