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Logfile LOG9605C Part 13

May 17-May 18, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 13

	IRC/Wake (long)
	New Game: If FK was written by other authors...  (2)
	Even More Shrewthering Photos
	If someone else wrote FK . . .
	Why Do YOU Watch FK?  (2)
	If other people wrote FK?
	Ger's name & FK written by...
	Looking for the Lost
	If someone else wrote...  (2)
	if someone else wrote FK  (7)
	A New Top Ten  (2)
	If FK were written by.....
	If someone else wrote FK...
	A New Top Ten  (Trying again)
	IRC/This list
	FK Soundtrack question
	CD Thank you
	JADFE Misconstruction
	Good Guys Wear Fangs 3 coming for Media West! / Party Fri Nite!
	Attn: Forever Net Editor
	The name Geraint
	LK parties tonight: IRC address

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 18:02:49 -0700
From:         Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......>
Subject:      Re: IRC/Wake (long)

An IRC war and no one told me? How rude!!! :) But honest folks, there is no war
 going on between the Forever
Knight channels on EFNet and Undrenet. No war, no border skirmish not even a
 police action! The only thing
going on is more opportunity for us all to meet, gather and make new friends
 I've met some great people on
IRC, people I have become very close to, and I'm sure there are a whole lot
more of you out there. Everyone is
always welcome, so come join us on the channel of your choice, or all of them.
 The more the merrier!

Denise  ~The Cousinly Ravenette~  ~TEDT~  ~IRC #Foreverknight Recruiter~
   ** Ask me about Forever Knight chat every evening on IRC EFNet!! **
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 21:20:53 -0400
From:         Jill Gillham <jilkey@g.......>
Subject:      Re: New Game: If FK was written by other authors...

On Wed, 15 May 1996, Christine Hawkins wrote:
> So... here are a couple of  suggestions for "If Forever Knight was written
> by other authors":
(On message about 300 of 1400 that have popped up since my mail system
ressurected. Excuse any repititions)

Robert Jordan-
Even though three seasons were originally planned, they just couldn't
wrap things up by LK.
The good news is that there will be two more seasons.
The bad news is that the writers are getting really swamped, and the new
eps will be produced in 1998 and 2001.
Nick would end up married to both Janette and Natalie.
Vachon starts talking with the wolves at the Toronto zoo.  Tracy wonders
why his eyes are yellow all the time.

Jill Marie
jilkey@g....... jilkey@u.......
"I don't require that my patrons be human, just that they be polite"-Mike
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 21:27:22 -0400
From:         Siona <siona@n.......>
Subject:      Even More Shrewthering Photos

I've added more pictures to the Shrewthering Photo Gallery.  Here's your
chance to see Dotti, a very pregnant Teresa, Ron the Enforcer and many
more.  Check them out at: http://members.aol.com/fkphoto2

Dark Knightie!
Help save Forever Knight!  see http://www.netaxs.com/~siona/
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 20:54:11 -0500
From:         elizabeth r gardner <egardner@f.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK . . .

At 06:20 AM 5/16/96 -0700, Sharon Himmanen wrote:
>If Kurt Vonnegut wrote FK: Nick would live the events of his long life in
>random order, Nat would be a past-her-prime porn queen who spent
>some time with Nick in a zoo on an alien planet, Tracy would be the
>aliens who exist in all spaces at all times <snip>

. . . and all of the Nightcrawler's monologues would end with this line:
"And so it goes."

Beth Gardner
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 19:21:21 -0700
From:         Abby <albrecht@s.......>
Subject:      Re: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

Umm because it's the only thing on at 1 a.m.????

I watched it because of the interaction between the characters... Most
shows don't go to that much effort...

abby -- Mercenary of the Knight
albrecht@c.......   Down the hall  lThe first Merc Knightie
eponymous2@a.......       Turn right!    lDDEB3, Duchovniks, NLEB, and more
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 22:36:06 -0400
From:         Jill Gillham <jilkey@g.......>
Subject:      Re: If other people wrote FK?

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Paula Hurley wrote:

> Sorry guys I gotta do this, to get it out of my system...
> If Don Cherry wrote FK....there would be lots of fights, no Enforcers, and
> everybody would dress really REALLY badly!!

Seperated at birth: Schanke and Grapes?
Also Lacroix would be complAining that the youngsters like Nick were
wimps who shouldn't have been brought across, and that they should all go
back to Sweden/Russia where they belong.

