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Logfile LOG9605D Part 10

May 24-May 25, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 10

	LaCroix and Love Scenes
	Ger's CD -- Really Fred Mollins
	Finally, IT Arrives & The "Ancient Past" of the Toronto Contingent...
	GWD Chocolate Pizza and Ribena
	Factions of the weird
	New Actors for FK characters  (4)
	Silly New Game  (2)
	YKY... and Nick the Car  (2)
	MediaWest Report
	LaCroix and Stoicism
	Unnamed Faction VS another one  (4)
	Will we keep writing FK Fiction??  YES!
	Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock
	Light Cousin Symbol
	LC & sex
	Nick loved Nat!

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 21:15:35 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: LaCroix and Love Scenes

Amy wrote:

>I suppose you can chalk it up to pure Fleur-Boosterism if you like, but,
>frankly, I have always maintained that LC has been pretty-much faithful to
>the memory of Fleur, lo these eight centuries.

Well, you can chalk MY next reaction up to cynicism, but...  ;)  While I
believe -- and I am loathe to believe it, trust me -- that ol' LC loved
Fleur, I don't believe he's been faithful.  I have no evidence one way or
the other, except my own personal feelings and the character as it is drawn.
I mean, if she had such a profound effect on him, it didn't really show in
other ways.  He didn't reform his ways or stop killing, or do any of the
things that might make him "good", and thus worthy of her.

I just don't think celibacy is LC's forte. ;)  But then again, I'm not a

Besides, 800 years is a looooong time!  Even by *my* standards! ;)

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 22:10:11 -0400
From:         esalmas <esalmas@g.......>
Subject:      Ger's CD -- Really Fred Mollins

Oops -- please forgive my mistaken labeling of the CD. I was -- fool that I
am -- referring to the FK soundtrack with Fred Mollin's wonderful music.
Please don't shoot me for my stupidity. The offer, however, still holds. I
work reasonably close to the distributor and could pick up a bundle of the
CD's and bring them to the Weekend with Ger. See, I had Ger on the mind and
it just turned my intelligence off for the original post. Price is $12.95
plus 8.25% tax. If I get a bunch of orders there is a discount (three CD --
the forth free) so I'll refund the money or just donate it to one of the
weekend's charities if that's okay with everyone.

Eileen Salmas
"The truth is out there. It's just not in my jurisdiction."
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 22:58:21 -0400
From:         Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject:      Finally, IT Arrives & The "Ancient Past" of the Toronto Contingent...

Greetings from Toronto, fellow Listies!

Bounce, bounce!!!

After about three weeks of waiting, I _finally_ received the Forever Knight
Soundtrack from GNP / Crescendo.   In fact, I'm listening to it now...

Yes, yes, I know - Cousins don't bounce, but please do make an exception for a
Perky Cousin, perhaps the _only_ declared Perky Cousin so far...  :-)  (and
no, by "perky", I am not implying that I am a "Perkulator").

I'll post a review when it's done (as if....this is 76 minutes long, good
grief!  ...not that I mind, of course).  For that matter, I am now ONCE AGAIN
about a month behind on digests, and about a month and a half behind on
e-mail, so who knows when I'll ever get around to posting this review....

(Heck...I'm still overdue for a Post Shrewthering Acknowledgements / Thank
You's, as well as a Saturday Tour Quotes List, and NOW a Post-Last Knight
Party Acknowledgements/Thank You's/Quote List...busy, busy, busy).

Do wish me luck, though...  :-)

...and my favourite line from the CD so far:

"In this ever-changing world that we share, only one thing is truly permanent
- ME! (laughs)"                        - LaCroix (of course)

(Of course a Cousin would say this, right?  :-) )

...and now, getting ready for the "full title treatment" signoff :-)

Perky Cousin Will, FoD Squad Member, Founder and Designated Spiritual Leader
of the Toronto Tour Guides Faction, Fourth Co-Founder (after Lynne, Anna, and
Jonathan) of the Toronto Contingent (1995-96 edition :-) ).

