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FORKNI-L Digest - 23 Aug 2000 to 24 Aug 2000 - Special issue (#2000-265)

Thu, 24 Aug 2000

There are 29 messages totalling 1035 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. Emperor and Pompeii
  2. Penning down fans (3)
  3. Who is the secior partner? (2)
  4. While we're talking about Chats...
  5. MEP2 Quote List
  6. Info. for story??
  7. Vampire Healing (6)
  8. I wonder...
  9. Kristan Lieman (2)
 10. Human Factor
 11. writing
 12. YKYBRTMFW (3)
 13. Conversion Day links
 14. [Re: Info. for story??]
 15. [Re: Vampire Healing] (2)
 16. A present for the Immortal Beloveds : A white rosebud with a peach kicker
 17. Chicago XFL Team is FK-related


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:10:31 -0400
From:    mclisa@m.......
Subject: Emperor and Pompeii

Marel asked:

>Also, the emperor Vespasian, who ruled for the last ten years of Lucius' mortal
life, died in the year of his conversion. Does anyone know if it was before
or after?

According to the Cambridge Encyclopedia (yes, I _am_ a librarian and trained
to cite sources; how did you guess? <g>), Titus was emperor at the time of
Pompeii, so his father, Vespasian, had died before the erruption.

<sigh> I _wish_ I hadn't had to rule out print crossovers on Forkni-l.
Lucius as a mortal is in exactly the same time frame as Lindsey Davies'
wonderful Falco series of Roman detective novels. If only they could meet

Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:29:32 -0500
From:    "Christella M. Stillman" <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Re: Penning down fans

At 02:06 AM 8/23/2000 EDT, DanaKnight@a....... wrote:

> [xxxxxxx], Florida

>I see someone else who's keeping an eye on Hurricane Debbi. I'm in
>[xxxxxxxxxx], FL.

Ah...more Floridians.  I'm in the far northwest Panhandle--[xxxxxxxxxx].

*If you can't stay YOUNG, you can at least stay IMMATURE.  -- Red Green*


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:45:27 -0400
From:    "Brooks, Julia A." <BROOKJU@m.......>
Subject: Re: Who is the secior partner?

>Nancy Kaminski wrote:
<snip>... Nick is more of a leader naturally, and takes charge.

I tend to agree.  In C&C we see a reversal of that relationship where
Schanke is playing the dominant personality.  Remember Nick's puzzled look
when Schanke comes through the sliding door into Nick's apartment and starts
firing questions and orders at him?

Nick is definately the dominant personality, although he is sometimes
reminded (as in Partners of the Month) that Schanke has worth and can
contribute to the partnership, too.  LaCroix would liken Nick's leadership
to the vampire's natural superiority over mortals.  But I think that Nick
also has the assumption of leadership in him from his childhood as a member
of the landed class.

As I rewatch (and rewatch and rewatch <g>) the first and second season
shows, I appreciate more and more what Schanke brought to the partnership.
Whereas Nick made intuitive leaps, based on 800 years of insight, to solve
the case, Schanke more often than not used good 'ole police work.  And he
really wasn't far behind Nick in solving the case.

Hmmm.... I seem to be turning into a FoD! <bg>

Julia B. (aka Brooksie) and Allie's Brook
forever Knightie crusader, Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screaming fine ride [he] is, too."
with Ginger (Woofpack) and Dusty (FoSiL)


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:29:39 EDT
From:    Ceily Trog <Fk4ever1228@a.......>
Subject: Re: While we're talking about Chats...

I would like to invite everyone to check out the Yahoo Forever Knight chats;
there are a bunch of them!

In particular, visit Forever Knight's Early Birds which is scheduled every
knight from 8 - 9 PM Central Time.  Unless RL interferes, I'll be there.  We
love to chat and trade FK wavs.  Join us!




Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:00:24 -0500
From:    deb <totoq@r.......>
Subject: Re: Penning down fans

I used to live on Anna Maria Island, in Bradenton and Sarasota ... now
back to landlocked Kansas ... but does that count as a Floridian maybe
twice removed ...

deb in KS


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:43:13 -0400
From:    Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: MEP2 Quote List

We did it again!