One of these days, I will write that Hockey Knight in Canada story.....

Go Wings!

Jill Marie
jilkey@g....... jilkey@u.......
"I don't require that my patrons be human, just that they be polite"-Mike
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 20:03:23 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      Ger's name & FK written by...

>>*how* is Geraint pronounced?

>It is a hard "G", which is a "G" like in Gary. So, I guess
>Geraint is the Welsh form of the name, Gary, or, Gary is the
>English or American form of Geraint.

Just for the record, Gary is an aberration of Gerald, which is not really
related to Geraint, but you know how us presumptious Americans like to
anglicize everything.

Geraint is Teutonic in orgin, meaning "of unerring spear." (Hey, Dotti!  No
giggling!)  Tennyson wrote of Geraint the Brave, a member of King Arthur's
court.  Well, guess choosing Ger to play a crusader wasn't too far off-base,

Oh, will the lone RatPacker please e-mail me off list, thanks!

ObFK -- if FK were written by.... the folks who did "Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern are Dead."

Vachon and Tracy would be in every scene and they would wander around trying
to figure out why their friend Nick was so angsty.

We would only hear other character's conversations if Vachon and/or Tracy
are present.  Tracy will try really hard to figure out the plot to that
week's episode, while Vachon will stumble across cures for vampirism without
realizing their profound significance.  The series will finally end (after 6
long, fascinating seasons) with LaCroix packing up his marionette show and
driving off.

Bonnie  <callalily@l.......>       "What?"
Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page -->  http://users.lanminds.com/~callalily
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 20:04:43 -0700
From:         Swordsister <catheboo@c.......>
Subject:      Looking for the Lost

I apologize up front for the off-topic post, but I seem to have outdated
addresses for some people.

Could Amy Potter and Maryann Jorgensen please email me?

Thanks mucho!

Catherine Boone   Knightie    HBTS    catheboo@c.......
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 23:04:49 -0400
From:         "Tammy Pond  [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......>
Subject:      If someone else wrote...

I laughed when I saw the Twilight Zone version...

I howled when I saw the Doc Savage version...

...and I can't think of one myself, damnit!  Sigh...

Vastly enjoying them, though! <grin>

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 21:54:36 CDT
From:         Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject:      Re: if someone else wrote FK

If Bernard Cornwell (the Richard Sharpe adventures) wrote FK:

Nick would be an officer in the British Army during the Peninsular War who,
with his small group of vampire soldiers--Screed the cockney private, Vachon,
the Spanish guerilla and a group of unnamed expendable vamps who are there to
get killed when convenient--serve the Duke of Wellington as an elite strike
force against the French which only operates at night. The duke knows they're
vamps, but he doesn't care, as long as they help his underpaid and undermanned
army win. Schanke is the duke's liason with Nick's group. He is in the King's
German Legion, a cavalry unit, and as all of Cornwell's readers know, of the
two, the cavalryman's horse has the brains, so Schanke doesn't think it at all
unusual that the small group doesn't carry any rations and can travel extremely
fast in the rough Spanish and Portuguese terrain.

Lacroix is the thoroughly amoral Frenchman who has the Emperor's ear and is in
charge of espionage and nefarious plans to win the war. Nick outsmarted him
once and he is now out for revenge any way he can get it. Natalie is the
dashing and brave leader of a band of Spanish guerillas who carry out the
"little war" and who falls in love with the brave, romantic yet somehow tragic
Nick. She and her band of guerillas help Nick's group in their attacks. Janette
is the beautiful, dangerous and glamorous mistress of a high-ranking French
officer who has secret trysts with Nick (Janette, not the Frenchman!) and tries
to get his secrets from him. Nick, of course, is using her for the same purpose.

Throughout the stories we would learn everything there is to know about 18th
century military tactics, the advantages of using the musket line against the
column formation, what battles smell, feel and taste like, and the exact sound
that a sword makes when someone is skewered. We would also learn how to delouse
unwashed uniforms and how to amputate limbs. Fortunately for Screed, there is
an unlimited supply of rats.
Name: Nancy Kaminski
E-mail: nancykam@m....... (Nancy Kaminski)
Date: 05/17/96
Time: 21:54:36
unaffiliated--I love 'em all!
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 20:33:52 -0700
From:         "Val A. Wirth" <valworth@i.......>
Subject:      A New Top Ten

We are all a little depressed around here right now, and I know nothing
cheers me up like a good Top Ten List.  But, until I can find one, this
will have to do.