(whew...feeling just a wee bit ostentatious tonight, are we, Will?  :-) )

P.S. : (Getting serious for a moment, okay....)   As much as some people may
have been upset with Arleta's accidental posting of War 2 (it didn't upset me,
though I did realise that it was a fairly big "whoops"), I have to say that it
provided me with an astounding perspective on the list's "ancient" past, and
the people who have been around since the beginning.  For that matter, I once
again bow in reverence to those who predated the "founding" of what many of us
now call the "Toronto Contingent".  Indeed, if anyone should be called the
"founders of the Toronto Contingent," it really ought to be Don, Kathy and
Dawn...who I think even predated Lynne (btw, is this correct, Lynne?)   I
don't claim to speak for them, mind you, but if anyone deserves credit for
being the founders of Toronto FK fandom on the net, it's them!  ("We're not
worthy, we're not worthy!")

Will Steeves, B.Sc. (Toronto, 1991), goid@i....... - "Neil Hull is GOiD"
Publisher & Managing Editor, The New Edition (U of T); Nu '96, Psi Upsilon
Ontario Area Co-Coordinator, FREE (http://www.vix.com/free)

If possession is 9/10 of the law, what's the other 1/10? - Steeves' Laws Vol. I
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 20:34:07 -0500
From:         Robbi Egersdorf <egersdor@m.......>
Subject:      GWD Chocolate Pizza and Ribena

I made GWD's pizza today using filo dough with white
chocolate and raspberries.  It was excellent.  There
are so many combinations that can be used!

We got some Ribena for our Last Night party/wake
the other day and my daughter has taken quite a
liking to it.  My adult son was home visiting and
she was drinking some.  She offered him a taste.
telling him it was black currant juice.  He took
the glass and sniffed it then "What's that?" to
which my daughter replied  "Ribena."  to which
he responded, "Ribena to you to."  I laughed so
hard I cried and he just looked at us not
understanding the joke.

Long Live the Knight
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 21:53:52 -0700
From:         Angie <alasher@e.......>
Subject:      Factions of the weird

I was thinking of what other factions I truly belong to, and I know that so
many others like myself are still very very bummed out about our show geting
cancelled, so I started thinking about what other factions I caould belong
to and what their pins would look like. This is what I want to join....

MOOS    : Those people who are fans of the contents of Nick's Fridge - their
pin consists of a grill with a raw steak coming off it.

SWINGERS: Those who are fans of the scale in the morgue - the pin is a scale
with a smiley face on it.

PICKS   : Those who are fans of Vachon's guitar - pin is the neck of a guitar

Grinners: Those who break out in an ear to ear smile whenever Uncle comes
into the shot - Pin is the silouette of a woman fainting with her hand on her

There were more of them while I was driving home from work, I can't
rememeber all of them now. Anyone have any ideas for weird and crazy
factions? I also thought of a demented one called the SNIFFERS, teeheehee,
if you really need to know what this one was about e-mail me and I will send
you my ideas ;)

        ~~Unnamed Faction * Unknown Faction~~
        ~~~~~~~Under a lot of stress~~~~~~~~~
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 23:34:20 MDT
From:         Joseph Dornbierer <jdornbie@a.......>
Subject:      New Actors for FK characters

I had an interesting thought while replying to e-mail tonight.  If a Forever
Knight movie was made, and Nigel Bennett would/could not play LaCroix, what
do you think of Anthony Hopkins?

  I think he would do a fantastic job, and do justice to the character of
LaCroix, though I would of course much prefer Nigel Bennett!  Nothing
against Anthony Hopkins, mind you, but in my mind, Nigel Bennett is THE

Forever Knight Fan Forever

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 22:28:07 -0800
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: New Actors for FK characters

Interesting you should mention that--what if TPTB do a Dr. Who on us.  I
can say no more--just think about this concept.
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 03:00:00 -0400
From:         Angie <alasher@e.......>
Subject:      Re: New Actors for FK characters

At 10:28 PM 5/24/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Interesting you should mention that--what if TPTB do a Dr. Who on us.  I
>can say no more--just think about this concept.
The Dr Who phenominon was written specifically *because* the writers thought
they would have a good run. The character of the Doctor regenerates, hence
when an actor wanted or needed to leave the part, the built in premise was
already there for a new *face* for the doctor. If you watched Dr. Who for a
long time, you will know that one of the doctors companions, Ramana (who was
also a time lord) regenerated from a tall brunette to a short blonde during
the Tom Baker years. (The cvoloration and order of Romana's may be wrong,
its been too long)...

