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Digest - 23 Apr 1996 to 24 Apr 1996 - Special issue

Wed, 24 Apr 1996

There are 33 messages totalling 1038 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Assorted threads and Questions (2)
  2. Did GWD kill it?? (2)
  3. Chats & Shrewthering (Prodigy chat log)
  4. Favorite FK songs (2)
  5. ykybrtmfk-lw
  6. The CD -- Part 2
  7. More LaCroix
  8. Favorite FK songs  (Not the FM CD)
  9. Birthday cake
 10. Jon Cassar and AOL Chat (2)
 11. At Long Last - The Fan Tour Guides FAQ
 12. New Episodes??
 13. Lacroix--Gotta love 'em
 14. The CD (2)
 15. &%*^#( mailbox!
 16. Damn mailbox
 17. Sushi's Mailbox (2)
 18. Spoiler Time, part 2
 19. CD ordering info (2)
 20. Synopsis?
 21. Vampires OK ghosts no
 22. Nigel Alert (2)
 23. Spoiler Protection and Spoiler Spaces
 24. Newbi
 25. FK and music


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 21:13:13 -0500
From:    "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject: Re: Assorted threads and Questions

Regarding SPOILER rules, on Tues, 04/23/96, Valerie King wrote:

>Not quite right. The rules are that as soon as a new show has gone out ON
>THE SATELLITE FEED we can discuss it without spoiler space. Since Jane
>Doe came off the sat Monday morning it can now be discussed like any
>other of the earlier spoiler episodes (on the spoiler list, of course). And
>before you ask, I did indeed inquire of the listowner some months back
>about this and this is official.

Does this apply even though it seems that most of us (those *not* getting
satellite feed, but having to wait for SFC or syndication channels) won't
see the ep for another week??  Seems unrealistic to me.  I would suggest
perhaps waiting until after SFC airs them, since they seem to be *later*
than any other showing, thus assuring that most people will have actually
*seen* the ep when you start discussing it.  Just MHO.

wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger)
FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT  Let 'em know we're watching!
If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters"
are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats...


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:20:52 -0400
From:    Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......>
Subject: Re: Did GWD kill it??

I think it would be kind of dumb for an actor in a lead series to kill his
own series especially since he tended to be growing in power - IE learning to
direct.  Whereelse would he have gotton an opportunity to direct.

The money was steady and good. Now he has to find work and he may not be
certain to break into the American market.

I vote that he wanted the series to go on.



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:55:43 -0400
From:    Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Chats & Shrewthering (Prodigy chat log)


Allison Percy wrote that she would be leaving for Toronto soon and that she
wouldn't be able to send the Prodigy chat log to those who request it until
sometimes next week.  I have the log too, and I'm not going to Toronto :(,
so you can e-mail me instead if you want to get it before next week.

Now, just be aware that my Internet Service Provider is taking a break
tomorrow from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m (Thursday), so I won't be able to send the log
during that period (btw, that also means that my Web page won't be
accessible during those 12 hours.  I'll still be able to receive e-mail, I
just won't be able to read it or reply to it.)  After that short
interruption, there shouldn't be any other problem.  I usually send the log
the same day I get the request.

Well, see ya soon...

Frederic Ferland                    |
mrhappy@m.......                    |   Very funny, Scotty.
http://mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy   |         Now beam down my clothes.
Natpacker & Perkulator (!)          |


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:06:51 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: Favorite FK songs

 Bobbie Williams wrote:
>Just thought it would be interesting
>to list our top five or so songs, that remind us of FK and/or FK characters.
>(Admit it, we all do this!)

Okay, okay, I admit it!
It gets worse.
I'm an N&NPacker who supposedly wants Nick and Nat to walk off into the
sunrise together.  So how come this is the song? (a Nat song) -
"Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
The Unnamed Faction


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:53:21 CST
From:    "OREL, SARA" <FA55@n.......>
Subject: ykybrtmfk-lw

You know you have been reading too much of the list when . . .
   You are filling out the comment sheet for the administrative
     candidate on campus and you write as a concluding sentence:
  "I don't want another one; I want THAT one!"
      and you hand it in, giggling, because you figure no one
        on the committee will get it anyway....