The Top Ten Reasons that Forever Knight is Better than Sex:

10.  If you count commercials, FK always last at least an hour.

 9.  You can watch FK all by yourself, without having to worry about
feeling guilty afterwards.

8.  You can share FK with a close friend, without destroying the
friendship.  Unless, of course, your friend makes some kind of comment
like, "I just don't get this show."

7.  If you have pre-recorded tapes, you can watch FK all night long.

6.  You never have to fake your enjoyment of FK.

5.  You don't have to worry that your friends are watching more FK than
you are.  (Your friends have probably never even heard of it.)

4. If you make it a habit to start conversations with complete
strangers about how much you enjoy FK, you might get more fans for the
show.  If you make it a habit to start conversations with complete
strangers about how much you enjoy sex you might get....arrested.

3.  If you spend a lot of your time thinking about FK; discussing FK;
dreaming about FK; and writing stories about FK, then you are probably
just a very, dedicated fan.  If you spend a lot of your time thinking
about sex; discussing sex; dreaming about sex; and writing stories
about sex, then you're probably just a pervert.

2.  You can always find someone on the internet willing to talk with
you about FK.  Oh wait, that's one thing FK has in common with sex.

And the Number One Reason that Forever Knight is Better than Sex:

If you're watching a pre-recorded FK tape, you can hit the pause button
in the middle of it; go to the bathroom; put out the dog; and make
yourself a snack.  Then you can come back, hit play and resume watching
it, right where you left off.  Now, just try that during sex, and see
what happens.

There's always one house in the neighborhood
where all the kids hang out, and that's because
that Mom has Ribena.
Val   valworth@a.......
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 22:22:25 CDT
From:         Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject:      YKYBWTMFK

You know you've been watching way too much FK and reading too much fanfic

1. You see a newspaper jumpline that says "ANGST from page 1" and you
immediately think "Why is the Star Trib running an article on Nick?" only
to turn to page 1 and find the article is about Anxiety in the Arts.

2. You are reading Bernard Cornwell's new novel "The Winter King" and find
a character named Prince Gereint who is described as being, well, a brick
(not in those words, of course) and knowing that he should be played in the
movie by someone else we know who has played a character that is somewhat
Name: Nancy Kaminski
E-mail: nancykam@m....... (Nancy Kaminski)
Date: 05/17/96
Time: 22:22:25
Proud mom of the Leapin' Lippizan; happy to
see that Ger appears to be able to sit on a
horse somewhat gracefully without that
flapping effect and terrorized expression
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 19:38:54 -0800
From:         Dann Lunsford <dann@g.......>
Subject:      Re: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

I was brought across in third season, and I've seen none of the earlier
episodes (That's one for the SCI-FI channel, at least).  I was bored (a
*very* dangerous feeling, people, let me warn you.  The Universe just
loves to find interesting things to do to people who declare themselves
'bored.'), so I turned on the idiot box.  I *happened* (remember, I had
just used the "B" word) to flip right into the "he was brought across..."
of Black Buddha.  The music and Nigel Bennett's *voice* grabbed me (Mr.
Bennett, If you read this, YOU ARE FANTASTIC!)  and wouldn't let go.

Anyway, I picked up on the premise pretty quickly (I've been a fan of
"good guy" vampires for quite a while), but I'd never seen anything
to even approach this.  Witty, *inteligent* dialog, a protagonist with
a QUEST rivaling that of the Holy Grail, a gorgeous *INTELLIGENT* woman
to help him in that quest (the romantic side of that was great, too.),
and a really *creepy* guy who came out with some of the best monologues
I've ever heard.  It took me a while to deduce the relationship of
the Nightcrawler and Nick, though.

I've been hooked ever since, I haven't seen TV this good since the
Twilight Zone.   The character interplay, the characters themselves
(Yes, even Tracy.  I *know* people like Tracy.), the emphasis on the
choices between good and evil, all of this and more meld into something
that speaks to the humanity in us, makes us ask ourselves some of *those*
questions, the ones that can keep you awake for nights on end.

*This* is why I watch Forever Knight:  Because it enriches me.