OBFK... I don't think I could accept Anthony Hopkins as LaCroix, needless to
say, Nigel wrote the book of LaCroix, and no one would be able to fill his
shoes as far as I am concerned. Same story for Ger and Catherine, and a new
Janette would suck too!
        ~~Unnamed Faction * Unknown Faction~~
        ~~~~~~~Under a lot of stress~~~~~~~~~
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 03:35:57 -0400
From:         Apache <lf@c.......>
Subject:      Silly New Game

        I can't believe I'm doing this, but then it's 3 a.m. and I can't

Nick:   A golden howler monkey, the kind that are almost extinct.
Beautiful, tragic, and irritating.

Lacroix:  a grizzly bear.  If it wants you for lunch, you're lunch.

Reese:  A panda.  They aren't cuddly and safe, they just look that way,
but they don't move around much.

Natalie:  A bush baby.  Smart, shy, nocturnal, great eyes, very soft, and
not easily domesticated.

Tracy:  A Thompson's gazelle.  they have this weird way of sort of jumping
high in the air for what seems like no reason when they run -- but
actually it's a good escape tactic.

Vachon:  A rosy-crested cockatiel.  Mostly they just sit there, blink, and
look staggeringly beautiful, but every once in a while they fly around the
room, come back, and bite you.

Janette:  A black Asian swan.  Possibly the world's most elegant bird.  Or
one of those black freshwater dolphins in South American rivers.

Schanke:  An ant-eater.  Man oh man oh man.

Screed:  A rat.  We are what we eat.  A Tasmanian devil, always in
motion.  Or a brown hyena, carrion-loving, noisy, and quarrelsome.

Urs:  A tribble.  No?  A lemming.  A cute little shrew, but it would
rather be dead.

Cohen.  A Tennesee Walking Horse mare.  Smooth, and fixated on Getting

Stonetree:  A Texas Red Wolf:  Native, and rumored still to exist though
it hasn't been sighted for years.

who is now wondering which Tropical Fish would they be?

(Tracy, angelfish; Nick & Natalie, kissing guarami [spelling? sorry];
Lacroix, fugu [poisonous blowfish]; Schanke, clownfish; Screed, guppy;
Urs, goldfish; Janette, Black Molly but with better eyes.... shoot me,
just shoot me)
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 04:18:56 -0400
From:         Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject:      YKY... and Nick the Car

I can't believe I'm actually going to post one of these, but it was one
of those strange "YKY..." days!

You know you have too much FK on your mind when...

... you see someone walking by in a t-shirt that says Night Shift, then
notice that it has the U.S. Postal Service logo on it, and wonder whether
a vampire postal worker might not be the most dangerous creature on
earth... (apologies to any postal workers out there -- they do get a bad
rap, just like those poor misunderstood vampires!)

... you log onto your own web page to check out a faulty link and realize
that you are visitor #1066, and wonder if Aristotle has figured out yet
that it couldn't possibly have been Nick who helped him out at the Battle
of Hastings...

... some of your (non-fan) friends suggest that you name your car "Nick",
but they don't seem to have gotten the idea for this name from FK...

   Let's see, ways in which my car resembles Nick:
    - it's old
    - it's blue, and Nick always has the blues
    - unfortunate encounters in the past have left it scarred
      (Nick the vamp bears emotional scars; the car has dents)
    - it is high-maintenance
    - it requires regular, generous intake of liquid nourishment

.. and you realize that it's 4am and you're on the computer
writing a "YKY..." post instead of sleeping.  Vampire hours, y'know.

-- Allison Percy  (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) --
------ List Babysitter (FORKNI-L, FKSPOILR, FKFIC-L) for a week --------
- *Free* copy of list rules! http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html --
-------------------------- Rule #1:  BE NICE! --------------------------
-- "Don't tell Mommy that the Babysitter let you stay up this late!" ---
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 01:24:35 -2055
From:         "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Silly New Game

My hat is off to you Apache.  You who obviously have access to a better zoo
than I do.  We just have/had a polar bear that eats tourists.  Tourists 0,
Binky 2.

ObFK - As to the concept of new actors on FK I refer you to the words of
the master.  I don't want a new one, I want *that* one.

