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Logfile LOG9605C Part 6

May 15, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 6

	Texas FK Wake/party
	New game (if someone else wrote fk)
	LIST: Attached Files (re: Affiliations FAQ)
	If FK was written by other authors...
	Party/Wake in Chicago!
	More Syndicon report
	What if someone else wrote FK...
	Blood & Donuts/many replies
	BB question for you all :)
	Try THIS Affiliations FAQ instead...
	Affiliations FAQ (1/3)
	Musing on perspective (Was: What happened after I went nomail)
	If someone else wrote FK
	Affiliations FAQ (2/3)
	Affiliations FAQ (3/3)

Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 15:44:42 -0500
From:         Lisa Clevenger <lcl366@a.......>
Subject:      Texas FK Wake/party

For all interested parties:

I am having a FK wake in the DFW area  of Texas in the 18th for Last Knight.
Unfortunatly, I have had my mail box eat a few weeks worth of responses.
I need the addresses of ANYONE interested in attending.  to contact me off
list at lcl366@a.......
This inclewdes the folloing people whos addresses were lost inthe great
mailbox feast
Richard Mingee( or anyone that has been planning to go through him and his
Perri Smith
Sherri Lynn Godsey
and anyone else interested.
Out of towners are welcome
Black is required
Show started at 8:00, so come early
We will have losts of comfort food and tissues as well as older
episodes(inclewding First Knight)  to reminice over.  Blooper reel will be
shown.  Trivia(Writeten by Wicked Tippi) will be played and gifts awarded.
FACTION  SOCK FIGHT!  Cousins VS Knighties!(IF any bother to show<EG>
Cousins will be strong.  Come on Knighties, chicken?(blowing Rasberries)

Cousine /Valentine Suk


Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 16:59:02 -0400
From:         Linda Simon <lsimon@h.......>
Subject:      Fan-aticism

These are excerpts from a newspaper article about a TV show...

``There's just so much to it...There's love, war, magical fighting, stories
of people traveling through time. It's moving, it's intense, it's beautiful,
it's deep, it's real, it's my favorite TV show and I love it.''
[Fans] assiduously watch and/or tape the...show during whichever decidedly
non-prime-time slot it's aired in their neighborhood.... They're the
ones who've created dozens of sites on the Internet for like-minded fans....
And they're the ones who complain loudly whenever they feel that the
editing.... of the US version...has infringed upon the sacredness of the
.... original.
``There's no pleasing these people,'' laments [a producer].
What pleased these people least were Internet rumors that [the show] was
destined to disappear from the US television horizon at the end of the
current season. As a result, [producers] received several petitions, some
4,000 signatures in all, calling for a reversal of [the show's]' rumored
[Fan comments:]  ``It's a phenomenon,''   ``It's an enigma." ``Oh, man, I
just can't explain it.''
[Producer comment:] ``In terms of fanaticism I've never seen anything like

Now, the article does not refer to FK. Anyone want to guess the show?
Linda Simon, NatPacker and chocolatiere
"I know you're just a figment of my imagination, but you've got to stop
sneaking up on me."
 Nat, DoN
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:14:08 EDT
From:         Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......>
Subject:      New game (if someone else wrote fk)

OK, here's my contribution:

If Chelsea Quinn Yarbro wrote FK, Nick and Nat would be deeply involved
because Nick would be able to take "little sips", but he'd be angst-ridden
because Nat will become a vampire after she dies and then he will no longer
be able to be involved with her because of his silly belief that vampires
can't be lovers with one another.  Meanwhile, Janette would be frustrated
with Nick for this very reason, but there would be long handwritten letters
of correspondence between them, dating back for many centuries. Most stories
would be set entirely in the past, with great detail and accuracy regarding
historical events. Nick would does good deeds, have no angst about being
a vampire, and all the bad guys would be mortals.

Lynne Levine
Ravenette, Immortal Beloved, and list old-timer :-)
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 21:25:37 GMT
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@n.......>
Subject:      LIST: Attached Files (re: Affiliations FAQ)

On May 15, 1996 14:55:32, '"Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>' wrote:

Flameth her not, for this is a common mistake.  The road to wasted
bandwidth is paved with good intentions, or something like that.