August 17-20, a bunch of FK fans congregated in Austin, TX for MEP2: Spontaneous
Evil, also known as Maximum Evil. The attendees included: Texas Cousin Jules,
Gail H., Pat L., Susan P., Libby, Caren, Third Cousin Patt, Shele, NunkMommy
Annie and me.

Among our activities, we watched the large bat population in Austin take off at
sunset, had a party in honor of Jules (and she and Susan received free copies of
a customized version of FK-opoly. Considering the grief around here lately, maybe
it should be The Game We Do Not Have), went to see Russell Crowe's band 30 Odd
Foot Of Grunts in concert, toured the Innerspace Caverns, watched the first Nigel-
episode of LEXX (well, Jules, Gail and I kind of hid through that part), went to a
show at Esther's Follies and did not start a fight at a dueling piano bar on Sixth

What follows are the quotes I managed to scribe in my little brown book. It's by
no means complete, since it's skewed by what I was privy to. Likewise, I forgot
stuff, or I <waves at Shele> didn't even notice.



"If you wake up and Russell Crowe is tied to your bed, then give me a call."
- Tracy Sue

"Altoids are a multi-functional tool. The Palm Pilot of candies." - Bons

"Sometimes you have to find your own cheese. Your cheese doesn't always come
to you." - Bons overheard this strange comment on her Dallas-Austin flight.

Favorite Austin Area Business: 'God's Annointed Hair Designs'

"Now back to me...I'm just weird." - Bons

"Give it to FIBER GIRL!" - Shele, re: Bons

"Fiber - it's the condiment of choice!" - Shele

Jules: "You can't scare her."
Bons: "Just wait until I bring out the pleather!"

"Let's all point at Jules."
<all point>

"Okay...but what is your psychic saying about *me*?" - Bons

"It's the All-Jules Channel!"

"Freaky Fiber Barbie!"

"Okay, that's just the beginning of things we can't share on list."

"I should have brought fiber."

"I was looking for Meatloaf, but Patsy Cline will do."

"I'm just feeding the evil that is Shele."

"Tee hee." - Bons

"Don't swerve suddenly. If you're going to swerve, swerve *slowly.*"

"Non-rat, non-sex, all the time. Now. Now. Now."

"As with many things, pacing is very important."

"That's enough to make a Knightie gag, and it takes a lot to make a
Knightie gag."

"Pass the Bonnie cooties around."

"Close your eyes. She's about to flash you."

"She was flinging flood <pronounced 'flewd'> at me! She threw a quesidilla at

"I natter."
"I anti-natter."

"The bills come...sometimes they get paid...It's all a mystery." - Shele

"Have wax, will travel."

"That's to keep me from sticking to the leather." - Gail

"Actually...heh heh heh...I just remembered I have another option." - Gail

"Is this a pineapple?"

"Oh yeah, yeah. The batteries are for the 'hairdryer.'"

"Is this another gag gift? Oh my god! It's what the batteries go in!"

'O Canada' (sung to the tune of 'O Christmas Tree,' mind you)

"Adult beverages are always welcome."

"Oh my god - is that one of those gay giraffes?" - Patt

"Oh my god! You gave her a windchime!"

Jules, holding windchime: "I'd like to thank the members of the Academy..."

"If anything needs to be mothered, it's that windchime."

"Tee hee." - Bons

"Let me wipe the cocoa off my crotch." - Bons

"Doves are like pigeons with a good publicist."

"'I only have love for Xev' - you know, that's one of the top 10 things
I don't want to hear Russell Crowe say." - Bons

"It's a 21st century, genuine, Ancient Roman windchime."

"I would *never* love Jim Nabors." - Lauren

Caren's Secret Movie Love Shame: 'Superfly'

"Patt can hide a camera in her cleavage."

Bons: "He's cute."
Shele: "But he's too narrow."

"I'm blowing my bottle."

Chorused: "Oh my."

"It's Superfried."

"Oh, look - the little princess is waking up."  - Shele, re: Bonnie

"I think the best part of running into Jodie Foster was the face Bonnie
made." - Shele

"It's Opie!"

"It's Nick Pen and his digereedoo."