Katherine **** No one is dead.  Hollywood is magical.  Anyone can be
brought back.

Katherine Queen
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 09:22:52 -0400
From:         "Susan M. Garrett" <SusanG2522@a.......>
Subject:      MediaWest Report

From the front lines--

Yes, we're all mostly here.  Tonight is the NatPack wake party and
Web-Goddess Jamie is still hanging the teal plastic on her hotel room walls,
by all accounts.  There is an edibble dissection planned and general

There are LOTS of people who who are newbies to FK.  And you don't want to
know how many of them saw ATA of LK as they first episode.  Poor SOB's
(That's "Sons of Belial" to you.).

The fanzines are selling well (the Forever Nets are gone but for one copy of
one issue!) and lots of people are stopping to chat about the series.  The
art show has some nice FK pieces--there's one of Nick and Nat that is
stunning, and Jessie McClain has done a few more (she's the artist who
painted that LaCroix that is hanging on my guest room wall at home--can't
hang it in the living room because it scares me) FK pieces.

All in all, a good time is being had by all.  We expect to do some
Nick-picking this evening.  Lots of cool FK bumperstickers, too.

Re: J.P.--he has been nothing but kind in private e-mail, has donated a
number of scripts and other items to charity auctions when asked, and has
passed on clarification of rumors when possible.  This is, to him, a
business.  He has other things to do now.  I was afraid that he'd get hate
mail after LK like he received at the beginning of this season and that
shouldn't happen.

And to remind us all--NO ONE owes us anything, thanks or whatever.  We are
not doing this for points or kudos from TPTB or cast, crew, or staff.  We are
doing this for US.  The only thing we want out of this is to help some people
less fortunate than ourselves and to keep this dream alive.  If we accrue a
little karma, so be it, but let's make sure it's healthy, positive karma (I'm
well into karma receivership as it is).

It's over and done. Forever Knight belongs to us, now.  Let's make the most
of it.

"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."
Generally sigless because I'm on location via AOL and miss Eudora.
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 10:44:07 -0400
From:         Roxanne Piccen <RoxanneP@a.......>
Subject:      YKYBWTMFK.

YKYBWTMFKW...one of your coworkers tells you how he got a couple
of people from his old company to come to work where you are now and
he keeps saying he "brought them over" and you immediately think of
LaCroix.  Why I would think of LaCroix specifically, I have no idea.  Unless
it's some deeply repressed cousinly urges trying to come out. :-p

YKYB Reading Too Many FK Lists When... you come home that
same day, see a newspaper article with the word "Throng" in the title
and immediately think of Wicked Cousin Tippi's Thong Throng.

If this keeps up, next time I see an eyebrow pencil I'll think of ... guess
who?  :-p  Alright, I'll leave him alone.  Just trying to squelch the
cousinly impulses.

BTW, it seems like everytime I turn the radio on this last month that
Melissa Etheridge song "I Want To Come Over" is playing.  I didn't
really hear it that often until the final four episodes started airing.  Now
I hear it at least once a day.  Eerie.

Roxanne  //  Cleopatra - Mistress of eye makeup gone berserk
RoxanneP@a....... (Home) // CHIRMP@a....... (Work)
Save Forever Knight!  //  Save American Gothic!  Check out:
http://www.best.com/~owls for The Trinity Guardian
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 11:44:04 -0400
From:         Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject:      LaCroix and Stoicism

Madhat wrote:
<<i always thought LC was just stoic; not necessarily *evil* per se, but
<<a  trait that can lend itself to that easily_[refresh my greco-roman
<<philosophy--would the stoics be at full tilt during Lucien LaCroix's

LaCroix is definitely *not* a stoic in the *philosophical* sense of the word.
Which is not to say that he dosen't act "stoical" as it is defined by
Webster.   If we assume LC lived as a mortal somewhere between 39-79 AD,
 than yes, the Stoicism was at "full tilt" during his lifetime thanks to guys
like Seneca and Epictetus.  Unlike their Greek predecessors, the Roman Stoics
focused their attention primarily on human conduct.  They believed that
perfection can be reached only by living in accordance with the *divine* plan
of reality, and that person must *conform* to the grand design.  This means
they have to suppress their own selfish desires and adopt an ascetic
lifestyle.  I don't see LC as a conformist and we all know he's a selfish
bastard. And the killing would blow the ascetic lifestyle to hell.   Another
interesting thing about the Stoics is that they advocated suicide.  To quote
Seneca, "To die well is to escape the danger of living badly."  Can you
imagine those words coming from LC?  Me either.  Kind of sounds like
something the Wuss, ahem,  Nick, would say though.    Judging by what we see
of LC in AMPH I would say he was a just a good old fashioned hedonist.  And
that's the way I like him! ;)