People: DO NOT send attached files to the list.  What happens is many many
pages of gibberish.  Not even a plain text file is immune!  Instead, **cut
and paste** from your word processing program into your e-mail program.

Remember: NO ATTACHED FILES.  Big bad no-no.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled list.

- Jamie M.R. <immajer@n.......> -
- Asst. Listowner, FORKNI-L -
- The Smoking Natpacker, Convert of the CoS -
- Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies -
List Rules - http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:30:48 -0400
From:         John Ewan <jwe@m.......>
Subject:      If FK was written by other authors...

If FK were written by Ellis Peters, it would be an extended flashback to the
time of the War of the Roses <c. 1450?>  and would involved a former
crusader, now a monk, Brother Cadfael, who has to protect some poor
innocent, perhaps Nick himself <!>, from being wrongly convicted of a crime
and executed.  Lacroix has to work with this very devout Benedictine monk to
solve the crime and see Nicky on his merry..., er, well,...on his way.

If FK were written by Shakespeare, there would be much cross-dressing,
mistaken identities, ghosts and witches.  Nigel and Ger would have some
*superb* speeches.

If Fk were written by Dr. Seuss, Nat-She-Is would find that Nick-I-Am would
refuse to eat Green Eggs and Iron in a house or in a box or in a car or in a
boat or in a train or in the dark....well, maybe in the dark... and the
Nightcrawler in the Raven would tell introduce the two children to Thing V
and Thing U who just want to play and know how to too!  The children, Tracy
and Don would finally listen to the Fish named Captain and kicked the
Nightcrawler out... after he helps them clean up the mess....

John Ewan, Technical Support | Look for me online at MPGN or
Multi-Player Games Network   | MPG-Net on the Microsoft Network
jwe@m.......                 | as Gimli or John ofthe SAS!
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:52:16 -0400
From:         Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......>
Subject:      Party/Wake in Chicago!

Just another quick note again that I am hosting a FK Party/Wake this Saturday

I live in Palos Hills on the SW Side of Chicago, easy access to the Tri-State
and fairly close to public transportation.  Party will start whenever and go
for as long as we like - I have crash space and some extra beds.

Oh, and did I mention the 31" TV and the incredible stereo system its
connected to?  ;D

FK is on at 11:35 pm, but I have oodles of tapes to occupy us until then.

Black is the color of choice.  Well, I'm wearing black.  Kleenex will be
provided.  Oh, and food and drinks too, of course.

E-mail me privately and I'll gladly send along directions.  We need each

Marcia Tucker
Dark Knightie / Unnamed / Immortal Beloved
Already in denial / Committing fan fic and about ready to post!
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:52:22 -0400
From:         "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject:      More Syndicon report

Okay, I lied.

There's more.  No, I didn't take notes--I was taking pictures (and the
Sunday ones suck dead bunnies through a straw because of the distance from
the stage--pfft!).  I have no short term memory of which to speak.  Some of
this stuff just adhered itself to gray cells.

More from the talks--someone asked Nigel about his having done Rocky Horror
and did he know that Peter Wingfield had played Frank in Germany.  Nigel
tried to figure out if they'd worked on the show together at any point, but
said that the Germany section of the tour was the part he hadn't continued
on.  He'd played Riff-Raff in the Italian tour.  And he talked a bit about
how you had to be young to do things like hang off the rafters.

He mentioned having been in a bedroom farce on stage in England (Nigel did
theatre in England and very little TV, but then came to Canada where he's
done mostly TV and very little theatre).  The setting was several bedroom
sets where the lights came on to reveal the action in each set.  Nigel
played a husband with a bad back whose wife was going out to a party and
leaving him in bed.  The character is reading a book, falls asleep, then the
book falls from his hands and to the floor.  The character falls out of bed
trying to get to the book.  At one point, the lights on the set come on, he
says "Ow," the lights go off and he spends most of the act lying on the floor.