* Dann Lunsford    * The only thing necessary for the triunph of evil *
* dann@g....... * is that men of good will do nothing.  --  Cicero *
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 20:42:02 -0700
From:         "Val A. Wirth" <valworth@i.......>
Subject:      If FK were written by.....

I just had to add this one.

If Forever Knight were written by my four year old daughter:

Nick and Natalie would get married, have lots of kids, and live happily
ever after.

Schanke would still be alive.  (She doesn't even know he's not.  No
Black Buddha tapes allowed in my home.)

Janette would never come back. (Sorry Ravenettes)

Tracy would still be Tracy.

And LaCroix would be a Polar Bear.  Now, I know that doesn't make much
sense, but my daughter always says that he reminds her of a Polar Bear.
(Maybe it's his white hair in the first season.)

Everyone's Friend in the Knight
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 23:54:05 -0400
From:         Siona <siona@n.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote...

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Tammy Pond  [Digest] wrote:

> ...and I can't think of one myself, damnit!  Sigh...

I've got the same problem myself.  Has anyone been keeping track of who's
been covered so far?

Dark Knightie!
Help save Forever Knight!  see http://www.netaxs.com/~siona/
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 00:15:47 -0400
From:         Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject:      If someone else wrote FK

Hello, two more cents...

If Jim Davis wrote FK---

Nick would be a cat with 900 lives, all of which he frequently flashes
back on. Schanke would be Garfield, that food loving garlic lasagna
fatcat. Janette would be Arlene, slinking seductively in and out of
Nick's lives. Tracy would be Nermal...the perkiest kitten ever. Nat
would be Liz the Vet, trying to cure Nick. All the captains would
be Jon, since they all are pretty clueless about the important things.
Vachon would be Odie, because of the blank look. LaCroix would
be every dog, mailman, spider, and mouse...alternately annoying
the heck out of Nick and friends and occasionally teaming up w/

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger and Lone Woof at Large
Woofpack w/ Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL Tendencies
"You forget...time is relative."
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 01:33:27 -0400
From:         "Tammy Pond  [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......>
Subject:      If someone else wrote FK...

FK / Mr. Rogers:

  >> It's Mister Nightcrawler's Neighborhood...

  > Can you say exsanguination? I knew you could...

o/~ Won't you bite me, neighbor? o/~


   > If Bill Gates wrote FK...Nick would GPF every time he
   > tried to fly.


Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 19:46:08 -1000
From:         Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

I just can't help myself.

If Jim Henson were to write FK

LaCroix would be crochety old man heckling all the other characters.
 Occasionally he'd plot to kill them off just to put them out of his misery.

Nick would be a small green amphibian.

Natalie would be.. No just can't do it..

Screed would be a rat.  He'd hang around with a funny looking blue thing named

Only problem is this leaves Tracy as Vachon's chicken SO.
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 01:12:39 -0600
From:         Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

Gotta join in this one...before leave for Dallas and the Texas wake/party.

If Rodgers and Hammerstein-OK-- If R & H, L & L or Bernstein/Sondheim wrote FK:

Natalie would sing "What's the use of wondering if he's good or if he's
bad, your his girl and he's yer fella, that's all there is to say"

LC would sing "you've got to be taught...."  (South Pacific)

Tracy would sing, "I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair" --- uh, no,
I mean she would wash his hair!  (sorry Vaqueros - I love long hair, but)

Raven song: "I could've danced all (K)night.

They'd all sing "To-knight, to-knight"  (Ok, that's Bernstein/Sondheim)

Nat/Nick and Tracy/Vachon would sing "There's a place for us..."

LC:  The Seven Deadly Virtues (Camelot)

Any more show tunes, anyone?
If Orson Scott Card (my favorite author) wrote FK:

Nick would remain a vampire, but redeem himself.  Perhaps he and Natalie
would start a new race of beings on another world, bringing science,
religion and metaphysics as the basis for all interaction. Of course, this
would be based on love and dedication to Higher Laws.

That's all.  Good night.

--------Sharon Joy -  A Forever Knightie -  SJoy@u.......----------
 Mourning the Last Knight--Blink & they'll all be gone...<sniff>
Go here:  http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 06:20:30 GMT
From:         Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......>
Subject:      Re: A New Top Ten

Val submitted the following for our amusement!