Cousin Michelle~"Travelling Philosopher"
PS-AOL was all  $!%@$! up last night so if this goes out twice I apologize.
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 12:14:16 -0400
From:         Siona <siona@n.......>
Subject:      Re: YKY... and Nick the Car

At 04:18 AM 5/25/96 -0400, Allison wrote:

>... you see someone walking by in a t-shirt that says Night Shift, then
>notice that it has the U.S. Postal Service logo on it, and wonder whether
>a vampire postal worker might not be the most dangerous creature on
>earth... (apologies to any postal workers out there -- they do get a bad

Hey!  My mother has one of those t-shirts and works the night shift at the
30th street PO in Philly.  Allsion - was it about a 60ish woman with short
grayish hair?

Dark Knightie!
Help save Forever Knight!  see http://www.netaxs.com/~siona/
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 09:56:31 -0700
From:         Angie <alasher@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Unnamed Faction VS another one

Living in hollywood and all, leaves you open to interpretations of so much.
That plus the fact that I truly can't get enough FK, and the unnamed loop is
pretty entertaining, I don't think there is anything anyone can say that
either I will get a chuckle from, nor just blow off as lunatic ravings (No
offense ment to anyone, you just know that when someone says something you
disagree with, you just let it go and say "no no no, thats not it at all get
a clew!").

I do however want to explore the tormented relationship between Nick and
LaCroix in a non-sexual manner, therefore, I also want to start a loop like
that. I think we will name it *Cousins of the Knight* if this name is
available (thanks Mary Young!), that way we can keep away from the
eroticized ramblings of others, and explore the other side of things. For
instance, LC & Nick have been together for almost 800 years exclusively as a
family with Janette, there has to have been so much tension/attatchment
built up between them that it must have been something terrible that Nick
noticed LC doing that made him pull away.

Even though people keep saying that Nick was raised a christian, he is after
all the one who chose that lifestyle for himself wasn't he? I mean he wasn't
brought over against his will, not that I remember at least. Now I know what
it was that finally made me turn away from my family after 35 years of
abuse/dependence/insanity/argueing and two faced-ness. What could have
precipitated this with Nick?

That is why I am proposing the *Cousins of the Knight* faction. With a
smattering of silliness and serious discussion (oh yeah right), we can
explore almost all the concepts of the Nick/LC relationship. I also believe
that Tippi is keeping the membership in the *Unnamed Faction* to a miminum
age of 18, and there are others that may want to join in the conversations
of this who wouldn't qualify.

What do you think?

        ~~Unnamed Faction * Unknown Faction~~
        ~~~~~~~Under a lot of stress~~~~~~~~~
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 13:08:36 +0000
From:         Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......>
Subject:      Re: Unnamed Faction VS another one

On 25 May 96 at 9:56, Angie wrote:

> For
> instance, LC & Nick have been together for almost 800 years exclusively as a
> family with Janette, there has to have been so much tension/attatchment
> built up between them that it must have been something terrible that Nick
> noticed LC doing that made him pull away.

I don't think this is the way things played out. Nick was ambivalent
from the first - flashbacks to when he was first brought over show
him demanding that Lacroix change him back, telling Lacroix bitterly
that he (Nick) is Lacroix's slave, asking Lacroix what kind of
monster he's been made into.

> Even though people keep saying that Nick was raised a christian, he is after
> all the one who chose that lifestyle for himself wasn't he? I mean he wasn't
> brought over against his will, not that I remember at least.

Not against his will, but I don't think he had any idea what he was
consenting to.


Katja Stokley
It is a good day to put slinkies on escalators
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 13:40:35 -0400
From:         Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......>
Subject:      Will we keep writing FK Fiction??  YES!