Nigel also mentioned his mother and father having attended a performance of
a play in which he had a nude scene.  He also had a large segment of
dialogue consisting of nothing but the repetition of a duck-like word not
allowed on ForKni-L.  His mother was so shocked by the language that she
never even mentioned the nude scene.  Hasn't still to this day.  (Nigel told
this a lot better--I'm missing gray cells with pertinent bits of the story,

The question of pantomime came up.  (Most of us know that a pantomime in the
UK is a Christmas tradition in which a fairly famous, usually public domain
fairy story is tarted up with current songs--or twists on current songs--and
done for laughs with a lot of interaction from the audience).  Nigel
explained that the male youth lead is played by a female, the older 'widow'
female lead is played by a male, etc.  He got to play the widow.

Someone mentioned the work he did on the "X-Men" cartoon.  Nigel said he did
the voice of Mastermold and Jason Wyngarde (aka Mastermind from the Hellfire
series).  He said it was fun, but they haven't called him to do anymore
(actually, X-Men has been canceled--they've filled their slot and will be
working on live action next).

An aside--most of the non-Highlander FK people had problems remembering
Peter Wingfield's name.  Don't ask me why.  It just happened.  There was a
lot of "Peter Wing-what'sis-name" flying around.

I asked a question about who had chosen what items Nigel would have on the
CD.  Nigel said that Fred called and asked him to do something for it and
that Nigel came up with those selections.  He said he enjoyed doing the
Nightcrawler stuff because the writers came up with some nice quotes,
poetry, and epigrams for him.

At the end of the Sunday talk, Nigel said something about the adage that men
with large swords have small *ahem* and vice versa.  Pointing to his collar
(where LaCroix wore the sword pin), Nigel said that he wore a very small sword.

And I think that's it.  Honest.

susang@v.......  -- http://www.vitinc.com/~susang
Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to.
Visit THE essential webpage for Forever Knight info at:
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:57:16 -0400
From:         Michelle Mark <Raindance2@a.......>
Subject:      What if someone else wrote FK...

Tanya wrote:
<<MichelleMark wrote about Hunter S. Thompson and the car ride from hell.
<<I thought that was Jack Kerouac's "On the Road".  (-:

What I had in mind was "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas".  Haven't read Jack
yet but it is on my list.  I go for the twisted stuff, esp. HST.

Susan G-loved the Raymond Chandler (my idol)  You took the thought right out
of my head!  Schanke as Bogie...I'd like to see that!

Cousin Michelle
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:00:19 -0400
From:         Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject:      Re: Blood & Donuts/many replies

> but there is a Joplin, Mississippi.  I think...

Joplin, Missouri. It is just east of the OK/MO boarder on I-44.


Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel
It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them.
--Mother Teresa
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 17:21:07 -0500
From:         D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......>
Subject:      Re: BB question for you all :)

On Wed, 15 May 1996, Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> wrote:
>Black magic, voodoo,
>Bombers in the sky,
>People kill people
>And so do I.

Actually, I was expecting him to say "Why ask why?" which is also a very
LaCroixian thing to say... :)  The man is a *total* fatalist sometimes.... or
do I mean Stoic? ;>

Diane E
# D Echelbarger                          gryphon@e.......   #
#   WWW HomePage:       http://www.execpc.com/~echelbar/      #
# No, I'm not Maureen the Mad; I just play her on Real Life.  #
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:27:09 -0400
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Try THIS Affiliations FAQ instead...

After all this talk of newbie vs. non-newbie and mistakes, here I go and do
something dumb twice in a month and 1/2.  Okay, okay.  Sorry!!  (Jamie
already explained my mistake to The List at-large.)  So, how do I plan to
distribute the Affiliations FAQ?

The following three posts will contain thirds each of the real,
up-close-and-personal version of the Affiliation (Factions) FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions).  Any questions or comments should be addressed to me
(Plan2@a.......) NOT TO THE LIST! (Unless you're going to say something nice
about the FAQ, in which case, you can address it to the list.)  ;-)

For the previous version I sent out - Mea Culpa.  If anyone wants the text
file privately, in one piece, please e-mail me.