Mercenarily jumpy at the end of the semester (too much coffee and
    leftover chocolate/peanut butter easter eggs...!)



Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 23:05:51 -0500
From:    patrick kortner aiex <paiex@i.......>
Subject: The CD -- Part 2

        I have been chastised politely by a couple of people for my state-
ment that I will dupe the CD for what few friends I have. The truth of the
matter is that they are even more broke than I am. So I'm willing to make
copies for them until they *do* have the money to buy the CD. I don't sup-
port piracy, and I certainly don't want to hurt Fred in any way.
        I hereby apologize for any wrongdoing. Fred, if you're reading
this, I apologize to you personally with the greatest sincerity. Your work
is outstanding, and I don't wish to demean it in any way, shape, or form.

        Pat -- The Chastised Lone Nanette, etc.


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 00:11:15 -0500
From:    Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject: More LaCroix

  Bobbie Williams <UserKnight@a.......> said:

>I don't believe he was in love with Fleur--she was just one more
>being he could control (and taking her would be one more way he could annoy
>Nick).  I don't believe LaCroix remembers what love is--or if he ever
>experienced true love while he was a mortal.


     I read your post with great interest! Any chance you could elaborate a
bit more on why you feel this way? Might I persuade you to see it another
way? <G>

I agree, that LaCroix can come off as a real SOB, which would make it even
more evident ( to me) that he did truly love Fleur. The look on his face
when she goes to help him! LC weakened in the presence of a mere mortal? He
looked like a puppy dog! He even tried to stay away from her, which I
thought was very gallant of him. And if he truly wanted to get at Nick, why
didn't he just take her? He certainly could have, but he didn't and in his
anger and frustration he struck that bargain with Nick, hoping to inflict
the same pain that he was feeling on Nick.
Are you swaying a bit yet??? <G>

Bobbie went on to say:

>I accept that the fear of being along is what motivates LaCroix--after 2000
>years, he still doesn't have anyone he can call a friend--it appears that he
>hasn't established any other permanent relationships other than his ties to
>Nick and Janette--that's scary.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, I stink at trying to remember
episode titles, but what about the one with the "mob" guy? He had helped LC
and LC returned the favor. This was a man who he had remained friends with it.

> I have never seen him show any respect for Nick's thoughts or feelings.

In my last post I said that I felt that their relationship is more like a
parent and a teenager. How many times did adults not realize that their
"baby" has thoughts and feelings of their own, which do not always coincide
with their parents.

Ah, well...I hope that I have persuaded you a bit, at least as much as your
post has made me take a second look at certain things, especially your post
about properly bringing other across, a lesson that he seems to have skipped!



Save FOREVER KNIGHT! E-mail me or visit the homepage
FOREVER KNIGHT will be on shown on the SciFi Channel starting in April!
Cousin, Vachon Ogler, MPPB,MFW-Cavalry: "We're tougher than we look!"
***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!***


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 01:05:00 -0700
From:    BECKY BURNS <becky.burns@w.......>
Subject: Re: Did GWD kill it??

 -=>On 04/23/96  19:47, Gehirn Karies quoted

 >Hubby says GWD didn't want to continue, that he can tell by the way
 >he's said things in interviews in the past.
 >Can anyone verify/disprove this for me? It'll settle this two-week
 >vicious arguement...

        Okay, since everyone else is giving their $.02 worth, I'll give mine:

I think that Ger wanted to continue with the show.  If there was a fourth season
I'm sure he would be one of the first ones in line to sign back up-under the
right conditions, of course.  Maybe along with his fear of heights and guns,
there might be a fear of being stereotyped into playing vampire-type roles.  We
all know he's good at playing a vampire-whether it be our beloved angsty Brick,
or the devious and wickedly evil Klaus.  I know that I don't want to see him
fall into that Bela Legosi persona..you know every roll he plays is a vampire
(well almost).

IMHO, Ger's too good of an actor for that.

I believe he has the talent and style to go far in the entertainment industry.
He wouldn't want that vampire sterotype to prohibit him from doing just that.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see him play Nick for at least one more
season (fingers & toes crossed)Hopefully he will get a chance to do
that...whether it be in 4th season FK or (hoping and praying,) TV movies

Cousin Becky
(who should be packing for the Shrewerthing...)