>The Top Ten Reasons that Forever Knight is Better than Sex:
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 06:34:34 GMT
From:         Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......>
Subject:      Re: A New Top Ten  (Trying again)

At 06:20 AM 5/18/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Val submitted the following for our amusement!
>>The Top Ten Reasons that Forever Knight is Better than Sex:

  Aaack!!!! I don't know what happened to this!  It wasn't supposed to look
like this!  It was *supposed* to look like this:

>>8.  You can share FK with a close friend, without destroying the
>>friendship.  Unless, of course, your friend makes some kind of comment
>>like, "I just don't get this show."
>             Sounds like some of my friends, although I'm slowly but surely
introducing them to the marvels of this show.  Thank goodness for video tapes!
>>5.  You don't have to worry that your friends are watching more FK than
>>you are.  (Your friends have probably never even heard of it.)
>              See #8!
>>3.  If you spend a lot of your time thinking about FK; discussing FK;
>>dreaming about FK; and writing stories about FK, then you are probably
>>just a very, dedicated fan.  If you spend a lot of your time thinking
>>about sex; discussing sex; dreaming about sex; and writing stories
>>about sex, then you're probably just a pervert.
>            Most of my friends are the latter!  That might explain why my
mind is so comfortable in the gutter!
>>And the Number One Reason that Forever Knight is Better than Sex:
>>If you're watching a pre-recorded FK tape, you can hit the pause button
>>in the middle of it; go to the bathroom; put out the dog; and make
>>yourself a snack.  Then you can come back, hit play and resume watching
>>it, right where you left off.  Now, just try that during sex, and see
>>what happens.
>     I don't even want to think about it!!!
>>There's always one house in the neighborhood where all the kids hang out,
>>and that's because that Mom has Ribena.
>         I like Ribena (straight or mixed with ginger ale).  I'm going to
get some for the kids to try.
>                           Kewl list, Val, thanks for the laugh!
>                                            Sei

Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird
              Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band
               Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight

"...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality.
Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." --
Trillian, HGG
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 23:34:05 -0700
From:         Bonnela <callalily@l.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

Sharon Joy wrote:
>Any more show tunes, anyone?

Hollywood style:

Nat would sing to Nick, "Put on a happy face" (from 'Bye Bye Birdie')

Tracy would sing, "I have grown accustomed to his face" (from 'My Fair Lady')

Urs would sing, "I feel pretty" (from 'West Side Story')

All would sing to Janette upon her return to the Raven, "Hello, Janette"
(from, 'Hello, Dolly')

Schanke would sing "Schaboopie" (from 'The Music Man') in the middle of the
police station

Nat would sing, "Be careful, it's my heart" (from 'Holiday Inn')

LC and Nick would sing "We're a couple of swells" (from 'Easter Parade') in
some flashback sequence when they were buddy-buddy.

Then everyone would -- in some way, shape, or form -- live happily forever
after. <G>

Bonnie  <callalily@l.......>       "What?"
Ultra-Cool Vaquero Web Page -->  http://users.lanminds.com/~callalily
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 01:34:58 -0700
From:         Debbie Litchman <debbie8@e.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

Bonnela wrote:
> Sharon Joy wrote:
> >Any more show tunes, anyone?
> Hollywood style:
> Nat would sing to Nick, "Put on a happy face" (from 'Bye Bye Birdie')
> Tracy would sing, "I have grown accustomed to his face" (from 'My Fair

Janette would sing, "I enjoy being a girl" (from Flower Drum Song)

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 02:06:52 -0700
Reply-To:     debbie8@e.......
From:         Debbie Litchman <debbie8@e.......>
Subject:      Re: IRC/This list

Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald wrote:
...The channel name is #foreverknight and it is on the Undernet...

I just checked my IRC software and was able to connect.  Is there a
certain day/time when the channel is most active?

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 00:41:12 +0000
From:         Sandy Martino <martino@m.......>
Subject:      Re: New Game: If FK was written by other authors...