Again, sorry...
Keeper of the Affiliations FAQ
Natpacker, N&Npacker, Dracpacker
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:29:07 -0400
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Affiliations FAQ (1/3)


Draft -- May 15, 1996


Originally, Cousin Geno was the keeper of the Factions FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions).  However, in the face of impending
cancellation, I was commissioned to take over the FAQ.  When Jamie
Randell, our esteemed Assistant List-Goddess, suggested the change from
"Factions FAQ" to "Affiliations FAQ", in order to promote cooperation
versus contention, I made the executive decision to change the FAQ title.

Please be patient with me while I try to catch up with almost six months
of new affiliations.  If there are any changes, please e-mail me at the
address listed below.  Sometime in the next few weeks, with Jamie's
assistance, I will be posting the FAQ to an Associations web-page.
If there are suggestions or corrections, please try to contact me in
the near future.  (Of course, as Vachon said, "Time is relative.")

Due to the extensive nature of the definitions and explanations, the
History of Affiliations and Wars, formerly part of the Affiliations FAQ,
has been separated into another document.  Anyone wishing to read the
History of Affiliations and Wars, please e-mail me privately for a copy.
(As of 5/14, I had not updated this document to include the 5th war.)

Meredith of the Drackpack, Natpack, and Nick&Natpack


*** What's a FAQ? ***

A list of Frequently Asked Questions, i.e. the questions which get
really annoying when they're posted to the list every week.  Some
questions aren't actually asked all that frequently, but the term
"FAQ" has come to include the typical Q&A format.

*** Who are you? ***

I'm Meredith, AKA Founder of the Dracpack affiliation, as well as an
avowed Natpacker and Nick&Natpacker, AKA Plan2@a........  In
December 1996, Cousin Geno asked for a volunteer to maintain the
Affiliations (Factions) FAQ after he departed the FK lists, and I
stepped in.  I promise not to be biased in favor of Natpackers or
Nick&Natpackers but forgive a few editorial comments.  Of course,
other editorial comments, quotes, and ideas for improvement are
always welcome!

*** Where can I find this FAQ? ***

For right now, only on the Forever Knight mailing lists, but I am
working on creating a page for Affiliations on the World-Wide Web.
I'll try to update the FAQ on the web once monthly, on or about the 15th.
Imbetween updates, if you, or someone you know, would like a copy
of the FAQ, please feel free to e-mail me (Plan2@a.......) or forward
a copy already in your possession.

*** Are there other FAQs? ***

Yes there are. There is a general Forever Knight FAQ. [ Whoever is
maintaining this FAQ, please let me know... Meredith]  Jamie, The
Web-Goddess, is also working on a welcome/list-rules FAQ [Correct
me if I'm wrong.].  Several of the Affiliations have their own FAQs
available, but there are so many Affiliations, it is a daunting task to
try and keep track of them all.

*** Why are there Affiliations? ***

Just for fun, really. A lot of us enjoy picking a favorite character and
getting involved in the show in a partisan way. Some of pick an affiliation
based on the character we most sympathize with or would most like to
emulate (see Affiliations Defined).

*** Do I have to join an Affiliation? ***

Absolutely not. You are not required to choose a affiliation to join, read,
post, or otherwise participate on the lists. Of course, if you don't choose
an affiliation, some may classify you as a Die-Hard (see also Affiliations

*** How do I join an affiliation? ***

Just declare yourself a member. For example, Jane Smith can declare
herself a Nat-Packer by simply signing "Jane Smith, M.D., Nat-Packer" or
by placing "Nat-Packer" somewhere in her signature file.

*** If I choose a affiliation, must I dislike other characters? ***

Not at all. It just means that you sympathize most closely with your
chosen character.  Remember that Uncle and Janette are actually
Knighties (sympathetic to Nick), Uncle and Nick are Ravenettes
(sympathetic to Janette), Tracy and Screed are Vaqueros (sympathetic
to Vachon), Vachon's in the RatPack (sympathetic to Screed), and
Nick and Janette are Cousins (sympathetic to LaCroix)!

