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FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Dec 2001 to 31 Dec 2001 (#2001-389)

Mon, 31 Dec 2001

There are 10 messages totalling 313 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. KtK January Update
  2. admin: Raven Awards Open! Prizes!
  3. I love my friends... (yes it's actually mostly  topic...) (2)
  4. Tracy's Sibling?
  5. New Site (3)
  6. Update to FKFANFIC2 soon!
  7. Non-pro vids giveaway


Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:22:00 EST
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: KtK January Update

 note: due to the holidays,This is a somewhat abbreviated version of the
Update.I will send another longer version out in a few weeks.:)

 Posted with permission from Lisa and Don. :)
Thanks to you both !

This is the most up to date list.please disregard earlier address lists you
might have.
permission to post this to any list.

This is to let everyone know that the Official Kickstart the Knight website
has moved...sort of.  You will still be able to get there via our short url (
http://www.ktk.op.nu ) courtesy of our redirect service, but the alternate
url that you use on the relatively rare occasions when the short url isn't
functioning has changed.  The new alternate url for the KtK page is:


(This is updated as often as possible and contains all the info on Ktk past
/present and future .)
First let me say that many of you out there might  think that we have given
up the effort.I am very happy to tell you all that we certainly have not!! As
a matter of fact we are planning another auction for January If the group can
get together and work out details in time :) and we hope that everyone able
to bid on things.Remember! Valentines day isn't that far off and wouldn't you
or someone you love enjoy FK related items? :)
Thanks to devoted fans that answered our plea for merchandise to auction off,
we now have lots of great items sure to please, with the promise of even more
to come in! We can never thank you enough for your support :).
contact me at: SField8067@a.......
 if you want to donate anything to the cause :)
We also are trying our best to get a new issue of The Crusader out soon.RL
has interfered with this lately and we apologise for the long, long delay.
Write for the Knight! (this section is for snail mail writers! (VERY
important to keep doing!, especially now! There have been as is still being
major changes happening to the Powers that be...including the recent
resignation of Stephen Chao from USA.
and for those of you that have not read this yet:

Kickstart The Knight has news from a reliable source that Nick Gray,
producer of all three seasons of Forever Knight, got a phone call a week or
two ago from Columbia/Tri-Star. They were asking him about the ads they have
been seeing in Variety and Hollywood Reporter. Here's a direct quote...
"Maybe we should start paying attention." That is exactly what Nick says the
Columbia/Tri-Star caller stated. This was told to our source by Mr. Gray

REMEMBER!!! all proceeds from the auctions pay for those Ads!!

We are all very encouraged by this! Because of this it's more important than
ever to keep doing what we have done all this time.

Be sure to let Kristin (our official KtK Letter counter know if you have
written any letters and to whom :) It's important for us to keep track to
keep momentum going :)
Kristin's # is: http://knightvision.4ever.cc

(Kristin also has a very extensive section on her site devoted to saving FK!!
please be sure to check it out and participate in all things listed there if
you can :)

TPTB Address list:
Barry Diller
USA Networks,Inc.
152 West 57th Street,42nd floor
New York City,NY 10019
Thomas Vitalie
Senior Vice President of Acquisitions,Scheduling and Program Planning
The Sci-fi channel
1230 sixth avenue
New York,NY 10020-1513
Bonnie Hammer
Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Sci-Fi Channel
Sci Fi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Mel Harris
Chief Operating Officer-Television
Sony Pictures Entertainment
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City,CA 90
Mr. Jean Marie Messier, CEO
Vivendi/Universal Corp.
375 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10152-0192

Well thats it for the moment guys..
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and wish you and yours the very
Happiest of New Years!!
Lets keep the support for KtK going and make 2002 the year we all get more
Forever Knight!!

Love and Hugs,
susan ellen field
Kickstart The Knight Fearless Leader :)


Date:    Mon, 31 Dec 2001 13:11:22 +1300
From:    Knightraven <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: admin: Raven Awards Open! Prizes!

With permission from McLisa.

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year! And wishing a happy, prosperous and safe year to you all.

This is a reminder that the Raven Awards FK writing competition is now open
and you can enter stories up until midnight the 1st of Feb!

There are Prizes this year of FK T-shirts to the place winners!

There are categories for first time writers and first time adult writers!

Write, write, write! Keep Forever Knight Alive!

Click here for more info!

Cheers to all!
Kylie.  aka Knightraven.


Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 20:21:49 -0500
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: I love my friends... (yes it's actually mostly  topic...)

>"Brenda Bell" wrote:
>>  There's a third: IIRC, the title is A Stirring of Dust, written by Susan
>> Sizemore.

Occasionally they will come up for sale at www.half.com
Emily Lacey


Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 20:41:20 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: I love my friends... (yes it's actually mostly  topic...)

If you want to pay $35.00 for it there are two for sale in Zshops at Amazon or
there is one up for bid at Amazon in their auctions that goes off in two days.
Just go to Amazon.com and do a search for Stirring of Dust.



Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 19:31:39 -0800
From:    BH <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Re: Tracy's Sibling?

At 05:00 PM 12/30/01 -0500, "Amy R." <akr@l.......> wrote:
>      You're right.  Bruce Spencer, a long-time Vetter family friend,<snip>
>      (If I remember correctly, the actor who played Bruce moved on to the
>controversial last season of _Due South_ after "Outside the Lines"?)

Yes, Callum Keith Rennie did go on to play "Ray" in the third season of DS.
He also did a couple eps of "La Femme Nikita" as a potential love interest
for her.  He was also in a handful of eps of "DeVinci's Inquest," a show
which Ben Bass did a guest spot on.  Most recently, CKR can be seen as Dodd
in "Mememto" -- a *very* cool film if you get the chance to rent it!!

I've heard that "Outside The Lines" was a re-written Schanke episode, but,
honestly, I think it played very well as a Tracy ep.  Perhaps it was too
much Tracy too soon for a lot of first and second season verterans, but I
was pretty far into third season before I had the opportunity to view it --
and I thought it was one of the better third season episodes (even if
Vachon, Screed, and Urs were nowhere in sight) -- very compelling!  And, of
course, CKR, as always, did an excellent job!



Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 22:19:25 EST
From:    Rexjdk@a.......
Subject: New Site

Hi I would like to announce the birth of my new site called Force Riders.  It
contains Forever Knight, The Young Riders, The Ny Mets and Star Wars.  If you
would like please hop on over and visit and if you have a story you want
posted just drop me aline.  Email on sub pages work not on top page.



Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 22:44:00 -0500
From:    "Anita K. Blake" <AKBlake@l.......>
Subject: Update to FKFANFIC2 soon!

I'm planning an update to the site soon, so anyone want their fic(s) hosted
here, send 'em to me and I'll get them uploaded!

And change your bookmarks to point to:

http://www.crosswinds.net/~fkfanfic2 instead of the 0catch or 50megs sites.
Thanks mucho :)

AKBlake@l.......  ~  http://x-menfanfic.50megs.com  ~
http://www.crosswinds.net/~uhjfc  ~  http://www.crosswinds.net/~fkfanfic2


Date:    Sun, 30 Dec 2001 20:55:08 -0700
From:    Molly Schneider <thestormborn@m.......>
Subject: Re: New Site

>>Hi I would like to announce the birth of my new site called Force Riders.
>>It contains Forever Knight, The Young Riders, <snip><<

Oooh, I *loved* The Young Riders!  Hmmn...wonder how a FK/YR xover would go?

Cousin, Ravenette, DT, FKPagan, Seducer, KEB
Abnormally fond of dead guys
thestormborn@m....... or stormborne@e.......


Date:    Mon, 31 Dec 2001 01:00:37 EST
From:    BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Non-pro vids giveaway

Posted with McLisa's permission (thanks!):

I need to make room for my rapidly expanding FK-related (things starring FK
alum etc.) tape and DVD collection, so I'm giving up a whole bunch of other
tapes I've got.  These include some FK and FK alum stuff, as well as non-FK
stuff.  Most of these are off-air recordings of a very eclectic selection of
things.  If anyone may be interested in these tapes (which I will send for
*just the cost of postage*), please email me *privately* at BJDFKFan@a.......,
*not* on the List, for the list of tapes to choose from.  Thanks!

Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD
http://members.aol.com/BJDFKFan, http://DKfanfic.tripod.com
We're cut adrift, but still floating.  I'm only hanging on to watch you go
down...my love.  (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
 (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)


Date:    Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:03:36 EST
From:    Rexjdk@a.......
Subject: Re: New Site

If you would like to know check out part one of Blood and Vegeance on the
Young Riders page!



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Dec 2001 to 31 Dec 2001 (#2001-389)

Previous digest Back to December's list On to January 2002's list Next digest

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