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FORKNI-L Digest - 12 Dec 2001 to 13 Dec 2001 (#2001-372)

Thu, 13 Dec 2001

There are 7 messages totalling 133 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Roman background question for fanfic (2)
  2. Ger mention in Bruce Gray article
  3. It Snuck In Without Warning...
  4. Belated giggle
  5. Looking for wavs
  6. Conversational Latin


Date:    Wed, 12 Dec 2001 21:20:32 -0600
From:    Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Roman background question for fanfic

A friend of mine was wondering--what would the ancient Roman penalty for
patricide have been?

"Some are born to sweep the light
Some are born to endless night"

--William Blake


Date:    Thu, 13 Dec 2001 00:09:06 -0500
From:    Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: Ger mention in Bruce Gray article

Ran across a passing mention of Ger in this article about Bruce Gray.  Full
article at :

>Gray co-stars in Hypercube with Geraint Wyn-Davies, who was a child actor in
>the 1970s when they both had roles on the CFTO soap opera High Hopes.
>"We had no plot. There was just never anything going on, the idea being that
>Canadians were perfectly happy to watch a TV show in which people drank
>coffee and talked about the day's events. There was no turmoil, no conflict.
>The biggest thing that happened was one of the characters, Dr. Dan, lost his
>wallet when he came to date my daughter and we talked about it for three weeks,"
>Gray said.



Date:    Wed, 12 Dec 2001 23:06:02 -0800
From:    Teresa <tastevenson@e.......>
Subject: Re: It Snuck In Without Warning...

Phoenix wrote:

> ... mostly cos Ye Olde ListFounder spent the weekend coughing up her lungs
> instead of paying attention to the date.
> This past Sunday, on 9 December, FORKNI-L quietly celebrated its 9th
> anniversary.

Isn't there somebody at PSU who gets M&M's in honor of this occasion?

"It's good to know what the other side is up to." - Nick Knight
Of course, I watch BTVS.


Date:    Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:00:02 -0700
From:    Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Belated giggle

I was going through some FK wavs and found one
that I heard with new ears.   How in the world did
Ger deliver this line without cracking up completely?

"If you won't give me what I want, I'll find someone who will. And if you
won't help me... I'll have to do what I want... alone."      The Fix

I wonder how many takes it took him.<weg>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:32:59 -0700
From:    Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Looking for wavs

I'm looking for two wavs, one I know I've seen
somewhere: "What'll it take to get a rise out of you?"
LaCroix "Dark Knight"

The other is a wav from "Ashes to Ashes" just of
LaCroix laughing after Divia tells him she's going
to live forever.  I don't know if that exists, but
I'm hoping against hope.

Thanks in advance for any help,
Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Thu, 13 Dec 2001 10:35:04 -0600
From:    Christy Stillman <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Conversational Latin

I received an e-mail this morning with various phrases which had been
translated into Latin.  I saw this one and couldn't help but giggle
thinking about how appropriate it would be during wartime:

~ Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
~ I think some people in togas are plotting against me.

aka The Nunketeer


Date:    Thu, 13 Dec 2001 15:41:57 -0500
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: Roman background question for fanfic

>A friend of mine was wondering--what would the ancient Roman penalty >for
patricide have been?

Believe it or not, I know. This is because it was mentioned in one of Lindsey
Davis's Falco Roman private informer mysteries. The parricide was sewn into a
sack with a poisonous snake (I don't recall if it was an adder or a viper), a
cock and a dog and thrown into the Tiber. Outside, Rome, presumably, the nearest
large body of water would substitute for the Tiber.



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 12 Dec 2001 to 13 Dec 2001 (#2001-372)

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