***  Meredith, can I help make the FAQ more complete?  ***

Yes, of course you can!  The following information may be
provided by any kind-hearted souls:

o       As always, histories of the entries in the Affiliations FAQ. I'd
        like to find out exactly who coined which terms, and when.

o       Nifty representative quotes! (See the Friends of Don
            entry for shamelessly ripped off quote!) I want quotes
            by and about the characters and affiliation members.

o       Anything else fun or informative! Suggestions, requests,
            corrections, and absolutely anything else of interest!

*** Who should receive thanks for their assistance? ***

Everyone on the Lists.  How could I possibly put together an
Affiliations FAQ without the Forever Knight fans who create and
maintain the various Affiliations?  However, Jamie Randell, Susan
Garrett, Amy 'Lady of the Knight', Marcia Tucker, and Diane Shea,
deserve special thanks for responding to my queries.  Carla Pickering
deserves thanks for Beta-reading & posting my query when I was
e-mail-less (thanks, mom).

*** What's the address of the Complaints Department? ***

I will be happy to adjust, amend, or edit the FAQ (within reasonable
limits, of course). Send friendly complaints and constructive criticism
via *private e-mail only* to:  Meredith <Plan2@a.......>.
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:28:06 -0400
From:         Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject:      Re: Musing on perspective (Was: What happened after I went nomail)

>Oh, and the script copies come with a special inscription from Nigel to
>his "friends on forkni-l".  :-)

This is WAY kewl....WAY WAY kewl.... Can't wait for details.

Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel
It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them.
--Mother Teresa
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:28:46 -0400
From:         Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK

>If Shakespeare wrote FK:
>   Through a trick of fairy dust ("just a sprinkle"), skilled tailors, or
>extreme inebrity, Nick would mistake Nat for Janette, Janette mistake LC
>for Nick, Vachon mistake Cohen for Tracy, Schanke mistake Screed for Myra
>in hip-waders... and they'd romp.


That is the funniest thing I think I've heard yet.

And coming on the heals of the Shrewthering, where we did get to see Ger
ROMP. Man oh man oh man oh man, this is a fun fun game.

Sorry, I can't top it.... Not even going to try.


Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel
It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them.
--Mother Teresa
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:31:41 -0400
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Affiliations FAQ (2/3)


A few simple guidelines:

        "Affiliation": A group composed of the followers or fans of a particular
        character (for example, Knighties are fans of Nick), a combination of
        characters (Nanettes like Natalie and Janette), or concept (Immortal
        Beloveds believe Nick and Janette belong together).

        "Non-canon":  From outside the officially recognized body of
        work. For Forever Knight, the canon is considered to be the
        broadcast 1-hour episodes. Fan fiction, "official" novelizations, etc.
        are non-canon.

        "Ribena": Extremely concentrated fruit extract used in place of
        blood on the Forever Knight set. (That is, to simulate the appearance
        of blood, not to satiate the cast members' nutritional requirements.)
        See also Perry-A, below.

        "-er": Member of. For example, a Nat-Packer is a member of the
Now, on to the Affiliations Defined:

** Archivist's Assistant **: Follower of a non-canon character, Dorian,
from Susan Garrett's Forever Knight fiction.

** Bear **: Proposed affiliation name for male-gendered followers of Urs.
Coined by Debra Hisle <sysdeb@s.......> in response to Sandra
Gray <tmp_harkins@d.......>, who asked: "Yes, but would
a man want to be called a Goldilock?" (see also "Goldilock")

Nick's Cadillac.  Coined by AC Chapin <sdragon@g.......>.

        "Blow it up, crash it into a cement divider, drive it off a
        bridge, paint it pink, melt it down for scrap, dissolve it in a
        vat of acid and then jump on any bits that may remain after
        that" -- AC Chapin <sdragon@g.......>

** Boutonniere **: Proposed name for follower of Tracy Vetter.
From "a flower or bouquet worn in a buttonhole".

** Boy ** : Proposed name for male fans of Nick and Vachon.
See "Boys, The".

** Boyette **: Proposed name for female fans of Nick and Vachon.
See "Boys, The".

** Boys, The **: Proposed name for Nick/Vachon affiliation. Proposed by
Cherri Munoz <cdmunoz@e.......>.

        "Sure it works. Boys and Boyettes! So it doesn't have the class
        of a Ravenette. Neither do Nick or Vachon :) :) :)"
        -- Jill Bradley <ravenjil@g.......>

** Brick, The **: Nickname for Nick, due to the fact that his boyish
exuberance sometime overwhelms his grasp of the obvious.

