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Digest - 15 Jan 2000 to 16 Jan 2000 (#2000-16)

Sun, 16 Jan 2000

There are 13 messages totalling 392 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Lost URL and fanfic awards (3)
  2. The Crossing (8)
  3. JADFE
  4. Nigel/Gates's uniform


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 17:09:21 -0500
From:    Diane Harris <dharris@h.......>
Subject: Lost URL and fanfic awards

Hi everyone!  I'm just delurking for a brief moment to ask two questions.
First, what is the URL for the FTP site?  I seem to have lost it in my
overzealousness to replace my hard drive...  And second, was it ever decided
for certain whether or not there would be 1999 fanfiction awards like there
were for 1998 and 1997?  I really enjoyed those, and I just noticed that it
was 2000 and no mention of it has been made...

Diane (dharris@h.......)
Hopeless NNPacker with strong Knightie / Dark Knightie tendencies and a hint
of FoDs for good measure...


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 17:14:59 -0500
From:    Judy Cataldo <judycat@p.......>
Subject: The Crossing

I'm on a list for re-enactors and historians interested in the American
Revolution, needless to say "The Crossing" was a hot topic last week.  I
was waiting to see if they said anything about Nigel's interpretation of
Gates but the only thing that was mentioned before the show aired was
that his uniform was the only one that seemed to look right.  Actually,
one should be grateful no one mentioned him as they are a very
hypercritical group.
Mclisa asked if it was true that Hamilton escorted Gates out at
gunpoint.  I don't have any books specifically on the battle of Trenton
and the general books on the Rev War don't discuss such thing in detail.
 I did find that did refuse to send his troops to Washington in later
battles of 1777 and Hamilton was the one sent to try and get them from
him.  Here are some comments from the revlist on the subject that were
of interest:

"I won't even mention the Alexander Hamilton stuff."

"And, Glover in command of the crossing is plausible, just not correct.
According to several sources, he collaborated with Henry Knox during the
crossing. Of course A&E made it seem like Glover was Washington's right
hand man."

"As General Gates said, 'Shall I go on?' By the way, Washington pleaded
for Gates to stay, but it was a cool scene anyway."

There was also a note that the historical consultants walked off the set
twice and 2 refused to have their names in the credits.



Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 17:48:30 -0500
From:    Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: Lost URL and fanfic awards

This should get you there:  http://members.aol.com/fkvote/award.htm.
I enjoyed them too, and look forward to seeing new ones for 1999.


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 17:25:08 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: Lost URL and fanfic awards

The url for the ftp site is:


"The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."  Katherine Hepburn


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 18:29:11 -0500
From:    Lynne Ackerman <be028@f.......>
Subject: Re: The Crossing

On Sat, 15 Jan 2000 mclisa@m....... wrote:
> Which part did Julian Richings play? I remember at least one actor I
> couldn't put a name to who looked and sounded familiar. Was he the man they
> commandeered the boats from?
Yes, he was the man they talked to outside the outhouse <g>.

> As for Nigel as General Gates, he only had one scene, but he took that one
> away from Jeff Daniels without really trying. What I want

Boy, do I ever agree with that!!  I was extremely unimpressed with Jeff
Daniels all the way through the movie.  According to some of the
interviews he did on various talk shows, he couldn't have cared less
about the movie and "only did it for the money"...and his performance
showed that, I felt.  If anyone saw the A&E Biography of Washington that
was shown a few days before the movie, from the way they described
Washington I think Nigel would have been a much better choice to play
him, especially when you saw his portrayal of Gates in the movie.  Nigel
would have been a much truer Washington than Jeff Daniels was.

And yes, as someone else pointed out, David Ferry was also in the movie,
he played another one of Washington's generals (or whatever rank it
was).  I thought he was very good as well.  Not as good as Nigel, who I
felt was the best in the movie <g>, but still pretty good.

A message from Lynne Ackerman in Toronto (or, as we like to call it,
'Hollywood North')!!  E-mail address via Internet is be028@t........


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 17:16:06 -0500
From:    Dianne Bugg <LadyLC@i.......>
Subject: JADFE

Hey guys, guess what?  I finally got it updated.  Yep, after all this time.
And to celebrate, I'm only asking one thing.  If you sent in a story that
SHOULD be there and isn't, please send it to me directly and I will make
haste to get it up.  If you didn't give permission for me to archive it, but
find it there, please contact me and I will remove it immediately.  I have
made every effort to be accurate, but these days, I'm not making guarantees.



Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 19:23:14 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: The Crossing

In a message dated 01/15/2000 1:21:58 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

<< As for Nigel as General Gates, he only had one scene, but he took that one
 away from Jeff Daniels without really trying >>

My Mom, who thinks Forever Knight is trash (Grrrrrrrrrrr)  really sat up and
took notice of Nigel in The Crossing.  I read her your email McL, and she
said, "No, I don't think he completely stoll the scene, but he did a damn
good job."  And finally, after my showing her picture after picture of Nigel
from FK, my mother noticed that "He's a good looking man, he looks like a
man, not a pretty boy."  Yeah, Ma thanks for noticing, kinda like the way
Columbus "discovered" America. <g>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Sat, 15 Jan 2000 19:24:31 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: The Crossing

In a message dated 01/15/2000 1:30:00 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
Libratsie@a....... writes:

<< To be truthful, I'm waiting to a point when I have time to actually sit down
 and watch the movie properly, but I believe Julian was the droog who had to
 give up his boats.  I'm not 100% sure I would've recognized him by sight, but
 there was no mistaken the voice!   >>

Yes, that was he, and he had a wonderful parting insult, which I can't
remember.  (A mind is a terrible thing to lose<G>)

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:11:16 -0500
From:    "Laura C. Vandivier" <lmc@g.......>
Subject: Re: The Crossing

Lynne Ackerman wrote:
> Washington I think Nigel would have been a much better choice to play
> him, especially when you saw his portrayal of Gates in the movie.  Nigel
> would have been a much truer Washington than Jeff Daniels was.

You know, there is just something truly ironic in saying that the
British-born Nigel would make a better Washington than the American-born
Jeff Daniels.  Not that I'm disagreeing...just noting the irony.  Most
of the acting seemed pretty lifeless to me (exactly what were they
burning in those fireplaces? :-), with Nigel being a rare exception.
That part was definitely alive.  Being an American, I would have thought
that George Washington would be one of the ultimate parts, too.  Too bad
Jeff Daniels didn't seem to enjoy it.



Date:    Sun, 16 Jan 2000 10:10:01 -0500
From:    Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: The Crossing

David Ferry played Gen. Nathaneal Greene in "The Crossing", but I can't
remember what part he played in FK.

I also, agree that Nigel would have made a more forceful George Washington.
But in trying to find the answer as to whether or not Gen. Gates was
actually escorted from the field at Trenton at gunpoint, I am finding that
Nigel portrayed Gen. Gates perfectly.  I haven't yet found any reference to
him concerning the Battle of Trenton, but later in 1777, there was a
political cabal formed by Thomas Conway which attempted to depose Washington
as commander of the revolutionary forces and make Gates commander.  Needless
to say, this did not put Gates in Washington's good graces and by 1780, he
was relieved of command of Washington's southern forces.  He was reinstated
in 1782, and served until the end of the war.  He was also instrumental in
Thomas Jefferson's campaign to acquire the Louisiana Purchase.

I will make another post, if I *do* find any references to Gates and the
Battle of Trenton.


Date:    Sun, 16 Jan 2000 15:27:41 -0500
From:    mclisa@m.......
Subject: Nigel/Gates's uniform

Judy Cataldo said:
>was waiting to see if they said anything about Nigel's interpretation of =
>Gates but the only thing that was mentioned before the show aired was
>that his uniform was the only one that seemed to look right.

Since the uniforms all would have come from the same source, I suspect what
they really saw was the fact that Nigel was one of two who were really
comfortable with period dress and mannerisms. The other was Roger Rees, who
got his big US break as the lead in the Royal Shakespeare Co.'s Nicholas
Nickleby. British actors learn how to wear period costume and moved in a
period fashion. American actors usually don't.

Maybe some of us with stage experience will be able to back me on this
point. I don't have any, but I do have experience with the Society for
Creative Anachronism and medieval garb. You can't just put on period
outerwear and walk and move the way you do in modern clothes. If you do, the
clothes don't look right and don't fit the way they're supposed to. I think
that's what Judy's reinactors saw.

Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l


Date:    Sun, 16 Jan 2000 16:14:13 -0500
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: The Crossing

Cindy Clark wrote:
> David Ferry played Gen. Nathaneal Greene in "The Crossing", but I can't
> remember what part he played in FK.

He played Charlie 'the Mole' Gubbins, the guy the police officer's
wife killed in Dead Issue. I just finished dubbing that one.

Marg in Toronto, the City of the Knight
Visit the Upper Canada Connection:


Date:    Sun, 16 Jan 2000 15:30:24 -0600
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: The Crossing

From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......>
> I also, agree that Nigel would have made a more forceful George

Perhaps my memory is lying to me, but I seem to recall that Washington was a
reserved, serious, rather severe man, not given to the somewhat dramatic
performance that Nigel gave as Gen. Gates. Add into that the fact that, as
we all know, his teeth were dreadful, he tended to be rather closed-mouthed.

I thought Daniels gave a performance in line with how I always thought
Washington was like.

cheers, Nancy Kaminski


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Jan 2000 to 16 Jan 2000 (#2000-16)

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