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FORKNI-L Digest - 6 Aug 2000 (#2000-240)

Sun, 6 Aug 2000

There are 16 messages totalling 433 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. [[FORKNI-L] different network options] (2)
  2. FORKNI-L different network options (4)
  3. YKYBRTMFW (2)
  4. FanFic Questions-Canada and Vamp "Diets" & "Donors (3)
  5. Map of Toronto
  6. Contaminated Blood Supply
  7. Three old messages
  8. Kathy spots the Caddy
  9. Backroom at the Raven


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 10:31:24 EDT
From:    BrandyKitt@a.......
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] different network options]

In a message dated 08/06/2000 9:16:48 AM Central Daylight Time,
ClarkCindy@e....... writes:

> UPN was showing Deep Space Nine, don't know if they are showing re-runs or
>  not.
>  In the Cleveland area they are showing reruns of DS9, and lately they've
>  been showing the episodes with Nicole DeBoer as Dax.

Not UPN as a whole; in Tulsa, DS9 is being shown on Sundays
by the local CBS station.

But in the Cleveland area, WUAB-TV (UPN) has always been the
station for science fiction/fantasy.  They were the ones to show
FK while it was in syndication, as well as Highlander, Babylon 5,
and all the Star Treks (from the original to Voyager).

Evelyn Duncan


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 11:03:04 -0400
From:    "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: [[FORKNI-L] different network options]

They were the ones to show
FK while it was in syndication, as well as Highlander, Babylon 5,
and all the Star Treks (from the original to Voyager).

Yes, we got HL at 11:00p on Saturdays and FK at 1:30a on Mondays.


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 10:50:14 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L different network options

1:30 am?  Ouch.  Good thing VCRs were invented.
I seem to remember FK reruns being on at about 11 pm five years ago or so on a
local network.  I used to stay up late and watch them when I came home from


"Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......> wrote:
Yes, we got HL at 11:00p on Saturdays and FK at 1:30a on Mondays.

Emily M. Hanson



Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 10:52:43 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>

You know you've been reading too much fanfic when you get a spam e-mail about
garlic juice for plants and can't help but think of vampires.  (and the
vampire plant Spike from someone's fic!) <g>

Emily M. Hanson



Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 12:04:43 -0400
From:    Bonnie Rutledge <br1035@i.......>
Subject: Re: FanFic Questions-Canada and Vamp "Diets" & "Donors

Dona Angel asked:
<snip>a) if the 'blood donor' had recently been drugged  or medicated, or had
> taken drugs or drank wine, beer, etc-- would FK vamps also have/experience
> the effects of the medication, etc-- both good and bad effects/ <snip>

Nick drinks the whiskey laced with curare given to him by the bounty hunter
in 'The Code,' and he's certainly affected, though not to the degree a mortal
would be, i.e., killed. That's one instance in favor of FK vamps experiencing
drug effects, and it doesn't require blood consumption.

I can't remember the details of this facet of 'Faithful Followers,' and I should
since it's the Thomas episode, but doesn't Nick mention there was
a drug in those patches the luminology cult used? I remember that he said he
could detect it, whereas mortals couldn't, but I don't remember what he said
about feeling the effects of the drug.

Anyway, I think it's safe to say FK vampires would be affected by whatever the
blood is laced with, but perhaps not to the degree a non-vampire would be.


Bonnie Rutledge.......<br1035@i.......>.......Single and Fabulous!
     "Enjoy your flows, ladies." - Samantha in 'Sex and the City'
       "In Maine? What? Were they migrant blueberry pickers!?"
     "You'll catch Hell for that." "Then Hell should run faster."


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 12:28:16 -0400
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L different network options

UPN is here in coastal SC, but I don't know if we are getting any SF...

Emily Lacey


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:58:55 -0400
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Map of Toronto

Emily wrote:
 Also, does anyone know approximately how long it would take in
> normal traffic to drive from the outskirts of the city to the police station
> and the Raven?  Thanks in advance.

It depends a lot on which direction you are coming from, but about
30-45 minutes would be about right, unless it's rush hour, in which
case it's anyone's guess. <g>

Marg, in Toronto, the City of the Knight  <mytoronto@h.......>
Please visit the Upper Canada Connection -
A Canadian Tribute to Geraint Wyn Davies:


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 14:04:01 EDT
From:    Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: FanFic Questions-Canada and Vamp "Diets" & "Donors

In a message dated 8/6/00 8:58:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
br1035@i....... writes:

<< a drug in those patches the luminology cult used? I remember that he said he
 could detect it, whereas mortals couldn't, but I don't remember what he said
 about feeling the effects of the drug. >>

He says in the tag that it made him queasy, but that's the only side effect I
can remember him mentioning.

"Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death


Date:    Wed, 6 Aug 1980 13:30:51 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: FanFic Questions-Canada and Vamp "Diets" & "Donors

>>#5-- are any of these considered 'endangered' in Canada-- the wolf, cougar,
bobcat, & lynx?<<

For a complete list of Canadian endangered & threatened species, go to the
Canadian Nature Federation's website (www.cnf.ca) and follow the links to
"Endangered Species" or "COSEWIC" (I forget which). The short answer, is, I
don't think any of them are endangered; some populations of wolf and cougar
may be threatened, though. Also, we still don't have effective endangered
species protection in Canada like you folks do in the U.S.; the CNF website
will fill you in on the details of that.

   a) if the 'blood donor' had recently been drugged  or medicated, or had
taken drugs or drank wine, beer, etc-- would FK vamps also have/experience
the effects of the medication, etc-- both good and bad effects/ (I believe
in VTM the vamps do get some kind of effects if the 'blood donor' is a drug
addict-- even to the point of a vamp becoming addicted to the blood of drug
addicts-- so I'm not off-the wall here in considering our FK vamps being
affected, am I?<<

I think the vampire's fast-healing metabolism would quickly dispose of any
drug contamination, whether it was through blood or directly induced. I
remember Nick in Faithful Followers, being nauseated by a drug that caused
mortals to become suggestible, and saying that ordinarily drugs don't
affect him. But then there was that strychnine injection in Near Death...
and the curare in The Code. I guess the rule of thumb would be, if a drug
_does_ affect an FK vamp, it will be different from the way it would affect
a mortal.

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 19:47:07 GMT
From:    "Mildred G. Cady" <mgcady@h.......>
Subject: Re: Contaminated Blood Supply

I definitely think that the vamps would do *something*.  After all, if the
mortals go around killing themselves (which we do a great job of anyways) on
a large scale, what are they going to do for food?  Not all can stomach cow
like Nicholas....

There would be some difficulty in getting as organized as the vampires in
Ultraviolet though.  I don't see Lacroix joing a group for the "better
good".  It's too much against his nature I think.

~Mildred G. Cady~
Merc Mommy General and Computer Genius


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 15:52:04 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW

Spike is Kyer's baby.  (And very sneaky when he wants to be!  I'm still
prying needles out of my...uh....Well, he's just very sneaky.  And very
protective of Nick's jammies!) "g"


At 10:52 AM 8/6/00 CDT, you wrote:
>You know you've been reading too much fanfic when you get a spam e-mail about
>garlic juice for plants and can't help but think of vampires.  (and the
>vampire plant Spike from someone's fic!) <g>
>Emily M. Hanson


Date:    Sat, 7 Aug 1999 16:02:36 -0400
From:    g4akl@c.......
Subject: Three old messages

I found these three old messages from Nigel in my "save" folder.
The middle one refers to a list command that went awry and set
many listmembers "nomail" unintentionally (including Nigel).
The other two seem to be referring to events before I joined
the list.

Date:         Wed, 1 May 1996 01:18:38 EDT
Reply-To: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
Sender: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
From: "Nigel M. Bennett" <102371.674@c.......>
Subject:      Fan Q awards
To: Multiple recipients of list FORKNI-L <FORKNI-L@p.......>

        It is extremely flattering to hear that I have been nominated for an
award. However, I don't for the life of me know what for. I have never
collaborated with Denyse Bridger on any project in the past, and do not intend
to in the future.
        Just to make sure that everyone knows the real situation.

Date:         Wed, 1 Jan 1997 23:16:30 EST
Reply-To: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
Sender: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
From: "Nigel M. Bennett" <102371.674@c.......>
Subject:      Your message.
To: Multiple recipients of list FORKNI-L <FORKNI-L@p.......>

At no time have I requested to go No mail. I don't know how this mistake has
occured. I wish to remain exactly as I was: receiving the digest.
Happy New Year.

Reply-To: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
Sender: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@p.......>
From: "Nigel M. Bennett" <102371.674@c.......>
Subject:      Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Jan 1997 - Special issue
To: Multiple recipients of list FORKNI-L <FORKNI-L@p.......>

I have to reply to the comments that are being made about Tracy and BtK.
Firstly, at no time did I stomp on Tracy's badge.
Secondly, any comments regarding Tracy were about Tracy, not Lisa Ryder, I can
tell the difference between the two, and were a reflection of the general list
feeling about that character. Has everyone forgotten the comments that were made
by members of the list during the airing of the third season? Almost unanimously
Tracy was disliked. Don't turn around now and say, "We didn't mean it."


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:09:15 EDT
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Kathy spots the Caddy

In a message dated 08/05/2000 6:06:30 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
pocket_protector@h....... writes:

<< perhaps when he became mortal, nick repainted his car to celebrate?!...
 Nick got religion!! >>

Maybe he painted it purple for advent and just hasn't gotten around to
changing it. <g>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:12:30 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Backroom at the Raven

Gwenn Musicante wrote:
> I was just recently watching "Sons of Belial," and had this feeling of deja
> vu when Nick passionately escorted a woman into one of the Raven's backrooms
> for some intense action. <snip> What is it about
> that backroom that makes Nick feel comfortable to be a vampire again?

That's the same back room where Alma takes Schanke.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:15:34 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L different network options

Emily wrote:
> I seem to remember FK reruns being on at about 11 pm five years ago or so on a
> local network.  I used to stay up late and watch them when I came home from
> college.

In the Washington, D.C., area, FK was shown on USA (cable) and on the WB
channel -- which now, of course, is home to Buffy and Angel.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:53:08 EDT
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L different network options

In a message dated 08/06/2000 1:15:30 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
mcombs@e....... writes:

<< n the Washington, D.C., area, FK was shown on USA (cable) and on the WB
 channel -- which now, of course, is home to Buffy and Angel. >>

Before I moved from the DC area, I remember watching FK at around 11:30 or so
on Sunday nights, on the local ABC affiliate for a while, then it moved to

Laurie of the Isles


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 6 Aug 2000 (#2000-240)

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