        "I just wanna make one... quick stop first." -- Nick Knight

** Briquet **: Follower of Nick of male gender. Coined by Will
Steeves <goid@i.......>. [see also Swabbie]

** Briquette **: Follower of Nick of female gender. Coined by Will
Steeves <goid@i.......>. [see also Swabbie]

        "And for creating that particular epithet, I just created one
        for her particular affiliation: Briquets / Briquettes (as in
        "Charcoal Briquettes" :-), stolen, of course, from "Brick" as in
        "Nick the Brick" :-) )" -- Will Steeves <goid@i.......>

        "Well, you could just turn the whole thing around and look at it
        from a British point of view... where "brick" is actually a
        compliment. Someone who was a "brick" was someone who could be
        depended on in a crisis."
                -- Michele Martin <mma@g.......>

** Button **: Proposed name for follower of Tracy Vetter.

** Button Lover **: Proposed name for follower of Tracy Vetter.

** Cohen-head **: Follower of Season Two precinct commander Captain
Amanda Cohen. "We barely knew ya."

** Compadres **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Vachon. Coined by
Linda Marcus <marcus@j.......>.

** Cousin **: Follower of LaCroix. Note that the English term for both
sexes or genders and the French term for the male gender are spelled

** Cousine **: French for a Cousin of the female gender (see "Cousin"

** Dark Nattie **: A follower of Natalie Lambert who wants to see her
"brought across".  Dark Natties, generally, but not always, would
like to see Nick & Nat together (see also Natpacker, Natpack).

** Dark Knightie **: A follower of Nicholas B. Knight who would like
to see Nick return more to his true vampiric nature.  These Knighties
believe that Nicholas wouldn't last a day as a human.  Whether as
a cause or result of accepting his nature, Dark Knighties believe that
Nick would suffer diminished angst (see also Knightie).  Originated
by Marcia Tucker <SciFiMarci@a.......>.

** Die-Hard **: List member who will not be forced to choose a affiliation.
Also Die Hard, DieHard.

** DracPack, also Dracpack **: Supporters of actors and/or concepts
which have been brought to the Forever Knight universe from the short-
lived 'Dracula: The Series'.  In particular, Drackpackers support Jerry
Tate, the talk show host from the episode 'My Boyfriend Is A Vampire'
(Geordie Johnson) who was formerly "Dracula".  Originated by Meredith
Pickering <Plan2@a.......>.

** Fleur-Booster **:  Supporter of Nick's deceased sister and LaCroix's
one true love, as seen in the episode 'BeMy Valentine'.

** Fluffy (plural = Fluffies) **: Proposed name for follower of
Tracy Vetter.  Proposed by Eliot Deutsch <ejdjd@i.......>.

** FoD **: Friend of Don. Pronounced like "food", as in one of Schanke's
favorite things.

** FoFoD **: Friend of a Friend of Don (see also FoD, above).

** Fraction **: Affiliation whose members like more than one character.
For example, those who like Nick and Nat (see also Nick&Natpacker,
Immortal Beloved, Nanette, etc.)

** Friend of Don **: Follower of the late, great, and truly lamented
Donald G. Schanke, taken from us before his time (see also FoD).