PS: For the person who posted the question "Would you buy a CD of GWD's piano
    I don't care if he was playing one-fingered scales without chords, I'd buy
it in a heartbeat!

... Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:16:22 -0700
From:    Valery King <kingv@u.......>
Subject: Re: Assorted threads and Questions

On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, J.S. Levin/Stormsinger wrote:

> Does this apply even though it seems that most of us (those *not* getting
> satellite feed, but having to wait for SFC or syndication channels) won't
> see the ep for another week??  Seems unrealistic to me.  I would suggest
> perhaps waiting until after SFC airs them, since they seem to be *later*

ARGH, No, please, Storm, don't make us do this! [Valery grovels] If we're
very careful, and put the name of the episode in the subject line (as the
rules tell us) then you can put them in a folder to read after you've seen
the episode. But us poor people with satellite dishes will never, never,
EVER be able to wait *2 whole weeks* to talk about an episode! I sometimes
can't wait *one* week! <VBG>

Shoot, some of us can't seem to wait until an episode even airs before we
need to talk (and thus the spaces) ;)



Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 01:19:46 -0400
From:    Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......>
Subject: Re: Favorite FK songs  (Not the FM CD)

Bobbie Wrote:
>songs, that remind us of FK and/or FK characters.
> (Admit it, we all do this!)
>Still looking for the perfect LaCroix song--but then again, maybe LaCroix
>wouldn't want his own song??

I can't listen to The Sisters of Mercy lateley without thinking of Luc, and
Nickie and It's driving me crazy.......oh wait........I didn't need a driver,
it was a short walk....

But I hadn't thought about the others............(And I don't know of your
fav bands, which implies no critical judgement BTW)

LaCroix:  "More"  Sisters of Mercy
Nickie: "I want to wake up Happy"  Brian Brain
Janette: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"  C.Lauper
Nat:   "Love Is a Blind Ambition"  Concrete Blonde
   and "Talk About The Weather"  Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
Tracy: "Why She's a Girl From The Chain Store"  Buzzcocks
Vachon:  "Style"  The Lemonheads
Urs: "Cheree" Suicide
Screed:  "Banana Splits  (The Tralala Song)"  The Dickies
Schanke:  "Clocks are Big Machines are Heavy" Spizz (Spizz Energy)
The Captains: "Homicide"  999
The Series End: "Funeral Pyre"  The Jam
The Future of the Series:  "B Movies"  The Fast (Mikki Zone Zoo)

I'm far too ancient to be running around on three hours sleep, posting oldies
to the list..........But this *was* fun!

Gehirn Karies
"And I can't hold you in my arms and talk about those hidden charms....I
want to take them, take them.... You want to talk about the weather."
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 02:38:02 EDT
From:    Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......>
Subject: Birthday cake

  Hi all :)

  Something happened to me that I thought I would share  with you.  I just
turned 22 today.  I know big deal.  Anyway mom had made a cake and as she
brought it over she said that I had to close my eyes.  Standing there with my
eyes closed she informed me that she was not an artist and that the cake was not
the most beautiful in the world.  My reply was something to the effect that it
didn't matter what it looked liked as long as it went well with the ice cream
(you can tell what I thought was important).  At her command I opened my eyes,
looked at the cake and let out a happy yelp.
  The cake had yellow frosting (lemon, Yum!) in black was my name along the
bottom with candles in the top left.  In the right corner was a rather lopsided
face (you know the one on the HAVE A NICE DAY shrits)  only he had a set of
candy corn fangs with red food coloring on them.  It was the best present that I
got.  : )

Sorry to take up so much ban width.


And yes it went very well with the ice cream too thank you very much.


Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 1996 23:46:19 -0800
From:    Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject: Re: Jon Cassar and AOL Chat

Direct two episodes of Baywatch Nights--sounds like slumming to me.


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 03:54:22 -0400
From:    Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: At Long Last - The Fan Tour Guides FAQ

Amazingly enough, I only recently managed to catch up on all of the
lists...however, I am still over a month behind in most of my e-mail, and I
only recently managed to get to most of the mail regarding the upcoming
Fan-Tour-By-Car.  This FAQ is also provided to FORKNI-L for the benefit of
those planning a trip to Toronto in the near to moderate future.