"Well, it *is* hot outside." - Shele, upon veiwing hootchie girl with a
sheer scarf for a skirt.

"The digereedoo's giving me good vibrations."

"There's a <hand motion> disturbance in the Force."

"Yee F****** Haw!" - Russell Crowe

"Everything really became crazy when Russell brought out the
Canadian actor."

"It's Tree!"

"You do realize that Tree is also Lori Volpone's assistant on 'Beggars
and Choosers'?"

"I can never watch B&C the same way now that I've seen Tree's chest."

"Okay, you've completely rocked my world now."

Patt throws ice at Bons and hits her target. "My cleavage is not a freezer!"

"And that was the point when my body told me - 'You're not 20 anymore.'"

"Don't tell, but these caves are really Ratpacker tunnels." - Libby


Patt, re: Bons "She's afraid of pigeons."
Robert: "Really? I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel, and that was
on there."
Jules: "Did they give a cause as to why a person's afraid of pigeons?"
Robert: "It's mental." <Looks at Bons> "But I don't mean that in a *negative*

"Robert Rules!"

Robert: "Would you like the extended tour?"
Robert: "Then follow the other group!"
*old people wander off*
Robert, guilty and bewildered: "No one's actually *done it* before!"

Bonnie Mantra for the trip: "I didn't even notice."

"Teehee." - Bons, who didn't even notice she made this sound, much less that she
did it so often

Libby: "And Romans had control over their children for an abnormally long time."
Jules: "Yeah...Life."

"It's just a precautionary pee." - Libby

"What's Russell Crowe's middle name?"
"Apparently 'Ira' is another word for 'obsession.'"

"Bonnie, you're missing LEXX."
<sarcastic> "Oh, boohoo."

"I don't think that it's a good sign that he's traveling around with two guys
in loincloths in a balloon thingee."

"I bet that smells nice."
"Not a manly smell."
"Speaking of smells - Jules, go put on your deodorant."

"Is anyone thinking 'LaCroix in Space' here?" - Gail

790's head gets busted. Everyone: "Yay!!!!!!!"

Bons: "Haven't you already watched this scene already?"
Pat: "Yeah, but we couldn't hear it then either."

"Patt, beware of the bush."

"Actually, drinking makes me feel more resigned." - Shele

"Ahoy, Chappy!"

"No more of the digereedoo in a confined space." - Caren

"It was State Employee Bump-n-Jump Night on the highway." - Pat

"Girl...you know it's true."

"Won't you take me to Funkytown?"

"I bought this evil pink fuzzy thing in case I ever meet any Dark Perks. I can
alarm them."

"Oh, look! It's the 20-somethings. Shall we focus our hate?"


"What kind of tree is he?"
"He's the kind of tree I would be."

"Would you swing from that tree?"
"Yes, I would!"

"Patt, I'm not that kind of horticulturist."

"You know, it's funny how things change when their shirts come off."

"Oh, damn! He's packing a blonde!"

No one can ever hear 'Purple Rain' again without hiding their eyes.

"Rollercoaster...of luv."

"His name is Austin?"
"His name is Austin *now.*"

"I made eye contact."
"Then what did you do?"
"I looked at him."

"Okay, so how many times have you assimilated him?"

"My body's been conquered many times."

"Structurally, he's the same size as Mel Gibson." - Caren

"She's going to be shopping for a hard bench."

Caren: "That spider is way too big."
Patt: "He is now a resident of the Greater Austin Sewer System."
Caren: "Well, you didn't have to *show* me."

"It's Russ-Aerobics!"



 Bonnie Rutledge.......<br1035@i.......>.......Single and Fabulous!
  "No one here is interested in that information." - 'Sex and the City'
     "I'm damaged...just like a grocery store can." - Cousin Jules


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 00:58:27 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Info. for story??

<<.... I know one
can buy three-way chess boards in Krakow, so I presume such a game is
possible, unless it's the Polish sense of humour. <g> Is a four-way chess
game at all viable?...Marel>>>

Sure, there are four-way chess games.  Two ways is a flat board, right? And
three-D chess I first saw in Star Trek with Captain Kirk, but now are more
common.  The fourth dimension is time... so I would guess a four-D chess
game is like one you play over the internet with a partner... you know, make
a turn, then wait three days for him to make a move? <g>.