        "There's only one affiliation where it's always lunchtime! For
        people with taste, humour and an appreciation of fine cuisine."
        -- Christine Hawkins <chawkins@n.......>

** FoG **: Friend of Gillian.

** Friend of Gillian **: List member who "becomes" a character by
having a namesake on the show, usually in a script penned by Gillian
Horvath. (Extended to other authors by usage.) This the only non-
voluntary and occasionally co-incidental affiliation. So far, we have, or
suspect, the following list-members as FoGs:

list-member & "character"
xx  Julie Beamer        "Julie Beamer"
xx  Marian Gibbons      "Marian Blackwing"
xx  Valery King "Valerie the surgeon from 'Let No Man Tear Asunder'"
      Valerie Meachum
xx  Tara O'Shea,        "Johanna Shea"
      Lady Johanna Constantine
xx  Perri Smith "Vampire Canine Perry"
xx  Karin Welss "Karin Constantine"
xx  Roni (Veronica)
      Power             "Veronica, the dead opera singer"

        "At least I wasn't a murdered hooker. Mobster's wife, yes, but
        no lingerie. :-)" -- Karin Welss

        "Once again, I have to say what's wrong with being a mur -- er,
        well, there's nothing wrong with lingerie. In it's place. Oh,
        never mind :)." -- Cousin Julie <jbeamer@a.......>, who
        can't believe she's still getting mileage out of being "the dead

** FoN **: Friend of the Nanettes.  Not really a follower of Nat &
Janette, but the friend of a follower (see also Nanette).

** FoSiL**: Friend of Sidney Lambert, Natalie Lambert's cat.

** Goldilocks **: Proposed affiliation name for followers of Urs. Coined
by Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......>, who cleverly refers to both bears
and hairs in a single neologism.

** Graces **: Followers of Grace, Nat's friend and assistant.

** Heartbreaker **: Fan of Nick and Vachon. Coined by Karen Tobin

*** So, what's the address of the Complaints Department? ***

I will be happy to adjust, amend, or edit the FAQ (within reasonable
limits, of course). Send friendly complaints and constructive criticism
via *private e-mail only* to:  Meredith <Plan2@a.......>.
Date:         Wed, 15 May 1996 18:33:11 -0400
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Affiliations FAQ (3/3)

** Immortal Beloved **: One who thinks that Janette and Nick ought to
get together and run off again.

** Immortal Seducer **: One who thinks that Janette and LaCroix ought
to get together and run off again (see also Seducer).

** Knightie **: Follower of Nicholas Knight.

        "He was brought across in 1228. Preyed on humans for their
        blood. Now, he wants to be mortal again. To repay society for
        his sins. To emerge from his world of darkness. From his endless
        forever night."

** Les Miserables **: Proposed name for supporters of both Nick &
Urs.  Coined by Apache.

** LaCroissant **: Follower of LaCroix and Schanke.

** LaCroixette **: Follower of LaCroix of the female gender.

** Light Cousin **: Follower of LaCroix who prefers him in a more
altruistic mood, as exemplified throough most of the 3rd season, in
particular 'Sons of Belial' and 'Ashes to Ashes' (see also Cousin).

** MacGregors **: Follower of Nigel Bennett/the Nightcrawler who would

** Mercenary **: Like a Die-Hard, but will follow anyone for chocolate.

        "... straight from Susan's list...but not quite accurate... I,
        for one, have worked for gold, jewels, weaponry, cheetos <g>...
        and we may be "Die-Hards with an attitude" but DHs are known for
        obsessive impartiality...where as we can be _very_ partial...(on
        a flexible basis, of course... <vbg>)
        -- Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@d.......>

** Mikies **: Followers of Miklos, Janette's Season Two bartender.

** Nanette **: Follower of both Natalie and Janette. Coined by Patrick
Kortner Aiex <paiex@i.......>, The Lone Nanette. [ From out
of the *east*... ]

** Natpack **: Followers of Natalie, also
** Nat-Packer**: Follower of Natalie.

        "We're Natpack. Numb is the best you can hope for."
                -- Jill Kirby <jtkirby@m.......>

        "We're the Natpack. We're inexplicable."
                -- Jill Kirby <jtkirby@m.......>

** Nevermore **: Short-lived, controversial affiliation whose members
believed that Nick had _not_ brought Janette back across at the end
of the episode 'Human Factor'.  Affiliation created by Amy <r@

** Nick/Vachon Advocate **: Affiliation name for fans of Nick and Vachon.
Coined by Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......>. [ Cousin Geno decided to
promote this from "proposed" affiliation name, as Karen Tobin says: "And
since I'm the only member of this affiliation, I guess I get a really big

** Nicovac **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Nick and Vachon.
Proposed by Jackie Wagner, who does get a virtual lollipop [ O--- ] for
creating a name that suggests that Nick and Vachon should use Energizers!