So, at long last, here it is....

                                        THE FAN TOUR GUIDES FAQ

Address all questions, complaints, letter bombs, and lollygagging to Will
Steeves, goid@i........

Q: What is the Fan Tour?

A: It's a 2-3 hour car tour of many of the Forever Knight filming sights.
Some of the sites are of great relevance (eg., the exterior of Nick's loft,
the exterior of The Raven, etc.), while others are somewhat more mundane (eg.,
the alley where The Fire Inside's teaser was filmed, the auction house in
Queen of Harps, etc.).

Q: Is this a professional tour?

A: No.  We are _just_ fellow fans.  We are not professional tour guides, so
controlled chaos will likely be the order of the day, and that's generally on
good days.  :-)   However, we do learn from our mistakes, thankfully enough.

Q: Does the tour include any inside locations?

A: No.  Only exterior locations are shown.

Q: Does the tour include the studio?

A: No...just the outside of the studio.

Q: Who runs the Fan Tour Guides?

A: Nobody, really.  :-)    Seriously, now...  Since last year, several members
of the Toronto contingent, including Lynne Ackerman, Anna Sawitzky, Jonathan
Tracy, Marg Yamanaka and Will Steeves, took it upon themselves to offer
visiting fans a tour of various filming sites.  In fact, if memory serves
correctly, the first such tour was offered by us in the summer of 1995, and it
was a walking tour for Laurie Fenster.  Countless other tours have followed
since then, but generally such tours have involved Will doing the driving in
what Jonathan calls "Will's black, subversive Buick Century".

Recently, we discovered that these tours were _originally_ conducted by none
other than the legendary Don Bassingthwaite, who has left us for brighter
pastures in publishing (...but incidentally, whom I suspect is among us once
again, under an assumed name...is this idle speculation?  Perhaps, perhaps not)

Q: What is the Toronto Tour Guides Faction?

A: The Toronto Tour Guides "faction" is a strictly tongue-in-cheek faction,
which was created on the spur of the moment, while Will, Lynne, and other
Toronto contingent members were sitting down waiting for Deborah Duchene's
play, "The Winter's Tale" to begin.  Will thought that it would be
enlightening and entertaining to pick out one of the fan guests in the
audience, and ask how the Toronto contingent were performing as hosts.
After much "eeny-meeny-miney-mo"ing, Will posed his question to Maureen Wynn,
and after receiving a positive response, whispered to Lynne, "Hey, let's start
a Toronto Tour Guides Faction".  The rest, as they say, is history...
(Basically, it's a cute name that the we in the Toronto contingent are giving
ourselves :-) )

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Nothing whatsoever!  Occasionally, guests have been known to chip in for
gas, but this is by no means a requirement.  If your finances are strained,
this will NOT prevent you from taking a tour.  Furthermore, nobody should feel
compelled to exchange money at all.

Q: When is the next tour scheduled?

A: The next tour is scheduled for Sunday, April 28.  (Meeting place and time
TBA, but likely to be in the early afternoon, and at a location relatively
free from traffic, not to mention tour buses blocking the road).

Q: What if I can't make it on Sunday?

A: Please write to us (Will Steeves, goid@i.......; Lynne Ackerman,
gnbv32c@p.......; Marg Yamanaka, zezq01a@p.......) and tell us that
you'd prefer Saturday afternoon.  A number of people have already expressed an
interest in Saturday afternoon (ie., they're going home on Sunday), so it's
almost a certainty, although this may be subject to the availability of
additional cars if there are more than four people requesting Saturday.  Vicky
Bratton has been kind enough to volunteer her car for tour guests, but it
would be patently unfair to expect her to volunteer her car for _two_ days in
a row (hint: we're really looking for someone to volunteer a car for the
Saturday tour).

Q: Who is scheduled to attend?

A: The following are tentatively scheduled: (those who have stated a
preference for Saturday are marked with a star).

- Vicky Bratton
- Cindy Zeuli & Kelly
- (*) Lynn Messing
- Susan Honig
- Teresa Kabourek & As-Yet-Unnamed-Baby :-)
- Carrie Krumtum
- Ron "The Enforcer" Katz
- (*) Beth Brown
- (*) Hilary Doda
- (*) Jillian Isenberg

...and with Will driving one car, and Lynne guiding the other driver
(following Will, conceivably), that makes 13....  Hmmm....

