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FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Aug 2000 to 29 Aug 2000 (#2000-271)

Tue, 29 Aug 2000

There are 17 messages totalling 548 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. **WOOHOOOO** Music Video Finally Working :>) (2)
  2. Update!
  3. List Hist Part II, DP fic, and Replies
  4. Ay Carumba!! (3)
  5. VCR Alerts
  6. Sarah Baker, fanfic author
  7. Lucius Roman
  8. Fic question (2)
  9. Alfred Hitchcock "The Reuion"
 10. This Weeks *Fangs Project* update
 11. Yep, I'm back!  :)
 12. and now for something completely different
 13. can't help but wonder...


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 18:02:29 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: **WOOHOOOO** Music Video Finally Working :>)

Thank you Valerie and Stephanie,

I have finally managed to open the video with Quick Time using the URL

<A HREF="http://www.nimr.org/valerie/onceuponadream.mov">http://www.nimr.org/v

WOW, only about 1/3 of it has downloaded so far, and I have been able to
watch that much, let me just say *********BRAVO********* great job, well

I agree it is definitely worth the wait and I haven't even seen the whole
thing yet.  The music is **perfect** as are the screen captures.  I stand
truly impressed!

Now, if only I can wait until those other sites will let me download and are
not past their limit, maybe I can save it to hard drive for all time like I
want to!!

Many thanks for this, and for the great advice off-list

Forever Yours,


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 19:38:16 -0400
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: **WOOHOOOO** Music Video Finally Working :>)


You can download it from the http://www.nimr.org site.  There is no limit to that
site at all.  What you can do is go to http://www.nimr.org/valerie/       Then you
will see the file there.  Right click on it and choose save file..  Of course it
will take a while but as you found out it is definitely worth it.

Billie Lee wrote:

> Now, if only I can wait until those other sites will let me download and are
> not past their limit, maybe I can save it to hard drive for all time like I
> want to!!

"The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."  Katherine Hepburn


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 21:43:07 -0500
From:    Tracysue <tracysue@i.......>
Subject: Update!

Just wanted everyone to know that La Pagina De La Bibleoteca De La
Vaqmadre was just updated.  *finally*

This time I have new fiction from KC,  Vaquero and Nunkies Anonymous
posts from War 8, and a guide to my Forever Knight/X-Men Crossover to
help people who want to read it, but just don't get it.

If you enjoy this page, and want to show your gratitude, just stuff KC
into a clown suit, paint Vachon is not greasy onto her forehead and mail
her to me.

/ducking and running

She's gonna kill me.


Tracy Sue
Vaquera  http://members.xoom.com/tracysue1/Library.html
fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to cooler costumes,
better weapons and your own Estrogen Brigade.


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:58:57 CDT
From:    Kathy Walsh <pocket_protector@h.......>
Subject: List Hist Part II, DP fic, and Replies

The Questioner Strikes Again:

When were the reruns canceled?
Who owns/produces FK?  Sony/Tristar?
What is one of the charities benefitted by an auction?  I'm thinking of the
Pediatric AIDS Foundation, but I'm not sure....

I may not use all this info (it isn't supposed to be a *research* paper, per
se, but it's FK, so I'm going overboard ;)) but I really appreciate those
who have sent me answers to my questions!

Sorry to all whom I have not replied to yet... my browser has been cursed
and I am not sure to whom I have replied and who didn't get the message....

Due to an illness in the family and the restart of classes, the Dark Perk
fic will be very delayed... thanks all for volunteering and being so

Kathy Walsh pocket_protector@h.......
Happy Conversion Week, everybody!!!!
Doing her good deed for the millennium and not posting her whole sig.


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 21:03:19 CDT
From:    Kathy Walsh <pocket_protector@h.......>
Subject: Ay Carumba!!

Another question packet!!!

Honestly, this is awesome... I thought I would have no time to post to
FORKNI-L, and here I have an excellent justification....  ;)

How many months was it between the end of 1st season and the start of 2nd?
FK was canceled again in 1996, right?
What is the meaning of life?

Kathy Walsh pocket_protector@h.......
The nerd for whom her computer has little respect.


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 22:14:52 -0500
From:    Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: VCR Alerts

Ran across a few things that might be of interest to Canadian members...

Ger: The Campbells, The Reluctant Candidate, will air on Friday morning at
8am (in TO), on History Channel

Nigel: The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne (Black Glove of Melchizedek) is
scheduled to air on CBC on Sat, 2 Sept at 11am and Sunday 3 Sept at 7pm.

