There is 1 message totaling 29 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Cousins of the Knight ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:05:50 -0400 From: Greer Watson <gwatson2@r.......> Subject: Cousins of the Knight Once upon a time, long long ago, the Cousins of the Knight had a faction site. ("Wait," I hear you say. "Didn't you put that in the archive already? Ages ago? At least last month!") Well, yes. And no. That's the faction's *current* website. The one I'm talking about now is their original website. It was started by Angie Lotto in the fall of 1996, perhaps some six months after the faction had been proposed, and was put on the web early in the following year. However, it was only added to for another year or so. It lingered for a bit, but vanished in 1999; and so, since the CotK was still an active (indeed, a more active) faction, Lisa Harvey started a new site for them. The Internet Archive has a copy of the first CotK site, albeit in very bad shape. Here's a link, so you can see what I mean: No, you haven't made a mistake! It really is all white, except for some empty rectangles. Mostly, though, it does have its pages: it's just missing all its graphics. Nevertheless, I had a close look behind the scenes, so to speak (at the source code for the page, in other words); and I quickly realized that this was a very unusual case. In fact, I was struck by the possibility of restoring or substituting graphics in order to bring back the site, if only for its historical interest. Usually, this isn't possible: I can't do much with a photo gallery, for example, since I have no idea what pictures were in it. (And you'll find that there are no pictures in this site's photo gallery, for precisely that reason.) However, this site was tantalizing: the other graphics it was missing had names that made me think I could locate them (webring graphics, and the faction logo) or come up with reasonable substitutes (a divider bar named "sword.gif"). Okay, I've had to use a bit of ingenuity in coming up with the background, which was named "cotkbackground.jpg". I've made a flying leap into the dark here, trying to come up with a specifically *CotK* background. Nevertheless, the result (if not *quite* authentic) is certainly a legible website. You can find it here: Take a step back into the past! Greergwatson2@r....... ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Jul 2013 to 15 Jul 2013 (#2013-111) ***************************************************************
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