If anyone wishes to switch to Saturday, or from Saturday to Sunday, please
write back a.s.a.p.

Q: What sites will be covered?

A: Several weeks ago, Marg Yamanaka posted a Filming Sites Map that was worked
on by Marg, Lynne, and Will.  Either Marg or Will will translate that into a
set of directions for the tour.  Note that not all of the sites will be
covered (eg: the nursery in Only the Lonely, while likely a Natpacker shrine,
is about an hour northwest of downtown; another location, Morningside Park,
while only a hop, skip, and jump from Will's residence, is 45 minutes
northeast of downtown).

Q: Is it still too late to come along?

A: Not at all...if you're interested, please write to us and we'll see what we
can do.  Remember that your chances (at least for Saturday) will be improved,
if someone is able to donate a second car.


Will aka "Grandfather", a Perky Cousin (ducking flames from Allison :-) ),
Part time FoD Squad member, Founder, Designated Driver, and Spiritual Leader
of the Toronto Tour Guides Faction. (see above).

Will Steeves, B.Sc. (Toronto, 1991), goid@i....... - "Neil Hull is GOiD"
Publisher & Managing Editor, The New Edition (U of T); Nu '96, Psi Upsilon
Ontario Area Co-Coordinator, FREE (http://www.vix.com/free)

If possession is 9/10 of the law, what's the other 1/10? - Steeves' Laws Vol. I


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 07:16:56 -0400
From:    Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject: Re: New Episodes??

Apparently, despite what I'm putting on my return address, these messages
which are supposed to be private email keep going to the list.

I'm really sorry - it isn't supposed to be happening.  Before y'all start
spamming my mailbox with "That should've been private email",  must be
something wrong with my fingers....I'll do better next time...promise

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 07:16:16 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: Lacroix--Gotta love 'em

I agree that
1) Lacroix is dad who can't seem to let his little one "go" (I have parents
like this) and feels he must control Nick in order to protect him
2) Lacroix is selfish, manipulative and basically evil
3)Despite Lacroix' delusion that he is in control, Nick is really in control
because Lacroix' actions stem from his desire for Nick
4) Lacroix may or may have not been in love with Fleur but he is capable of
Lacroix in summary:  He is a man w/o belief in God.  Being a cognitive,
logical and rational person (ah, if I could make love to his mind I would)
after 2000 years he has reached a logical/rational conclusion about life:
that the only "right" is being true to your nature (Shakespeare once said
"To thy ownself be true") and the only "wrong" is violating this nature.
In fact, this very ideology is the very premise of Satanism (Read the
Satanic Bible some time--it'll give ya the he-be ge-be's).
If it feels good, do it.
Lacroix is a paradox, though, because he really doesn't like feeling anything.
I think he is irked by his compassion for Nick more than anything else.
If he could be Mr. Spock, he would.
However, Lacroix IS partly human.  And  he seeks Nick's love against
his own will.  I also believe that Lacroix CAN love, but tries his damnest
not to--because love makes him weak.
I think that if the right girl came along with the tools to destroy the fortress
he has built around his soul that he could fall head-over-heels and become
the little lost puppy (like he was with Fleur).
IF he didn't love her, why "Rosebud"?


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 08:15:15 EDT
From:    Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject: The CD

Does it come on cassette and if so, can you order it from the same
place? I don't have a cd player, but I do think this would be the
perfect background on the long drive to Baltimore for Syndi-con East.

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 07:55:17 -0500
From:    Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject: &%*^#( mailbox!

If anyone private mailed me for ANY reason since tuesday midnight (Central
standard time), please do so again.  My mailbox decided to &^%&*^ up on me,
and i am rather annoyed.  Thank you!

Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng * LA
Charter Unnamed * Example Writer of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed
**Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!**
"Hey, Marines!  The Chicago Cubs suck!" ~~ The Chigs, S:AaB


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 08:26:38 -0500
From:    Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject: Damn mailbox

COuld someone send me anything posted after midnight (CST) moday, APril 22?
My computer got bitchy and deleted everything.  Thank you!

Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng * LA
Charter Unnamed * Example Writer of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed
**Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!**
"Hey, Marines!  The Chicago Cubs suck!" ~~ The Chigs, S:AaB


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 09:28:20 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: Sushi's Mailbox

Only thing I sent you was a rotfl for your piece portraying Lacroix in
I died laughing!


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 08:52:55 -0500
From:    "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject: Re: Spoiler Time, part 2

Also on Tues, 04/23/96, Valerie King came back to me with:
>ARGH, No, please, Storm, don't make us do this! [Valery grovels] If we're
>very careful, and put the name of the episode in the subject line (as the
>rules tell us) then you can put them in a folder to read after you've seen
>the episode. But us poor people with satellite dishes will never, never,
>EVER be able to wait *2 whole weeks* to talk about an episode! I sometimes
>can't wait *one* week! <VBG>
>Shoot, some of us can't seem to wait until an episode even airs before we
>need to talk (and thus the spaces) ;)

Okay, Valerie, I bow to your pleas.  You're right.  I'm just going crazy
over the idea that y'all have seen these eps, and I'm *still* WAITING!! <G>

This is, after all, what the whole SPOILER PROTECTION thing is about.
Natter on!

wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger)
FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT  Let 'em know we're watching!
If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters"
are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats...


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 10:05:23 -0400
From:    Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......>
Subject: Re: The CD

In a message dated 96-04-24 08:18:49 EDT, you write:

>Does it come on cassette and if so, can you order it from the same
>place? I don't have a cd player, but I do think this would be the
>perfect background on the long drive to Baltimore for Syndi-con East.

Yes, I got a cassette as well as a CD.  It is cool in the car, unless
your mind wanders more than usual and you hit a pot hole and the
next day your car won't work............................................

They take all orders, and be sure to specify the kind of delivery.
Oh and somebody on the list just mentioned buy three get one free.


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 07:53:00 PT
From:    Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>
Subject: Re: Jon Cassar and AOL Chat

<shudder> Does this mean I need to actually watch some episodes of
Babewatch nights. Ick poo. That's worse than watching the Kindred.
I'd rather watch 'Capitol Offense' or 'Outside the Lines' or 'Forward into
the Past' 10 times in a row. <ach poo.> Why Jon oh why would you do such
a thing. The money can't be that good. :(

Tami LaFrank                   : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a.......
Forever Faithful Ravenette     :
Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : His hair glistened in the rain like
"Come in, relax. We're dying   : like nose hair after a sneeze.
   to prolong your life"       : Stupidity *should* be painful!


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 09:17:46 -0600
From:    Terry Madden <TMADDEN@b.......>
Subject: Re: CD ordering info

After reading all the rave reviews
envy got the better of me--I broke
down and bought a CD player.
Now I've got one problem.  Since I
didn't <have> a CD player I deleted
all the information on ordering the
CD.  Would some kind soul please
send me the information on
mailordering it since its not likely
anyone in Boise, Idaho is going to
carry the CD any time in my
lifetime (I've asked, believe me).
Thanks in advance.



Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 11:31:17 -0400
From:    "Tammy Pond  [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......>
Subject: Synopsis?

I'm looking for a collected BRIEF synopsises (?) of BOTH 1st and 2nd
season episodes. I can do 3rd season from memory, but the rest of 'em
are a bit shaky. I want to stick little paragraphs on the video tape
boxes so I can look at the box and know what's in each episodes,
instead of "This is...uh....uh...shit, it's been too long I can't
remember what's in it. Damn!" that I've been doing. Sigh...

That's these episodes:


     Dark Knight
     For I Have Sinned
     Last Act
     Dance By The Light of the Moon
     Dying to Know You
     False Witness
     Cherry Blossoms
     I Will Repay
     Dead Air
     Dead Issue
     Father Figure
     Spin Doctor
     Dying for Fame
     Only the Lonely
     Unreality TV
     Feeding the Beast
     If Looks Could Kill
     Fatal Mistake
     Love You to Death


     Killer Instinct
     A Fate Worse than Death
     Stranger than Fiction
     Forward into the Past
     Faithful Followers
     Father's Day
     Undue Process
     Bad Blood
     Can't Run, Can't Hide
     Capital Offense
     Amateur Night
     Beyond the Law
     The Fix
     Be My Valentine
     The Fire Inside
     Blood Money
     Partners of the Month
     Queen of Harps
     A More Permanent Hell
     The Code
     Curioser and Curioser
     Near Death
     Baby Baby
     Close Call
     Crazy Love

(Yes, I'm sure they're on a web page somewhere, but please remember
not everyone has ready web access, especially me?)