I also commented privately to Debbie, but thought some of this deserved
sharing with FORKNI-L:

From:    Michael J Park <73773.3032@c.......>

You wrote to FKFIC-L:
>>I have a question for all of you FK authors out there?  Now that Last
Knight has aired do you plan to continue to write FK stories or will you
Debbie Park/ The Unnamed Faction/Dark Knightie<<

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie!  You can t possibly think that our love and obsession
with Forever Knight fan fiction could possibly end just because the
television version comes to an end!  To me, and I think a lot of us, Forever
Knight is far larger than what we ve seen on the screen and it is FOREVER!

This writer has NO INTENTION of stopping her fiction writing!  The characters
have taken on a life for me that is very real and goes beyond what we ve been
able to actually view of them on TV. (here's where I mentioned all my current
projects - not to push them in the list's face - you can e-mail me if you
want details).

I ve just gotten started!

Debbie, girl, I live to write!  I am in no way tired of the FK characters and
expect to be writing for as long as I can stand them.

And considering (reference to Last Knight inserted here), I and many others
consider that Forever Knight is now OURS, that WE are now writing it!    The
Spoiler list will be gone soon after "Last Knight" is rerun later this
summer, the FORKNI-L list will go on for some time, though possibly become
less active, but I look for the Fiction list to go strong for years.

Years.  Can you stand that?  Good.  :D

Marcia Tucker / scfimarci@a.......
Your fellow Dark Knightie/Unnamed Faction member
To TPTB:  We'll start fourth season with or without you!
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 12:32:51 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: New Actors for FK characters

At 03:00 AM 5/25/96 -0400, Angie wrote:

> I don't think I could accept Anthony Hopkins as LaCroix, needless to
>say, Nigel wrote the book of LaCroix, and no one would be able to fill his
>shoes as far as I am concerned. Same story for Ger and Catherine, and ...

I can't imagine watching Forever Knight with different actors playing
the characters.  I don't think I'd want to watch it at all.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 10:48:20 -0700
From:         Angie <alasher@e.......>
Subject:      JADFE List

Hate to take up bandwidth but can someone send me the instructions to get
onto the JADFE list, and are there only 4 lists dealing with FK? Two
fiction, one spoiler and this one? Also, for us newbies types, is there a
list of people associated with the show that we know the e-mail addresses
for? I would be pleased to let them know how much of a great job I thought
they had done overall with this show, and to let them know that no matter
how badly my day had gone, when FK came on, the world was the fiction, and
they were the badly needed release into reality for me.

                 ~~Unnamed Faction  ~~
        ~~~~Cousin of the Knight(pending)~~~~
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 13:46:29 -0400
From:         "M. Vrzoc" <vrzoc@s.......>
Subject:      Re: Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock

The show was on SHOWCASE not Sci-Fi and is currently being run.

M. Vrzoc (vrzoc@u.......)           | Just a little off the top!
                                       | -- A. Boleyn
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 13:04:45 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Unnamed Faction VS another one

Lasher wrote:

>explore almost all the concepts of the Nick/LC relationship. I also believe
>that Tippi is keeping the membership in the *Unnamed Faction* to a miminum
>age of 18, and there are others that may want to join in the conversations
>of this who wouldn't qualify.

No, no, you can be 5 years old and belong to the Unnamed Faction.  You can
be 105.  You just can't get the jadfe-level stories unless you're over 18.
I'm doing that to keep everything nice and legal.

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
*Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix*
"I'm not in denial.  I'm in a state of creative readjustment!"
Wickedness Site!  http://www.netcom.com/~tippinb/wicked.html
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 11:38:03 -0700
From:         Amy R. <akr@n.......>
Subject:      Light Cousin Symbol

Re: Lisa McDavid's Comments

The symbol of the "True" Cousins is a black cross on a white background.
What I meant by "inverted" was merely to invert the colors -- as the
"invert" command in my paint program does.  So Lisa's suggestion of a
white cross on a black ground is exactly what I meant to suggest, though I
did such a poor job of it.

However, I like the idea of sun-rays behind the present Cousinly symbol
even better.  Not only does that play off "Light," it works into the Light
Cousinly premise that LC ought to learn from Nick's quest!  Thanks, Lisa.
:) Would the other three-five Light Cousins please let me know what you
think of this?