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:07:55 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Who is the secior partner?

"Brooks, Julia A." wrote:
> <snip> LaCroix would liken Nick's leadership
> to the vampire's natural superiority over mortals.  But I think that Nick
> also has the assumption of leadership in him from his childhood as a member
> of the landed class.

Also, as we know -- and Schanke can't -- "Wonder Boy" Nick isn't a boy
wonder, but someone who got his first police training in 1964!
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:39:42 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

Portia 1 wrote:
> Here's something I've been wondering about regarding vampire healing.
<snip> What would have happened if [Vachon] had been unable to find the
hand, or if it had been destroyed?  Would he have eventually regenerated
a new hand?

We know Nick regenerated his whole face, so I think we can assume that
other body parts would be regenerated (as long as there was no
de-cap-i-ta-tion). Otherwise ancient vampires would get to look pretty
messed up... the "Death Becomes Her" scenario.

>If the hand were lost irretrievably, what would happen to it -- would it turn
>to ash?

Perhaps that was the reason he bothered to retrieve it. Don't want a
forensic team examining vampire body parts -- or noticing what happens
when the sun hits one.

And maybe it takes less energy to bind the old hand back on than to grow
an entirely new one.

Parmesan, limburger, gouda....
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Wed, 23 Aug 2000 23:10:28 -0000
From:    Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: I wonder...

Simone Nicole Dornecker wrote:

> I wonder why do many fiction writer assume that Nick is bad at paperwork. I
> seem not able to recall an ep. where this is stated.

At the beginning of the 3rd season ep where Tracy is transferred to
Corporate Crime  (Strings?), she and Nick are in the Caddy and Tracy is
giving him a hard time about doing all his paperwork.  so that might be one

It also seems to me that there are a couple of other examples, but I can't
remember them.



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 03:42:57 +0000
From:    "A." <fictionbyA@p.......>
Subject: Re: Penning down fans

near [xxxxxxxxxx], California



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 00:50:50 EDT
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Kristan Lieman

Just saw a trailer for "The War of the Guns" movie with Kristen in it.  The
movie opens in theaters Sept 8.
KnightWitch ;-]=


Date:    Tue, 28 Aug 1956 02:24:51 +0000
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: Human Factor

Can someone tell me what the French words were that LaCroix spoke to
Nicholas at the end of the episode, Human Factor.

How many think that Janette brought the painting after she was brought
back across.

What do you think LaCroix ment by I have lost a daughter and gained a

Who thought that little scene with LaCroix and Janette as she said
goodbye to him was hot.  Little more than Daughter and Father there.



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:05:12 EDT
From:    DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Re: writing

In a message dated 8/23/00 5:04:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
LISTSERV@l....... writes:

<< Oh, and I suggest that more than one beta, especially for longer stories, is
 highly recommended.  I'm strong at the technical aspects of writing (grammar,
 etc.) but I know I'm not the best at catching things relating to canon,
 characterizations, etc., although I do my best.   Other betas might catch
 canonical errors, but completely overlook that misplaced modifier. :-)

I have a couple betas who look over my stuff. I look forward to their
feedback. I have some that read for plot, cannon etc and others for grammar.
There was one scene that five people missed a major boo boo - I had Nick
outside during the day at a motorcycle rally with Nat. We did find it funny
that NONE of us caught it. I didn't catch it until life forced me to put it
away for a couple weeks. When I pulled it back out I found the error and had
one of those ::smacks forehead:: "how could I do that" moments. When I
realized we ALL missed it I laughed.

Carla's a good beta reader!  BTW, Carla, have time for more work?



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:45:34 -0400
From:    "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW

You know you've been reading too much FK fanfic when you're looking at a "new"
used car and you just have to look inside the trunk to see how much space
there is, and then you think no way would Nick fit in there <g>

I drive a station wagon, so I'd need one of those heavy tarps or something
to make it vampire safe.