** Perkulators **: Followers of the usually upbeat Tracy! Coined by
Becky Kludy <teke@w.......> AKA PartlyK <PartlyK@a.......>!

        "Beware, or you too will be perkulated." -- A Perkulator

** Perry-A **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Vampire Canine Perry.
Pronounced like the mineral water Perrier. Coined by MaryMargaret Lowe

        "Add a little Ribena to your Perrier, and hey -- instant blood!"
        -- MaryMargaret Lowe

** PerryHounds **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Vampire Canine
Perry.  Coined by Sharon "Scottie" Scott <scotts@b.......,sss44@a.......>.

** Punks and Monks **: Fans of Nick and Vachon. Coined by Sarah Welsh

        "Hmm, Vachon the leather-clad bad boy and Nick the obsessively
        guilty.... ;)" -- Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......>

** Ratpack **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Screed. Coined by
Nancy Duemling, Knightie <WDUEMLIN@p.......>. Also Rat-Pack.

** Raven **: Male follower of Janette and the Raven.

** Ravenette **: Female follower of Janette and the Raven of female

** Ravenette Classic **: Male follower of Janette and the original
Raven, that is, the Raven as it was in Seasons One and Two.

** Reese's Pieces **: Proposed affiliation name for followers of Season
Three Precinct Captain Reese.

** Second Cousins **: Followers of LaCroix's "blood kin" who
declare a secondary allegiance to LaCroix. Coined by Catherine
A. Siemann  <cas47@c.......>.

** Seducer **: Fans who either think that Janette and LaCroix ought
to get together and run off again, or fans who like Janette and LaCroix
equally, or almost equally (see also Immortal Seducer). Phrase coined
by Sandra Gray: affiliation created by Cousin Diane Shea <KerrRaven
@a.......>, and Janette Z.

** Stonetree-ites **: Followers of Season One Precinct Captain Joseph

** Swabbie **: Cousin. Refers to Uncle's Season One hairdo, which
suggested to the highly impressionable that Uncle might be used to
remove ear wax. Coined by Anna Sawitzky.

        "Hey, are you calling my friend Anna, 'highly impressionable'?
        :-) :-) Damn right that she is!!! :-) :-) :-) (hee hee... she's
        gonna kill me now, I'm sure...)" -- Will Steeves <goid@i.......>

** Uncle **: Affectionate nickname for LaCroix.

** Unnamed Affiliation, The **: Term for those who would like to see
LaCroix and Nick together (or, ahem, "together").

** Urchin **: Proposed name for a supporer of both Nick & Urs.

** Valentine **:  Those who think that LaCroix and Nat would make a much
better couple than Nick & Nat.  Named after the 2nd season episode 'Be
My Valentine', in which Nat was lured to dinner with LaCroix.

** Vaquera **: Proposed name for female follower of Javier Vachon.

** Vaquero **: Proposed name for male follower of Javier Vachon.

** Vetter-an: Also Vetteran **: Proposed name for follower of Tracy

** Woofpack **: Proposed affiliation name for fans of Perry, the vampire
dog.  Proposed by Jennifer Mingee <jmingee@c.......>, dog-loving

        "My only regret is that this would be the third 'pack'
        affiliation, and I'm afraid we're falling into a naming
        rut :-)." -- Jennifer Mingee <jmingee@c.......>

** Women Scorned, The **: The official Alexandra affiliation. No members.
Coined by Calliope <usleamys@u.......>.

*** So, what's the address of the Complaints Department? ***

I will be happy to adjust, amend, or edit the FAQ (within reasonable
limits, of course). Send friendly complaints and constructive criticism
via *private e-mail only* to:  Meredith <Plan2@a.......>.

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/