And to the person who was investigating Nat's natal chart?  I think that
a Sagittarian ascendant is nearly impossible for Nat, while a rising
Scorpio is *extremely* probable.  It is more difficult to distinguish moon
signs from appearances, but if it must be either Virgo or Leo, Nat's moon
is either in Virgo, or she's even more dangerously repressed than we've
ever imagined.  (No, I don't believe in astrology. What? Go away.) <g>

**** Amy, Lady of the Knight  (akr@n.......) ****
"Once upon a time... They were young.  They were in
love.  They were heroes."  -- Chris Claremont
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 11:39:30 -0700
From:         Angie <alasher@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Unnamed Faction VS another one

>No, no, you can be 5 years old and belong to the Unnamed Faction.  You can
>be 105.  You just can't get the jadfe-level stories unless you're over 18.
>I'm doing that to keep everything nice and legal.

People see Lasher running insanely down the street! I am sorry Tippi, I was
mistaken, and I will wack myself several times with a cow's tongue! So I
will just say that we will figure this one out and get back to it tomorrow.
Thanks for your kindness and understanding!

                  ~~Unnamed Faction  ~~
        ~~~~Cousin of the  Knight(pending)~~~~
        ~~~~Bunny~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOO Member~~~~
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 15:04:24 -0400
From:         Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject:      LC & sex

Amy wrote:
<< I have always maintained that LC has been pretty-much faithful to the
memory of Fleur, lo these eight centuries.>>

You're right, he probably hasn't been *in love* since Fleur, but I thought we
were talking about *sex*.  I find it hard to believe the man has gone 700+
years without it.  I would think he would be very...ahem...uncomfortable,
were that the case.  Besides, there have been a few eps this season where we
see him in the background schmoozing with various bimbos at the Raven.  What
do you suppose he uses his office for?  Paperwork?  Nah.  Did you notice how
big that couch was in Ato A? (is a couch a spoiler? I hope not)  I think that
as far as recreational sex goes, LC probably gets more than his share.
Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any!  Maybe next time....

Cousin Michelle
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 15:04:51 -0400
From:         "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......>

Ok, it's too quiet around here.  I'm getting bored and that can be dangerous.
 So it's time to stir things up a bit.

Yet another list...


1.  All the "good" mortals are taken
2.  Have such poor circulation that only a vampire can tolerate my cold hands
3.  Enjoy a drink now and then
4.  Love to fly but can't afford plane tickets
5.  Physical appearance is so horrible, only the undead could find me

In this ever changing world that we share, only one thing is truly
permanent...Forever Knight
A Cousinly Knightie with NatPacker tendencies   <I do so hate to limit
LadysAVamp@a.......  -- "Hey, who you calling a lady!?!"
oboyyme@t....... -- <Lacroix's unheard thoughts at end of LK>
Date:         Sat, 25 May 1996 12:10:23 PDT
From:         "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......>
Subject:      Nick loved Nat!

In last night's/today's postings, there was a discussion & the case
made for Nick not "loving" Nat, based on the fact that in all the show
dialogue we've never heard him actually say the words to her.

That's OK.  However, in Human Factor (I don't remember the exact ep),
where Nick (dreaming?) comes to Natalie in the morgue to find her radiantly
smiling, & she says the treatment/their efforts/*it's* worked and now she's
pregnant; they embrace in the light of the best news of their lives...  It
seemed to be Nick's greatest wish (gadzooks, Nick employing creative
visualization?  positive thinking?  Daring to wish?...).

And, then he wakes up (w/a Major reality shock). That WAS Nick's fantasy,
right?  Not Nats, right?  Well, just because the guy doesn't actually say
the three most difficult words on the planet (for some at least), it
doesn't mean Nick doesn't [keep counting... that's a triple-negative I've
put in this sentence...] love her & hope for the same mortal, blissful,
romantic, sexual, loving, couples life...TOGETHER... IN LOVE... WITH NAT,
that she does!

He thought it was too good to be true. So, he just didn't have the
faith that it is attainable.

I know, if I weren't a confessed N&NPacker, I'd surely be now.
Guess that's why I put the "Wildly Romantic" disclaimer in my sig.

(oh, you know...)
An FK Movie(s) sort of gal.

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