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:08:00 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW

> I drive a station wagon, so I'd need one of those heavy tarps or something
> to make it vampire safe.
   It wouldn't be as cool as the cadillac, but you almost have the
perfect vampire mobile.
        The ideal vehicle in many regards would be a van.  Preferably a
large conversion van.  Appointed with a bed, TV, stereo,
refridgerator.  And heavy blinds.
        If daylight threatens, just find a safe place to park for the day,
draw the blinds, crack open a chilled bottle and settle back to
watch Dark Shadow reruns until dusk.

        Much more comfortable than a Caddy's trunk.


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:26:49 -0400
From:    "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

>If the hand were lost irretrievably, what would happen to it

Anyone else just have a flashback of the evil cursed hand from "Dark


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:40:25 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Conversion Day links

This is the anniversary of the eruption of Vesuvius which, thus, is LaCroix's
"birthday" as a vampire.  Knowing I love both Pompeii (and did BEFORE FK) and
FOREVER KNIGHT, a friend sent the follow links. I haven't looked them all over,
but thought many of you might find the seeds for fan fic, as well as some
educational and interesting info (sounds a bit strange h'on yar h'earin'
thingees comin' from a Ratsie sort, eh?):

>A smattering of urls appropriate to the day ...
>Pliny 6.16 to Tacitus:
>Pliny 6.20 to Tacitus:
>Pompeii Forum Project:
>An engraving of the death of Pliny the Elder (watch the wrap):
>A Vesuvius page with animations of the eruption and plenty of photos:
>A transcript of the BBC's "Curse of Vesuvius" program:
>An article from the Ancient History Bulletin on a postulated eruption
>of  Vesuvius in 217 B.C. (which is connected to this one):
>A Vesuvius page:



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:01:26 -0500
From:    "Christella M. Stillman" <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

At 09:26 AM 8/24/2000 -0400, Cindy L. Clark wrote:
>>If the hand were lost irretrievably, what would happen to it
>Anyone else just have a flashback of the evil cursed hand from "Dark

Ewww!!!  The one that crawled around and attacked people?  I remember that
all too well.  Of course, if it could crawl to him, Vachon wouldn't have had
to dig around in the body parts for his hand.  You know, I wonder what would
have happened had he chosen the wrong hand from the pile?  Would it have
simply refused to reattach?  Or would the hand reattach and retain the
characteristics of its previous owner?  There's a fanfic in this somewhere,
I'm sure.  <G>

*If you can't stay YOUNG, you can at least stay IMMATURE.  -- Red Green*


Date:    Sun, 24 Aug 1980 08:53:54 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

Portia 1 <portia1@m.......> wrote:
>> When Vachon loses his hand in the plane explosion, he makes a point of
retrieving and re-attaching it. What would have happened if he had been
unable to find the hand, or if it had been destroyed? <<

Newts can regrow limbs, and humans somtimes regrow the severed finger- and
toe-tips, so regeneration is not at all a physical impossibility. I feel
that Vachon could have regenerated the hand, but it would have taken much
longer to grow a new hand than to re-attach the original one. It takes 18
years to grow a adult human hand; if vampires heal 100X faster than humans,
that would translate to about 2 months. On the other hand, regenerating the
missing bone & tissue to rejoin hand to arm would take a much shorter time,
making the effort to find & re-attach the hand well worth Vachon's effort.
Why was the wound still open? Because the hand hadn't been destroyed, which
also explains why the hand didn't disintegrate--it would only do that if
Vachon had been killed. They were still psychically connected, kinda like
the bond between vampires, only much more so. Maybe Vachon HAD to get the
hand, since one wouldn't regrow untill the old one was either destroyed or
reattached. Pass the gjetost, please. No? Gouda will be fine, then.

Note from the real world: I just read about a drug that has been developed
to treat "non-union" fractures, where a patient has broken a bone and a gap
is left between the two pieces, so they don't fuse and heal properly. The
new drug, which may be approved for sale by the end of 2000,  stimulates
new bone to grow across the gap and fuse the two pieces-- a big
improvement, since the condition often led to amputation. The researchers
feel that another five years of R&D may well lead to a treatment that will
regrow human limbs.