If someone's got 'em, please zap 'em to me in e-mail. Thanks!


#  o/~ I wanna new tag/one that won't make me crash my car/.... o/~ #


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 18:16:50 +0200
From:    Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......>
Subject: Re: Vampires OK ghosts no

Sorry about the weird subject line. :) Val wrote:
 Va> I have had this problem with Natalie before.  In "Black Buddha" she
 Va> refuses to believe in the supernatural power of a cursed object, yet
 Va> here she is essentially going steady with an 800 year old guy.

I think that maybe, when the show started, TPTB were trying to have vampires
being the *only* fantasy/supernatural/whatever element in it. After all, it
seems that vampires can be scientifically explained: it's a weird vampire
virus. However, one cannot say the same about ghosts, at least not in the FK
universe. (For instance, I accept Nick being a vampire but think that the
two times he saw ghosts, he was hearing what he wanted to hear - just MHO,
and not the issue.)

This reminds me of the premise for "Beauty and the Beast". Vincent was the
only fantasy character allowed. TPTB for that show turned down pitches for
Vincent meeting werewolves and things like that. The episode that *did* have
a ghost in it had to be rewritten to be ambiguous so that people could also
believe the guy wasn't a ghost. The same goes in the Highlander universe.
The only strange thing in that universe is the existence of Immortals.

I think that maybe we are dealing with suspension of disbelief. I'm willing
to accept vampires in FK. But if they started bringing in werewolves, aliens
and things, it would put me clean off. I would never have watched B&B again
if Vincent *had* met a werewolf. And people on the Highlander list sometimes
complain when TPTB bring in other supernatural concepts like Dark
Quickenings and holy springs.

So perhaps it's the same for Nat. She believes in vampires because she has
evidence that vampirism is caused by an odd virus. How is she going to get
evidence of ghosts or demon possession? (Do I think Nick was possessed? Yes.
Did he see ghosts? No. Is this consistent? No. Do I care? Not really.)

- Marina.
\\   "And tell me if you want to catch that feeling of redemption;    //
// That feeling of redemption don't do much for me." - Tanita Tikaram \\
\\======Marina Bailey========tmar@f.......=======Dark Knightie======//

... You're going to invade CLEVELAND?!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 09:33:34 -0700
From:    Kathy L <kathryn@u.......>
Subject: Re: Sushi's Mailbox

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Tanya Smith wrote:

> Only thing I sent you was a rotfl for your piece portraying Lacroix in
> drag.
> I died laughing!

So did I - what a great read.  Careful, you might inspire a Flamenco faction!



Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:59:51 -0400
From:    Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......>
Subject: Re: CD ordering info

For every body who may just now be getting into the idea of the
Forever Knight Sounds:  Her's the info.  (Others please excuse the

Available in CD or Cassette

Visa/MC orders 1-800-654-7029

$12.98 + $3.00 postage for CD
$8.98 + $3.00 postage for Cassette

GNP/Cresendo Records
8400 Sunset BLVD
Hollywood, CA 90069

I read some post where people bought three and got one free, but ask
about it.


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:21:56 -0230
From:    Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......>
Subject: Nigel Alert

I just thought anyone who gets the station Bravo would like to know that
Nigel is scheduled to be in this:

   The Star Turn: Nigel Bennett and Joe-Norman Shaw star as a
   couple of British paparazzi staking out an elusive celebrity.

It airs at 7:30 pm EST, and is rerun at 3:30 am, and 11:30 am EST, that
night and the next morning. It is only a half hour, but I don't know if
this was a series or what.

Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker *
"It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(CRCH)
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink!" - LaCroix(CRCH)


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 10:33:35 -0800
From:    John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......>
Subject: Re: Spoiler Protection and Spoiler Spaces

>John Soo-Hoo wrote:
>>What?  This can't be right.  Discussions are permitted without spoiler space
>>after the show has gone out on satellite feed?  I have a strong hunch that
>>most people here don't have satellite dishes.  But anyhow, those episodes
>>on the spoiler list have always had the spoiler space protection.  Somebody

>As far as I know, discussions are permitted on the SPOILER list without
>spoiler space after the show has gone out on satellite fee.  Discussions of
>episodes that have not yet gone out on satellite are permitted on the
>SPOILER list with spoiler spaces.

>Episodes cannot be discussed on FORKNI-L with or without spoiler spaces
>until they have been repeated in syndication.

Opps, my mistake.  I didn't know there was a another mailing list.


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:28:40 -0230
From:    Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......>
Subject: Re: Nigel Alert

Sorry guys, I can't believe I sent this without saying what night it came
on!! Duh!! It is aired tonight and tomorrow morning on Bravo. Thanks Kim for
pointing out my mistake.
>    The Star Turn: Nigel Bennett and Joe-Norman Shaw star as a
>    couple of British paparazzi staking out an elusive celebrity.
> It airs at 7:30 pm EST, and is rerun at 3:30 am, and 11:30 am EST, that
> night and the next morning. It is only a half hour, but I don't know if
> this was a series or what.

Dark Knightie * Light Cousin * Valentine * Nick&NatPacker *
"It's ALWAYS about YOU!" - LaCroix(CRCH)
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink!" - LaCroix(CRCH)


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 13:58:41 -0600
From:    "Teri R. Myers" <trm8203@m.......>
Subject: Newbi

Hi! A couple of questions, if you don't mind.  As being new to this
listserve and Forever Knight, I am confused.  I have to admit that I have
never seen FK because I can't find it out here, but I do have a friend
that will be mailing me some copies.  But when I read the postings I get
different views.  Is Lacroix a good Vampyre or bad?  Does Nick kill and
drink human blood?

Please let me know.  I have really enjoyed being apart of this
listserve.  Everyone has been so helpful.  A big kudos to Lisa, she has
always answered my questions.  Thanx for beening patient with me.

Being a newbie is fun!


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 16:13:53 -0400
From:    Tami Baskin <Tjoy968@a.......>
Subject: Re: Favorite FK songs

Bobbie Williams wrote:

> Still looking for the perfect LaCroix song...

How about : Time Is On My Side - The Rolling Stones

                   Cruel To Be Kind - Nick Lowe ?

I am a newbie and a first time poster, so if I have made
any mistakes in posting this, I apologize in advance :)

Tami Joy


Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 1996 16:20:27 -0400
From:    Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject: FK and music

Bobbi writes:<< Just thought it would be interesting to list our top five or
so songs, that remind us of FK and/or FK characters.>>

Seems like every song I hear has something FK or vampire related in it!
 Maybe I just have vampire on the brain?  Here are my picks:

1. "Halo" -DePeche Mode- "You wear guilt like shackles on your feet/Like a
Haol in reverse..."  Definitely a Nick song.

2. "Terrible Lie"-Nine Inch Nails "You made me throw it all away/My morals
left to decay/So many you betray/You've taken everything/<snip>I'm on my
hands and knees/I want so much to believe.."  I can definitely see Nick
shrieking this whole song at LC. Very angsty.

3. "Hands of Death"-X-Files Soundtrack-"Sadistic, wicked one...."  Good LC

4. ""Why Should I Cry For You"-Sting- "What would it mean to say, that 'I
loved you in my fashion'?/What would be true?/Why should I?" Nick and Nat

5. "Guilty"-Gravity Kills-another angsty Nick song

Then you have the standard Vamp songs:
"Bloodletting"-Concrete Blonde
"Waiting For the Night to Fall" DePeche Mode
"As Heaven Is Wide"-Garbage
"Moon Over Bourbon St." and "Sister Moon"-Sting
"Dead Man's Party" -Oingo Boingo
"Possum Kingdom"-The Toadies
"Bite The Hand That Feeds" -Agent Orange
"Bela Lugosi's Dead"-Bauhaus
Those are just off the top of my head, I could probably list a hundred more
but I will spare you!

Cousin Michelle~CSS~Truly Depraved~Thong Snapper~Seducer~
SKL: "Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!"


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 23 Apr 1996 to 24 Apr 1996 - Special issue

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/