        Counterstrike (In The Blood) on Showcase 4 Sept at 10am.

Lindy :)


Date:    Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:45:56 -0700
From:    "Amy R." <akr@l.......>
Subject: Sarah Baker, fanfic author

Does anyone have a current or recent address for FK fanfic author Sarah
Baker?  The only one I can find -- <zeke@rt66.com> -- bounces.  I'd like to
contact her about her intriguing story "The Tapestry," which is the second
of the two stories listmembers kindly identified for me last week, the one
in which items which once belonged to Fleur appear in a Toronto
museum.  The first of the two stories, of course, was Nancy Kaminski's
excellent "Deja Vu."  Many thanks to those who identified them!

(Please send or copy any answers to me off-list.)

Thank you very much!

Amy R.


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 01:44:31 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: Ay Carumba!!

47.  Everybody knows that.  Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!
Lady Ariadne--webmistress
ICQ# 10820105
What is the meaning of life?

Kathy Walsh pocket_protector@h.......


Date:    Mon, 30 Aug 1999 02:41:56 -0400
From:    g4akl@c.......
Subject: Re: Lucius Roman

At 03:12 PM 8/28/2000 -0400, Mclisa wrote:
> <asked> if the character <Lucius> had originally been written as the
>emperor. He said yes.  <snip> Thank goodness they changed this,
><snip> Titus, generally considered one of the best emperors,
>politically and in his personal character, Rome ever had. Besides, of
>course he didn't die or disappear in the erruption. :)

And that description of Titus does not match at all with the
behavior Lucius displayed in the flashback prior to the eruption. <g>
I'm thinking of the blinded artist and partying etc. at the home of
a prostitute.

Of course if Mclisa's description HAD fit Lucius's prior character,
it would say something about the effects (negative ones) of becoming
a vampire on one's character and/or add to the argument that Lacroix
is a *survivor* who adapts his behavior according to the circumstances
in which he finds himself.

who's a Light Cousins after all


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 05:33:21 -0700
From:    Night Angel <n9qqq@j.......>
Subject: Fic question


A question, or rather a challenge to all of you.  Is there an episode in FK where
Natalie tells how low Nick's body temperature is?  For example:  does she
actually list is as specific temperature or as "how many degrees below
a human normal"?

If you can, I'd like the number, or the general figure if there is one.
Reply off list to me!  This is for a sequel of Eternity in an Endless Night,
which some of you have already unintentionally received a preview of. <G>

Thanks again!
"Even endless night can be very pleasant when you don't have to
 deal with telemarketers." - NightAngel after a good day's sleep. <G>


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 07:02:57 EDT
From:    Javiette@a.......
Subject: Re: Ay Carumba!!

In a message dated 8/29/2000 12:49:09 AM Central Daylight Time,
celong@m....... writes:

<< What is the meaning of life?

 Kathy Walsh pocket_protector@h....... >>

Kathy, ask Nancy K. what the meaning of life is...she should have an answer,
or will soon!!!<VBG>



Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 07:38:38 -0500
From:    Lauren <lauren1228@m.......>
Subject: Alfred Hitchcock "The Reuion"

Hi! :)
 Does anyone know what "Alfred Hitchcock Presents " epiode: "The Reuion" 
is about?  Whats ger's plot? Thanks. :)


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 07:53:44 -0700
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Re: Fic question

Night Angel wrote:
> Is there an episode in FK where Natalie tells how low Nick's body
> temperature is?

I don't remember if Nat gives his normal temp but I believe she gives
his 'FEVER' temperature in that episode.



Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 13:19:30 EDT
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: This Weeks *Fangs Project* update

Hello Everyone :)
With permission From Lisa, (thanks much!) I am updating you all once a week
on the progress of this latest KtK project.
While we have gotten many to send in e-mails for this,(and we truly
appreciate those of you that have responded so far),We would love to have
lots and lots more!! more than we can count! more than TPTB can count!
 Halloween isn't all that far off :),so Anytime your
online,please!! Just an e-mail could make all the difference in the world!
 For those of you unfamiliar with the project, here is the info:

This Halloween, "Kickstart The Knight" will be doing something special to
Encourage *The Powers That Be* to provide us all with not only a return of
the reruns to the Schedule, but renew it as a series with the original cast,
and or return it as a series of made for TV movies, and merchandise.