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 10:21:07 -0500
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW

 Tim Phillips wrote:

>         The ideal vehicle in many regards would be a van.  Preferably a
> large conversion van.  Appointed with a bed, TV, stereo,
> refridgerator.  And heavy blinds.

Absolutely! Although now I have the mental image of Nick tooling around in a van
equipped with shag carpeting, a waterbed, and a really good stereo system -- which
would have undoubtedly made him the undisputed Make-Out King of the 96th precinct,
and the envy of all the bachelor officers. <g>

I wonder if he'd add a custom paint job and that bumper sticker -- "If this
van's rockin', don't bother knockin'!"

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:34:05 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: Info. for story??]

Actually, in my "3 dimensional" Star Trek chess set, the rules include
time-outs.  There are also 3 board levels, and there are rules as to when the
pieces can get beamed up or down between the levels.

I can see Nick and LC taking the time-outs to an extreme.  A decade, two
decades, a century . . . <g>


Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......> wrote:

The fourth dimension is time... so I would guess a four-D chess
game is like one you play over the internet with a partner... you know, make a
turn, then wait three days for him to make a move? <g>.

E-mail and MSN Messenger:  emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com
ICQ#: 73113057


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:37:21 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: Vampire Healing]

Now I'm thinking of the Army of Darkness flicks.  ;)


"Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......> wrote:

>If the hand were lost irretrievably, what would happen to it

Anyone else just have a flashback of the evil cursed hand from "Dark

E-mail and MSN Messenger:  emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com
ICQ#: 73113057


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 12:54:02 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

At 08:53 AM 8/24/80 -0600, Ligeia wrote:

>Note from the real world: I just read about a drug that has been developed
>to treat "non-union" fractures, where a patient has broken a bone and a gap
>is left between the two pieces, so they don't fuse and heal properly...
>...the condition often led to amputation...

I keep hearing things about pins and plates and other nonorganic structural
materials being used to treat highly complicated fractures and make the
limbs as useable as befor the injury... Could someone here who's in the
field of medicine explain to me (offlist, since we're headed off-topic) why
that might not work in the condition Ligeia's reporting?

Thanks :)

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 19:36:54 +0200
From:    Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: Vampire Healing]

Anybody else getting visions of the Addams Family?
Llarian (ducking and running)

From: Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
> Now I'm thinking of the Army of Darkness flicks.  ;)

> "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......> wrote:
> Anyone else just have a flashback of the evil cursed hand from "Dark
> Shadows"?


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:37:19 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: Vampire Healing

In a message dated 8/24/00 11:20:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
agottfre@t....... writes:

<< Note from the real world: I just read about a drug that has been developed
 to treat "non-union" fractures, where a patient has broken a bone and a gap
 is left between the two pieces, so they don't fuse and heal properly. The
 new drug, which may be approved for sale by the end of 2000,  stimulates
 new bone to grow across the gap and fuse the two pieces-- a big
 improvement, since the condition often led to amputation. >>

And tell me,. did they harvest the componenets of this new drug from Vachon?
Casting t. F. Stone


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:46:09 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: A present for the Immortal Beloveds : A white rosebud with a peach

Found this short piece  in a book of love poems and thought of LC:

A White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rosebud,
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

by John Boyle O'Reilly 1844-90

Boy, according to this thinking, peaches have a flush of desire on large
sections of their bodies.  Nunkies may all swoon <now>.

Casting T. F. Stone


Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 14:11:16 EDT
From:    SFryar@a.......
Subject: Re: Kristan Lieman

In a message dated 00-08-24 00:54:36 EDT, KnightWitch writes:

> Just saw a trailer for "The War of the Guns" movie with Kristen in it.  The
>  movie opens in theaters Sept 8.

<chuckle>  I saw the trailer for this movie on E! television's "Coming
Attractions" show last week, and Kristen plays a very bad girl in this movie!
  Can't wait to see it!



Date:    Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:50:56 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Chicago XFL Team is FK-related

The new XFL (X-treme Football League) team for Chicago has an FK theme....


                                                        The Chicago Enforcers.

Guess Nick & Co. won't be making an appearance any time soon. :-)

-  Carla


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 23 Aug 2000 to 24 Aug 2000 - Special issue (#2000-265)

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