Sharon (sbhanda@e.......)  wrote:
> What if Forever Knight merged with Dr. Who:
> Nick would be jumping from time period to time period searching for a cure.
> Of course, Natalie would be the highly intelligent and beautiful lady
>   helping him along the way.
Yes!  I'd like to add....
They'd travel in a vintage green caddy that was bigger on the inside
than the outside (especially in the trunk.)  At some point, Nat would
leave this "CAR-DIS" to become a pathologist on some backward
planet...Nick would be recalled to the vampire homeworld, where he
would be assigned a new companion, the haughty-but-oh-so-stylish
vampire time lady, Jeanette.  She, of course, would have a much
better handle on this vampire thing than he did--and would ALWAYS rub
it in.  When she left, he would pick up Urs and Vachon as companions,
probably from some alien bar.  (Though Vachon would probably look
more like Jason Carter from B-5, costume and all.)  At some point,
Screed would come on board as a "is he really good or is he bad?"

They'd always get lost and never end up on the planet or in the time
they wanted to go to, because of Nick's tendency to flashback at the
controls...And 75% of the places they set down would look like
English rock quaries.

Eventually, seven years after it's cancellation, the show would be
resuscitated on  FOX...and THIS time Nat and Nick would get to
kiss...(and would, of course, meet in a morgue.)  We would also find
out that Nick is actually only a half-vamp.
> From time to time they would run into LaCroix, an evil time lord-vampire.
Yes!  Dressed all in black (of course) but with a cool beard and an
I-just tied-the-heroine-to-the-train-tracks evil, melodramatic laugh.
 He'd plot to turn everyone in the galaxy into cousins.  (You mean
they aren't already?)
> And, we can not forget, Nick would offer all friends "gummy hemoglobins,"
> which, by the way, help him stay off blood.
> Definately!  The enforcers would also show up as popular
villains...but would be deformed blobs unable to exist outside of
their nubby tin cans....Their cry of "INSANGUINATE!" would strike
fear into all living beings across all time and space (well, those
with BLOOD, anyway.)  They would be defeated when Nick and co.
discovered that they couldn't go upstairs....(And I guess Screed
COULD be Davros, but he would only strike fear into the hearts of
rats and similar small scruffy critters...like tribbles.)

I could go on...but I'm starting to get this horrid image in my mind
as Tom Baker as Nick Knight....AGGGH.  (Much as I loved the 4th

(Sorry this is long...glad my master's thesis on Doctor Who finally
came in handy for SOMETHING.)  No, I'm *not* kidding.
Sandy Martino      martino@m.......
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 09:10:15 -0400
From:         Fred Mollin <ZOOMAR1010@a.......>
Subject:      Re: FK Soundtrack question

You can write to TriStar Television Music Dept. in CULVER CITY, CA. and
address inquiries to Laura Levinsky and Bob Hunka.
They might be able to get the ball rolling on sheet music..However, outside
of DARK SIDE OF THE GLASS, the songs that you hear on FK are not the property
of TriStar and are owned by the company that licenses them to the show.
The songs are unlikely candidates for sheet music, but feel free to write
letters re: theme and background score..

thanks again

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 09:11:37 -0400
From:         Fred Mollin <ZOOMAR1010@a.......>
Subject:      Re: CD Thank you

Delighted that you're delighted....

take care

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 06:56:24 -0700
From:         LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

This is from Celeste, who's hanging out with me:

If Jean Shepherd wrote FK:

The entire show would be told in flashbacks with a voiceover by Nick.
The flashbacks would be humorous tales of Nick's youth, about how he
learned a lesson that helped him to become a better, more complete


If Douglas Adams wrote FK:

Nick would be a vampire, but a vampire alien from a planet of vampires,
who was hitchhiking whilst researching a book, The Vampire's Handbook
to the Galaxy, and somehow got stuck on Earth.  Natalie would get
picked up by him while lying in front of the Morgue, trying to prevent
The Toronto Highway Board from knocking it down to build a bypass.  The
Earth would then be destroyed by the Vogons, who are building an
inter-stellar bypass through the solar system.  Nick & Nat would then
get picked up by The Starship Heart of Blood, manned by the
ex-President of the Galaxy, LaCroix, and the chick he picked up at a
party in Boulton about a thousand years ago, Janette.

BTW, when Nick flew?  He'd hang in the air exactly the way that bricks

Brought to you by Cousine Celeste
c/o Cousin LaurieCF's computer
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 10:36:33 EDT
From:         Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject:      JADFE Misconstruction

I've been told that what I said yesterday could be construed as meaning
that Nigel had had a JADFE subscription at some time, or that he was
regularly receiving copies of some of it.