We have purchased  Vampire Fangs,in an assortment of  neon colors.
From now through October 22nd, we are asking each and every Forever Knight fan
to please send an e-mail asking for the above.
It can be a simple e-mail asking for FK's return, or filled with as much as
you would  like.
The e-mails you send me should be like the ones you have been sending
feedback during the blitz's. or snail mail letters, By now, you all know we
want more FK,the original cast, merchandise, etc.and if you like, you can
make it Halloween oriented :)
Thats what to put in, then send to me :0
i will in turn will  print out and attach your mail to a set of fangs, and send
it to Tristar/Columbia and the Sci-fi Channel in coffin shaped boxes!

Remember!! We can't do this without you guys!!
Lets make sure that this Halloween is  the one where we finally get what we

 So come-on and join in on the fun! and Help  the cause! Lets make sure we
let them all know that we want Nick and Company to take another bite out of

Send all E-mails to : SField8067@a.......  (NOT THE ML)
  (put"Fangs Project" into the subject line.
For those that have friends not online, we are accepting Snail mail for this
project as well. sent that to:
P.O.Box 1914
Racine,WI 53401-1914

Permission to spread the word of this everywhere!!!
Thanks in advance to everyone!

And always remember how important it is to also send snail mail to TPTB
also,Rae tells me that the snail mail count is next to nothing!! Lets not
allow TPTB think we dont care!!
 when you do write a letter, send a message to Rae telling her how many you
wrote, what if any faction you would like the credited to, and send the
e-mail to: Javiette@a.......
 Remember!! its not just one project, or another that will get us what we
want, its all projects and efforts combined!. KtK cannot make it work without
Susan Ellen Field
Kickstart The Knight


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 11:53:36 -0700
From:    KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: Yep, I'm back!  :)

[sound of Theme from Mission Impossible]
[sound of thin cable rubbing against a wooden pully as a two figures-- one
white clad, the other garbed in red and blue-- struggle with one end of said cable]
[sight of dark female in black suit slowly being lowered down to midlevel of
your computer screen, (i.e. the Boob Tube for all those Webtv users out there),
via that wire rope.]
[sight of dark figure tugging out paper from beneath black t-shirt with
glow-in-the-dark letters proclaiming:

~~ Do or Do Not... there is no Try!
     Unless what trying to do will land you in deep do-do,
      in which case is better to Do Not.~~ ]

[sight of plain parchment paper with Washable Crayola <tm> calligraphy being
pasted onto your screen]
~~ The Kyer Personnaes are back. Bwahaahaaa..gasp..haha! ~~
[sound of wooden pulley cracking loose]
"Uh oh.."
"Not good."
"Oh.. pasture paddies."
"Told you to buy from it from Joe's Hardware and not the Snixco Catalog.."
"But it was discounted at 50% off."
[edited sound of dark figure screaming undefinable curses along with
something that sounds like: I'm gonna *kill* you two idiots!* shortly before
loud crashing sound from unseen foundation of Internet highway structure]
Light Squirette to Cotk:  "Um.. how's our current credit rating with

After suffering a family vacation and get-together wherein all the
muscle-laden male yahoos left mineself and a young mother with two kids to
brave mosquito-infested air (worse than a swarm of Enforcers!) to put away
all the heavy party tables after they...ahem...*dined*, I am back. Both
wrists bandaged with restraints to aid
pulled tendons.... but back. (God, its hard to type.)

So.. what's been going on since McLisa went on leave? Are you back to
wielding the mighty Thwaking Paddle, ListMommy? Anything of significance
happen in the last 6 weeks or so? Any new FK charity publications or

Is FK a tele movie yet?
Was there a War?

Kyer, kyer@p....... The Skitzoid Squirette of a Knightie & all around
stout defender of the Nickster (whether he wants me or not.).


Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:31:14 -0500
From:    monica rodriguez <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: and now for something completely different

Once again with an unrelated (to the current discussion) question.
Exactly how old is Vachon (as exactly as we know)?

Also, can Jean Graham contact me, or someone pass on her email addy?



Date:    Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:54:20 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: can't help but wonder...

I'm reading a trashy romance novel... one that I bought last year, and I can't
help but wonder if the author is a fan of both Garth Brooks and FK.

The main male character's name is Lucien LeDeux...

Lucien... well, no explanation needed.

LeDeux... GB is a huge fan of Chris LeDeux, who was more of a rodeo-circuit
country singer until Garth popularized him in one of his songs.  (Much Too Young
To Feel This Damn Old.)

And, then, of course, LeDeux *is* just a step up the alphabet from Lacroix...

ok, the cheesy rationalizations are done for now...


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Aug 2000 to 29 Aug 2000 (#2000-271)

Previous digest Back to August's list Next digest

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