This is not, as far as I know, true. What I remember him saying in a
panel at some point was something about having seen some of it, meaning,
I thought, a few scattered items.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding or embarrassment. Such was never my

Lisa McDavid McDavid-Lisa@s.......
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 10:49:38 -0400
From:         MaryAnn McKinnon <MaryAnnMc@a.......>
Subject:      Good Guys Wear Fangs 3 coming for Media West! / Party Fri Nite!

Available from Bill Hupe at Media West Con!  (or by mail from Bill after the

I'll post a more detailed flyer closer to the con, but this one is heavily
FOREVER KNIGHT  and NICK KNIGHT, including a number of crossovers, and a
chilling alternate tale about Janette's origins written by Valerie Meachum
way back in 1992 that eerily parallels the aired version, even though it
takes place in ancient Rome rather than the Middle Ages, and was written
prior to the aired version being seen.  It also has a heavily FK script and a
number of shorter stories that I think all of you will enjoy.

Other fandoms include Miami Vice (2 longish stories), Wiseguy, Starsky &
Hutch (long story), X-Files, Highlander, and Star Trek: TNG.  I may have a
KINDRED story if it makes it to me through the Canadian post in time.  <g>

And getting back to Forever Knight, there is a nice mix of Tracy & Vachon
stories, and more traditional tales about Nick and Natalie and LaCroix.

*Lovely* color cover of Michael Praed as he appeared in To Die For 2: Son of
Darkness  by Christine Haire. - Michael fans will love seeing him with a rose
in his teeth!  (I had planned for the next in the series of Janet Reedman's
lovely Son of Darkness / Robin of Sherwood crossover novellas to appear this
time, but the post to Europe has delayed that one until Volume 4. - an
earlier installment in this series won the Fan Q for "Best Robin of Sherwood
Long Story."

Price is as yet unset, but it will likely range around $23; final pagecount
is unavailable as yet, but I'm estimating around 300 pages.

And I almost forgot!  There will be a Good Guys Wear Fangs party, 10-12 P.M.
Friday night, in the Media West Party Suite.  Come on by!

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 10:50:50 -0400
From:         MaryAnn McKinnon <MaryAnnMc@a.......>
Subject:      Attn: Forever Net Editor


Sorry I lost your address. Please contact me.  :-)

Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 10:57:58 EDT
From:         Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject:      The name Geraint

There must be a separate teutonic name that means "straight spear,"
with the "ger/gar" element that means spear. However, as a Welsh name,
Geraint is a form of the Latin Gerontius and first appears in Welsh
legends in a Roman context. Because the name appears in Tennyson's
Idylls of the King, it was briefly fashionable in Victorian England,
pronounced as if it were French. (!) It became common in modern Welsh
with the revival of Welsh nationalism and Welsh culture around 1900.

Incidentally, while it's quite true that Gary is often a short form of
Gerald, the fashion for the name came from the actor Gary Cooper. In his
case, the name was suggested by his agent, who was a native of Gary,
Indiana. The city is named for a man whose surname was Gary.

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid
Date:         Sat, 18 May 1996 10:18:14 -0500
From:         Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......>
Subject:      LK parties tonight: IRC address

    I hope enough of you get this in time.  I would have posted it earlier,
but work and plotting my party and the V:tM I'm playing in next week has
really bogged me down.  Well, the LK party caht IRC address will be
#LKparty18.  Just join the channel.  If I'm not already there, I'll show up
eventually (as Tulsa).  If you're having a party, please use the name of
your city as nickname; if you're just on to see what's happening, most
likely your listname would be best.  I'll try to be on by 8:15 CST, although
it could be as late as nine.  The channel will stay on as long as there are
people willing to stay on (I should be there until at least two, with a lull
between 12:30 and 1:40, due to Last Knight).  Looking forward to seeing as
many of you there as possible.

     Also, I would like to announce my next FK party, date tentative.  It's
for the first episode of the fourth season.  My place, more than likely
still Tulsa, and we WIIL have more Ribena (and, in the 4th-season ep case,
champagne or the like).  Shall talk to you all later, must sleep now.  I
wouldn't want to crash at my own party, now, would I?...

* Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng * LA *
* Charter Unnamed * Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed Miklos * Darkest Knightie *
* NatPack Sympathizer * Queen of I Need Sleep * Hot Flash Disguised as a Woman
**Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!**

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/